
Monday, July 9, 2018

New Sisters Can Be Pesky (Awww Monday) and Inspiring Quote of the Week

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)


Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee, of Comedy Plus.

Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays.  Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that's it.

Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you.  What better way to start the week than with a smile!

Jezzie keeps her big brother, Pepe, hopping:

Hey, pay attention to me!

I'm going to eat your ear!

Come this way, big brother!

Then she drags a piece of newspaper from the floor into the cat bed for a nap:

Three guesses why there's newspaper on the floor!


Sparks! from McGuffy's Reader is on haitus, so here's an Inspiring Quote of the Week:


Today is:

Call of the Horizon Day -- can't find any history on this one, but if the idea of following your dreams over the Horizon has ever called you, take the time to follow today!

Carnival Monday -- Saint Vincent and Grenadines 

Central Maine Egg Festival -- Pittsfield, Maine (more fun with eggs than you ever thought you could have; through Saturday)

Constitution Day -- Australia; Palau

Constitutionalist Revolution Day -- São Paulo, Brazil

Don't Put All Your Eggs In One Omelet Day

Feast of Our Lady of Chiquinquira (Patron of Colombia; the Venezuelan National Guard)

Gospel Day -- Kiribati

Independence Day -- Argentina(1816); South Sudan

International Town Criers Day

Kaustinen Folk Music Festival -- Kaustined, Finland (the largest international music festival in the Nordic countries; through Sunday)

Martyrdom of the Bab -- Baha'i

Muffler Appreciation Day -- if you've ever had a loud vehicle, you will understand why someone started this one

National Sugar Cookie Day -- what could be simpler or more versatile?  make them plain or make them fancy, but be sure you make enough!

Nunavut Day -- NU, Canada

Offerings to Heru and Amun -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (day Heru hears prayers in the presense of the Netjers; date approximate)

Sempach Battle Commemoration -- Lucerne, Switzerland (remembrance of the battle in 1386 includes a solemn procession to the battlefield and services in the chapel)

Shiman Rokusen-nichi -- Sensou-ji Temple, Asakusa, Tokyo (Day of 46,000; a visit to the temple on this day through tomorrow credits you the same as visiting 46,000 times on ordinary days)

St. Mary Hermina Grivot's Day (Patron of martyrs)

Anniversary Today:

Steven Cauble marries Lisa Whelchel, 1988

Birthdays Today

Mitchel Musso, 1991
Kiely Williams, 1986
Fred Savage, 1976
Jack White, 1975
Courtney Love, 1964
Kelly McGillis, 1957
Tom Hanks, 1956
Fred Norris, 1955
Jimmy Smits, 1955
Margaret Gillis, 1953
John Tesh, 1952
Chris Cooper, 1951
Mitch Mitchell, 1947
O.J. Simpson, 1947
Richard Roundtree, 1942
Brian Dennehy, 1938
David Hockney, 1937
Vince Edwards, 1928
Ed Ames, 1927
Mathilde Krim, 1926
Ottorino Respighi, 1879
Elias Howe, 1819
Anne Ward Radcliffe, 1764

Today in History

Roman  military commander Avitus is proclaimed emperor of the Western Roman Empire, 455
Henry VIII annuls his marriage to Anne of Cleves (his 4th wife), 1540
In Versailles, the National Assembly reconstitutes itself as the National Constituent Assembly and begins preparations for a French constitution, 1789
The Act Against Slavery is passed in Upper Canada and the importation of slaves into Lower Canada is prohibited, 1793
The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution is ratified guaranteeing African Americans full citizenship and all persons in the United States due process of law, 1868
In Provident Hospital on Chicago’s South Side, black surgeon Dr. Daniel Hale Williams performed the first successful open-heart surgery, 1893
Queen Victoria gives royal assent to an Act creating the Commonwealth of Australia thus uniting separate colonies on the continent under one federal government, 1900
Johnny Weissmuller swims the 100 meters freestyle in 58.6 seconds breaking the world swimming record and the 'minute barrier', 1922
The Russell-Einstein Manifesto is released by Bertrand Russell in London, 1955
In a seminal moment for pop art, Andy Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans exhibition opens at the Ferus Gallery in Los Angeles, 1962
Margaret Thatcher begins her second term as British prime minster, 1982
South Africa is readmitted into the Olympic movement after 30 years of exclusion, 1991
The African Union is established in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2002
South Sudan gains independence and secedes from Sudan, 2011
During his visit to Bolivia, Pope Francis asks for forgiveness for the Catholic Church for its offenses against indigenous peoples of the Americas, 2015
Atthaya Thitikul becomes the youngest winner on the Ladies' European Golf Tour at age 14 years, 4 months, winning the Thailand Championship, 2017


  1. Lucille Ball is right.
    I am the only girl in our family. I know that at least one of my brothers didn't welcome my arrival (we are very close now).

  2. Aww! aren't they cute heheh!

    I liked the quote I agree with that too :-)

    Have an awwtastic day :-)

  3. I like the Call of the Horizon...
    (and puppies. I like puppies, too.)

  4. Mimi,

    Excellent 'SPARKS' quote. I think I'd rather have the same regrets, too. Jezzie just wants to have a bathroom right off from her bedroom is all. :) I rather like the idea of Horizon Day. I hadn't heard of this one before. Have a sparkletastic week, my friend!

  5. Lucille Ball was a great gal. Love the playful doggy friends.

  6. Love your Spark. That's the second Lucille Ball quote today. Awesome.

    Awww on the babies. They do pester each other, but I don't think they mind one bit. I have guessed why there is paper on the floor.

    Have a woof woof Awww Monday. My best to your peeps. ♥

  7. Oh, how cute! I love the newspaper in the cat bed. And I think I know why there's paper on the floor :-)

  8. Such cute pups. And great spark. I love Lucy!

  9. Oh the doggies are so cute and fun together ~ love the photos especially the one with the newspaper in the dog's bed!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. It's good to know that Jezzie keeps up with the daily news. :)


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