
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Philosopy, College Age Style

"Mom, I've decided I'm not going to go skydiving someday like I had planned."  Bigger Girl had just come in from her classes at the local community college.

Really, i mumbled as i searched for more Parmesan cheese in the pantry.  Someone had, with the usual efficiency of our contains young people household, put the empty container back in the fridge.

"Yes," she continued.  "I've decided to go base jumping instead.  It's where you find a cliff and jump, and soar until it's time to open your parachute.  It's more environmentally friendly because you don't have to waste the fuel on an airplane."

Well, i noted drily, as long as your insurance is paid up so i can bury you if the need arises, have fun!

"Mom, do you ever worry about me when I say I'm planning to do dangerous things like climb mountains and base jump?"

Why should i worry? i responded.  First of all, you haven't done any of these things, and you aren't going to be doing them for a while  To worry now would be useless.  Also, none of us know when our time will come, any of us could end up in a bad accident on any given day, so why worry?  Besides, i know you, if you do end up doing any of these things, you will make sure you get professional guidance and do them correctly, and if you die trying, you went out feet first, and happy.

"Yep, no regrets that way!" she said, then went on.  "Our Public Speaking textbook says that most people either live their lives always looking at their past and regretting it, or living for the here and now and only to enjoy the present moment, or putting everything off and living for the future.  I think that's wrong.  I want to live in such a way that I am enjoying every moment in the here and now and making good use of these moments, so I will have a past worth remembering and so I can create a future worth living!"

And that, my dear, is why i don't have to worry.


Today is:

Car Keys and Small Change Day -- ???

Charro Days Fiesta -- Brownsville, TX, US (international cooperation, Brownsville and its sister city Matamoros, Mexico, put on a beautiful celebration of the charro horsemen of Mexico, as well as dances, parades, and a carnival; through Mar.7)

Dia de Andalucia -- Andalucia, Spain

DNA Day -- day in 1953 when Watson and Crick determined the double helix structure of DNA

Februalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (purification of Rome performed by citizens making sacrifices to the dead)

Floral Design Day -- a day to acknowledge this art form

Florida Strawberry Festival -- Plant City, FL, US (celebrating the winter strawberry harvest; through Mar. 10)

Kalevala Day -- Finland (Finnish Culture Day)

National Chili Day

National Chocolate Souffle' Day

National Science Day -- India

National Tooth Fairy Day - and/or August 22

Peace Memorial Day -- Taiwan

Public Sleeping Day -- this one even has a wikiHow page 

St. Hedwig of Poland's Day (Patron of queens)

St. Romanus' Day (Patron of the mentally ill; against drowning, insanity)

Teacher's Day -- Algeria; Bahrain; Egypt; Jordan; Libya; Morocco; Oman; Saudi Arabia; Tunisia; United Arab Emirates; Yemen

Birthdays Today (Also includes Feb. 29 Birthdays following)

Robert Sean Leonard, 1969
Gilbert Gottfried, 1955
Bernadette, Peters, 1948
Brian Jones, 1942Mario Andretti, 1940
Tommy Tune, 1939
Gavin MacLeod, 1930
Charles Durning, 1923
Zero Mostel, 1915
Earl Scheib, 1907
Vincente Minnelli, 1903
Linus Pauling, 1901
Michel Eyquem de Montaigne, 1533

Antonio Sabato, Jr., 1972
Tony Robbins, 1960
Gretchen Christopher, 1940
Jack Lousma, 1936
Dinah Shore, 1916
Jimmy Dorsey, 1904
William Wellman, 1896
Herman Hollerith, 1860

Anniversaries Today:

University of Pittsburgh is chartered, 1787

Today in History:

Coronation ceremony of Liu Bang as Emperor Gaozu of Han takes place, initiating four centuries of the Han Dynasty's rule over China, BC202
The first edition of Henry Fieldings' "Tom Jones" is published, 1749
John Wesley charters the Methodist Church, 1784
The first commercial railroad in US, Baltimore & Ohio (B&O) is chartered, 1827
Robert Nelson, leader of the Patriotes, proclaims the independence of Lower Canada (today Québec), 1838
Regular steamboat service from the west to the east coast of the United States begins with the arrival of the SS California in San Francisco Bay, 4 months 22 days after leaving New York Harbor, 1849
The Bulgarian Exarchate is established by decree of Sultan Abd-ul-Aziz of the Ottoman Empire, 1870
The American Telephone and Telegraph Company is incorporated in New York State as the subsidiary of American Bell Telephone, 1885
The USS Indiana, the lead ship of her class and the first battleship in the United States Navy comparable to foreign battleships of the time, is launched, 1893
Queen Ranavalona III, the last monarch of Madagascar, is deposed by a French military force, 1897
Egypt regains independence from Britain, but British troops remain, 1922
DuPont scientist Wallace Carothers invents Nylon, 1935
Basketball is televised for the first time, 1940
In Taiwan, civil disorder is put down with the loss of 30,000 civilian lives, 1947
James D. Watson and Francis Crick announce to friends that they have determined the chemical structure of DNA; the formal announcement takes place on April 25 following publication in April Nature (pub. April 2), 1953
The first-ever color television sets using the NTSC standard are offered for sale to the general public, 1954
The United States and People's Republic of China sign the Shanghai Communiqué, 1972
Andalusia approves its statute of autonomy through a referendum, 1980
GRB 970228, a highly luminous flash of gamma rays, strikes the Earth for 80 seconds, providing early evidence that gamma-ray bursts occur well beyond the Milky Way, 1997
First flight of RQ-4 Global Hawk, the first unmanned aerial vehicle certified to file its own flight plans and fly regularly in U.S. civilian airspace, 1998
Over 1 million Taiwanese participating in the 228 Hand-in-Hand Rally form a 500-kilometre (300-mile) long human chain to commemorate the 228 Incident in 1947, 2004
Jupiter flyby of the New Horizons Pluto-observer spacecraft, 2007, proclaims the independence of Lower Canada (today Québec), 1838
Regular steamboat service from the west to the east coast of the United States begins with the arrival of the SS California in San Francisco Bay, 4 months 22 days after leaving New York Harbor, 1849
The Bulgarian Exarchate is established by decree of Sultan Abd-ul-Aziz of the Ottoman Empire, 1870
The American Telephone and Telegraph Company is incorporated in New York State as the subsidiary of American Bell Telephone, 1885
The USS Indiana, the lead ship of her class and the first battleship in the United States Navy comparable to foreign battleships of the time, is launched, 1893
Queen Ranavalona III, the last monarch of Madagascar, is deposed by a French military force, 1897
Egypt regains independence from Britain, but British troops remain, 1922
DuPont scientist Wallace Carothers invents Nylon, 1935
Basketball is televised for the first time, 1940
In Taiwan, civil disorder is put down with the loss of 30,000 civilian lives, 1947
James D. Watson and Francis Crick announce to friends that they have determined the chemical structure of DNA; the formal announcement takes place on April 25 following publication in April Nature (pub. April 2), 1953
The first-ever color television sets using the NTSC standard are offered for sale to the general public, 1954
The United States and People's Republic of China sign the Shanghai Communiqué, 1972
Andalusia approves its statute of autonomy through a referendum, 1980
GRB 970228, a highly luminous flash of gamma rays, strikes the Earth for 80 seconds, providing early evidence that gamma-ray bursts occur well beyond the Milky Way, 1997
First flight of RQ-4 Global Hawk, the first unmanned aerial vehicle certified to file its own flight plans and fly regularly in U.S. civilian airspace, 1998
Over 1 million Taiwanese participating in the 228 Hand-in-Hand Rally form a 500-kilometre (300-mile) long human chain to commemorate the 228 Incident in 1947, 2004
Jupiter flyby of the New Horizons Pluto-observer spacecraft, 2007


  1. A good philosophy. Your anniversaries list reminds me to read Tom Jones and Humphry Clinker - books I have long intended to get into. It's just a matter of going and buying them.

  2. Mimi,
    What a great post! And what a wise young woman you are raising! I admire people who like to do risky things, I had to talk myself into going on the London Eye and it moves at about 1 mile an hour! :-)

  3. Your daughter has a great attitude! I am sure she isn't the one who put back the empty container of Parmesan cheese! My kids did that with milk containers...argh.

  4. Jenny, i have no clue how i raised a philosopher, but somehow i did. Glad my trivia reminded you of something you wanted to be reminded of.

    Kay, she usually doesn't shrink from adventure.

    Carla, i'm glad she got it from somewhere, and i hope she keeps it.

    Kathe, she didn't put it back. She's my one neatnik child.

  5. National Chocolate Suffle Day!? Gawd yummy! And yes, worrying most of the time is pointless. She could change her mind again anyway. My favorite has always been empty ice cube trays returned to freezer...


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