
Saturday, August 25, 2018

A Lovely Day (Ten Things of Thankful)

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)


It was one of those occurrences that you don't know for sure is going to happen until it does.  Yes, i'm talking about my day off this past week.

When you clean homes and offices, and people expect you there every week or every other week, a day off can be as rare as a hen's tooth.

My thankful list this week has everything to do with that lovely day. 

Ms. V is every other Thursday, and she and the family are out of town.  Thus i am thankful i got to go over to her house on Monday afternoon (when Ms. JAI cancelled) and on Wednesday after the cat shelter (when Ms. G cancelled), and had the whole place done and over by Wednesday afternoon at 2pm.  (Why am i doing their house when they are gone?  Because they leave the place looking like a bomb went off, and want to come home to some semblance of tidy.  It took me and Sweetie twelve hours of combined work to give it to them.  Yes, they pay by the hour.)

Thanks to Sweetie, who gave up some of his own free time to help me, i didn't have to work until late Wednesday evening.

Since i'd saved a bit of money for the possibility that it would work out, i went to the store and i am thankful i treated myself to some vegan ice cream and a couple of other items.

On Thursday morning, i am thankful i didn't have to listen to the alarm and i got up a bit after 7am.  (That may not sound much like sleeping in to some, but there are days when i'm at work at 5am.)

When i did get up, i am thankful i was able to simply meander downstairs and have a leisurely breakfast.

Then i am thankful for my morning nap.

The granddogs were here, so i am thankful i had plenty of time to play with them.

Also i am thankful for my afternoon nap.

Instead of being on a schedule and having to cram in meals on the go, or wait until i got home to eat, i am thankful i got to snack and graze and enjoy eating my treats all through the day.

There was a small project i wanted to do in the house, and i got to do it when i was ready and at my own pace.

Reading and relaxing were the order of the day, and it was so good.

When i decided i was good and ready to go lie down Thursday evening, i did so, and had no trouble falling asleep.

As planned, i traveled no further than my own mailbox the whole day, which is very restful when most days require at least an hour of travel to get to all of the places you need to go.

Altogether it was a fabulous day, and i am so very thankful i got the break, it really refreshed me a lot.

Counting up blessings and listing things for which you are thankful is a fabulous exercise.  It always reminds me of just how blessed i really am.

Please join us and our gracious and wonderful hostess Kristi from ThankfulMe, write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful.    


Today is: 

Bartletide -- West Witton, Yorkshire Dales, UK (a/k/a Burning Bartle, a ceremony in which a straw effigy of Owd Bartle, a sheep thief of yore, is paraded, then burned after sunset, as a warning to the light fingered; always on the Saturday nearest St. Bartholemew's Day, which is August 24)

Be Kind to Humankind Week: Speak Kind Words Saturday   

Birthday of Horus -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Chung Yuan (Zhongyuan) Festival -- China (Festival of Hungry Ghosts; according to legend, during this 7th lunar month the souls of the dead are released from Purgatory to wander the Earth, and so today is the day to appease those spirits with joss stick burning, prayers and food, "ghost money", and other offerings; dates of this vary in other countries)

Corvette Crossroads Auto Show -- Mackinaw City, MI, US (show that includes a Corvette parade across the Mackinaw Bridge; through tomorrow)

Country Fair and Auction -- McHenry, MD, US (sponsored by the local Mennonite churches, a good old-fashioned time of family fun)

Day of Songun -- North Korea

De Ducasse -- Ath, Belgium (Giants of Ath Festival or Wedding of the Giants, a celebration since medieval times in which "Goliath" marries, then goes to do battle with David; through tomorrow)

Discovery of the Runes/Odin's Ordeal ends -- Ancient Norse Calendar (date approximate)

Ferret Buckeye Bash -- Colombus, OH, US (ferret show)

Independence Day -- Uruguay(1825)

International Bat Night -- through tomorrow, go enjoy these wonderful creatures; or

Kiss and Make Up Day -- a day begun by Jacqueline V. Milgate to encourage people to make amends and repair relationships if they need to

Koenji Awa Odori Festival -- Suginami City, Tokyo, Japan (thousands dance in the streets, through tomorrow)

National Banana Split Day -- some sites have it as Aug. 10

National Park Service Day -- US (legislation creating the National Park Service was signed this day in 1916 by President Wilson)

National Second-Hand Wardrobe Day -- pull out the hand-me-downs or thrift store purchases and wear them with pride!

Opiconsivia -- Ancient Roman Calendar, Vestal Virgin Festival in honor of Ops

Rumpleskunkskin's Bride Escapes to Heewigoland Anniversary -- Fairy Calendar (Fairy celebration, Goblins get grumpy)

Saddleworth Rushcart -- Saddleworth, West Yorkshire, England (similar to rushbearing, a cart goes through the area with Morris men, the bounds of the area are checked for enemy breaches, rushes are gathered to line the church floor, and there is celebrating, gurning, wrestling, singing, and a final procession tomorrow to St. Chad's Church at Uppermill for the 11am service)

Schemitzun(Green Corn Pow Wow) -- Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation (through tomorrow, Pow Wow and presentations of Native heritage to all)

Sheep Market Fair -- Ho, Denmark (annual sheep market and family fair; through tomorrow)

Soldier's Day -- Brazil

St. Genesius of Arles' Day (Patron of notaries, secretaries; against chilblains, scurf)

St. Genesius of Rome's Day (Patron of actors, attorneys, barristers, clowns, comedians, comediennes, comics, converts, dancers, epileptics, lawyers, musicians, printers, stenographers and torture victims)

St. Louis, King of France's Day (King Louis IX; Patron of barbers, bridegrooms, builders, button makers, construction workers, Crusaders, difficult marriages, distillers, embroiderers, French monarchs, grooms, haberdashers, hairdressers, hair stylists, kings, masons, needle workers, parenthood, parents of large families, passementiers, prisoners, sculptors, sick people, soldiers, stone masons, stonecutters, tertiaries, trimming makers; Québec, Québec; Saint Louis, Missouri; Blois, France; Carthage, Tunisia; La Rochelle, France; New Orleans, Louisiana; Oran, Algeria; Saint-Louis, Haut-Rhin, France; Saint Louis, Missouri;`Versailles, France; Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Louis; against the death of children)

Usuki Stone Buddhas Fire Festival -- Usuki, Japan (torchlight at twilight lights the regions mysterious Buddha statues; includes a beach party!)

Vuelta a Espana -- Spain (the third of cyclings' prestigious Grand Tours; through Sept. 16)

Whiskey Sour Day

Birthdays Today

Blake Lively, 1987
Rachel Bilson, 1981
Alexander Skarsgard, 1976
Claudia Schiffer, 1970
Rachael Ray, 1968
Albert Belle, 1966
Cornelius O’Landa Bennett, 1966
Blair Underwood, 1964
Joanne Whalley, 1964
Ally Walker, 1961
Billy Ray Cyrus, 1961
Tim Burton, 1958
Elvis Costello, 1954
Gene Simmons, 1949
John Savage, 1949
Martin Amis, 1949
Anne Archer, 1947
Anthony Heald, 1944
Frederick Forsyth, 1938
Regis Philbin, 1933
Tom Skerritt, 1933
Wayne Shorter, 1933
Sean Connery, 1930
Althea Gibson, 1927
Monty Hall, 1923
Leonard Bernstein, 1918
Walt Kelly, 1913
Ruby Keeler, 1909
Clara Bow, 1905
Hans Adolf Krebs, 1900
Ludwig II, "Mad King" of Bavaria, 1845
Francis Bret Harte, 1836
Allan Pinkerton, 1819
Ivan the Terrible, 1530

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"42nd Street"(Musical), 1980
The Wizard of Oz(Film), 1939

Today in History

The Council of Nicaea ends with the adoption of the Nicene Creed, 325
The Children's Crusaders under Nicholas reach Genoa, 1212
The Honourable Artillery Company, the oldest surviving regiment in the British Army, and the second most senior, is formed, 1537
Galileo demonstrates his first telescope to Venetian lawmakers, 1609
Hundreds of French settlers arrive in New Orleans, which had been founded only a few months before, marking its true beginnings as a city, not just an outpost, 1718
James Cook begins his first voyage, 1768
Alice Meynell becomes the first female jockey, in England, 1804
British forces destroy the Library of Congress, which then contained about 3,000 books, 1814
The New York Times perpetrates the Great Moon Hoax, 1835
Captain Matthew Webb becomes the first person to swim the English Channel unassisted, 1875
Kitasato Shibasaburo discovers the infectious agent of the bubonic plague and publishes his findings in The Lancet, 1894
The United States National Park Service is created, 1916
Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to fly nonstop across the US, 1932
US Army officer and missionary John Birch is killed by the armed supporters of the Communist Party of China, considered by some as the first victim of the Cold War, 1945
Zimbabwe joins the United Nations, 1980
Voyager 2 spacecraft makes its closest approach to Saturn, 1981
Tadeusz Mazowiecki is chosen as the first non-communist Prime Minister in Central and Eastern Europe, 1989
Mayumi Moriyama becomes Japan's first female cabinet secretary, 1989
The Tli Cho land claims agreement is signed between the Dogrib First Nations and the Canadian federal government in Rae-Edzo (now called Behchoko), 2003
Acting as a private citizen, former President Jimmy Carter travels to North Korea to negotiate the release of Aijalon Gomes, a U.S. citizen, 2010
Voyager 1 spacecraft, launched in 1977, becomes the first Earth launched craft to enter interstellar space, 2012
Category 4 Hurricane Harvey makes landfall in Texas northeast of Corpus Christi with 130 m.p.h. winds, 2017


  1. Your day off sounds like total bliss. I am so very glad.

  2. So wonderful for you to finally get to spend some "me time" and do the things that u enjoy doing without having to watch and go by the time! So good of your Sweetie to help you out with your job. An extra pair of hands makes a lot of difference!

  3. Glad to know today is National Second-Hand Wardrobe Day. I've been working on clearing out so today I will take to Salvation Army:-)

  4. Sure glad to hear you had such a nice day. Sounds like you deserved it.Hope hope you have some more good ones.

  5. What a lovely day off. You used it wisely too. This post made me smile.

    Have a fabulous weekend, my friend. ♥

  6. I admire you naptitude for short, daytime sleep. (I used to enjoy naps but, somehow, have lost the ability to nap. At least in the sense of a short sleep and waking up refreshed. No to short and not to refreshed. oh well).
    And to have it (a surprise day off) in the 'middle' of the week (as opposed to a long(er) weekend must have been extra enjoyable.

  7. That is a wonderful list of thankfuls. I am glad you got some naps in- they are the best :)

  8. Sleeping in to 7:00 is glorious! While I'm not at work for 5 am, I do set the alarm for 5. Notice, I did not say "get up at 5" lol
    It is quite apparent how "Sweetie" acquired that moniker :)
    It sounds as if your "snack and graze" day was a most enjoyable day off.

  9. What a wonderful day you had! I'm glad things worked out like they did, so you could have a day of relaxation.

    I didn't know that a there was a National Banana Split Day. I used to love eating those when I was a kid. They were served in those special dishes long enough for the bananas sliced lengthwise, served with three kinds of ice cream (chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla) topped with lots of whipped cream and a maraschino cherry on top.

  10. Congratulations on a 2-nap day! That sounds really nice!


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