
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

It’s been a week — Random and Fun Tuesday

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)


It's time once again for a random and fun Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus.  

Well, let's see, what has happened this past week?  Lunceford went in for work again, as noted on Saturday.  You just can't trust an 18-year-old alternator, can you?

Grandma had me come and clean her house.  Her housekeeper took a week off because of a serious cut on her hand, and then skipped again because of Independence Day.  (Yes, i worked on Independence Day.)  

The whole time i was there, every time i would pick something up to clean under it i would mutter under my breath, i wonder when was the last time this got cleaned.  One time Grandpa heard me and said he often wondered the same thing.

In the end, the place was clean, even Grandpa's room that he tries to put off limits.  It's easy, i just wait until he is busy in his office or running an errand and then i sneak in.  He doesn't like it, but i got my stubborn from him, so he can't complain.

Sunday was another session with the grand-dogs.  That little Jezzie just goes and goes until she flops down to sleep.  Pepe has taken to hiding from her when they are here, she can't climb the stairs yet so he runs up to get away.  He's going to be one sad dog when she figures out how to climb.

Dr. D put me to work researching alternative pain therapies, including low level light therapy.  It turns out she has one of the infrared heat lamps the book she bought was talking about, so we hauled it out of storage and cleaned it up, and she is going to use it.  It certainly can't hurt is what i figure.

We also had a discussion about having some things "hanging over your head," and how you live with that.  We both came to the conclusion that in life, it's always something, and the sooner you get used to that and learn to live with it, the better.

Besides, we will have all eternity in heaven trouble-free, what do we expect down here?

After spending so much time cleaning other people’s houses, this is rather how i feel:

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!


Today is:

Alpenfest -- Gaylord, MI, US (a Swiss inspired festival for the whole family that includes "The World's Largest Coffee Break"; through Saturday)

Armed Forces Day -- Mauritania

Carnival Tuesday -- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Clerihew Day -- in honor of the poetic form he invented, the clerihew:
    Edmund's middle name was Clerihew
    A name possessed by very few
    But verses by Mr. Bentley
    Succeeded eminently!

Cow Appreciation Day® -- sponsored by Chick-fil-A; wear any kind of cow apparel and get a free entree!

Don't Step On A Bee Day -- Wellcat Holidays wants to remind you, when going barefoot this time of year, watch out!

Edmonton International Street Performers Festival -- Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (the finest street performers anywhere; through Sunday)

Feast Day of Knut the Reaper, Hela, Holda, and Skadi -- Norse deities whose celebration this day is due to their later association with Danish King Canute the Great

Independence Day -- Bahamas(1973)

Lady Godiva Day -- tradition says she took her famous ride on this day in 1040

National Pina Colada Day

Pick Blueberries Day -- variously set on different days in July depending on the website; with blueberries being so good for you, find a day to go gather or buy some soon

Silence Day -- followers of Meher Baba

St. Amalburga's Day (Patron of people with fever; Ghent, Belgium; against arm pain, bruises, and fevers)

Teddy Bear Picnic Day -- no idea why today, especially when the author of the song, Jimmy Kennedy, was born on July 20

Uniwaine / Unaine Day -- Kiribati (Senior Citizens' Day, specifically Elderly Men's Day / Elderly Women's Day)

Anniversaries Today

Wyoming becomes the 44th US State, 1890

Birthdays Today

Jessica Simpson, 1980
Andre Nolan Dawson, 1954
Arlo Guthrie, 1947
Sue Lyon, 1946
Ron Glass, 1945
Virginia Wade,1945
Arthur Ashe, 1943
Lawrence Pressman, 1939
Jerry Herman, 1933
David Norman Dinkins, 1927
Fred Gwynne, 1926
Jean Kerr, 1923
Jake LaMotta, 1921
Eunice Kennedy Shriver, 1921
David Brinkley, 1920
Don "Mr. Wizard" Herbert, 1917
John Gilbert, 1897
Edmund Clerihew Bentley, 1875
Mary Jane McLeod Bethune, 1875
Marcel Proust, 1871
Nikola Tesla, 1856
Adolphus Busch, 1839
James Whistler, 1834
George Mifflin Dallas, 1792
William Blackstone, 1723
John Calvin, 1509

Debuting/Premiering Today:

The Fox And The Hound(Animated film), 1981
"Your Hit Parade"(TV), 1950

Today in History

Julius Caesar barely avoids a catastrophic defeat to Pompey in Macedonia at the Battle of Dyrrhachium, BC48
The most severe of several early fires of London burns most of the city to the ground, 1212
Lady Jane Grey takes the throne of England, 1553
Alexander Mackenzie reaches the Mackenzie River delta, 1789
The Vellore Mutiny is the first instance of a mutiny by Indian sepoys against the British East India Company, 1806
The United States takes possession of its newly bought territory of Florida from Spain, 1821
Big Ben, the great bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London, rings for the first time, 1859
The eruption of Tarawera volcano destroys the famous pink and white calcium carbonate hot-spring terraces of North Island, New Zealand, 1886
Meher Baba, self declared Avatar of the Age, begins his silence of 44 years; his followers observe Silence Day on this date in commemoration, 1925
In Dayton, Tennessee, the so-called "Monkey Trial" begins with John T. Scopes, a young high school science teacher accused of teaching evolution in violation of the Butler Act, 1925
Howard Hughes sets a new record by completing a 91 hour airplane flight around the world, 1938
Telstar, the world's first communications satellite, is launched into orbit, 1962
Boris Yeltsin begins his 5-year term as the first elected President of Russia, 1991
In London scientists report the findings of the DNA analysis of a Neanderthal skeleton which supports the "out of Africa theory" of human evolution, 1997
Spain opens its first mosque since the Moors were expelled in 1492, in Granada, 2003
France O'Grady is appointed the first female General Secretary by Britain's Trade Union Congress, 2012


  1. I had never looked at hoarders in quite that way before...

  2. What's this you say? Houses need cleaning? Oh dear....

  3. I rather like your perspective on being trouble free in Heaven! I'll have to keep that in mind next time I want to complain about silly ailments and illnesses. You'll have to let us know how the low level light therapy turns out. Interested in knowing.

  4. Pretty bad if your grandparents have a maid whom you were cleaning for … and you are thinking the house is still that dirty. Sounds like they may need a new maid.

    I'm sorry you had to work on Independence Day but glad you had the opportunity to make a little more money. :)

  5. Oh my you worked on the 4th. Will bugger. I'm sure your grandparents appreciated it though.

    I hope all your vehicles are working just fine.

    I remember a hoarder from my youth. She had a beautiful house on the outside. The inside was mind-blowing.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

  6. You are a very hardworking person and I am sure your grandparents appreciate having you over to clean their place. God bless you!

  7. Laughed twice about your blog, you mentioning stubborn Grandpa. I can relate, family has mentioned my being very much like my Grandpa in the stubborn department... And that comment about Hoarders. I just finished cleaning out a bunch of newspapers I had not tied for recycling. Amazing how those things can procreate. It reminded me of that program!


  8. Car troubles are a pain. I like this cartoon, I think I will go watch Hoarders to make myself feel better about all the dust in my house. :)

  9. neat post and favorite is the 'hoarders' cartoon!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. I had my own little Big Ben party - I pulled up an audio of it striking 12 while I hummed "Happy Birthday".
    Gosh, I love the sound of that thing.

  11. "The United States takes possession of its newly bought territory of Florida from Spain, 1821"

    I probably was taught this in school...however I appreciate that you posted this today as a reminder!!

    Lisa (from south Florida)


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