
Friday, April 27, 2018

A to Z: X-tra Cute Kittens (Feline Friday) and X-tra Fun Fill-ins

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)


Feline Friday was started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude, and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.
He has handed hosting duties off to Sandee, of Comedy Plus, and it's simple to join, just follow the link to Sandee's page for the rules and the code.

Kittens nap a lot, sort of like grown-up cats nap a lot.  Only kittens are sometimes cuter when they are napping.

The girls tend to sleep on their little brother and he does not seem to mind.


Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by McGuffy Ann Morris of McGuffy's Reader. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts! 

My fill-ins for the statements are underlined:

Week 103: April 27, 2018

1. I could really use ____________________.

2. ________________________ is a charity that I like to support.

3. One time, I broke                           , and                          .                   

4. I wish that I had                    , when I was young(er).

1. I could really use a lot of things, but a vacation comes to mind as one that i might actually get.
2. Mission to Haiti is a charity that i like to support.  It was founded by Pastor Nealey, and one of the earliest board members was one of the pastors who officiated at our wedding.  They do great work helping people in this poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere.

3. One time, i broke my ankle, and twice i broke my arm.  All three were when i was under 14.

4. I wish that i had gotten a degree in library science when i was younger -- i could have a good job now that would involve a lot more sitting down.


To enjoy more blogs participating in the A to Z Challenge, click here.


Today is:

Abolition Day -- Mayotte

America's Family Pet Expo -- Costa Mesa, CA, US (includes displays on any type of domesticated pet you can imagine, as put on by the World Pet Association; through Sunday)

Arbor Day -- US

Austin Food and Wine Festival -- Austin, TX, US (superstar chefs and sommeliers, over 40 cooking demos and wine seminars, private grand tastings and more; through Sunday)

Babe Ruth Day -- anniversary of the day dedicated to him in 1947 by every ball field in the US and Japan

Cape May's Spring Celebration -- Cape May, NJ, US (celebrating spring, Victorian lifestyle, and more; through May 20)

Dandelion Day/Springfest Weekend -- University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, US (annual celebration used as a respite to diffuse tension around exam time; through Sunday)

Freedom Day -- South Africa

Furze-Hopping Event -- Fairy Calendar

Hairball Awareness Day -- sponsored by Furminator (which product actually does work, by the way) and Hills Pet Nutrition

Independence Day -- Sierra Leone(1961); Togo(1960)

Interstate Mullet Toss / The Gulf Coast's Greatest Beach Party -- FloraBama Bar, Gulf Shores, Alabama, US (fish flingers stand on the Alabama side of the property and toss them onto the Florida side, with proceeds going to charity; through Sunday)

Jouvert Jump-Up -- Sint Maartin (Break of Dawn Parade and Festival)

"Just Pray No" Worldwide Weekend of Prayer and Fasting -- people around the world pray for healing for those who are addicted to drugs, through tomorrow

King's Birthday / Koninginnedag -- Kingdom of the Netherlands (Aruba, Curacao, Netherlands, and Sint Maartin); Bonaire, St. Eustatius, and Saba

Matanzas Mule Day -- remembering the only casualty of one of the first naval actions of the Spanish-American War, a mule in the village of Matanzas, Cuba

Morse Code Day -- birth anniversary of Samuel Morse

National Dream Hotline® -- sponsored by the School of Metaphysics, any time from this evening until Sunday night, call in and get your, or someone else's for that matter, dream interpreted

National Prime Rib Day

National War Veterans Day -- Finland

New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival -- NOLA, US (the best music and food festival around! through May 6)

Panoply® -- Huntsville, AL, US (comprehensive arts festival, including music, theater, dance, and a juried art show; through Sunday)

Polk County Ramp Tramp Festival -- Polk County, TN, US (come out and celebrate with the 4-H club the ramp, a local wild leek, and enjoy the Bluegrass music and games; through Saturday)

Resistance Day/Day of the Uprising Against the Occupying Forces -- Slovenia

Store Bededag — Denmark; Faroe Islands; Greenland (Great Prayer Day) 

St. Zita of Lucca's Day (Patron of butlers, domestic servants, homemakers, housemaids, lost keys, maids, manservants, people ridiculed for their piety, rape victims, servants, servers, single laywomen, waiters/waitpersons/waitresses; against losing keys)

Tell a Story Day -- US (no history of origin, although celebrated in many libraries)

The Ennead Sail Through the Land -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Togyu Taikai -- Tokunoshima Island, Japan (bull sumo, in which bulls push each other out of the ring, today and May 3-5)

Undiagnosed Children's Day -- sponsored by SWAN UK (Syndromes Without A Name), supporting families of children with undiagnosed genetic conditions

World Championship Wildfowl Carving Competition and Art Festival -- Ocean City, MD, US (carvings and sculpture of all sizes, for competition and for sale; through Sunday)

World Graphic Design Day

Write An Old Friend Today Day -- a real letter, in the mail, remember how exciting it is to get those?

Anniversaries Today:

Ringo Starr marries Barbara Bach, 1981
Cornell University is established as New York's land grant institution, 1865

Birthdays Today:

Patrick Stump, 1984
Sheena Easton, 1959
Ace Frehley, 1951
Cuba Gooding, Sr., 1944
Earl Anthony, 1938
Sandy Dennis, 1937
Anouk Aimee, 1932
Casey Kasem, 1932
Coretta Scott King, 1927
Jack Klugman, 1922
Walter Lantz, 1900
Sergei Prokofiev, 1891
Jessie Redmon Fauset, 1882
Ulysses S. Grant, 1822
Samuel Morse, 1791
Mary Wollstonecraft, 1759
Edward Gibbon, 1737
Suleiman the Magnificent, 1495

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Chips with Everything"(Play), 1962
"Le roi de Lahore/The king of Lahore"(Opera), 1877
"Roméo et Juliette"(Opera), 1867
"L'africaine/The African Woman"(Meyerbeer Opera), 1865

Today in History:

Ferdinand Magellan is killed by natives in the Philippines led by chief Lapu-Lapu, 1521
Re-founding of the city of Bogotá, New Granada (now Colombia), by Nikolaus Federmann and Sebastián de Belalcázar, 1539
Cebu is established as the first Spanish settlement in the Philippines, 1565
The blind and impoverished John Milton sells the copyright of Paradise Lost for £10, 1667
The British Parliament passes the Tea Act, 1773
Beethoven composes Für Elise, 1810
US troops capture the capital of Upper Canada, York  (present day Toronto, Canada), 1813
The Foundation stone for new Palace of Westminster, London, is laid, 1840
The establishment of Jewish congregations in Lower Austria is prohibited, 1857
The steamboat Sultana, carrying 2,400 passengers, explodes and sinks in the Mississippi River, killing 1,700, most of whom are Union survivors of the Andersonville and Cahaba Prisons, 1865
In South Africa, the Group Areas Act is passed formally segregating races, 1950
Togo gains independence from French-administered UN trusteeship, 1960
Sierra Leone is granted its independence from the United Kingdom, 1961
Expo 67  officially opens in Montreal, Canada, 1967
Xerox PARC introduces the computer mouse, 1981
The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, comprising Serbia and Montenegro, is proclaimed, 1992
Betty Boothroyd becomes the first woman to be elected Speaker of the British House of Commons in its 700-year history, 1992
Russia and 12 other former Soviet republics become members of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, 1992
The first democratic general election in South Africa, in which black citizens could vote is held, 1994
The last successful telemetry from the NASA space probe Pioneer 10 is received, 2002
The superjumbo jet aircraft Airbus A380 makes its first flight from Toulouse, France, 2005
Construction begins on the Freedom Tower for the new World Trade Center in New York City, 2006
Estonian authorities remove the Bronze Soldier, a Soviet Red Army war memorial in Tallinn, amid political controversy with Russia, 2007
The wives and children of former Osama bin Laden are deported from Pakistan to Saudi Arabia, 2012


  1. How I would love to be able to nap as well as a kitten - or a cat.
    Love your fill-ins too.

  2. Your sentences are fantastic love From sunny Europe

  3. Cute to see the kittens nap.
    Good post. Enjoyed reading them:)

  4. I am putting the Mullet Toss on my list of "Parties I Hope to Attend"!

  5. Those kittens sure are cute. The definitely made me smile this morning. Have a great day.

  6. How cute LQQKS like they are having a nice naptastic time :-)

  7. Yes kittens are far cuter when they are sleeping. I agree with you on that point.

    Love your Friendly Fill-ins. You are a wonderful person.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and a wonderful weekend. ♥

  8. Those kittens are so darn cute. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. You definitely deserve a vacation. Sorry you are not a librarian, I guess God had other plans for you. You do help a lot of people through your work. XO

  9. I LOVE those sleeping kittens. It makes my heart full to see them like that.

  10. Kittens are so astonishingly cute! I really wanted to pick them up. I think I'll try that quiz, just out of interest.

  11. Such adorableness! Makes me want to cuddle with all of them. I'm not sure that there's much cuter than a kitten sleeping, except for a pile of kittens sleeping :-)

  12. I just don't understand why you humans are always yammering on about this "vacation" thing. Cats never need a vacation. We do what we want, when we want and how we want. It's a purrfectly wonderful life.
    Purrs & Head Bonks,


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