
Sunday, January 21, 2018

Marriage Matters and Sunday Selections

Just because Sandee at Comedy Plus is no longer hosting Silly Sundays does not mean i will quit telling Cajun jokes. 

Yesterday Pastor JS at our church held a Marriage Seminar.  Sweetie and i were supposed to be there, but he woke up with his back “out” again, so i went alone.  It was a good time of learning and fellowship, and i’m sorry he missed it.

Clothile done got herself some pain in her back from de kidney stone.  She be hurtin’ an’ hurtin’ from it, but it not want to pass.

Den, after she been down wit’ it for ‘bout a week, Boudreaux come down wit’ de same t’ing!  He go to de hospital, an’ dey say he gots him a kidney stone, too, an’ den he pass it a few hour later.

Meanwhile, poor Clothile still be hurtin’ an’ she say, “Mais!  Dis don’ be right at all!  Even de Good Book say de one dat be wit’out sin should cast de first stone!”

Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  It has been hosted by River at Drifting Through Life but she is taking a blog break for now.  Elephant's Child is keeping the meme warm for her.

Everyone has snow, and even we have had snow.  We’ve had more than twice as many days below freezing as we are used to, and winter is only about half done.

Our “lawn” of grass covered with snow again.

The porch was icy and treacherous.

We’ve never gotten icicles under our cars, until now!


Today is:

2018 Healthy Weight Week -- US 

Anniversary of the Elf Wars -- Fairy Calendar

Ati-Atihan Festival -- Aklan, Kalibo, Panay Island, Philippines (main feast and final day of the vivid religious carnival/feast dating back to the 13th century to honor Santo Nino [Baby Jesus])

Camel Wrestling Championship -- Selcuk, Turkey (a medieval tradition, and the camels are not allowed to actually harm each other, so it's a spectacular sport to watch; through Sunday)

Celtic Tree Month Luis (Rowan) begins

Errol Barrow Day -- Barbados

International Bon Jovi Day -- they released their first album this date in 1983

Lady of Altagracia Day -- Dominican Republic

National Activity Professionals Week begins -- celebrating the contributions of Activities Professionals in all senior living communities 

National Hugging Day™ -- includes the announcements of the Most Huggable People of the Year

New England Clam Chowder Day

Quebec Flag Day -- Quebec, Canada

Sinulog Grand Parade -- Cebu City, Philippines (biggest day of the very colorful festival about the pagan origin of the people, and their acceptance of Roman Catholicism)

Squirrel Appreciation Day -- sponsored by Christy Hargrove of the Western North Carolina Nature Center

Stephen Foster Day -- Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park, White Springs, FL, US

St. Agnes' Day (Patron of betrothed couples, bodily purity/chastity, crops, gardeners, Girl Scouts, girls, rape victims, virgins; the Colegio Capranica of Rome; Manresa, Spain; Rockville Centre, NY)

St. Meinrad of Einsiedeln's Day (Patron of hospitality; Einsiedeln, Switzerland; Swabia, Germany)

World Religion Day -- Baha'i

Zacchaeus Sunday -- Orthodox Christian

Anniversary Today:

Kiwanis International is founded in Detroit, 1915

Birthdays Today:

Robby Benson, 1956
Geena Davis, 1956
Billy Ocean, 1960
Jill Eikenberry, 1947
Mac Davis, 1942
Placido Domingo, 1941
Jack Nicklaus, 1940
Wolfman Jack, 1939
Benny Hill, 1925
Telly Savalas, 1924
Benny Hill, 1924
Paul Scofield, 1922
Barney Clark, 1921
Karl Wallenda, 1905
Christian Dior, 1905
Roger Nash Baldwin, 1884
John M. Browning, 1855
Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, 1824
Ethan Allen, 1738

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Kid"(Film), 1921
"The Daily News"(first issue, edited by Charles Dickens), 1848
"Power of Sympathy"(publication date of WH Brown's novel, considered the first American novel), 1789

Today in History:

Philip II, Henry II, and Richard the Lionheart initiate the 3rd Crusade, 1189
The Swiss Anabaptist Movement is founded, 1525
The first American novel, WH Brown's "Power of Sympathy," is published, 1789
After being found guilty of treason by the French Convention, Louis XVI of France is executed by guillotine, 1793
Edward Jenner's smallpox vaccination is introduced, 1799
The envelope-folding machine is patented by Russell Hawes, Worcester, Massachusetts, 1853
The first US sewage disposal system that is separate from storm drains opens in Memphis, Tennessee, 1880
The first slalom ski race is run in Murren, Switzerland, 1922
The Flag of Quebec is adopted and flown for the first time over the National Assembly of Quebec, 1948
A B-52 bomber crashes near Thule Air Base, contaminating the area after its nuclear payload ruptures. One of the four bombs remains unaccounted for after the cleanup operation is complete, 1968
The current Emley Moor transmitting station, the tallest free-standing structure in the United Kingdom, begins transmitting UHF broadcasts, 1971
Commercial service of Concorde begins with the London-Bahrain and Paris-Rio routes, 1976
Production of the iconic DeLorean DMC-12 sports car begins in Dunmurry, Northern Ireland, 1981
NASA's MER-A (the Mars Rover Spirit) ceases communication with mission control. The problem lies in the management of its flash memory and is fixed remotely from Eart, 2004
Black Monday in worldwide stock markets. FTSE 100 had its biggest ever one-day points fall, European stocks closed with their worst result since 11 September 2001, and Asian stocks drop as much as 14%, 2008
The last native speaker of the Eyak language dies, rendering the language extinct, 2008
In a referendum based on official figures, nearly 99% of South Sudanese people voted for independence from the north, 2011


  1. That may be the only thing funny about kidney stones!

  2. Oh wow. As we continue to swelter, your snowy photos are a very welcome breath of fresh air.

  3. It has been really cold here too. We liked your joke a lot. Hope you all get some warm weather soon.

  4. I love your jokes. I'm glad you're still doing them every Sunday.

    Wow, that's cold and to have it happen the first time where you live. Very news worthy.

    I hope hubbies back gets better soon.

    Have a blessed Sunday, my friend. ♥

  5. I feel for poor Miss Clothile, but she does manage to make kidney stones funny.

    We have had lots of cold weather here in Tampa, but we can't feel your pain. We have nothing like snow or icicles. We just have to put on pants instead of shorts. Wishing better weather your way.

  6. That was a cute joke :) You sure do have cold weather for your part of the country right now, I wonder what happened to global warming?


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