
Saturday, March 10, 2018

Sensible Senses (Ten Things of Thankful)

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)

Ten Things of Thankful

It's gratitude day, and it's the start of Daylight Saving Time, so i am trying to be thankful for Daylight Saving Time.  Trying very hard.  The daylight lasting longer is a good thing.  We could get the same by making Daylight Saving Time the new Standard Time and just leaving it there.  

Time for a better thankful topic, one that isn't so split in my mind as to whether it's good or not.  How about the blessing of the senses.

Seeing my cats playing and making me laugh, i'm thankful for that.

Watching more flowers bloom every single day -- the azaleas are finally coming in, almost a month later than usual -- is a blessing.

Hearing the dog next door bark makes me thankful for both my hearing and the fact that we do not have any guest dogs staying right now.

Listening to music and to the litany prayers in the car is a blessing.

As long as the fresh mango season lasts, i am thankful for the taste of avocado/mango salad.

Mango and papaya juice is a blessing.

Ms. B gave me a hand cream that she did not like the scent of, but i am very thankful that it smells like almonds and milk.

It is a blessing that i do not have to smell the sulfur/lime dip anywhere but at the shelter, and then only when we are dipping cats.

That hand cream feels as good to my sore hands as it smells, and i am thankful to have it.

My soft, warm blankets are a blessing.

It's not hard at all to be thankful when there are so many good things to see, hear, taste, smell and feel.

If you want to try your hand at a Ten Things of Thankful post, come join Josie Two Shoes, our hostess, and a whole gang of friends.  You don't have to have 10 things necessarily, just gratitude and willingness to share it.


Special PSA -- Daylight Saving Time begins in many places 2am tomorrow, so "spring forward" one hour before you go to bed tonight; also, change the batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.

Today is:

Celebrate Your Name Week -- Saturday:  Geneology Day, begin or continue the journey to learn about your family

Daylight Saving Time begins tomorrow -- Bermuda; Canada (most regions); Cuba; Haiti; Mexico (some areas); Saint Pierre and Miquelon; The Bahamas; Turks and Caicos Islands; US (most areas)

Doctor's Day -- Venezuela

Dream Day -- supposedly begun by an instructor at Columbia University as a day to concentrate on how to make your dreams come true

Farvardigan -- Ancient Persia, Zoroastrians (10 day festival for the dead before Nowruz, the New Year)

Festival of Life in the Cracks Day -- internet holiday declared because this is where most of us are, and we deserve to be celebrated!

Harriet Tubman Day -- anniversary of her death in 1913

Highland County Maple Festival -- Highland County, VA, US (this weekend and next)

International Day of Awesomeness -- Celebrate what is awesome about you - always on Chuck Norris' birth anniversary, because no one is more awesome than Chuck

International Fanny Pack Day -- started by someone who really likes the things (although i do admit they come in handy for keeping your money with you at all times when you have a garage sale)

Mario Day -- for gamers, based on the date Mar 10

National Blueberry Popover Day

National Pack Your Lunch Day -- because it's cheaper and healthier

National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day -- US

Shiogama Jinja Hote Festival -- Shiogama, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan (mikoshi parades and Shinto music)

St. Kessog's Day (Patron of Lennox, Scotland; Scotland)

Telephone Day -- Bell sent the first message by phone, to Watson in the next room, this day in 1876

Tibetan Uprising Day -- Tibetan Independence Supporters commemoration of the 1959 uprising

Turkey Vultures Return to the Living Sign -- Canisteo, NY (San Juan Capistrano has swallows, and Canisteo has living trees planted to spell out the name of the valley where the turkey vultures/buzzards return each year, traditionally on St. Patrick's Day; this weekend and next enjoy living history events, dealers, and demonstrations on Amish farms -- but only on Saturdays on the farms)

Whoopsical Day -- Fairy Calendar

Birthdays Today:

Emily Osment, 1992
Carrie Underwood, 1983
Shannon Miller, 1977
John Hamm, 1971
Edie Brickell, 1966
Prince Edward, 1964
Jasmine Guy, 1964
Rick Rubin, 1963
Pam Oliver, 1961
Sharon Stone, 1958
Shannon Tweed, 1957
Kim Campbell, 1947
Bob Greene, 1947
Tom Scholz, 1947
Chuck Norris, 1940
Dave Rabe, 1940
James Earl Ray, 1928
Pamela Mason, 1918
Bix Beiderbecke, 1903
Clare Boothe Luce, 1903

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Buffy the Vampire Slayer"(TV), 1997
"The Incredible Hulk"(TV), 1978
"Sweet Bird of Youth"(Play), 1959

Today in History:

The Romans sink the Carthaginian fleet bringing the First Punic War to an end, BC241
Jews are excluded from public office in the Roman Empire, 418
King Charles I dissolves Parliament; he calls it back 11 years later, 1629
English Quaker William Penn receives charter from Charles II, making him sole proprietor of colonial American territory Pennsylvania, 1681
French Huguenot Jean Calas, who was wrongly convicted of killing his son, dies after being tortured by authorities; the event inspired Voltaire to begin a campaign for religious tolerance and legal reform, 1762
John Stone, of Concord, Massachusetts, patents a pile driver, 1791
England begins its first modern census, 1801
In St. Louis, Missouri, a formal ceremony is conducted to transfer ownership of the Louisiana Territory from France to the United States, 1804
The French Foreign Legion is established by King Louis-Philippe to support his war in Algeria, 1831
Abraham Lincoln patents a device to help free ships in rivers from shallow water; he built a small scale model, but no full-size device was ever built, and makes him the only US president to hold a patent, 1849
Alexander Graham Bell makes the first successful telephone call by saying "Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you," 1876
Commissioner George Scott Railton and seven women officers landed at New York to officially begin the work of the Salvation Army in the US, 1880
Almon Strowger, an undertaker in Topeka, Kansas, patents the Strowger switch, a device which led to the automation of telephone circuit switching, 1891
The Courrières mine disaster, Europe's worst ever, kills 1099 miners in Northern France, 1906
After Bob Fitzsimmons KOs much larger Jim Corbett to win world HW championship he says, "The bigger they are, the harder they fall," 1896
China ends slavery, 1910
Mahatma Gandhi is arrested in India, tried for sedition, and sentenced to six years in prison, only to be released after nearly two years for an appendicitis operation, 1922
In Memphis, Tennessee, James Earl Ray pleads guilty to assassinating Martin Luther King Jr.; he later retracts his guilty plea, 1969
Astronomers discover rings around Uranus, 1977
In Haiti, Prosper Avril is ousted 18 months after seizing power in a coup, 1990
The NASDAQ Composite stock market index peaks at 5132.52, signaling the beginning of the end of the dot-com boom, 2000
NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter arrives at Mars, 2006
Carlos Slim becomes the first Mexican and person from an emerging economy to top Forbes Richest Person list, with net worth of US$53.5 billion, 2010
The world's largest banana company is created as the Irish fruit company Fyffes merges with U.S. company Chiquita; the new company, ChiquitaFyffes, will trade on the New York Stock Exchange, 2014


  1. Love your blessings - and am very grateful that our daylight savings is nearly over for the year.

  2. Yes, I realized this trip I have much to be thankful for.

  3. Looking forward to seeing people fall asleep in church tomorrow because they lost an hour. I need to join the 10 Things to be Thankful for but can't think of ten today much less every week. Thankful to be alive tops the charts.

  4. I'm thankful for Daylight Saving time because I will have more time to play golf if I wish. At the beginning it's tough losing that hour of sleep but eventually you get use to it and remember, later you get an hour back. See ya Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  5. I am thankful to God for my senses too! Both thankful and grateful!

  6. I am grateful for my senses as well, especially my sight. I eventually get used to the time changes, but a part of me wants them to just pick one and stick with it. It's the change that's disruptive.

  7. I, too, am thankful that Daylight Savings Time is beginning. It might be a bit touch to get up in the dark morning for a few weeks, but I will treasure the longer days of sunlight. I saw some signs of spring in North Carolina last week. It hasn't it NJ, but it brings a sense of hope and light. Have a good week.

  8. You're thankful for all your senses this week. It's something to be thankful for indeed.

    I'm with you on Daylight Savings. Put it back and then leave it alone.

    Have a fabulous weekend. ♥

  9. Oh, I am going to have to try avocado/mango salad. I love both of them, but have not used them together in a salad.
    To be thankful for not having to smell bad smells very often, why didn't I think of that. :-)
    I am so thankful for senses too.
    Have a great week.

  10. I'm with you, just leave the clocks alone!

  11. Those are some mighty good things to be thankful for. We don't like the daylight savings time either. But nothing we can do about it. You all have a wonderful week end.

  12. I always enjoy your thankful list and the themes you choose. I need to remember to be thankful for my hearing when I get annoyed at my niece's dog barking at squirrels and everything that moves. :)

  13. Looking forward to Daylight Savings time! As much as I prefer the morning to the evening, I'll surrender some morning light for a later sunset.
    Its funny, morning does not suffer from a later sunrise the way the evening does from a later sunset.

  14. Here's to soft blankets and the taste of fresh mango juice.



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