
Sunday, April 14, 2019

Retirement Work (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.) 


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

Grandma wanted to go to Michaels, where the first thing she saw was a cart to hold art supplies.  She turned to me and said, "Do you want one?"  When i noted that i had no need for it, she said, "Well, I want one."  A blue one went into the cart, as did some paint and beeswax (which with the trouble bees are having these days has become very expensive), and she insisted on buying me an apron which i've wanted forever, a canvas one with pockets.

On the way home, i offered to put the cart together for her.  She said, "Oh, yes, please, because if I ask Grandpa, he will do it but he won't like having to do it and he'll put it off and when he finally does it he will cuss under his breath the whole time!"

That reminds me of Boudreaux.  He done be retire, an' he done got hims frien's allus axin' him to he'p dem wit' stuff.

One day, Clothile done be fussin' "You allus gots time fo' you frien' to he'p dem, but when I done tol' you do som'pin aroun' de house, you don' do it."

Thibodeaux done hear Clothile complain, an' de nex' time Boudreaux come over to he'p him, he say, "Boudreaux, I done hear Clothile complain dat you he'p you frien' now you be retire, but you don' he'p her.  Why dat be?"

An' Boudreaux say, "Mais, now dat I be retire, I done got all de time in de worl' fo' work, as long as it don' be de work I's suppose to do!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It is now hosted by River at Drifting Through Life.       

Elephant's Child almost always participates, too.    

Grandma's new work:

The cart we got:

Put together:

Why do i have the feeling this cart will be overflowing by the next time i go down there?


Today is:

Ambedkar Jayanti -- India (birth anniversary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, father of the Indian Constitution)

Americas Day -- Honduras

Bisket Jatra -- Nepal (Nepali New Year)

Black Day -- South Korea (for those who got neither Valentine's gifts nor White Day gifts; singles wear black and get together to eat black noodle soup)

Celebrations in the Houses of Ra, Osiris, and Horus -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Cleaning for a Reason Week begins -- raising awareness of Cleaning For A Reason, which helps provide free residential cleaning to women fighting cancer   

Day of Mologa -- Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia (commemorates the destruction of the town of Mologa during the construction of the Rybinsk Reservoir)

Day of the Georgian Language -- Georgia (marking the 1978 protests of Soviet attempts to suppress the Georgian language)

Elfin Choir Congress -- Fairy Calendar

Ex Spouse Day -- why?

Gio to Hung Vuong Day -- Vietnam (National Day; celebrating the founding of the nation by Emperor Hung Vuong some three millenia ago)

Global Day to End Child Sexual Abuse -- sponsored by The Innocence Revolution   

International Moment of Laughter Day -- started by Izzy Gesell   

Kamakura Matsuri -- Kamakura and the Tsurugaoka Hachiman Shrine, Japan (parades, festival, and celebrating spring; through next Sunday)

Kinetoscope Day -- the first commercial exhibition of motion pictures through Edison's "peep show" device occurred on this day in 1894

Look Up At The Sky Day -- internet generated, no history on this one, but if it's a pretty day, take advantage of it (some sites say April 12, but since we don't know who started it, today is fine)

National Dolphin Day -- US

National Love Our Children Day -- sponsored by STOMP Out Bullying and Love Our Children USA

National Pet ID Week -- the third full week of April, you are reminded to make sure your pets are microchipped or have an ID tag, just in case

N'Ko Alphabet Day -- Mande Language Speakers

Palm Sunday/Passion Sunday -- Christian/Orthodox Christian
    Semana Santa -- Holy Week in Spain and Spanish speaking areas; special celebrations:
         Mexico -- through the country, but especially in Chiapas, with processions, costumes, and even fireworks, music, dance, and syncretic rituals
         Seville, Spain -- with hundreds of shuffling penitents in their hoods making the torch lit processions through the town; through Easter)

Pan American Day -- Order of the American States

Pathologists' Assistant Day -- US (American Association of Pathologists' Assistants)     

Ramnawami / Ramanavami / Chaitay Dashain -- India; Nepal (Hindu celebration of the birth of Lord Rama, avatar of Vishnu)
    Swaminarayan Jayanti -- birth of Lord Swaminarayan for followers of the Swaminarayan tradition

Rato Machhindranath Jatra -- Nepal (chariot races for the god of rain; cannot confirm this year's date, but always begins mid-April)

Reach as High as You Can Day -- internet generated, and listed on various dates; a good idea, anyway, whenever you decide to celebrate it

Runic Half Month of Man (humanity) begins

Sacrifices to Leto, Pythian Apollon, Zeus, Hermes, and the Dioscuri in the Deme of Erichia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate)

Sidereal Equinox New Year Celebrations -- throughout South and Southeast Asia, including
   * Assamese New Year, or Rongali Bihu (India's Assam Valley)
   * Bengali New Year, or Pohela Boishakh (Bangladesh and India's West Bengal state)
   * Burmese New Year, or Thingyan (Burma)
   * Hindu and Sikh New Year, or Vaisakhi (Punjab region)
   * Khmer New Year, or Chol Chnam Thmey, most commonly celebrated on April 13 (Cambodia)
   * Lao New Year, or Songkan / Pi Mai Lao, generally celebrated from 13 to 15 April (Laos)
   * Malayali New Year, or Vishu (India's Kerala state)
   * Nepali New Year, or Bikram Samwat / Vaishak Ek (Nepal)
   * Oriya New Year, or Maha Visuba Sankranthi (India's Orissa state)
   * Sinhalese New Year, or Aluth Avurudhu (Sri Lanka)
   * Tamil New Year, or Puthandu (India's Tamil Nadu state)
   * Thai New Year, or Songkran, celebrated from 13 to 15 April (Thailand)
   * Tuluva New Year, or Bisu (India's Karnataka state)

Sommarsblot -- Ancient Norse Calendar (celebration of the coming summer, with sacrifices to the gods over the next several days; through Walpurgis/May 1)

Spring Hula Hooping Day -- try out the old hula hoop one more time, then toss it

St. Benezet's Day (Patron of bachelors, bridge builders; Avignon, France)

St. Lydwina of Schiedam's Day (Patron of ice skating/roller skating/skaters, prolonged suffering, sick people; Schiedam, Netherland; against bodily ills and sickness) 

St. Peter Gonzalez's Day (Patron of boatmen, mariners, sailors, watermen)

St. Tiburtius' Day (Considered the day the cuckoos return to England for the spring)

Takayama Spring Festival -- Takayama City, Japan (often considered one of the 3 most beautiful festivals in Japan; through tomorrow)

Thingyan -- Myanmar (Water Festival; through the Myanmar New Year on the 17th)

Youth Day -- Angola

Zhabdrung Kuchhoe -- Bhutan (death anniversary of Zhabdrung)

Birthdays Today:

Abigail Breslin, 1996
Sarah Michelle Gellar, 1977
Adrien Brody, 1973
Anthony Michael Hall, 1968
Greg Maddux, 1966
Cynthia Cooper, 1963
Robert Carlyle, 1961
Brad Garrett, 1960
Emma Thompson, 1959
Ritchie Blackmore, 1945
Julie Christie, 1941
Pete Rose, 1941
Loretta Lynn, 1935
Rod Steiger, 1925
John Gielgud, 1904
Arnold Joseph Toynbee, 1889
Anne Sullivan, 1866
Emperor Momozono, 1741
Christiaan Huygens, 1629

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Boys in the Band"(Musical), 1968
"Bye Bye, Birdie"(Musical), 1960
The Grapes of Wrath(Publication date), 1939
"Jeux d'enfants"(Ballet), 1932
"Murders in the Rue Morgue"(Publication date), 1841
American Dictionary of the English Language(Publication date), 1828

Today in History:

Mark Antony, besieging Julius Caesar's assassin Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus in Mutina, defeats the forces of the consul Pansa, who is wounded, BC 43
Titus, son of emperor Vespasian, surrounds the Jewish capital with four Roman legions, beginning the Siege of Jerusalem, 70
Temur, grandson of Kublai Khan, is elected Khagan of the Mongols and Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, 1294
The foundation stone of Cathedral St. Peter and St. Paul in Nantes, France is laid, 1434
Benjamin Franklin and Benjamin Rush establish the first abolitionist society in the US, 1775
Napoleon calls for establishing Jerusalem for the Jews, 1799
Noah Webster copyrights the first edition of his dictionary, 1828
The Donner Party departs Springfield, Illinois, 1846
Harriet Tubman begins her first Underground Railroad run, 1853
William Bullock patents the continuous-roll printing press, 1863
Abraham Lincoln is shot at Ford's Theater by John Wilkes Booth, 1865
Canada sets denominations of currency as dollars, cents, & mills, 1871
Canada passes the Dominion Lands Act, 1872
The RMS Titanic hits an iceberg  at 11:40pm and sinks 2 hours later, 1912
The first Volvo car premieres in Gothenburg, Sweden, 1927
The Grapes of Wrath, by American author John Steinbeck is first published by the Viking Press, 1939
The Soviet satellite Sputnik 2 falls from orbit, 1958
The heaviest hailstones ever recorded, at 1 kilogram, hailstones fall on the Gopalganj district of Bangladesh, killing 92, 1986
The most costly natural disaster in Australian history, a hailstorm, strikes Sydney, Australia, 1999
The Human Genome Project is completed with 99% of the human genome sequenced to an accuracy of 99.99%, 2003
The Oregon Supreme Court nullifies marriage licenses issued to gay couples a year earlier by Multnomah County, 2005
Ash from Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano drifts towards Europe, causing air traffic to close over Northern Norway, 2010
The first-ever European MP's of Croatia are determined in an election held in anticipation of Croatia gaining formal entry into the European Union, 2013
Archeologists announce they have found 3.3 million-year old stone tools, the oldest ever discovered and which pre-date the earliest humans, at at Lomekwi in Kenya, 2015
US, UK and French forces carry out airstrikes on sites associated with Syria's chemical weapons program, in response to Douma gas attack, 2018


  1. Love her work. I am sure the cart WILL be overflowing by your next visit - but everything will be visible and easily to hand.

  2. Cajun joke is sooo true ~ ^_^ and what great art/crafts cart!

    Happy Days to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. At least you got the apron heheh!

    I like the cute pics and the cart nice colour

    LOL @ the joke thanks for the smiles have an aprontastic Sunday :-)

  4. Cute blue cart!

    I totally get Boudreaux. If you have to do it, it's no fun! :)

  5. Yes, isn't that just the thing about work? LOL ! And how very nice to get an unexpected gift!

  6. Thank you for the cajun jokes. A little fun and laughter is always needed.

  7. WE like the Cajun jokes.That is such a great looking cart. Have fun with all you art supplies.

  8. Does your Michael's have that giant bunny like I posted on my blog? I love that cart and the color. Cute joke. And very nice fairy gardens.

  9. I love the cart and the fairy gardens. The cart is similar to an Ikea one which I bought for my kids house and took me several hours and lots of swearing to put together on my own as a surprise for them.


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