
Sunday, March 11, 2018

Of Her Own Accord (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.) 

Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting Silly Sunday does not mean i will stop telling Cajun jokes.

Even though the family trip to the beach isn't until June, there is already talk about who is going when, who can get off work and who might have to miss out, and what we will and will not end up doing this year.

One Sunday Thibodeaux done see Boudreaux at church by hisse'f, an' Thibodeaux ax, "Boudreaux, where be Clothile?"

An' Boudreaux say, "She be on a trip to de West Indies."

So Thibodeaux ax, "Jamaica?"

An' Boudreaux say, "Mais non, she decide she want to go!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  It is now hosted by River at Drifting Through Life.  

Here are a few random sights from the past couple of weeks.

A fascinating study in what to do with exercise equipment when you don't use it for its intended purpose:

Where Dr. D keeps her make-up:

My favorite Poodle in the whole world, Bear:

A sign at our vet's office:


Today is:

Bunching of Fairies for the Second Flight -- Fairy Calendar

Charter Day -- Pennsylvania, US

Daylight Saving Time -- if your area is observing this, it switched over at two o'clock this morning; if you are just finding this out, you are already late!
    Check Your Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monixide Detectors Day -- make sure the batteries are fresh and that they are in good working order

Debunking Day -- internet holiday possibly started by someone tired of internet myths

Feast Day of Hercules/Herakles -- Ancient Roman and Greek Calendars

Frankenstein's Birthday -- Mary Shelley's famous tale was published today in 1818

Girl Scout Sunday -- US (encouraging Girl Scouts to wear their uniforms to church services and represent their troop to their congregations; the first day of Girl Scout Week in the US)

Johnny Appleseed Day / Apple Appreciation Day -- death anniversary of John "Johnny Appleseed" Chapman; some say March 18

King Moshoeshoe I's Anniversary -- Lesotho

Laetare Sunday -- Western Christianity, 4th Sunday of Lent; related Observances
    Carnaval de la Laetare -- Stavelot, Belgium
    Mothering Sunday -- UK (fourth Sunday of Lent, originally a day to visit your "mother church" in the parish where you were raised, now celebrated as Mother's Day)

National No Smoking Day -- UK (for help quitting, go here)   

National Oatmeal-Nut Waffles Day

Reestablishment of Independence -- Lithuania (independence from the USSR)

St. Eulogius of Cordova's Day (Patron of carpenters, coppersmiths)

World Day of Muslim Culture, Peace, Dialogue and Film -- International

World Folk Tales and Fables Week -- encouraging all people to explore the cultural background and lessons learned from folk tales, fables, myths, and legends from around the world; originally sponsored by Language Lizard   

World Glaucoma Week begins -- to expand global awareness of the Silent Thief of Sight    

Worship of Tools Day -- begun by someone who knew we would be nowhere without tools

Anniversaries Today:

Romeo & Juliet's wedding day, according to Shakespeare, 1302
Emperor Napoleon married by proxy to Archduchess Marie Louise, 1810

Birthdays Today:

Terrance Howard, 1969
Alex Kingston, 1963
Curtis Brown, Jr., 1956
Douglas Adams, 1952
Bobby McFerrin, 1950
Jerry Zucker, 1950
Dominique Sanda, 1948
Charles W. Swan, 1942
Antonin Scalia, 1936
Sam Donaldson, 1934
Rupert Murdoch, 1931
Ralph Abernathy, 1926
Mercer Ellington, 1919
Ezra Jack Keats, 1916
Harold Wilson, 1916
Lawrence Welk, 1903
Robert Treat Paine, 1731
Torquato Tasso, 1544

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Cops"(TV), 1989
"A Raisin in the Sun"(Play), 1959
"Don Carlos"(Opera), 1867
"Rigoletto"(Opera), 1851
"I Capuleti e i Montecchi"(Opera), 1830
The Daily Courant(Newspaper; first British daily paper), 1702

Today in History:

Thutmose III, Pharaoh of Egypt, dies (according to the Low Chronology of the 18th Dynasty),BC1425
Volcano Etna in Italy erupts killing 15,000, 1669
The first English daily newspaper "Daily Courant," begins publishing, 1702
Queen Anne withholds Royal Assent from the Scottish Militia Bill, the last time a British monarch vetoes legislation, 1708
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is published, 1818
Unhappy with translational differences regarding the Treaty of Waitangi, chiefs Hone Heke, Kawiti and Maori tribe members chop down the British flagpole for a fourth time and drive settlers out of Kororareka, New Zealand, 1845
Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine and Robert Baldwin become the first Prime Ministers of the Province of Canada to be democratically elected under a system of responsible government, 1848
The Great Sheffield Flood: The largest man-made disaster ever to befall England kills over 250 people in Sheffield, 1864
The Meiji Japanese government officially annexes the Ryukyu Kingdom into what would become the Okinawa prefecture,1872
The Great Blizzard of 1888 begins, lasting 4 days, 1888
The first confirmed cases of the Spanish Flu are observed at Fort Riley, Kansas, 1918
The Bank of Canada opens, 1935
Reginald Weit became the first African American to play in the US Tennis Open, 1948
Lorraine Hansberry's "A Raisin in the Sun," the first Broadway play by a black woman, opens, 1959
Mt. Etna in Sicily erupts, 1974
Pakistan successfully conducts a cold test of a nuclear weapon, 1983
Mikhail S Gorbachev replaces Konstantin Chernenko as Soviet leader, 1985
Infosys becomes the first Indian company listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange, 1999
Michelle Bachelet is inaugurated as first female president of Chile, 2006
An earthquake measuring 9.0 in magnitude strikes 130 km (81 mi) east of Sendai, Japan, triggering a tsunami killing thousands of people and triggering the second largest nuclear accident in history, 2011


  1. This crazy cat lady loves your Sunday Selections.

  2. Mimi, Mimi, Mimi. I do love you blog. Have a great Sunday my friend. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  3. Ha, ha...crazy cat lady like it's a bad thing...I love it!

  4. Ok..I admit I had to read the joke three times before I got it...!

  5. I love your Sunday jokes. Keep them coming.

    I love the cat lady one the best. I would be one of those if I weren't allergic.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  6. Saw it coming, but still funny!

  7. daylight saving time is in Europe on 24 th March Have a great week

  8. That was cute :) I like the cat lady sign too :)

  9. Ha Ha, Jamaica. a place I always wanted to visit when I won the lottery. But not now, I don't think I could take the heat now that I'm older.
    I love the Bag of Tricks and Bear and the crazy cat lady sign too. The Christmas trees are unusual, I've never seen any like that.


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