
Friday, April 13, 2018

A to Z: Link and Little Girlie (Feline Friday) and Loving Those Friendly Fill-Ins

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)  


Feline Friday was started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude, and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.
He has handed hosting duties off to Sandee, of Comedy Plus, and it's simple to join, just follow the link to Sandee's page for the rules and the code.

Link was one day old, with his little umbilical cord still on, when someone heard him crying in a ditch after a rainstorm.  They brought him to the shelter, and we bottle raised him.  From that tiny beginning, we have this:

You can tell he is plotting mischief because he is breathing!

Little Girlie is one of the cats who does not get mentioned as often here.  She is quiet and keeps mostly to herself.  She was also bottle raised, with her siblings Horatio, Badlands Blackie, and Socks, and this May she will be 14.

Now that Bigger Girl has moved out, her favorite place is our bed.


Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by McGuffy Ann Morris of McGuffy's Reader. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts! 

My fill-ins for the statements are underlined:

Week 101: April 13, 2018

1. __________ keeps me                         .

2. __________ is the secret to                       .

3. A friend                            .

4. Right now, I am thankful                         .

Working keeps me very busy.  In fact, sometimes i am afraid i'm going to meet myself coming and going!

Prayer is the secret to not going insane, especially when you are so busy you do not know what to do first.

A friend loves at all times (Proverbs 17:17), and doesn't let you get away with things.

Right now, i am thankful that rEcess is today.  Because of Easter we put it off one week and i have missed everyone.


To enjoy more blogs participating in the A to Z Challenge, click here.


Today is:

Anniversary of the Election of Pope Francis -- Holy See (Vatican City)

Blame Someone Else Day -- the first Friday the 13th of each year is the one time you get a free pass to blame someone else; started by Anne Moeller of Clio, Michigan on a Friday the 13th in 1982 when her alarm clock didn't go off, setting off a cascade of bad luck events for which she declared she should be allowed, just on that day, to Blame Someone Else!

Day to Give Thanks for Fish/Seafood -- anniversary of the US Fishery Conservation and Management Act 1976

Dogwood Festival -- Atlanta, GA, US (fine art, and beautiful trees; through Sunday)

Environmental Protection Day -- anniversary of the 1962 publication of Silent Spring

Fast and Prayer Day -- Liberia

Feast of Rotten Endings -- because some stories just don't end well

Holiday in Dixie -- Shreveport and Bossier City, Louisiana, US (ten days celebrating the Louisiana Purchase and what it meant to the US; at least, that's the formal excuse for a really fun party!)

Huguenot Day -- Huguenot Society of the US (anniversary of the 1598 Edict of Nantes, in which King Henry IV promoted peace between Catholics and Protestants)

Ides of April -- Ancient Roman Calendar; also
    Festival of Libertas -- personification of freedom and political liberty
    Festival of Jupiter Libertas
    Festival of Jupiter Victor

International Plant Appreciation Day -- unsponsored by any but those who love plants

Lailat al Miraj -- Islam (observance of Mohammed's night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem; began at sundown yesterday, local customs and dates may vary)

Laotian New Year's Eve -- Laos (celebrations of Pi Mai, the new year, last through the 15th and sometimes beyond; at the start of the monsoon season)

Mennonite Relief Sale -- Hutchinson, Kansas, US (Mennonite, Bretheren in Christ, and Amish congregations from all across the area auction quilts, grandfather clocks, furniture, tools and crafts to raise money for hunger relief worldwide, through tomorrow)

Natchitoches Jazz Festival -- Natchitoches, LA, US (what Louisiana is known for, food, music, and passing a good time! through tomorrow)

National Peach Cobbler Day

Ozark UFO Conference -- Eureka Springs, Arkansas, US (experts -?- from around the world meet to exchange the latest info on UFOs; through Sunday)

Poshui Jie -- Jinghong, China (Water Splashing Festival; a 3 to four day festival around this time)

Poteet Strawberry Festival -- Poteet, TX, US (one of Texas' oldest and largest festivals; through Sunday)

Scrabble Day -- anniversary of the 1899 birth of its inventor, Alfred Mosher Butts

Songkran Festival / Chiang Mai Songkran / Tamil New Year / Bangla New Year / Bisket Jatra -- Bangladesh; Cambodia; India; Laos; Myanmar; Nepal; Singapore; Sri Lanka; Thailand (New Year festivals, celebrated over the next few days, as the sun enters the zodiac sign of Aries)

Squashing of Moonhopper Day -- Fairy Calendar

St. Hermengild's Day (Patron of converts; against drought, flood, and thunderstorms)

Thingyan Eve -- Myanmar (Water Festival Eve; through the 16th)

Thomas Jefferson Day -- US

U.S. Elephant Day -- marking the arrival of the first elephant in the US in 1796

Yayoi Matsuri -- Nikko, Japan (five day spring festival)

Birthdays Today:

Jonathan Brandis, 1976
Rick Schroder, 1970
Garry Kasparov, 1963
Saundra Santiago, 1957
Max Weinberg, 1951
Peabo Bryson, 1951
Ron Pearlman, 1950
Al Green, 1946
Tony Dow, 1945
Lowell George, 1945
Jack Casady, 1944
Bill Conti, 1942
Paul Sorvino, 1939
Lyle Waggoner, 1935
Don Adams, 1926
Howard Keel, 1919
Eudora Welty, 1909
Samuel Beckett, 1906
Butch Cassidy, 1866
F.W. Woolworth, 1852
Thomas Jefferson, 1743
Guy Fawkes, 1570

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Arcadia"(Play), 1993
Casino Royale(Film), 1967
Silent Spring(Publication date), 1962
"El Capitan"(Operetta), 1896
"Messiah"(Oratorio, HWV 56), 1742

Today in History:

The Seventh Crusade is defeated in Egypt with the capture of Louis IX of France, 1250
Henry IV of France signs the Edict of Nantes, granting freedom of religion and political rights to Huguenots (French Protestants), 1598
John Dryden, age 36, becomes the first English Poet Laureate, 1668
George Frideric Handel's oratorio Messiah makes its world-premiere in Dublin, Ireland, 1742
The first elephant seen in the Western Hemisphere arrives from India, 1796
The British Parliament grants religious freedom to Roman Catholics, 1829
Hungary becomes a republic, 1849
The first US Pony Express run is completed, 1860
George Westinghouse patents a steam powered brake, 1869
The Metropolitan Museum of Art is founded, 1870
J.C. (James Cash) Penney opens his first store, 1902
British troops fire on unarmed demonstrators in Amritsar, India, killing at least 379 and wounding over 1,200 more, 1919
Helen Hamilton becomes the first woman US Civil Service Commissioner, 1920
Lord Clydesdale makes the first flight over Mt. Everest, 1933
The Jefferson Memorial is dedicated on the 200th anniversary of his birth, in Washington, D.C., 1943
Van Cliburn becomes the first American to win the Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow, 1958 
Sidney Poitier becomes the first African-American male to win the Best Actor Oscar for Lilies of the Field, 1963
An oxygen tank aboard Apollo 13 explodes, putting the crew in great danger and causing major damage to the spacecraft while en route to the Moon, 1970
The Universal Postal Union decides to recognize the People's Republic of China as the only legitimate Chinese representative, effectively expelling the Republic of China administering Taiwan, 1972
Western Union (in cooperation with NASA and Hughes Aircraft) launches the United States' first commercial geosynchronous communications satellite, Westar 1, 1974
Portugal and the People's Republic of China sign an agreement in which Macau would be returned to China in 1999, 1987
Tiger Woods becomes the youngest golfer to win the Masters Tournament, 1997
Former President of Egypt Hosni Mubarak and sons, Alaa and Gamal, are detained for 15 days of questioning regarding charges of corruption and abuse of power, 2011
The People's Republic of China and the U.S. agree to work towards eliminating nuclear weapons in the Korean Peninsula, 2013


  1. Love your cats. They are beautiful critters, and raising a one day old kitten is a big achievement.

  2. Aww! I liked the stories of each of them and the quote about Link heheh!

    Have a cheekytastic week :-)

  3. Every kitten will group up to have their own personality. Yes, I can see the mischievous eye of Link and I am sure Little Girlie is enjoying the soft bed!

  4. A purr-fect post. Right now I'm off to appreciate some fish and chips!

    A-Z of My Friend Rosey!

  5. It is fun to hear about your cats. Those are some cutie patooties. Hope all of you have a great day and a good week end too.

  6. I wonder how many cats do you have Mimi? You must be a cat lover. Me, I'm a dog lover. Woof, woof. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. Your kitties are adorable. Link and my Brody look so much alike. The reason I come to your blogger blog instead of wordpress is to see Link at the top :) Thank you for these great fill-in answers. Prayer is important. Have fun at rEcess, I think that is the best idea ever. XO

  8. Love knowing this is Blame Someone Else Day. As a youngest child in our family, this is something I was always good at. LOL

  9. Oh they are both so adorable and precious ~ lovely photos and post!

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. I love all your kitties. You do so many good things for kitties.

    I know you're busy and that's a good thing.

    rEcess was something I was telling hubby about the other night. We both think that's a wonderful thing to do.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  11. The comments about how you can tell that your cat is up to mischief is because he is breathing cracked me up :-) I love that you rescued cats and bottle fed them. You're a great person for doing that.

  12. I suspect that Link and our Smokey would make good friends, most of Smokey's waking moments are spent in pursuit of the next activity which might get attention, negative or not! :-)

    Little Girlie is a lot like my Sophie, who is 14 and spends most of her time napping, preferably up in the cat tree or on our soft bed, apart from the noise and commotion of the other furkids in the house. She is the sweetest of them all!

  13. I *knew* I was hankering for fish and chips for a solid reason! None of this whimsical, "just because" stuff, I'm giving thanks for fish!
    (I'd love to give thanks for peach cobbler and strawberries, too, but they're not here yet, so I'll hold off...)

  14. Love your adorable cat photos and wonderful post about your self ~

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. wow bottle fed from1 day old? Dedication to the max. Bless you!

  16. It is true that prayer is the secret to just about everything. Sometimes we forget to pray, but God has a way of reminding us. Have a great week.

  17. Both of these kitties are just darling.

  18. Mimi,

    I agree with you on prayer, my friend. It's the one thing that helps me to hold it together because I know I'm never alone. God is always nearby to hear my pleas and softly soothes my concerns. Thanks for visiting iPad Art Sketch 'L' is for Lamppost on Friday. I'm playing catch up this morning. Have a great week and happy A2Zing!


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