
Thursday, March 2, 2017

A crammed full Thursday post.

"What are we going to do?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, running her hands through the gray strands of her hair, something she always did when she was worried.

"I don't know," he answered dully.  "Even if we do manage to get either my bad knees or your bad hip up into the attic again and get the Djinn bottle, what could we do with it?  There's no way either of us could take the trip to get it to that temple he says we'd need to go to, we've waited too long."

He added, "Alternately, even if we could just get up there to the attic, not even bother to try such a trip, would we wish for things to return to the way they were before we found him, just to keep our grandson from finding him?"

"Even if we could," she replied, "no matter what, the good we've gotten from having that bottle has much outweighed the bad, so no, I could never wish to go back!"

Linking up with Uncharted Blog and Six Sentence Stories, where the cue is return.


Gosia, of Looking for Identity, has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit others to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.

The fence that separates where my friend Di lives from the neighbors.


Mini Sanity-fest, day one, was yesterday.  Sweetie called me five times before i even reached the state border, including to tell me that someone ran a stop sign in front of him and he couldn't stop in time.  She received the ticket, and he is stuck with no Humphrey the Honda (two days after we got the tires replaced so it would pass inspection!) until we get a police report and we can fight with her insurance company.

There were other occurrences (the lady at the bank gave him too much change, we had to go back and give her the extra so her drawer wouldn't come up short), so by the time i got done with work and got the rental and got to the Mobile area to meet up with DiDreaming, i was toast.

No, i can't put the day in order, but i did make it to church for Ash Wednesday.  The service was so crowded i will bet next year they have it in the sanctuary instead of the chapel.

Today DiDreaming and i drive the rest of the way to meet up with our friends!

Today is:

Adwa Victory Day -- Ethiopia

Feast of 'Ala (Loftiness) -- Baha'i (first full day of the 19 day fast)

Feast of Tou Tei -- Macau (earth god; celebrated on the second day of the second lunar month, so if i've mixed up the date in Gregorian, i'm sorry, i tried)

Florida Strawberry Festival -- Plant City, FL, US (celebrating the winter strawberry harvest, this year's theme is "We're Playing Your Song"; through Mar. 12)

Going Forth of Set, Son of Nut -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Highway Numbers Day -- US (a joint board of state and federal highway officials created the first uniform system for numbering interstate highways, as well as standardizing design of road signs, in 1925)

James Ronald Webster's Birthday -- Anguilla

March Nymph's Parade -- Fairy Calendar

Midnight at the Oasis -- Yuma, AZ, US (nostalgic festival featuring cars and music of the 50s and 60s; throughy Sunday)

National Banana Cream Pie Day

National Conference on Education -- New Orleans, LA, US (three day conference sponsored by the American Assn. of School Administrators

NEA's Read Across America Day -- on or near Dr. Seuss' birth anniversary; "Grab Your Hat and Read with the Cat"

Old Stuff Day -- if you are doing the same old stuff, think about how you can change that

Peasants' Day -- Myanmar

St. Chad of Mead's Day (Patron of St. Chad's College of the University of Durham in England; Birmingham, England; Lichfield, England)

Texas Independence Day -- Texas, US (anniversary of declaration of independence from Mexico in 1836)

University Mental Health and Wellbeing Day -- UK (to focus on ensuring the positive wellbeing of people with mental health difficulties)

World Book Day -- UK and Ireland (most other countries celebrate this on April 23; for more information)

Anniversary Today:

Mt. Rainier National Park is established, 1899

Birthdays Today:

Henrik Lundquist, 1982
Bryce Dallas Howard, 1981
Chris Martin, 1977
Daniel Craig, 1968
Jon Bon Jovi, 1962
Ken Salazar, 1955
Laraine Newman, 1952
Karen Carpenter, 1950
Eddie Money, 1949
Lou Reed, 1944
John Irving, 1942
Mikhail Gorbachev, 1931
Tom Wolfe, 1931
John Cullum, 1930
Doc Watson, 1923
Jennifer Jones, 1919
Desi Arnaz, 1917
Martin Ritt, 1914
Mel Ott, 1909
Theodore Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss), 1904
Bedrich Smetana, 1864
Carl Schurz, 1829
Melissa Burton Coray, 1828
Sam Houston, 1793
Juvenal, 54

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Bubbling Brown Sugar"(Musical), 1976
The Sound of Music(Film), 1965
"Bus Stop"(Play), 1955
King Kong(Film), 1933
Morning Chronicle(London daily newspaper), 1769

Today in History:

The Loves of Mars and Venus becomes the first ballet performed in England, 1717
A semaphore machine that will speed communication is introduced in Paris, 1791
The US Congress outlaws the import of slaves, 1897
The Republic of Texas declares its independence from Mexico, 1836
Aleksandr Romanov becomes the tsar of Russia, 1855
Tsar Aleksandr outlaws serfdom in Russia, 1861
The Convention of Constantinople is signed, guaranteeing free maritime passage through the Suez Canal during war and peace, 1888
In New York City the Martha Washington Hotel opens, becoming the first hotel exclusively for women, 1903
The original film version of King Kong premiers, 1933
Captain James Gallagher lands his B-50 Superfortress Lucky Lady II in Fort Worth, Texas after completing the first non-stop around-the-world airplane flight in 94 hours and one minute, 1949
The first automatic street light is installed in New Milford, Connecticut, 1949
In Toulouse, France the first test flight of the Anglo-French Concorde is conducted, 1969
Rhodesia declares itself a republic, breaking its last links with the British crown, 1970
The Pioneer 10 space probe is launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida with a mission to explore the outer planets, 1972
Czech VladimĂ­r Remek becomes the first non-Russian or non-American to go into space, when he is launched aboard Soyuz 28, 1978
CD players and discs are released for sale for the first time outside of Japan, 1983
Twelve European Community nations agree to ban the production of all chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) by the end of the century, 1989
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, San Marino, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan join the United Nations, 1992
Data sent from the Galileo spacecraft indicates that Jupiter's moon Europa has a liquid ocean under a thick crust of ice, 1998
In his book 'Jesus of Nazareth Part II', Pope Benedict XVI exonerates the Jewish people for the responsibility of the death of Jesus, 2011
New findings from the University of Leicester indicate decreasing sitting time by 90 minutes each day can result in major heath advantages, including reducing the risk of Type II Diabetes, 2013


  1. Yes. It is a double edged sword to change time.

  2. Information post and lovely fence shot ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a Happy Week ~ ^_^

  3. Going back is often desired, but rarely done, and almost never good! Good job.

  4. I'm loving this story. Very well done.

    Fences make good neighbors.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  5. To us the answer seems so simple "wish to go back to where life was before all this", but just as your story showed, it isn't that easy to give up all the gain you've made from those wishes. I wonder what any of us would do in that situation. If life had do-overs, would we?

    I am so glad you are off on a mental-health mini-vacation with friends. You work so hard and you deserve it! Why is it that family always seems to fall apart when we could most use a break from the drama and problems for a little bit. I'd be very tempted to say "handle it" and hang up, but of course I wouldn't because I am a caretaker, just like you. It is our lot in life I guess. :-) Have fun anyway!!

  6. Life gets convoluted when you deal with a genie and you never end up on the good side.

  7. They have a tough choice to make.
    I am happy to read that your church was so full for people to get ashes. I feel bad that I didn't end up going yesterday for the first time in about 25 years because my car was being held hostage at the garage ( I went for an oil change and $800 later)..apparently I had a gas leak too.

  8. Hi, Mimi. When we can look back on situations and find the good in them and the growth from them, we are moving forward in a good way. I feel as if the story might be coming to end. I guess I'll find out next week!

  9. Mimi enjoy your break any way you can...even when others get in the way I truly believe those who are healthiest can bend and be flexible despite obstacles ( thats not ME of course!!) Lol... Gosh i do love your sss stories... Im gonna miss those people when this ends and you take up a new road... Im even gonna miss the djin!

  10. Trying to change history is going to cause interesting problems.

  11. Mimi, enjoy you much deserved R & R. Great story and thoughts, as always. Hugs.

  12. Man! these guys are getting themselves all tangled up....

  13. Life is like that: good and bad mixed together, with good lessons often learned from bad situations.

  14. Life is full of ups and downs, good and bad...all part of the package. Enjoy your break.


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