
Sunday, August 26, 2018

In Need of Respite (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)   


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus no longer hosts a Silly Sunday blog hop, don't expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes.

Clothile done be tryin' to iron de shirt fo' Boudreaux fo' de work, an' she smell sumpin' awful!  It jes' be de worse, so she look an' she done grab de window cleaner instead o' de spray starch.

So she decide she need to rest, an' nex' t'ing she know, she be tryin' to put de baby in the closet an' de ironin' board in de crib!

She call Boudreaux at work, an' she say, "I t'ink I be losin' my mind!"

An' Boudreaux say, "I know, an' I's goin' hire a sitter fo' de baby fo' tomorrow so you can gets a day off."

Den Clothile ax, "Dat be so sweet 'o you, but how you know I need me a day off?"

An' Boudreaux say, "I know 'cause all you done made me fo' lunch be a jam sammich!"

So Clothile say, "Well, I know I gen'rally put meat in you sammich, but dat don' soun' so bad, a sammich wit' jam in it."

An' Boudreaux say, "Mais, no, you don' unnerstan'.  You done give me a jam sammich today.  You jes' jam two pieces o' bread together an' dey don' got ennyt'ing 'tween 'em!  Dat be how I know you need you a day off!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  It is now hosted by River at Drifting Through Life.  

Grandma is still going fairy garden crazy:


Today is:

Be Kind to Humankind Week: Sacrifice Our Wants For Others Needs Sunday  

Birthday of Set -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Burning Man 2018 -- Black Rock Desert, NV, US (through Sept. 3; a radical way to celebrate the arts through desert survival and building a 50-foot statue to be burned)

First Thnork of the Year -- Fairy Calendar

Full Sturgeon Moon a/k/a Full Red Moon, Green Corn Moon, or Grain Moon
    Native Wild Rice Harvest -- Northern Cree, Ojibwa, and Algonkian Native Americans (celebrated during the August full moon; if there are two full moons in August, it is during the second)
    Nikini Full Moon Poya Day -- Sri Lanka 
    Raksha Bandhan -- CG, GJ, MP, RJ, UK, & UP, India; Nepal (the Hindu festival that celebrates the the love and duty between brothers and sisters)
    Wahgaung Full Moon -- Myanmar 

Go Topless Day -- US (on the Sunday closest to  Women's Equality Day, Aug. 26, stand up for women's right to go topless in public)     

Heroes Day -- Namibia

Ilmatar Day -- Finland (Water Mother, goddess of the heavens)

Make Your Own Luck Day -- for those who refuse to sit around and wait for it

National Cherry Popsicle Day

National Day of Repentance -- Papua New Guinea

National Dog Day -- sponsored by the Animal Miracle Foundation     

Notting Hill Carnival -- Notting Hill, London, UK (through tomorrow's August Bank Holiday Monday, the 2nd largest street festival in the world)

Pony Express Festival -- Hollenberg Pony Express Station, Hanover, KS, US (reenacting life in the 1860's, including a real Pony Express ride)

St. Adrian of Nicodemia's Day (Patron of butchers, prison guards, soldiers; against plague)

Women's Equality Day -- US (commemorates Women's Suffrage)

Yoshida no Hi Matsuri -- Yoshida, Japan (fest to mark the end of Mt. Fuji climbing season; through tomorrow)

Birthdays Today:

Chris Pine, 1980
Macaulay Culkin, 1980
Christopher Burke, 1965
Branford Marsalis, 1960
Ben Bradlee, 1921
Mother Teresa, 1910
Albert Bruce Sabin, 1906
Christopher Isherwood, 1904
Peggy Guggenheim, 1898
Lee de Forest, 1873
Albert "Bertie" von Saksen-Coburg-Gotha, husband of queen Victoria, 1819
Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, 1743
Joseph-Michel Montgolfier, 1740

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Cincinnati Reds vs. Brooklyn Dodgers Doubleheader(first MLB games televised), 1939
"Lightnin'"(Play), 1918
"Elijah"(Mendelssohn Op. 70 MWV A25), 1846

Today in History:

Michelangelo is commissioned to carve the Pieta, 1498
The Pennsylvania Ministerium, the first Lutheran denomination in North America, is founded in Philidelphia, 1748
John Fitch is granted a US patent for his working steamboat, 1791
Charles Thurber patents a typewriter, 1843
The first news dispatch by telegraph is made, 1858
Major eruption of Krakatoa, 36,000 dead, 1883
19th Amendment to the US Constitution, granting women the vote, takes effect, 1920
The first Major League Baseball game is telecast, 1939
The USSR announces the first successful test of an ICBM, 1957
The Charter of the French Language is adopted by the National Assembly of Quebec, 1977
John Paul I is elected Pope, 1978
The agreement on how to divide the Czech Republic and Slovakia is signed, 1992
Russia unilaterally recognizes the independence of the former Georgian breakaway republics Abkhazia and South Ossetia, 2008
Israel requests that Germany arrest Klaas Carel Faber, a Nazi war criminal who killed 20 Jews at Westerbork concentration camp, 2010
Fifteen-year-old New Zealand golfer, Lydia Ko, becomes the youngest LPGA Tour event winner and the first amateur winner since 1969, 2012
Half a million people take part in a peace march in Barcelona, following terrorist attacks, 2017


  1. One of my brothers used to make cheese and jam sandwiches with no bread. A piece of cheese spread with jam, topped with another piece of cheese.
    Those fairy gardens are amazing. And a lot of work.

  2. I would like to go to Burning Man - altho' I suspect I would be a complete fish out of water.
    And hot. Really, really hot...
    But still...

  3. Bwahahahahahahahaha. I love your Cajun jokes.

    Oh your grandmas fairy gardens are so pretty.

    Have a blessed Sunday, my friend. ♥

  4. LOL so funny although I do love a real jam sandwich heheh!

    I like your grandmas fairy gardens they are so cute hehe!

    Have a jamtastic Sunday :-)

  5. Fun Cajun joke and wonderful fairy gardens too!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores

  6. That was funny :) Every time I see these photos I am very tempted to get some pieces for my plant pots.

  7. " Grandma is still going fairy garden crazy: " Mimi, I love them all. A very intelligent woman. See ya my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

  8. Those fairy gardens are so cute....very clever, and much appreciated, I'm sure. :)


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