
Friday, March 15, 2013

Photo-Finish Friday: How?

"How am i supposed to get milk out of this?  There's no nipple to suck on!" says Simon

The joys of weaning.  It takes them a while to get the hang of drinking out of a bowl.  The first, hardest lesson is to put their mouths in the bowl.  Before that, they just tend to lick and bite at the rim.  After that, they do figure it out.  We also put a few pieces of kibble on the floor for them to bat around and chew on.

Photo-Finish Friday is the brainchild of Leah at The Goat's Lunch Pail.

Today is:

1848 Revolution Day -- Hungary

Ag Day, Celebrating Our Bountiful Food Supply -- according to a foodie website

Brutus Day -- for obvious reasons; watch for backstabbers today, because they are as numerous now as they were in ancient Rome

Companies That Care Day -- national event that encourages employers to highlight and expand their employee and community initiatives, and recognize the people who make their companies successful

Constitution Day -- Belarus

Dumbstruck Day -- Fairy Calendar

European Fine Art Fair:  Maastricht 2013 -- Maastricht, Netherlands (The Fine Arts Fair; through the 24th)

Everything You Think is Wrong Day -- begun by someone who wants you to keep an open mind, apparently

Fallas de Valencia -- Valencia, Spain (a five day carnival/fiesta of partying that ends with turning off all the city lights and setting fire to hundreds of massive papier-mache statues stuffed with fireworks to celebrate St. Joseph's Day; sometimes called Fallas de San Jose)

Honen Matsuri -- Tagata-jinja Shrine, Inuyama, Japan (festival for a good harvest and fertility)

Ides of March -- Ancient Roman Calendar; other observances
     Day Sacred to Anna Parenna and River Nymphs -- goddess of the returning year
     Day You Don't Want to Go Out if Your Name is Julius Caesar
     Festival of Attis and Cybele
     Guild Festival -- for guilds practicing the arts of Minerva, with weapons purified at her temple on this day

International Day Against Police Brutality

Jonquil Festival -- Washington State Park, Arkansas, US (through Sunday)

Joseph Jenkins Roberts' Birthday -- Liberia

Kashiram Jayanti -- UP, India (birth anniversary of politician Kashi Ram)

Macon, Georgia International Cherry Blossom Festival -- Macon, Georgia ("The Pinkest Party on the Planet"; through the 24th)

National Pears Helene with Chocolate Sauce and Brandy Day

Offerings to Ra, Osiris, Horus, Ptah, Sokar, and Atum -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Red Nose Day -- Comic Relief "Fun Raiser", for famine relief

Schmeckfest -- Freeman, SD, US (two weekends full of sausage and sauerkraut, kuchen, musical entertainment, and more, celebrating the German, Russian, and Mennonite heritage of the area)

Sherlock Holmes Weekend -- Cape May, NJ, US (a weekend of mystery for amateur sleuths and fans of A.C. Doyle)

St. Clement Mary Hofbauer's Day (Patron of Vienna, Austria)

St. Louise de Marillac's Day (Patron of disappointing children, loss of parents, people rejected by religious orders, sick people, social workers, widows; Vincentian Service Corps)

Tagata Honen-Sai/Honen Matsuri -- Inuyama, Japan (fertility festival)

True Confessions Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays, because confession is good for the soul; if you are afraid to confess to the world, there's always your mirror

Turkey Buzzards Day -- Hinckley, OH, US (Two theories about why the turkey buzzards return on this date each year have to do with either witchcraft or a hunting story; festival in honor of them will be held this coming Sunday)

World Consumer Rights Day -- International

World Sleep Day -- sponsored by the World Association of Sleep Medicine, aiming to lessen the burdens of sleep problems on society; this year's theme is Breathe Easily, Sleep Well.

Youth Day -- Palau

Anniversaries Today:

Maine becomes the 23rd US state, 1820
The University of Toronto is chartered, 1827

Birthdays Today:

Sean Biggerstaff, 1983
Eva Longoria, 1975
Fabio, 1961
Sly Stone, 1944
Phil Lesh, 1940
Judd Hirsch, 1935
Harry James, 1916
Joe E. Ross, 1914
Macdonald Carey, 1913
Samuel "Lightnin" Hopkins, 1912
Andrew Jackson, 1767

Today in History:

Julius Caesar, Dictator of the Roman Republic, is stabbed to death by Marcus Junius Brutus, Gaius Cassius Longinus, Decimus Junius Brutus and several other Roman senators on the Ides of March, BC44
Liu Bei, a Chinese warlord and member of the Han royal house, declares himself emperor of Shu-Han and claims his legitimate succession to the Han Dynasty, 221
A Jew hating Monk in Seville, Spain stirs up people in that city to attack Jews, 1391
Christopher Columbus arrives back in Spain after his first trip to the New World, 1493
The first meeting of the Council of Trent, 1545
South Carolina becomes the first American colony to declare its independence from Great Britain and set up its own government, 1776
In an emotional speech in Newburgh, New York, George Washington asks his officers not to support the Newburgh Conspiracy; the plea is successful and the threatened coup d'état never takes place, 1783
A revolution breaks out in Hungary, and the Habsburg rulers are compelled to meet the demands of the Reform party, 1848
Jesse W. Reno patents an "inclined elevator" (escalator), 1892*
Rolls-Royce Limited is incorporated, 1906
Czar Nicholas II of Russia abdicates the Russian throne and his brother the Grand Duke becomes Tsar, 1917 registers the very first Internet domain name, 1985
Mikhail Gorbachev is elected as the first President of the Soviet Union, 1990
French President Jacques Chirac signs the law on secularity and conspicuous religious symbols in schools, commonly known as the "headscarf ban", 2004

*The first actual working model, at Coney Island, was built four years later.


  1. ha...I will keep an open mind today...
    oh my gosh, that kitty is so cute!!!

  2. Leah, they are all so cute, it's a good thing i'm sane enough to find other homes for them! Thanks for agreeing with me on this issue, too.

    Annmarie Pipa, they do grow on you, and an open mind can be a learning mind, which is why i like that term.

  3. I have to laugh, when we had some kittens, it was hard for them to work on the concept of 'bowl'. The first one tried to get the milk on the bottom by diving in headfirst, and we had to pick up a VERY disgruntled, milksopped kitten, and while cleaning that one up, found out the others must have thought it was a great idea, and ended up cleaning all of them. And it was a little puddle of milk! I guess they were talented.


  4. Oh sweet little angel kitty. :)


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