
Friday, May 18, 2018

Food Does It (Feline Friday) and Friendly Fill-Ins

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)  


Feline Friday was started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude, and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.
He has handed hosting duties off to Sandee, of Comedy Plus, and it's simple to join, just follow the link to Sandee's page for the rules and the code.

The Charismatic Enigma SissyCat, a/k/a Little Sissy or Quadpod, doesn’t stand still often for pictures. 

To get her to hold still, it usually takes food.


Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by the new cohost of the Fill-Ins, The Menagerie Mom of Four-Legged Furballs. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts!      

My fill-ins for the statements are underlined:

1. Happiness is _________.

2. Ten years ago, I _________.

3. _________ is the best medicine.

4. Most people don't know that I _________.

Happiness is elusive, and what makes us happy changes with time.  Right now, having two good working vehicles would make me happy.

Ten years ago, i was ten years younger than i am right now.  Really, i was.  Ten years ago, my eldest child was still a minor!

Gratitude is the best medicine.  Try it and see.

Most people don't know that i had a lot of allergies as a child, including to cats!


Today is:

Apollon Day -- Ancient Roman Calendar (god of music, poetry, sunlight)

Art Fair and Winefest -- Washington, MO, US (the largest tasting if state wines, juried art show, and more; through Sunday)

Asakusa Sanja Matsuri -- Tokyo, Japan (sake and processions of elaborate mini shrines celebrate the goddess of mercy and the three fishermen; through Sunday)

Battle of Las Piedras Day -- Uruguay

Bike to Work Day 2018 -- the League of American Bicyclists have urged you to celebrate this day the third Friday of May ever since 1956   

Dermott's Community Fest -- Dermott, AR, US (formerly the Dermott Crawfish Festival, it still proves mud bugs aren't just for Cajuns any more! carnival, music, street dances, tons of crawfish and more through tomorrow)

Electra Goat BBQ Cook Off & Craft Show -- Electra, TX, US (with a salsa dance contest, Cow Patty Drop, live bands, games, a Jackpot Steak & Beans Competition, there is something here for everyone; through tomorrow)

Fishing Has No Boundaries, Hayward Event -- Hayward, WI, US (sponsored by Fishing Has No Boundaries, Inc., a non-profit with the goal of opening the great outdoors through the sport of fishing to the disabled; the Hayward event is their biggest each year, and runs through tomorrow) 

Flag and University Day --  Haiti

I Love Reeses Day -- as voted in by lovers of the candy a few years ago

International Museum Day -- International Council of Museums (ICOM

International Virtual Assistants' Day -- acknowledging the dedication, experience, expertise, and determination of virtual professionals; no longer sponsored, but the The International Virtual Assistant's Association is still around

Magnolia Blossom Festival and World Championship Steak Cook-Off -- Magnolia, AR, US (all the usual fun, with a steak eating contest, live entertainment, and an art show;through tomorrow)

Maifest -- Mainstrasse Village, Covington, KY, US (celebrating German tradition and welcoming the first spring wines; through Sunday)

Moonbeam Hopping Gala -- Fairy Calendar

National Cheese Souffle Day

National Defense Transportation Day -- US (remembering the contributions of people working in the transportation industries)

National Pike Festival -- Fayette County, Pennsylvania, US (through the 20th)

National Pizza Party Day -- as declared by Garlic Jim's Famous Gourmet Pizza, on the 3rd Friday of May; Garlic Jim's holds a contest for school students to nominate their favorite teacher, and the winning teacher gets a free pizza party for the class on this day

No Dirty Dishes Day -- spread around the internet by a mom who needed the break, possibly; go ahead, break out the paper plates just on this day

Restoration of Somaliland Sovereignty Day -- Somaliland Region, Somalia

Revival, Unity, and Poetry of Magtymguly Day -- Turkmenistan

Rhododendron Festival -- Florence, Oregon, US (parades, flower show, car show, carnival and more; through Sunday)

Rhubarb Festival -- Intercourse, Pennsylvania (come on out and enjoy the music, games, rhubarb-inspired foods, and lots of family fun, including the Rhubarb Race Car Derby and best pie contest; through tomorrow)

St. Eric's Day (Patron of Sweden)

St. Theodotus' Day (Patron of hotel keepers and innkeepers)

Syttende Mai -- Stoughton, WI, US (come celebrate the Norwegian heritage of this town with a three day colorful gala named after Norwegian Constitution Day; through Sunday)

Visit Your Relatives Day -- if they are great, go have fun; if awful, go remind yourself why you moved so far away!

World Goodwill Day -- commemorates the opening meeting of 26 nations in the First Hague Peace Conference, 1899

Anniversaries Today:

Henry II of England marries Eleanor of Aquitaine, 1152

Birthdays Today:

Tina Fey, 1970
Jari Kurri, 1960
Chow Yun-Fat, 1955
Rick Wakeman, 1954
George Strait, 1952
James Stephens, 1951
Tom Udall, 1948
Reggie Jackson, 1946
Brooks Robinson, 1937
Dwayne Hickman, 1934
Robert Morse, 1931
Pernell Robers, 1930
Pope John Paul II, 1920
Margot Fonteyn, 1919
Perry Como, 1912
Big Joe Turner, 1911
Meredith Willson, 1902
Frank Capra, 1897
Wilhelm Steinitz, 1836
Omar Khayyam, 1048

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Le roi malgré lui / King in Spite of Himself"(Opera), 1887

Today in History:

The Principality of Antioch, a crusader state, falls to the Mamluk Sultan Baibars in the Battle of Antioch, 1268
Vasco da Gama reaches the port of Calicut, India, 1498
Playwright Thomas Kyd's accusations of heresy (under torture) lead to an arrest warrant for Christopher Marlowe, 1593
John Winthrop takes the oath of office and becomes the first Governor of Massachusetts, 1631
Rhode Island passes North America's first anti-slavery law, 1652
Fire destroys a large part of Montreal, Quebec, 1763
The first United Empire Loyalists reach Parrtown, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada after leaving the United States, 1783
Napoleon Bonaparte is proclaimed Emperor of the French by the French Senate, 1804
The destruction of Saturdays forever after:  Edwin Budding of England signs an agreement for manufacture of his invention, lawn mower, 1830
The Disruption in Edinburgh of the Free Church of Scotland from the Church of Scotland, 1843
The United States Supreme Court rules in Plessy v. Ferguson that separate but equal is constitutional, 1896
A mass panic on Khodynka Field in Moscow during the festivities of the coronation  of Russian Tsar Nicholas II results in the deaths of 1,389 people, 1896
Bram Stoker's Dracula is published, 1897
The Earth  passes through the tail of Comet Halley, 1910
Jackie Cochran becomes the first woman to break the sound barrier, 1953
Under project Smiling Buddha, India successfully detonates its first nuclear weapon, 1974
Mount St. Helens erupts in Washington, United States, killing 57 people and causing $3 billion in damage, 1980
In France, a modified TGV train achieves a new rail world speed record of 515.3km/h (357.2 mph), 1990
Photos from the Hubble Space Telescope confirm the existence of two additional moons, Nix and Hydra, around Pluto, 2005
A landmark bill passes in Nepal curbing the power of the monarchy and making it a secular country, 2009


  1. LOL SissyCat isn't stupid is she haha!

    Have a posetastic weekend :-)

  2. Our Jewel always hid when the camera came out. Even food didn't tempt her to stay.
    You are so very right about gratitude. A gift which keeps on giving.

  3. Those are some great fill-in answers. That kitty looks just like our Mahoney. You all have a fantastic day.

  4. Did you outgrow your allergies? I'm allergic to cats as well, but that didn't stop me from having some :-)

  5. Mimi,

    You're allergic to cats? Amazing! I am, too. You're right about happiness changing. It's funny how the simplest or ordinary things can make us happy. I never thought about gratitude being good medicine but you're right. If you have heart of gratitude then every thing else falls into place. Thanks for sharing and have a good weekend, my friend.

  6. " To get her to hold still, it usually takes food. " You know Mimi, I'm the same way with me. Ha,ha,ha.
    Have a great day my friend. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. SissyCat is a gorgeous girl. Thank you for these great fill-in answers. I am glad you are no longer allergic to cats. Gratitude is the best medicine- along with a purring cat :) Have a nice weekend!XO

  8. Hmm. wish I could go back 10 years to be younger. Wouldn't that be great!

  9. SissyCat is just like my Eddy, so unwilling to sit still for that camera. I'm glad SissyCat stood still for this shot, as she is gorgeous! And thank you for joining in on the Fill-Ins! I adore your answer to #3. Gratitude is something that, though I am certainly not perfect at it, I try so hard to practice. Have a wonderful day!

  10. I love your kitty. She's a pretty girl.

    Gratitude is a very good thing. You've got that in spades.

    I so wish you had two dependable cars.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and a wonderful weekend. ♥

  11. oh my goodness...allergic to cats? Oh no!Have a gratitude filled day!

  12. Some cats are very photogenic! I hope the cars situation will work out well for you.

  13. A cat allergy is no fun. When Suzanne and I first got married, we found out I was highly allergic to cats. The doctor told me I had two choices, take shots or get rid of the cats. I chose option C. That was do nothing. Finally, the cat allergy burned itself out. Now, I can hold even furry Martha and not get a bit of a reaction.

    Have a blessed week.


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