
Friday, November 25, 2016

Felines and Fill-Ins for a Holiday Friday

Feline Friday is usually hosted by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude, and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.  This week, he's out of town, so Sandee of Comedy Plus is hosting.
Feline Friday is simple to join. All you have to do is..
1) post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (They may be silly or cute)

2) go to Sandee's page, linked above, then on the menu bar click on the Feline Friday tab to get the code

3) paste the code under your cat picture

4) add your name and link
That’s all there is to it! Be sure to check back every so often and visit all the Feline Friday bloggers. Also, please leave a nice comment on their blogs. Nasty comments will be deleted!

What's the best part of the holiday?

For Dansig, it's snoozing in his hidey-hole.

Speaking of felines, two of the kittens have already gotten new homes, one is pre-adopted, and the other has a family interested.  It won't be long until they all have their new forever families!


Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by McGuffy Ann Morris of McGuffy's Reader. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts! 

My fill-ins for the statements are underlined:

Week 29: November 25, 2016

1. Yesterday, __________.

2. _______ regift_________.

3. My favourite holiday leftover is __________________.

4. The best part of a long, holiday weekend is ___________________. 

1. Yesterday, we had a great time at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  Plenty of food and fun and sautéed Brussel's sprouts.  The gravy turned out well, too. 

2. Sometimes i regift brand new items i know i cannot use but someone else can.  In every case, i make sure the person i am giving it to does not know the person it came from.

3. My favorite holiday leftover is anything and everything that i can serve to my Brother-in-Law, The Mouth.  He has a huge appetite, so the more we have left over, the better.

4. The best part of a long holiday weekend is if i don't have to work and get to sleep in.  Right now, i don't know if that will happen, it depends on how much of my work i get done today, that will let me know if i get to sleep in tomorrow.

Today is:

Anniversary of Moquegua City -- Peru (founded this date in 1541)

Belsnickel Craft Show -- Boyertown, PA, US (through tomorrow)

Black Friday or Buy Nothing Day -- US, and i will observe the latter

Buy Nothing Day -- UK (Shop Less, Live More)

Caregiver Rights Day -- UK (with information to help carers available here

Cat-Napping Convention -- Fairy Calendar

Christmas Candlelight Tour -- My Old Kentucky Home State Park, Bardstown, KY, US (Christmas as it was in the 1800s; Fridays and Saturdays the first three weekends after Thanksgiving)

Christmas Traditions Celebration -- St. Charles, MO, US (the fun includes authentically costumed Santas from around the world; through Christmas Eve)

Day Sacred to Proserpina -- Ancient Roman Calendar (also Persephone, of the Greeks, the Wheel goddess of the Underworld, often associated with St. Catherine; see below)

Evacuation Day -- 19th Century New York City (withdrawal of British troops in 1783)

Family Day -- Nevada, US

Fur-Free Friday -- sponsored by The National Humane Education Society, with lots of other animal organizations joining in and trying to make it a world-wide movement

Gettysburg Holiday Festival -- Gettysburg, PA, US (fun holiday events weekends through the New Year's Eve Bash)

Hari Guru -- Indonesia (Teacher's Day)

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women -- UN
     White Ribbon Day -- International (if you know a victim of violence, help break their silence! because domestic violence affects all of society)

International Hat Day 

JuleFest -- Elk Horn, IA, US (a true Danish Christmas festival; through Sunday)

MangÈ Yam -- Haiti (fete de la moisson; a yam harvest festival)

National Day -- Bosnia and Herzegovina (commemorates the 1943 declaration of statehood within Yugoslavia)

National Day of Listening -- US (sponsored by StoryCorps, encouraging sharing family stories during the holidays; learn how to interview and record those special stories here

National Day of Thanksgiving -- Turks and Caicos Islands

National Don't Utter A Word Day -- internet generated, and variously listed as the 25th of November, February, or May; pick one if you want

National Flossing Day -- US, but a great idea everywhere; help spread peace of mouth! 

National Parfait Day

Native American Heritage Day -- US; related observance
     Maize Day -- US; celebrating the First Nations of the Americas and the role maize/corn played in their cultures

Persephone Day (a/k/a Kore) -- Ancient Greek Calendar (celebration of her as wheel goddess of the underworld; date approximate, but she is often associated with St. Catherine; see below)

Plan Your Dagwood Sandwich Day -- admit you've always wanted to, so build one with your Thanksgiving leftovers!

Rally of the Tall Pines -- Bancroft, ON, Canada (an event on the Canadian Rally Car Race Circuit; through tomorrow)

Saint Catherine of Alexandria's Day -- of the Catherine Wheel, sometimes associated with the Wheel of Karma and the Hindu Kali; one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers (Patron of apologists, archivists, attorneys, barristers, craftsmen who work with wheels of any sort, dying people, educators, girls, jurists, knife grinders and sharpeners, lawyers, librarians, libraries, maidens, mechanics, millers, nurses, old maids, philosophers, potters, preachers, scholars, schoolchildren, scribes, secretaries, spinners, spinsters, stenographers, students, tanners, teachers, theologians, turners, University of Paris, unmarried girls, and wheelwrights; Aalsum, Netherlands; Bertinoro, Italy; Camerata Picena, Italy; Dumaguete, Philippines; Heidesheim am Rhein, Germany; Kuldiga, Latvia; Mehring, Germany; Saint Catharines, Ontario; Zejtun, Malta; Zurrieq, Malta) related observance
     Women's Merrymaking Day -- Women go 'Cath'rining' and have a good time (in some places, especially France, women may propose marriage on this day)

Shopping Reminder Day -- exactly a month until Christmas

Sinkie Day -- sponsored by SINKIE, The International Association Of People Who Dine Over The Kitchen Sink, which urges you to combine your Christmas shopping with enjoying a quick meal of Thanksgiving leftovers and become a SINKIE convert!

Srefidensi -- Suriname (Republic Day/Independence Day)

Statehood Day -- FBiH, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tree Lighting at Anchorage -- Anchorage, AK, US (Santa and 9 real reindeer help celebrate the annual lighting of the holiday tree, with free cocoa and cookies for all)

Vajiravudh Day -- Thailand

World Famous Fish House Parade -- Aitkin, MN, US (plus chili cook-off, craft show, and more!)

You're Welcomegiving Day -- US, the day after Thanksgiving, started by Richard Ankli to give everyone a reason for a 4-day weekend

Birthdays Today:

Barbara and Jenna Bush, 1981
Jerry Ferrara, 1979
Donovan McNabb, 1976
Eddie Steeples, 1973
Christina Applegate, 1971
Jill Hennessy, 1968
Cris Carter, 1965
Amy Grant, 1960
John F. Kennedy, Jr., 1960
Bucky Dent, 1951
John Larroquette, 1947
Ben Stein, 1944
Joe Jackson Gibbs, 1940
Lenny Moore, 1933
Paul Desmond, 1924
Ricardo Montalban, 1920
Joe DiMaggio, 1914
Solanus Casey, 1870
Carry Nation, 1846
Karl F. Benz, 1844
Andrew Carnegie, 1835

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Iolanthe: or, The Peer and the Peri"(Comic opera), 1882

Today in History:

A tsunami, caused by the earthquake in the Tyrrhenian Sea, devastates Naples (Italy) and the Maritime Republic of Amalfi, among other places, 1343
The siege of Granada, the last Moorish stronghold in Spain, begins, 1491
A deadly earthquake rocks Shemakha, in the Caucasus, killing 80,000 people, 1667
The Great Storm of 1703, the greatest windstorm ever recorded in the southern part of Great Britain, reaches its peak intensity which it maintains through November 27. Winds gust up to 120 mph, and 9,000 people died, 1703
First English patent granted to an American, for processing corn, 1715
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is founded, 1758
Farmer's Almanac first published, 1792
The Greek frigate Hellas arrives in Nafplion to become the first flagship of the Hellenic Navy, 1826
A cyclone slams India with high winds and a 40 foot storm surge, destroying the port city of Coringa (never to be entirely rebuilt again); the storm wave sweeps inland, taking with it 20,000 ships and thousands of people. An estimated 300,000 deaths result from the disaster, 1839
Alfred Nobel patents dynamite, 1867
John B Meyenberg of St Louis patents evaporated milk, 1884
American College of Surgeons incorporates in Springield, Illinois, 1912
First Thanksgiving Day Parade is held in Philadelphia, 1920
690 earthquake shocks recorded in 1 day in Ito, Japan, 1930
The first Soviet liquid fuel rocket attains altitude of 261' (80m), 1933
Woody Woodpecker debuts with release of Walter Lantz's "Knock Knock", 1940
New Zealand ratifies the Statute of Westminster and thus becomes independent of legislative control by the United Kingdom, 1947
Agatha Christie's murder-mystery play The Mousetrap opens at the Ambassadors Theatre in London later becoming the longest continuously-running play in history, 1952
The Minneapolis Thanksgiving Day Fire destroys an entire city block, 1982
The United Nations establishes the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women to commemorate the murder of three Mirabal Sisters for resistance against the Rafael Trujillo dictatorship in Dominican Republic, 1999
A powerful storm brings 3 years worth of rain in 4 hours to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, sparking terrible floods, 2009


  1. You will be so relieved when they all have new homes.

  2. Danzig, that sure looks like a great place for a nap. So glad the kitties have found a home. Have a great day.

  3. Danzig looks at ease and doesn't seem to have a in the world. Wouldn't that be great for us?
    To me regifting is silly to me. If you want to give a gift, give a gift. I got one from brother once but instead was the names of the people who gave the gift to him. How lovely. Oh well, that's life I guess.

    Have a wonderful Black Friday Mimi. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  4. Good news on the forever families. Take care.

  5. Great news on the kitties finding new homes. They are so cute I'm sure they will all find wonderful forever homes.

    Dansig is one smart kitty. What better than napping in a safe place.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday. ☺

  6. great news about the little kitties new homes!Have a lovely day!

  7. Dansig is adorable. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am glad you had a nice Thanksgiving and I hope you can sleep in tomorrow.

  8. I hope you get to sleep in! :) I always like your list of "on this day" and noticed this time
    "International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women" - a good theme.

  9. Hope you get to sleep in. The best sleep comes after the alarm goes off.

  10. Dansig's spot looks so cozy! If there was a hippo-sized one like that, I'd happily nap in it too! lol

  11. Our kitties each have their favorite hidey-holes too, though if I add a new box to the mix, they all try to claim it! I am certain that heaven for cats is a mountain of jumbled boxes! :-)

  12. Your answers are always so genuine. I really like that about you, Mimi! HUGS.

  13. Our cat never liked his little cat tower with a hidey hole. He doesn't like anything normal cats like. He can't cat.
    Good news about the adoptions!
    I would take your leftovers, but I suppose Canada Post might have a problem with that. :)

  14. Oooh I love Brussel sprouts! I never had them as a child and was in my 30s before I ever tried them. I've loved them ever since. :)

    I hope that you were able to sleep in and able to enjoy your weekend without having to work.

    This stood out to me, "690 earthquake shocks recorded in 1 day in Ito, Japan, 1930". All I can say is wow and I thought the New Madrid Earthquakes of the 1800s was bad!

    Have a blessed week. :)


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