
Monday, November 26, 2018

Come And Get 'Em (Awww Monday) and Inspiring Quote of the Week

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.) 


Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee, of Comedy Plus.

Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays.  Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that's it.

Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you.  What better way to start the week than with a smile!

If you want a kitten for Christmas, now is a great time:


Sparks, the brainchild of Annie of McGuffy's Reader, is on hiatus, so here's an Inspiring Quote of the Week in her honor.


Today is:

Cider Monday -- celebrating the drink of the season, hot, spiced apple cider

Cyber Monday -- another excuse to buy stuff, the traditional beginning of the online shopping season

Constitution Day of the Republic of Abkhazia -- Abkhazia

Day of the Covenant -- Baha'i

Day of the Tan-Wallopers -- Fairy Calendar

Good Grief Day -- birth anniversary of Charles Schultz

Icelandic Calendar Month Ylir (Whiner) begins -- named after the whining winter winds

Independence Day -- Mongolia(1924)

National Cake Day

Sojourner Truth Day -- died this day in 1883

St. John Berchmans' Day (Patron of alter servers, Oblate novices, young people)

Throw Out Your Leftovers Day -- if you've had it since Thanksgiving, and haven't frozen it or eaten it yet, get rid of it

Weihnachtsmarkt auf dem Romerberg -- Frankfurt, Germany (Frankfurt Christmas Market, including glockenspiels, trumpets, and bells rung from 9 churches at regular intervals; through Dec. 22)

Zibelemarit -- Bern, Switzerland (Onion Market Festival, in front of the Federal Palace, one of the country's best known and most popular autumn markets, always on the fourth Monday in November to commemorate the granting of market right to people after great fire of Berne in 1405.)

Anniversaries Today:

Founding of Sigma Alpha Mu in the City College of New York, by 8 Jewish young men, 1909
The first official Thanksgiving in the US, by presidential proclamation, 1789
Founding of the University of Notre Dame, 1842
Founding of Kappa Alpha Society, the oldest surviving US college fraternity, 1825

Birthdays Today:

Natasha Bedingfield, 1981
Shannon Dunn, 1972
Garcelle Beauvais-Nilon, 1966
Dale Jarrett, 1956
Tina Turner, 1939
Rich Little, 1938
Robert Goulet, 1933
Charles Schultz, 1922
Eugene Ionesco, 1912
Eric Sevareid, 1912
Lefty Gomez, 1908
Mary Edwards Walker, 1832
Sarah Moore Grimke, 1792
John Harvard, 1607
Emperor Go-Daigo of Japan, 1288

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Anarchy in the UK"(Sex Pistols single release), 1977
"The Price is Right"(TV), 1956
"Twenty Questions"(TV), 1949
Casablanca(Film), 1942
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland(Publication date), 1865

Today in History:

The Second Triumvirate alliance of Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus ("Octavian", later "Caesar Augustus"), Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, and Mark Antony is formed, BC43
Vlad III Dracula (Vlad the Impaler)defeats Basarab Laiota with the help of Stephen the Great and Stephen V Bathory and becomes the ruler of Wallachia for the third time, 1476
The first lion exhibited in the US makes his debut in Boston, 1716
Captain James Cook becomes the first European to visit Maui, 1778
The Catholic Apostolic Prefecture of the United States established, 1784
The first national US Thanksgiving is celebrated, 1789
The first streetcar railway in the US begins operation in NYC, fare 12 cents, 1832
The refrigerated railway car is patented by J.B. Sutherland of Detroit, Michigan, 1867
The first photograph of a meteor is taken, 1885
The National Hockey League is formed, with the Montreal Canadiens, Montreal Wanderers, Ottawa Senators, Quebec Bulldogs, and Toronto Arenas as its first teams, 1917
King Tut's tomb is opened by English archaeologist Howard Carter, 1922
Four young lads from Liverpool have their first recording session under the interesting name "The Beatles", 1962
Tony Blair becomes the first Prime Minister of the United Kingdom to address the Republic of Ireland's parliament, 1998
Concorde makes its final flight, over Bristol, England, 2003
A male Po'ouli (Black-faced honeycreeper) dies of Avian malaria in the Maui Bird Conservation Center in Olinda, Hawaii before it could breed, making the species in all probability extinct, 2004
NASA launches the Mars Science Laboratory, its largest rover ever, 2011
UK nonprofit Raspberry Pi releases its $5 Zero computer, sells out in a day, 2015


  1. Those cute kitties make beautiful Christmas gifts. Hope they will find good homes and owners who will care and love them.

  2. I do hope the kittens find furever homes.

  3. Aww! their adorable it would be so hard to walk away without one

    Have a kittentastic day :-)

  4. I'm not quite that precipitous with my leftovers - I allow for another couple of days. (Life on the Wild Side, that's me!)

  5. Mimi,

    I placed one Cyber Monday purchase earlier this morning. :) Cider that sounds like fun. Maybe, I'll make some hot spiced cider today. Those kittens are so cute. It looks like their saying, "Please someone claim us, so we can get out of the big house!" Poor little things need a home! :( Have a furtastic week, my friend!

  6. I hope someone adopts those kittens. They're absolutely adorable!

  7. Awww, on all those precious kitties. I hope they all find a forever home and soon.

    Love your Spark. It's ever so true. Mine sure has been.

    Have a purrfect Awww Monday and week, my friend. ♥

  8. I do hope someone rescues all those little cats!

  9. Such adorable kittens. Great spark too.

  10. Monday was very hot here...and today, Tuesday already feels like its headed in a similar direction!

  11. Sweet kitties and hope they get adopted real soon ~ what a gift! ~ And wishing you a wonderful week ~ day by day ~

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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