
Saturday, January 20, 2018

Ten by Twelve (Ten Things of Thankful)

Ten Things of Thankful

Yesterday as i was scrubbing someone’s bathtub, it came to me that it was not yet noon and already i had probably at least ten things for which i was thankful, if i’d just stop and count them up.

So i did, and sure enough, there were plenty.

It started with the fact that i woke up, could breath and see and hear and pray.

The highways were almost all open again and so i was on time for prayer group meeting at the church.

None of the coffee pots overflowed or made a mess when i made coffee for prayer group, and the elevator was working well.  The coffee was good, too!

Mr. Al was at the church before i left, so i got a wonderful and much needed hug.

The one highway that was still closed did not prove as much an impediment to my progress as i thought it would and i was on time to work in spite of it.

At Ms. J’s house, her husband was still home and asked if we needed a very nice flat screen TV that he had replaced with a newer model.  Yes!  We don’t have cable or anything, but Sweetie loves to watch his DVDs and the computer monitor set up he’s been using is about 20 years old and on its last legs.  This was a huge blessing for my Sweetie as he has always hoped we could get a flat screen someday.

One of my cleaning items that i thought i had lost turned up!

Bear the dog was his usual very well behaved self.  He went outside when it was time, and came in when it was time, and very politely left any room that was being cleaned at the moment.  (Bear is the best trained standard Poodle i’ve ever known, and his nickname is Mr. Manners.)

Ms. J didn’t want a package of spinach that was a day past its “best by” date, so i got to bring it home.

The work went very well, even the sheets cooperated and did not tangle up in the dryer and need extra time.

Even over as short a span of time as a morning, there are numerous things for which to be thankful.  Ms. Josie Two-Shoes gives us a place to link up our lists at Ten Things of Thankful.  If you’ve never linked up before, why not give it a try?  You won’t regret it.

Today is:

Armed Forces Day -- Mali

Bald Eagle Appreciation Days -- Keokuk, IA, US (through tomorrow)

Camcorder Day -- five companies agreed, this day in 1982, to cooperate and construct a camera with a built in VCR

Celtic Tree Month Beth (Birch) ends

Coffee Break Day

Day of National Mourning -- Azerbaijan (a/k/a Martyrs' Day)

Festival of Jubilation for Osiris -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate, in Busiris)

Gasparilla Extravaganza -- Tampa, FL, US (the rum free version of the Pirate Festival celebration, with a kid's parade and lots of fun; the adult version is next Saturday)

Heroes Day -- Cape Verde; Guinea-Bissau (death anniversary of Amilcar Cabral)

Ice Fest -- Ligonier, PA, US (ice sculpture contest and lots of family fun; through tomorrow)

KidFilm Festival -- Dallas, TX (international children's film festival; through tomorrow)

La Tamborrada de San Sebastian -- San Sebastian, Spain (24 hours of drumming, begun last evening)

Learn to Ski Day -- always the 3rd Saturday of January, and you go right ahead

National Buttercrunch Day

National Cheese Lover's Day

National Granola Bar Day

National Disc Jockey Day -- listed lots of places, but no particular reason given for the choice of date

Penguin Awareness Day -- lots of celebrating, but no history of who started it

Sacrifices to Athena -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate)

Sight-Saving Sabbath Weekend -- to alert synagoge and church members to the importance of regular eye exams

Stay Young Forever Day -- celebrate the child in all of us, do something fun

St. Sebastian's Day (Patron of archers, armorers, arrowsmiths/fletchers, athletes, bookbinders, diseased cattle, dying people, gardeners, gunsmiths, hardware stores, ironmongers, lace makers/lace workers, lead workers, masons, plague victims, police officers, Pontifical Swiss Guards, raquet makers, soldiers, stone masons/stone cutters; several cities, but especially of Rio de Janiero, Brazil and San Sebastian, Puerto Rico, where today is marked with celebrations; against cattle disease, enemies of religion, plague)

Take a Walk Outdoors Day -- unless it's storming, a good way to get some exercise

Tenmangu Kowakamai -- Setaka, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan (festival of old style Japanese dances)

Zora Neale Hurston Festival of the Arts and Humanities -- Eatonville, FL, US (celebrating Hurston's work, hometown, and cultural contributions, and the contributions of all Africa-descended people; through the 28th)

Birthdays Today:

Skeet Ulrich, 1969
Rainn Wilson, 1968
Rainn Wilson, 1966
James Denton, 1963
Lorenzo Lamas, 1958
Bill Maher, 1956
David Lynch, 1946
Dorothy Provine, 1937
Arte Johnson, 1934
Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, 1930
Patricia Neal, 1926
Otis Dewey "Slim" whitman, 1924
Federico Fellini, 1920
DeForest Kelley, 1920
Joy Adamson, 1910
George Burns, 1896
Harold Lincoln Gray, 1894
Huddie "Lead Belly" Ledbetter, 1889
Carolus Linnaeus, 1778
André-Marie Ampère, 1775
Richard Henry Lee, 1732

Debuting/Premiering Today:

“Breaking Bad”(TV), 2008
"Meet the Beatles"(Album, US release), 1964

Today in History:

The first elected English Parliament called into session by the 6th Earl of Leicester, and meets in the Palace of Westminster (a/k/a Houses of Parliament), 1265
The present-day location of Rio de Janeiro is first explored, 1502
The Casa Contratacion (Board of Trade) is founded in Spain to deal with American affairs, 1503
The cornerstone of Amsterdam town hall laid, 1648
The third and main part of First Fleet arrives at Botany Bay. Arthur Phillip decides that Botany Bay is unsuitable for the location of a penal colony, and decides to move to Port Jackson, 1788
China cedes Hong Kong to British, 1841
L.A. Thompson patents the roller coaster, 1885
The first full length talking motion picture filmed outdoors is released, "In Old Arizona", 1929
Nazi officials hold notorious Wannsee conference in Berlin deciding on "final solution" calling for extermination of Europe's Jews, 1942
The first atomic submarine, USS Nautilus, is launched at Groton, Connecticut, 1955
Witnesses report sightings of a Bottlenose whale swimming in the River Thames, the first time the species had been seen in the River Thames since records began in 1913, 2006
A three-man team, using only skis and kites, completes a 1,093-mile (1,759 km) trek to reach the southern pole of inaccessibility for the first time since 1958 and for the first time ever without mechanical assistance, 2007
Austria votes to maintain compulsory military service in a referendum, 2013


  1. Hooray for gratitude. And I love your list.

  2. That was a beautiful list of thankfulness! I have my list too! Have a beautiful weekend!

  3. Mimi your statement: " It started with the fact that i woke up, could breath and see and hear and pray.", I do the exact opposite,As I lay in my bed, I thank the Lord for Him allowing me to enjoy the entire day and I hope that if he wishes to allow me to wake up another day, I'll thank Him for that. See ya my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

  4. With your peace od mind, you should be healthy for long, long time.

  5. This is such an excellent example of the blessings that abound in our lives every day if we just open our eyes and hearts to them! I am thankful that your morning went so well, and that the roads were clear enough for you to get where you needed to go.

    I think you presented a very important thought here... do we wake up each morning thank you for life? I feel a little convicted as some mornings I wake up wanting to pull the covers over my head and stay right there, and I'm sure Papa Bear does the same as he gets up and ready for work so early. Tomorrow morning I'm going to remember this post and wake up with a thankful heart, not only for all the good people and things in my life a I always do, but also thankful for my life itself!

  6. You are so lucky to have a standard Poodle. They are just the best dogs ever. Good for you to be thankful for the little things. Great list. Have a very nice day.

  7. The flat screen TV was the best. I smiled when I read that part. What I like about you is you always notice things to be thankful for. Many go though life never noticing a thing.

    Have a fabulous weekend. ♥

  8. Appreciate Bald Eagles and be aware of Penguins on the same day?

  9. I strive to have your thankful spirit and I hope you know that you teach me every step of the way with your lessons.

  10. I had no idea Sebastian was such a busy guy...

  11. That is a great thankful list. And how wonderful that you got a flat screen tv. :)

  12. This is surely the best TToT list I've seen in a while... the idea of seeing what is in front of us and appreciating the positives...very cool

  13. You certainly do have lots of things of thankful. Poodles are quite intelligent and mannerly. (my Grand-dog is a miniature and I love him like crazy). Ha, ha. Having sheets that don't tangle up in the dryer and require extra time are a wonderful item of thankful to include on your list. I can surely relate to that. Have a good week.

  14. What a great list! It's a great reminder that if we really thing about it, there is so, so much for which to be grateful.

    One of the smartest dogs I ever "met" was a Standard Poodle.

  15. I loved how you were able to recognize so many things that were worthy of recognition throughout your morning. What a wonderful example you are to us in acknowledging all things positive. Although you probably don't think of this way at all, but I think besides the good feelings that come to oneself from being positive, you even received some very tangible things that you could use in your life. You were blessed doubly.

  16. Sometimes I don't think them distinct enough to count, but I am usually being too picky. What you say is true. Just waking up and having any senses at all is a reason to be thankful. Senses is great. It's sense that some people could do well just to have.


    Yay for good tasting coffee.

  17. If we all could recognize all the little thankfuls in life, we would all be happier.


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