
Sunday, November 25, 2018

Keeper of the List (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.) 


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

We got to see Santa arrive in the Macy Parade, which to me signals the start of the Christmas Season.

After dey done eat de feast on T'anksgivin', Tee Boudreaux done be talkin' 'bout how he be wantin' to see Père Noel at de mall, an' he want Boudreaux or Clothile to done take him.

He be goin' on an' on, an' fin'ly Boudreaux say, "Tee, you done be thirteen years, what fo' you want to be goin' to see Père Noel?"

An' Tee say, "Mais, I want ax him where de naughty girls live!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It is now hosted by River at Drifting Through Life.  

While we don't get the range of color you would see up north, some of our trees do look pretty this time of year:


Today is:

Anniversary of Moquegua City -- Peru (founded this date in 1541)

Ashi Vanguhi -- Ancient Persian Calendar/Zoroastrian (celebration of Ashi Vanguhi, or Holy Blessing; date approximate, but always two days after a full moon around this time of year)

Birth of Prophet Mohammad and of Imam Sadegh -- Iran

Cat-Napping Convention -- Fairy Calendar

Celebration of Christ The King -- Christian (final Sunday of the Ecclesiastical Year) related observance
    Stir Up Sunday -- the day to get your Christmas plum pudding started

Day Sacred to Proserpina -- Ancient Roman Calendar (also Persephone, of the Greeks, the Wheel goddess of the Underworld, often associated with St. Catherine; see below)

Evacuation Day -- 19th Century New York City (withdrawal of British troops in 1783)

Handel's Messiah Sing-Along -- East Room of the Nixon Library, Yorba Linda, CA, US (two seatings available for this beautiful and enjoyable event, singing along with a master choir and orchestra)

Hari Guru -- Indonesia (Teacher's Day)

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women -- UN
    White Ribbon Day -- International (if you know a victim of violence, help break their silence! because domestic violence affects all of society)

Mangé Yam -- Haiti (fete de la moisson; a yam harvest festival)

National Day -- Bosnia and Herzegovina (commemorates the 1943 declaration of statehood within Yugoslavia)

National Don't Utter A Word Day -- internet generated, and variously listed as the 25th of November, February, or May; pick one if you want

National Parfait Day

Persephone Day (a/k/a Kore) -- Ancient Greek Calendar (celebration of her as wheel goddess of the underworld; date approximate, but she is often associated with St. Catherine; see below)

Saint Catherine of Alexandria's Day -- of the Catherine Wheel, sometimes associated with the Wheel of Karma and the Hindu Kali; one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers (Patron of apologists, archivists, attorneys, barristers, craftsmen who work with wheels of any sort, dying people, educators, girls, jurists, knife grinders and sharpeners, lawyers, librarians, libraries, maidens, mechanics, millers, nurses, old maids, philosophers, potters, preachers, scholars, schoolchildren, scribes, secretaries, spinners, spinsters, stenographers, students, tanners, teachers, theologians, turners, University of Paris, unmarried girls, and wheelwrights; Aalsum, Netherlands; Bertinoro, Italy; Camerata Picena, Italy; Dumaguete, Philippines; Heidesheim am Rhein, Germany; Kuldiga, Latvia; Mähring, Germany; Saint Catharines, Ontario; Zejtun, Malta; Zurrieq, Malta) related observance
    Women's Merrymaking Day -- Women go 'Cath'rining' and have a good time (in some places, especially France, women may propose marriage on this day)

Shopping Reminder Day -- exactly a month until Christmas

Srefidensi -- Suriname (Republic Day/Independence Day)

Statehood Day -- FBiH, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tori No Ichi -- Japan (the third and final "rooster day" of November, so called because it is held on the three days of the rooster this month, in which to wish good luck and prosperity at temple and shrine ceremonies around the country, and celebrate with a fair)

Totensonntag/Ewigkeitssonntag -- Germany (Sunday of the Dead/Eternity Sunday; a general celebration and memorial of all who have died, decreed to be celebrated in Lutheran Churches by King Frederick William III of Prussia in 1816)

Vajiravudh Day -- Thailand

Birthdays Today:

Barbara and Jenna Bush, 1981
Jerry Ferrara, 1979
Donovan McNabb, 1976
Eddie Steeples, 1973
Christina Applegate, 1971
Jill Hennessy, 1968
Cris Carter, 1965
Amy Grant, 1960
John F. Kennedy, Jr., 1960
Bucky Dent, 1951
John Larroquette, 1947
Ben Stein, 1944
Joe Jackson Gibbs, 1940
Lenny Moore, 1933
Paul Desmond, 1924
Ricardo Montalban, 1920
Joe DiMaggio, 1914
Solanus Casey, 1870
Carry Nation, 1846
Karl F. Benz, 1844
Andrew Carnegie, 1835

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Iolanthe: or, The Peer and the Peri"(Comic opera), 1882

Today in History:

A tsunami, caused by the earthquake in the Tyrrhenian Sea, devastates Naples (Italy) and the Maritime Republic of Amalfi, among other places, 1343
The siege of Granada, the last Moorish stronghold in Spain, begins, 1491
A deadly earthquake rocks Shemakha, in the Caucasus, killing 80,000 people, 1667
The Great Storm of 1703, the greatest windstorm ever recorded in the southern part of Great Britain, reaches its peak intensity which it maintains through November 27. Winds gust up to 120 mph, and 9,000 people died, 1703
First English patent granted to an American, for processing corn, 1715
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is founded, 1758
Farmer's Almanac first published, 1792
The Greek frigate Hellas arrives in Nafplion to become the first flagship of the Hellenic Navy, 1826
A cyclone slams India with high winds and a 40 foot storm surge, destroying the port city of Coringa (never to be entirely rebuilt again); the storm wave sweeps inland, taking with it 20,000 ships and thousands of people. An estimated 300,000 deaths result from the disaster, 1839
Alfred Nobel patents dynamite, 1867
John B Meyenberg of St Louis patents evaporated milk, 1884
American College of Surgeons incorporates in Springield, Illinois, 1912
First Thanksgiving Day Parade is held in Philadelphia, 1920
690 earthquake shocks recorded in 1 day in Ito, Japan, 1930
The first Soviet liquid fuel rocket attains altitude of 261' (80m), 1933
Woody Woodpecker debuts with release of Walter Lantz's "Knock Knock", 1940
New Zealand ratifies the Statute of Westminster and thus becomes independent of legislative control by the United Kingdom, 1947
Agatha Christie's murder-mystery play The Mousetrap opens at the Ambassadors Theatre in London later becoming the longest continuously-running play in history, 1952
The Minneapolis Thanksgiving Day Fire destroys an entire city block, 1982
The United Nations establishes the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women to commemorate the murder of three Mirabal Sisters for resistance against the Rafael Trujillo dictatorship in Dominican Republic, 1999
Powerful storm brings 3 years worth of rain in 4 hours to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, sparking terrible floods, 2009
Switzerland's Bern Art Museum agrees to accept artworks looted from their Jewish owners by the Nazis, 2014
The longest known frozen embryo to be successfully born is delivered in Tennessee - Emma Wren Gibson, frozen 24 years ago, 2017


  1. Your trees are lovely. I like the green ones AND those with some autumnal colour.

  2. I love the russets and golds of autumn, which doesn't happen much here in the city, but the hills area where one of my children lives is glorious every year round about Easter for a month or two.

  3. Your pictures look a lot like what I saw on my Thanksgiving travel.

  4. We used to get a lot of color when I lived in Pennsylvania. Here in Arizona things are pretty green for the desert because we had some serious monsoons this summer.

  5. Those trees are so pretty and that blue sky is wonderful!

  6. Hey, he's a very smart young boy or should I say man. Ha,ha,ha. I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving Mimi and I hope that you are getting ready for Christmas. I put the Christmas tree up yesterday and I'm ready.Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle All The Way, Oh What Fun It Is To Ride In A One Horse Open Sleigh. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. St. Catherine gets around, doesn't she?

  8. Beware of the "Naughty Girls."

  9. Bwahahahahaha on the joke. Naughty girls are often sought out. Great joke.

    You have about the same fall colors we do. We have a lot of palm trees here.

    Have a blessed day and week, my friend. ♥

  10. LOL @ the joke heheh!

    I liked the photos LQQKS like summer still the trees look good for this time of year we rarely get a blue sky in London let alone in November heheh!

    Have a naughtytastic week :-)

  11. Those are some great pictures with lots of colors.The joke made the Mom laugh out loud. You have a great day.

  12. That was a fun joke :) Great photos.


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