
Friday, March 3, 2017

Felines and Fill-Ins and Travel Fun, Oh My!

Feline Friday is hosted by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude, and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.
Feline Friday is simple to join. All you have to do is..

1) post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (They may be silly or cute)

2) go to Steve's page, linked above, then on the menu bar click on the Feline Friday tab to get the code

3) paste the code under your cat picture

4) add your name and link

That’s all there is to it! Be sure to check back every so often and visit all the Feline Friday bloggers. Also, please leave a nice comment on their blogs. Nasty comments will be deleted!

DiDreaming has a cat named Zee, and i asked Zee if i could take her picture for Feline Friday.

She came over to me, but i had to ask her to turn around so i could see her pretty face.

This was her first response to my request.

She finally decided to look at me, sort of.


Friendly Fill-Ins are four fun and easy statements to complete. Ellen of 15andmeowing provides the first two statements and the final two are offered by McGuffy Ann Morris of McGuffy's Reader.  They try to make sure they will be fun to both answer and share. On Friday, the linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM. Please head to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts! 

Here are this week's statements with my responses underlined:

Week 43: March 3, 2017

1. My favorite herb or spice is __________________________.

2. An herb or spice I dislike is ___________________________.

3. Lately, I have been working on ______________________.

4. This Winter was ____________________.

1. My favorite herb or spice is coriander.  No, i never said i was normal.

2. An herb or spice i dislike is cilantro.  Sweetie loves it, i tolerate it when i have to but would rather not have to.

3. Lately, i have been working on what i am always working on, which is the info for this blog.

4. This Winter was too mild and too short, it has me concerned for how the summer will be.


If you think things ever go smoothly for me, you don't know me well.  We have to laugh because by this time things have become absurd.

DiDreaming and i started out on day two and got barely into the trip, when i got a call from Hertz.  The rental i had was under a recall, they wanted us out of that car now.  Where are we located so they can find the nearest Hertz and get us there to trade out the car.

It was a 2 1/2 hour trip with toll roads from where we were to get to a Hertz, get it all traded out, and get back to where we were when they called.

About half an hour after we get the new vehicle, someone in front of me drops a styrofoam ice chest out of the back of their truck, and  of course i can't avoid running over part of it.  Now the back-up camera on the rental doesn't work.  Yes, i bought the insurance when i got the car, i've learned better by now than to refuse.

There were also the requisite phone calls, plus extras.  Among other things, the sink in my and Sweetie's bathroom is leaking (so i told him to quit using it until i can get home and fix it), and the home warranty company called to talk to me about renewing.  No, i cannot talk to you about this and read you my debit card number while i'm driving on the interstate in the rain.

 By the time we arrived to meet up with Pickles and Little Ninja and SideStep, we were more than ready to have arrived.

No, we are not getting up early this morning!

Today is:

Aldo Leopold Weekend -- Wisconsin, US (celebrating Aldo Leopold's Land Ethic; through Sunday)

Bonza Bottler Day™

Camellia Festival 2017 -- Chiswick House and Gardens Trust, London, England (through Apr. 2)

Day of Remembrance for Prince Igor -- Asatru/Slavic Pagan Calendar

Dress in Blue Day -- US, for colorectal cancer awareness

Employee Appreciation Day

Heart-Accelerating Sodium-Enriched Cold Cuts Day -- internet generated by someone who has no intention of letting anything healthy past his/her lips

Hina Matsuri -- Japan (Doll Festivals throughout the country, where women and girls dedicate dolls to shrines which are then floated out to sea to take away evil and sicknesses that afflict women)

I Want You to be Happy Day -- a day to devote some time to making someone else truly happy about something

If Pets Had Thumbs Day -- because if you are going to imagine something silly today, it might as well be this; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

International Festival of Owls -- Houston, MN, US (a great way to celebrate and learn about the wonderful creatures that are owls; through Sunday)

International Omega-3 Awareness Day

Joshi-no-Sekku -- Shinto (festival to honor girls)

Liberation Day/National Day -- Bulgaria

Marriage of the March Nymphs -- Fairy Calendar

Martyr's Day -- Malawi

Midnight at the Oasis -- Yuma, AZ, US (nostalgic festival featuring cars and music of the 50s and 60s; throughy Sunday)

Mother's Day -- Georgia

National Anthem Day -- US (current US anthem adopted this date in 1931)

National Day of Unplugging -- originally sponsored by Reboot, encouraging recharging your spiritual life by unplugging your technology from sunset today to sunset tomorrow or 

National Mulled Wine Day

National Salesperson Day

Peach Blossom Day - coincides with the start of the Peach Blossom Festival around this time of year in Hunan, China, where you celebrate the beauty of peach blossoms, and girls celebrate being girls

Shabbat Across America/Canada -- sponsored by the National Jewish Out-reach Program, encouraging Conservative, Orthodox, Reform, and Reconstructionist Jews to observe the Sabbath from sundown tonight until sundown tomorrow 

Sportsmen's Day -- Egypt

Stop Bad Service Day -- spread around the internet by someone who got lousy service

St Casimir' Eve / Kaziukas Fair -- Vilnius, Lithuania (traditional craft fair dates back to the 17th century, celebrating Lithuania's patron saint; through tomorrow)

St. Cunegunda's Day (Patron of Bamberg, Germany; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Poland)

St. Winnal's Day (First comes David, Next comes Chad, Then comes Winnal, roaring mad! -- Traditional English saying about the storminess of March 3; St. Winwaloe or Winnal was the Christianized version of the Teutonic Aegir, god of the sea and controler of weather)

Thanks to the Maple Festival -- Iroquois (date approximate, held when sap began flowing, usually early March)

Words by the Water: a Cumbrian Literature Festival -- Lake District, The Theatre by the Lake at Keswick, Devon, England (a lively literary festival; through the 12th)

World Day of Prayer-- International and Ecumenical; a day for Informed Prayer and Prayerful Action, this year's theme is "Am I Being Unfair To You"; this year's International Committee is meeting in The Philippines 

Anniversaries Today:

Florida becomes the 27th US state, 1845
Colegio Militar of Portugal is founded, 1803

Birthdays Today:

Jessica Biel, 1982
David Faustino, 1974
Julie Bowen, 1970
Jackie Joyner-Kersee, 1962
Herschel Walker, 1962
Ira Glass, 1959
Miranda Richardson, 1958
Tim Kazurinsky, 1950
Caroline Lee Bouvier Radziwill, 1933
Doc Watson, 1923
Diana Barrymore, 1921
James Doohan, 1920
Jean Harlow, 1911
Matthew Bunker Ridgway, 1895
Norman Bethune, 1890
Alexander Graham Bell, 1847
George Pullman, 1831

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Moonlighting"(TV), 1985
"Goodtime Charley"(Musical), 1975
"The Lion in Winter"(Play), 1966
"Mr Wizard"(TV), 1951
"Juno and the Paycock"(Play), 1924
Time Magazine, 1923
"Carmen"(Opera), 1875
"Symphony No. 3 in A minor(Scottish)"(Mendelssohn Op.56), 1842
"Symphony No. 101 in D major(The Clock)"(Haydn), 1794

Today in History:

The Statute of Rhuddlan incorporates the Principality of Wales into England, 1284
The Olympic Theatre, designed by Andrea Palladio, is inaugurated in Vicenza, 1585
The first amphibious landing of the United States Marine Corps begins the Battle of Nassau, 1776
The first US Jewish governor, David Emanuel, takes office in Georgia, 1801
The US declares war on Algeria for taking US prisoners and demanding tribute, 1815
The Missouri Compromise, an attempt to keep the US half Slave and half free, is passed by the US Congress, 1820
The Battle of Pelee Island takes place, Ontario, Canada, 1838
Tsar Alexander II emancipates the serfs of Russia, 1861
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, the founding member of the HSBC Group, opens, 1865
The first ever organized indoor game of ice hockey is played in Montreal, Canada as recorded in The Montreal Gazette, 1875
Georges Bizet's opera Carmen receives its première at the Opéra Comique in Paris, 1875
Bulgaria regains its independence from Ottoman Empire, 1878
Belva Ann Bennett Lockwood becomes the first female attorney to argue before the US Supreme Court, 1879
The US Geological Survey is created, 1879
Anne Sullivan arrives to begin teaching Helen Keller, 1887
Tsar Nicholas II of Russia agrees to create an elected assembly, the Duma, 1905
Toronto's Dr Banting & Dr Best announce discovery of insulin, 1921
Time Magazine begins publication, 1923
The United States officially adopts The Star-Spangled Banner as its national anthem, 1931
Oil is discovered in Saudi Arabia, 1938
In Mumbai, Mohandas Gandhi begins to fast in protest of the autocratic rule in India, 1939
Jackie Brenston, with Ike Turner and his band, records "Rocket 88", often cited as "the first rock and roll record", at Sam Phillips' recording studios in Memphis, Tennessee, 1951
An amateur video captures the beating of Rodney King by Los Angeles police officers, 1991
The tallest free-standing structure in the Southern Hemisphere, Sky Tower in downtown Auckland, New Zealand, opens after two-and-a-half years of construction, 1997
Citizens of Switzerland narrowly vote in favor of their country becoming a member of the United Nation, 2002
Steve Fossett becomes the first person to fly an airplane non-stop around the world solo without refueling, 2005
A 2-year old Mississippi girl born with HIV/AIDS is pronounced HIV negative after receiving treatment for the virus within 30 hours after her birth, 2013


  1. Looks like Zee, the model needs some persuading to pose for your camera. Have a beautiful day!

  2. Zee is a cutie. I have a ginger girl named Prancie, she looks like a Scottish Fold because her ears were frostbitten when we found her. Thank you for those great fill-in answers. I don't think I ever had coriander unless it was in something and I didn't know about it. I am with you on cilantro.Have a great weekend!

  3. I love Zee's attitude! She reminds me of our Charlie who has the same look. ;)

    When I lived in PA and the winters were short and mild, it didn't bode well for the summer months - I'm not a fan of extra heat and humidity, so here's hoping that's not where your summer is headed!!

    Sounds like your road trip is one for the books! Hopefully the next legs will be uneventful!

  4. Awww, she's a pretty girl. Some of our four legged family members aren't much for posing. I'm guessing she's in that bunch.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday. ☺

  5. Zee kitty is shy. Such a funny name. Makes me wonder if Di has an Ay, Bee, and Cee, etc. I thought coriander and cilantro were the same. Oops. Yes, the winter was much too mild. Makes me nervous about summer, too.

  6. I am glad Zee showed her ginger face... ginger girls are not a dime a dozen! I had a Z Cat but she was a brown-ish tabby..♥ I don't think I have ever tasted coriander, I don't think. We are concerned about summer too, we are already in drought. That whole Hertz drama was a bummer, I felt bad for you! Midnight at the Oasis.. my ringtone! Enjoyed your post this morning!

  7. My cats also have an aversion to being photographed, I'm not sure if it's the flash or the sound, or just that I'm being annoying. Sometimes they will turn away just like this! I am one of the people for whom cilantro tastes like soap, and in a soup or stew it tastes exactly like soapy water to me! My husband loves it and it's often used in this part of the country. I am sad that you had to deal with such nuisances on your get-away trip. Next time I recommend turning your phone off with a nightly check-in! I hope you have a truly wonderful time filled with love and laughter now that you are all together! And I hope you actually got to sleep in a bit this morning!! :-)

  8. Kitty poses just like Simple Cat. Not like Harleyquinn, who was born to be a supermodel.

    Could have been worse? At least you didn't run over a dead deer and cause $2,500 worth of damage to the car. ....I've done that

  9. i love Zee! That face! And that cattitude! Mimi, you are a girl after my own heart! I have been worried about this mild weather, too...I do not do heat well. I am afraid we will have to pay somewhere along the August. *augh*
    I like all spices & herbs, if they are used appropriately. Enjoy yourself! I look forward to whatever you post. HUGS!

  10. Good girl Zee for looking at the camera so we could see your face. You are such a pretty cat. You all have a great day.

  11. That kitty is looking very disinterested.

  12. Hi Mimi. I'm back, Cruisin Paul. My hard drive was fried and I lost everything so it will take me some time to get everything back to normal but I'm back my friend. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  13. It is interesting that today is the anniversary of the first amphibious landing by the US Marine Corps and our Marine son's wedding day.

  14. I don't know that I've ever had coriander (seeds) but I do like its leaves (cilantro). I didn't for the longest time, though. I guess it is an acquired taste that I finally acquired. :)

    I'm hoping that a mild winter will mean a mild summer for you and for us, but I don't look for a mild summer around here. With a thermometer in town advertising that it was 105 degrees one day in mid-February, I am scared to death of what July and August might bring us on a daily basis!

    I think that "I Want You to be Happy Day" sounds like a wonderful day. :)

    Have a blessed weekend!


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