
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Yesterday Was

A prime headache day.

Those don't come along often, but when they do, there is only one cure.

More coffee.

#2 Son and i spent a futile hour trying to get him a work permit.  Someone here in our part of south Louisiana decided that before teens can get a job, they have to get a work permit from their school.

If the child is in a small private school or home school, you have to go to the public school s/he would attend to get this precious slip of paper.

It cannot be denied to the teen who wants it, no matter the student's grades or participation in other activities.  It is not filed with any state or local agency.  It is simply a paperwork boondoggle meant to make us run around uselessly so we can say we did it, if anyone ever asks, which they don't.

It is especially useless when, as with Bigger Girl a couple of years ago, it is needed for a summer job.  Yes, when school is out, and you are 17, or even if you graduated at 17 as some do, you still have to go get a work permit from school.

A permit, as i noted, that they cannot deny you, and which no one will ever see or bother with.

Thus, after going to two different schools and being given information, but no piece of paper, i needed more coffee.

"Everybody should believe something.  I believe I'll have more coffee."  Anonymous

Today is:

Day of Selene -- Ancient Greek Calendar (goddess of the moon, date approximate)

Equirria -- Ancient Roman Calendar (Cavalry Horse Festival)

Feast of St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows/Gabriel Possenti (Patron of clerics, students, young people; Abruzzi, Italy; Catholic Action)

Inconvenience Yourself Day -- enrich your life by looking for ways to make a positive impact on the world, even if it inconveniences you 

Independence Day -- Dominican Republic(1844)

Majuba Day -- South Africa (celebration of the Boers victory at Majuba Hill)

National Kahlua Day

National Strawberry Day -- no, i don't know why this isn't in June, when the berries are best; maybe the person who put it here had too much Kahlua

No Brainer Day - this day is for me! created by Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith, "America's Premier Eventologist"

Polar Bear Day -- as declared by Polar Bears International

Read Five Pages in the Dictionary Day -- internet generated, and am i the only one who likes the idea?

Runic Half Month Tyr commences (cosmic pillar)

St. Galmier of Lyon's Day (Patron of locksmiths)

The Hop -- Fairy Calendar

Threepenny Day -- Eton College, England (By the last will of two Provosts in the 16th century, each boy receives a threepenny piece on this day -- enough to buy half a sheep back then.)

Birthdays Today:

Josh Groban, 1981
Chelsea Clinton, 1980
Rozanda "Chilli" Thomas, 1971
Mary Fran, 1943
Howard Hesseman, 1940
Ralph Nadar, 1934
Elizabeth Taylor, 1932
Joanne Woodward, 1930
Ariel Sharon, 1928
John Connally, 1917
John Steinbeck, 1902
Marian Anderson, 1897
David Sarnoff, 1891
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1807
Constantine I, 272

Today in History:

The first Russian Embassy arrives in London, 1557
The Treaty of Berwick, which would expel the French from Scotland, is signed by England and the Congregation of Scotland, 1560
Yuan Chonghuan is appointed Governor of Liaodong, after he led the Chinese into a great victory against the Manchurians under Nurhaci, 1626
Jews are expelled from Austria by order of Leopold I, 1670
The Pacific island of New Britain is discovered, 1700
Poet Lord Byron gives his first address as a member of the House of Lords, in defense of Luddite violence against Industrialism in his home county of Nottinghamshire, 1812
The Dominican Republic gains independence from Haiti, 1844
Composer Robert Schumann is saved from a suicide attempt in Rhine, 1854
Russians shoot at Poles protesting Russian rule of Poland, 1861
The current flag of Japan is first adopted as the national flag for Japanese merchant ships, 1870
Charlotte E. Ray becomes the first African American woman to earn a law degree, from Howard University, 1872
Lord Kitchener opens Khartoum-El Obeid (Nyala) railway, 1912
Martin Kamen and Sam Ruben discover carbon-14, 1940
The government of Italy asks for help to keep the Leaning Tower of Pisa from toppling over, 1964
The American Indian Movement occupies Wounded Knee, South Dakota, 1973
People magazine is published for the first time, 1974
U.S. President George H. W. Bush announces that "Kuwait is liberated", 1991
A Muslim mob kills 59 Hindu pilgrims returning from Ayodhya, 2002
The Shanghai Stock Exchange falls 9%, the largest drop in 10 years, 2007
Central Chile is hit with an 8.8 magnitude earthquake, 2010


  1. I believe that too.
    and hope yer head is NOT THROBBING this morning.

  2. After getting that work permit I'd have a headache too- honestly that's just plain ridiculous. So wasteful of precious time.

  3. oh the dreaded work permit! I know very well what you are talking about....lots of needless running around. and if they start working at 14..they still need to get another work permit for age 15, and 16 ...

  4. I remember needing a Farm Workers Permit to pick fruit when I was in high school but I don't remember getting it from my school.

  5. Carla, i actually am doing better today, thanks.

    Kathe, it is a waste, of time and precious fuel.

    Annmarie Pipa, yes, you need one every single year. What a mess, isn't it?

    Stephen, you should be glad for that.

  6. I'm glad your head is feeling better. And that work permit thing sounds like total busy work that doesn't accomplish much, but i know he needs to have it. And this blog isn't boring at all like your heading at the top says it is. :)


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