
Saturday, April 28, 2018

A to Z: Yes, i am thankful. (Ten Things of Thankful)

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.) 


Why, i wondered, did the letter Y have to fall on Saturday, when i list my thankfuls?  Then i realized, i shouldn't grouse, but instead be grateful.

For what shall i be grateful today?  And it has to start with Y.  Let's see.

Well, how about you. And you.  And you, too.  To the collective You who read my silly meanderings, i am thankful for you.  Many of you comment, and i am most grateful.  You make this a fun endeavor.

Yesterday -- i am grateful for yesterday.  Thankful that i got through cleaning two houses, the cat shelter, and helping serve the dinner at the Presbytery meeting at the church.  Then getting this post ready, which i almost ran out of time to do!

Believe it or not, i am thankful for the ability to yawn.  Also i am grateful for how cute a kitten yawn is.

The cheerful color yellow is a day brightener.

It makes me thankful to know that i don't have to yell unless the house is on fire.

Youth is a beautiful thing.  Age is lovely, too, don't get me wrong.  It's nice, though, to have young people around.

Being short, my yardstick comes in handy for dislodging things that are up high and getting them to fall to where i can reach them.

While i never got the hang of a yo-yo when i was a kid (mine would always just yo), i am thankful to be able to watch other people do neat tricks with them.

The aging yearbooks on my shelf are fun to pull down once in so often for reminiscing.

Yoga.  When i can make myself take the time to do it, i do feel better after.

Josie Two Shoes is the wonderful hostess of Ten Things of Thankful.  Why not join the party and link up your list of thankfuls today?


To enjoy more blogs participating in the A to Z Challenge, click here.


Today is:

Biological Clock Day -- the "biological clock gene" that governs the`circadian rhythm in mice was isolated on this day in 1994

Chicken-Tickling Day -- Fairy Calendar (Leprechauns)

Cubicle Day -- ??? 

Eeyore's Birthday -- Austin, TX, US (Eeyore never need feel forgotten again; Austin celebrates his birthday as a fundraiser for local charities, with fun for all)

Feast of Jamal(Beauty) -- Baha'i

Festival of Floralia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (three day festival to Flora, goddess of flowers and vegetation)

Foxfield Races -- Charlottesville, VA, US (annual steeplechase)

Great Poetry Reading Day -- make sure you read some great poetry today

Hidaka Hibuse Matsuri -- Mizusawa, Iwate Prefecture, Japan (through the 29th; floats, child musicians, traditional costumes, and fun)

International Tabletop Day -- encouraging people to play games on a table, not online, face to face   

James Monroe Birthday Celebration -- Charlottesville, VA, US (at his home, Ash Lawn-Highland)

Kiss Your Mate Day -- guys, do not forget this one, in case she reads it somewhere on the internet; kiss her, then read her a great poem

Mississippi River Valley Scenic Drive -- Mississippi River valley of southeast Missouri, US (several scenic small towns along the valley have homemade goodies, quilt shows, history tours, entertainment, and more; through Sunday)

National Blueberry Pie Day

National Day of Mourning -- Canada (In conjunction with Workers' Memorial Day and World Day for Safety and Health at Work, honoring those injured or killed on the job)

National Go Birding Day -- US (but feel free to participate wherever you are, birding is fun!)

National Herb Day -- different from the HerbDay in May, and unsponsored

National Heroes Day -- Barbados

National Rebuilding Day -- US (270,000 volunteers help rebuild and repair homes for the elderly and disabled)    

National Sense of Smell Day -- US (sponsored by the Sense of Smell Institute, encouraging museums and science centers to focus on how the sense of smell plays an important role in daily life and how it interacts with other senses; While celebrating, remember those with anosmia [diminished ability or totaly inability to smell])

Pay It Forward Day -- International (begun in the US as National Pay It Forward Day, it is now observed in over 80 countries; this year the global initiative wants to inspire over 10 million acts of kindness around the world!)    

Penguin Day -- different sponsor from World Penguin Day, but you can't have enough days dedicated to these cute guys, can you?    

Redbud Trail Rendezvous -- Rochester, IN, US (living history along the Tippecanoe River; through tomorrow)

Rip Cord Day -- the first successful jump with a parachute that used a rip cord was this day in 1919 by Leslie Erwin of the U.S. Army Air Corps

Sa die de sa Sardinia -- Sardinia, Italy (Sardinia Day, celebrating the uprising of 1794)

Save the Frogs Day -- Save The Frogs Day is the world's largest day of amphibian education and conservation action    

Southern Maryland Celtic Festival & Highland Games -- St. Leonard, MD, US (competitions in fiddling, bagpipe, Celtic harp, and dancing, heptathlon, Celtic marketplace and foods, parade of clans, and more)

St. Peter Chanel's Day (Patron of Oceania)
    Saint Pierre-Chanel Day -- Wallis and Fortuna

Sts. Vitalis and Valeria's Day (Patrons of Thibodeaux, Louisiana)

Victory Day -- Afghanistan

Workers Memorial Day / World Day for Safety and Health at Work -- International (remembering all who have lost their lives or been injured on the job)

World Healing Day / World Tai Chi and Qigong Day     

World's Biggest Fish Fry -- Paris, TN, US (parades, auto shows, arts and crafts, and of course, all-you-can-eat catfish dinner; through the 29th)

World Veterinary Day -- World Veterinary Association     

Anniversaries Today:

Maryland becomes the 7th US State, 1788

Birthdays Today:

Jenna Ushkowitz, 1986
Jessica Alba, 1981
Penelope Cruz, 1974
Jorge Garcia, 1973
Nicklas Lidstrom, 1970
John Daly, 1966
Elena Kagan, 1960
Ian Rankin, 1960
Nancy Lee Grahn, 1958
Mary McDonnell, 1952
Jay Leno, 1950
Marcia Strassman, 1948
Ann-Margaret, 1941
Harper Lee, 1926
Oscar Schindler, 1908
Erich Salomon, 1886
Lionel Barrymore, 1878
Mifflin Wister Gibbs, 1828
James Monroe, 1758

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"One Man's Family"(Radio), 1932

Today in History:

Nichiren Buddhism is founded, 1253
Captain William Bligh and 18 crewmen from the HMS Bounty are set adrift, 1789
Chinese and Irish laborers for the Central Pacific Railroad working on the First Transcontinental Railroad lay 10 miles of track in one day, a feat which has never been matched, 1869
Azerbaijan  is added to the Soviet Union., 1920
The first night game in organized baseball  history takes place in Independence, Kansas, 1930
A vaccine  for yellow fever is announced for use on humans, 1932
Thor Heyerdahl and five crew mates set out from Peru on the Kon-Tiki, 1947
The Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty (Treaty of Taipei) is signed in Taipei, Taiwan between Japan and the Republic of China to officially end the Second Sino-Japanese War, 1952
Charles de Gaulle resigns as President of France, 1969
The Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure is signed, 1977
Millionaire Dennis Tito becomes the world's first space tourist, 2001
According to the WHO, leading causes of death in the world include chronic illnesses such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes, 2011
In recognition of democratic reforms, the European Union opens an office in Burma, 2012


  1. OK, so...

    The Mullet Toss...
    then Mississippi River Valley Scenic Drive ,
    with breaks for Blueberry Pie.

    I am getting this fantasy trip organized, my friend!

  2. Yay! Yay for all the things you found for the letter Y. YES! Yoga does make one feel better. Kitty yawns are kute! Have a good week, Mimi. The A-Z is almost finished!

  3. You Know Mimi, youth is wonderful but as you get older. you realize that being older does have it's great points as long as you have your good health. If not. it sucks.
    Have a great Saturday my friend. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  4. Whilst Youth is wonderful, it is great to have many Years of experiences to look back upon. Happy birthday to my favourite crime writer, Ian Rankin. I met him for a chat over coffee last year!

    A-Z of My Friend Rosey!

  5. I'm thankful for you. I've enjoyed following you and your family for a very long time. Thank you for allowing me to do so.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  6. That is a very clever use of the letter "Y" :-) I laughed when I read the part about using a yardstick. I'm short as well and yardsticks sure can come in handy at times.

  7. It makes me smile to read all your Y thankfuls. I agree with being thankful that we can yawn. Having to stifle a yawn if so hard. I was able to use a yo-yo, but couldn't do tricks using a yo-yo.
    I wonder if Cubicle Day is a day all those who work in a cubicle get to come out and socialize a bit.:-)

  8. Very impressive list of y thankfuls. I always enjoy your posts.

  9. Fun (and surely, challenging) TToT list! Y's while helpful with rhymes are one of the more frivolous of the letters of the alphabet, at least when it comes to starting up a word.

  10. What a great list of thankfuls! Yo-yos, yawns, and yardsticks probably don't get a lot of attention, but each serves a purpose.


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