
Saturday, December 9, 2017

Snow Day Thankful

Ten Things of Thankful

This week's thankful list is brought to you by snow.  We live where it almost never snows, and when it does, everything stops.

This is not a usual sight in the swamps, and i am thankful for that!

rEcess did not stop.

In fact, because schools were closed, we made it a point to not cancel rEcess, figuring parents would really want a break after having the children home all day playing in the cold and wet.  We were right, the parents thanked us profusely for not cancelling.

My rEcess thankfuls:

The Ladies Circle came through with dinner.

And luscious home made desserts.

Christmas gifts for the rEcess kids.

Magnetic sand to play with.

Fun at craft time.

Petey playing knock over the blocks.

Out of the wheelchair and crawling.

Our snow theme.

Santa gifts for volunteers.

Block towers built and rebuilt.

If you have a thankful or three, it does not have to be ten, write it up and link up with the wonderful Ms. Josie Two-Shoes at Ten Things of Thankful.  We love to have lots of thankful things to smile about, including yours.

Today is:

Anna's Day -- Sweden and Finland (commemorates the conception of the Virgin Mary by St. Anne, celebration for all females named Anne or Anna, and the day to start the processing of the Christmas Eve lutefisk.)

Christmas Card Day -- the first commercial card went on sale on this day in 1843

Christmas Gift Memory Day -- the day to reminisce about your all time favorite Christmas gift

End of Days of Reckoning -- Fairy Calendar

Feast of the Conception of the Most Holy Theotokos by St. Anne -- Orthodox Church

International Anti-Corruption Day -- UN

International Shareware Day

National Day of the Horse -- US (by Congressional resolution, information here

National Heroes Day -- Antigua and Barbuda

National Pastry Day

Remembrance for Egill Skallagrimsson -- Asatru/Norse Pagan Calendar (Viking Age poet, warrior, and rune magician)

Republic Day -- Tanzania

Search High and Low For Your Gingerbread Recipe Day -- or just give up and go to the internet for a new one, that's where i found this "holiday"

St. Leocadia's Day (Patron of Toledo, Spain)

Weary Willie Day -- birth anniversary of Emmet Kelley, Sr.

Yuri's Day in the Autumn -- Russian Orthodox Church (a celebration of St. George, as following the Gregorian Calendar)

Anniversaries Today:

Petrified Forest National Park, AZ, US, established, 1962
Christmas Seals first sold, in Wilmington, DE, US, 1907
"Charge of the Light Brigade" published, 1854
YMCA opens in Montreal, QC, CA (first in North America), 1851

Birthdays Today:

Jesse Metcalfe, 1978
Reiko Aylesworth, 1972
David Kersh, 1970
Kara DioGuardi, 1970
Jakob Dylan, 1969
Kurt Angle, 1968
Felicity Huffman, 1962
David Anthony Higgins, 1961
Joe Lando, 1961
Donny Osmond, 1957
John Malkovich, 1953
Joan Armatrading, 1950
Michael Nouri, 1945
Dick Butkus, 1942
Beau Bridges, 1941
Judy Dench, 1934
Buck Henry, 1930
Dick Van Patten, 1928
Dina Merrill, 1925
Redd Foxx, 1922
Kirk Douglas, 1916
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., 1909
Grace Hopper, 1906
Margaret Hamilton, 1902
Emmet Kelley, Sr., 1898
Clarence Birdseye, 1886
Joel Chandler Harris, 1848
John Milton, 1608
Edwin Sandys, 1561

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"A Charlie Brown Christmas"(TV special), 1965
"Coronation Street"(TV), 1960
"Salome"(Opera), 1905
"Charge of the Light Brigade"(Publication date, in The Examiner), 1854

Today in History:

The Byzantine General Belisarius enters Rome while the Ostrogothic garrison peacefully leaves the city, returning the old capital to its empire, 536
New York City's first daily newspaper, the American Minerva, is established by Noah Webster, 1793
The Republic of Texas captures San Antonio, Texas, 1835
The first Young Men's Christian Association in the Americas is founded, in Montreal, 1851
Pinckney Benton Stewart Pinchback becomes governor of Louisiana for 35 days, becoming the first black US governor, 1872
Levant Richardson patents the ball-bearing skate, 1884
Statistician Herman Hollerith installs his computing device at the United States War Department, 1888
The Norwegian parliament vote unanimously for female suffrage, 1903
The first broadcast of "Coronation Street" on British ITV, 1960
Barbados joins the United Nations, 1966
NLS (a system for which hypertext and the computer mouse were developed) is publicly demonstrated for the first time in San Francisco, 1968
The United Arab Emirates join the United Nations, 1971
The eradication of the smallpox virus is certified, 1979
Phoenix, Arizona, US, gets 3 inches of snow, 1985
Lech Walesa wins the presidental election in Poland, 1990
In Australia, thieves broke into a home and stole two 300-year-old etchings by Rembrandt. The 4-by-4-inch etchings, a self-portait and a depiction of the artist's mother, were valued around $518,000, 2003
Pakistan's media publish fake WikiLeaks cables attacking India, 2010
China creates a new "Coonfucius Peace Prize" to honor its former Taiwanese Vice President, Lien Chan, who refused to collect it, 2010
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is named Time Magazine's Person of the Year, for her handling of debt and refugee crises, 2015


  1. Wonderful list of thankfuls. I love it when you write about rEcess, it is such an amazing thing to do. Have a great weekend!

  2. I was telling hubby about you yesterday and this was one of the things you do for the parents. He thinks you're way cool too.

    Have a fabulous weekend, my friend. ♥

  3. Forgive my ignorance, but what is rEcess? We've had snow here in England too. I'm not too much of a fan of snow, but it's nice when we're warm indoors :)

  4. I remember a snowfall south of Houston towards Galveston decades ago. It never really made much of a drift, but the school was closed and my kids loved it.

  5. That looks like so much fun! Living up North kinda looses the magic in snow fall. I dread it. But seeing it through new eyes? Maybe if it was warmer than 27 degrees tonight lol

  6. magnetic sand?!? no. way.
    how cool can that be (I had no idea there was such a thing) I really hope it's as excellent a thing as I imagine.

    Mississippi got more snow than we did (in Rhode Island)... no climate change going on

  7. I just googled "magnetic sand" to read more about it and found an awesome video of a guy with a magnet on a beach where there is quite a bit of the black sand. I would have had so much fun playing with a magnet on the beach when I was a kid!

    The "Search high and low for your Gingerbread recipe day" made me laugh. This is so true. It is so much quicker looking for a recipe online, especially when one has collected so many clippings and cookbooks in a lifetime of living.

  8. I'm sure those parents appreciated the break--and it looks like rEcess was a lot of fun!


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