
Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving! Story and Fence and Too Much Food

"You were right not to trust him up here alone," the Djinn said when he came back to the attic after spending a couple of fruitless hours following the cable repairman throughout the house. 

"Yeah, I was glad I stayed home from work to be here when I noticed he was looking around a lot more than was necessary just to do his job, especially when he was up here, it was very suspicious."

The Djinn's next words made his blood run cold, "Suspicious is one way to put it, he's one of the few remaining direct descendants of the family that used to own this house, and he's hunting for answers to how you ended up here instead of him."

"Does he know about you?" he asked, and the Djinn responded, "No, but he suspects that there's some mystery, and he's the kind of man who will stop at nothing until he finds the answer he wants, and will go to any lengths to get even if he thinks he's been wronged."

Before he could ask another question, there was yelling from the back yard; he and the Djinn both looked out of the window and the Djinn laughed and said, "Your natives are getting restless!"

The children were having a tug-of-war with something, and with his usual promise to be back soon, he headed out, wondering how much longer he could balance the roles of work, husband, dad, and owner of a Djinn bottle.

Linking up with Uncharted Blog and Six Sentence Stories, where the cue is Native.


Teresa, of The Run*A*Round Ranch Report, has hosted Good Fences every Thursday for a while.  She is doing it one more time, then will be passing it on to another blogger  Post a picture of a fence or gate, and then link back to her blog, and tell her how much she will be missed!

Entry gate at Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas


Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate today!  We are all at Grandma and Grandpa's house, enjoying a feast, and i hope you are having a day full of love and fun and good food and family and more love. 

Today is:

Brumalia -- Byzantine Empire celebration of Dyonisus and New Wine Festival; until the solstice

Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day -- there used to be a website associated with this day, but it closed; that's no reason for you not to celebrate your uniqueness!

Celtic Tree Month Ruish (Elder) begins

Daytona Turkey Run -- Daytona International Speedway, Daytona Beach, FL, US (collector car show, swap meet, and craft sale; through Sunday)

D.B. Cooper Day -- anniversary of the 1971 hijacking

Discovery Day -- Tasmania (by Abel Tasman in 1642)

Feast of the Martyrs of Vietnam -- Roman Catholic Church

Foods & Feasts of Colonial Virginia -- Jamestown Settlement, Williamsburg, VA, US (exploring the 17th- and 18th-century culinary practices of Virginia; through Saturday)

Guru Tegh Bahadur Martyrdom - Sikh

Lachit Divas -- Assam, India

National Family History Day -- US (a call from the Department of Health and Human Services to get info about your family, especially health history, while everyone is together for the holidays)

National Sardines Day -- wonder how this would go over next to the turkey today?

Persephone Day (a/k/a Kore -- Ancient Greek Calendar (celebration of her as wheel goddess of the underworld; date approximate, but she is often associated with St. Catherine)

Ragtime Day -- birth anniversary of Scott Joplin

St. Colman of Cloyne's Day (Patron of Cloyne, Ireland)

St. Joachim Ho's Day -- a Martyr of China

St. Mary of Cordoba's Day (Patron of martyrs)

Teacher's Day -- Turkey

Thanksgiving Day -- Interfaith, US and Territories
     National Day of Mourning -- Native Americans 

Third Bash of the Tree-Toppers -- Fairy Calendar (fairy creatures who don't believe in "one" or "two", so start counting at three)

Turkey-Free Thanksgiving -- sponsored by the Vegetarian Awareness Network

Use Even If Seal is Broken Day -- internet generated; observe at your own risk, always!

Birthdays Today:

Katherine Heigl, 1978
Brad Sherwood, 1964
Stanley Livingston, 1950
Rudy Tomjanovich, 1948
Dwight Schultz, 1947
Oscar Palmer Robertson, 1938
William F. Buckley, Jr., 1925
Howard Duff, 1913
Charles "Lucky" Luciano, 1897
Dale Carnegie, 1888
Erich von Manstein, 1887
Alben William Barkley, 1877
Scott Joplin, 1868
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, 1864
Bat Masterson, 1853
Frances Hodgson Burnett, 1849
Bram Stoker, 1847
Zachary Taylor, 1784
Laurence Sterne, 1713
Charles Theodore Pachelbel, 1690
Baruch Spinoza, 1632(O.S. date)

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Guys and Dolls"(Musical), 1950
Softball, as a sport, invented this day as a spur of the moment game at the Farragut Boat Club in Chicago, IL, US, 1887

Today in History:

Theodosius I makes his formal entry into Constantinople, 380
Rabbi Nathan ben Yehiel of Rome completes his Talmudic dictionary, 1105
The Thames River freezes, 1434
First observation of transit of Venus occurred (only 2, record event), 1639
Abel Janzoon Tasman becomes the first European to see Van Damien's Land, later renamed Tasmania, 1642
First Lutheran pastor ordained in America, Justus Falckner at Philadelphia, 1703
Mt. Vesuvius erupts, 1759
Charles Darwin publishes "On the Origin of Species", 1859
Luik-Visé-Maastricht railway opens, 1861
Joseph F Glidden patents his improved barbed wire, 1874
The first US absentee voting law enacted by Vermont, 1896
Clyde Coleman of NYC patents automobile electric starter, 1903
Radio Belgium makes its first transmission, 1923
The first woman pilot on a transcontinental air flight, Miss Ruth Nichols (Mineola, NY to Calif), in a Lockheed-Vega, took 7 days, 1930
In Washington, D.C., the FBI Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory (better known as the FBI Crime Lab) officially opens, 1932
Lee Harvey Oswald is murdered by Jack Ruby, 1963
During a severe thunderstorm over Washington state, a hijacker calling himself Dan Cooper (AKA D. B. Cooper) parachutes from a Northwest Orient Airlines plane with $200,000 in ransom money, and is never seen again, 1971
A national speed limit is imposed on the Autobahn in Germany due to the 1973 oil crisis; it lasts only four months, 1973
The communist party resigns in Czechoslovakia, 1989
By a margin of only 50.28% t 49.72%, Ireland votes to end the 70 year old ban on divorce, 1995
Ireland presents its austerity package to the European Union and IMF, 2010
Palestinian officials announce their plan to exhume the body of Yasser Arafat too determine if he was poisoned, 2012


  1. Mimi, the story leaves me wondering. I love how you incorporated the cue. It was just the diversion from the drama of the conversation that added that desire to read more next time. Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner with all the members of your family. Think about me when you start eating all of the fabulous parts of your dinner especially the pumpkin pie. Yum, yum. See ya my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

  3. I love this ongoing story. Very well done.

    You work so very hard all the time for your family. My your day be filled with many blessings.

    May you and yours have a fabulous Thanksgiving. ♥♥♥

  4. thank you, dear mimi. i know you are busy with family so i took the liberty of linking you in. thank you for your friendship, your most generous heart, your love of life and people and animals. blessings to you and yours...always.

  5. nice element (the previous owner) and development of the Djinn, and hint at backstory and conflict ahead!
    keep writing, I'll keep reading!

  6. A great continuation of the story, bringing in yet more intrigue, and then breaking away to remind us his life also involved all the normal routines. Really good writing!

  7. I can picture this story as a movie- I am loving it. Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. Well this Djinn seems to be well and truly on his side and as Josie said above it is good to see his family acting normally in the meanwhile. The Cable man is a worry as this indicates trouble yet to come. He clearly has to rub up the Djinn the right way!

  9. Wow....are you going t put this all together as a short story some day?

  10. I enjoy these little pieces of story. Are you working to pull this into a book?

  11. ooooh, the plot thickens!!! I love the suspense building.


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