
Thursday, May 16, 2019

Annoying Is in the Ear of the Listener (Six Sentence Story) and Good Fences

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)


"Gooooooooooaaaaaaaaaal!!!" reverberated from the TV where he sat watching his favorite team.

Coming into the room at that moment, she asked, "Why in the world do the announcers do that?"

"Do what?" he asked, not taking his eyes off of the action playing out on the box in front of him.

"Yell like that when someone makes a goal, are they determined to make the word last as long as possible, it's quite annoying."

"Some announcer did it when one final goal won a big game, and I think now all of them try to outdo each other and see how long they can keep it going, and it's not annoying when it's your team that scored."

She actually made him look up and laugh when she said, "Hmph, someday one of them is going to turn blue and pass out, and then where will they be?"

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Goal.         


Gosia, of Looking for Identity, has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit other blogs to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.    

The flower vase at the corner of the fence a while back i understood, but this decoration seems to be broken and i wonder why they keep it. 


Today is:

Biographer's Day -- anniversary of the day Boswell met Johnson in 1763

Brown Bag-It Thursday -- it's cheaper and healthier, and you might like it enough to start a new habit

Calaveras County Fair and Frog Jumping Jubilee -- Calaveras Fairgrounds, Angel's Camp, CA, US (the "Super Bowl" of frog jumping contests; through Sunday)
    Frog Jumping Day -- for those of us who don't live in Calaveras County, you can still celebrate Mark Twain's famous story and go play with a frog

European Maritime Day -- European Council (this year's host for the conferences is Lisbon, Portuagal, through tomorrow, with a lineup of activities for the general public)

Hires Root Beer Day -- pharmacist Charles Elmer Hires created it on this day in 1866

Love a Tree Day -- and read about the love of a tree, in Shel Silverstein's The Giving Tree

Middlesex Day -- Middlesex, England (although it is only a postal county now, many celebrate the heritage of what was once the county that included London)

Miles City Bucking Horse Sale -- Miles City, MT, US (a celebration worthy of the city that inspired "Lonesome Dove;" through Sunday)

National Coquilles St. Jacques Day

Sea-Monkey® Day -- as declared by someone who likes these little brine shrimp as pets; for info on keeping Sea Monkeys, check here; for ideas about how to celebrate there is a site about how to worship sea monkeys   

Sing "Row Row Row Your Boat" in Rounds Day -- but not around me, please, or i might do something drastic

Sneeze Without Embarrassment Day -- because of pollen levels, as declared by Karen Richmond, of Eastport, MI, US

Spaghetti-Os Day -- they were first sold on this day in 1966

St. Brendan the Voyager's Day (Patron of boatmen/mariners/sailors/watermen, travellers, whales; Ardfert, Ireland; Clonfert, Ireland; Kerry, Ireland)

St. Honorius of Amiens' Day (Patron of bakers[especially bakers of communion wafers], cake makers, candlemakers, chandlers, confectioners, florists, flour merchants, oil refiners, pastry chefs; against drought)

St. John of Nepomuk's Day (Patron of bridges, bridge builders, confessors, discretion, good and right confession, running water, silence; Bohemia; Czech Republic; Slovakia; against calumnies, floods, indiscretions, and slander)

Sudan People's Liberation Army Day -- South Sudan

Teachers' Day -- Malaysia

U.S.Nickel Day -- the first U.S. five-cent nickel was minted on this day in 1866

Wear Purple for Peace Day -- the idea being that until we become a peaceful species, the aliens won't visit

Anniversaries Today:

Louis-Auguste, Dauphin of France, marries Marie Antoinette, 1770
Edgar Allen Poe marries his cousin Virginia Clemm, 1836 

Birthdays Today:

Megan Fox, 1986
Matt Ryan, 1985
Jim Sturgess, 1981
Tori Spelling, 1973
David Boreanaz, 1971
Gabriela Sabatini, 1970
Tracey Gold, 1969
Janet Jackson, 1966
Mare Winningham, 1959
Joan Benoit Samuelson, 1957
Olga Korbut, 1955
Debra Winger, 1955
Pierce Brosnan, 1953
Bob Edwards, 1947
Bill Smitrovich, 1947
Billy Martin, 1928
Liberace, 1919
Woody Herman, 1913
Louis "Studs" Terkel, 1912
Margaret Rey, 1906
Henry Fonda, 1905
Elizabeth Palmer Peabody, 1804
William Seward, 1801

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Top Gun(Film), 1986
"McCartney II"(album release), 1980
"Listen to What the Man Said"(Single release), 1975
"Annie Get Your Gun"(Musical), 1946
"Dalibor"(Opera), 1868

Today in History:

The Florentines drive out the Medici for a second time and Florence is re-established as a republic, 1527
Sir Thomas More resigns as Lord Chancellor of England, 1532
Samuel Johnson meets his future biographer, James Boswell, in London, 1763
Denmark abolishes slave trade, 1792
The first major wagon train heading for the Pacific Northwest sets out on the Oregon Trail, 1843
Charles Elmer Hires invents root beer, 1866
A naval Curtiss aircraft NC-4 commanded by Albert Cushing Read leaves Trepassey, Newfoundland, for Lisbon via the Azores on the first transatlantic flight, 1919
Pope Benedict XV canonizes Joan of Arc, 1920
Chaim Weizmann is elected the first President of Israel, 1948
The first regularly scheduled transatlantic flights begin between John F Kennedy International Airport (then Idlewild Airport) in New York City and Heathrow Airport in London, operated by El Al Israel Airlines, 1951
Theodore Maiman operates the first optical laser, at Hughes Research Laboratories in Malibu, California, 1960
China's Cultural Revolution begins, 1966
The Soviet Venera 5 spacecraft lands on Venus, 1969
India annexes Sikkim  after the mountain state holds a referendum in which the popular vote is in favour of merging with India, 1975
Junko Tabei becomes the first woman to reach the summit of Mount Everest, 1975
The Seville Statement on Violence is adopted by an international meeting of scientists, convened by the Spanish National Commission for UNESCO, in Seville, Spain, 1986
A report by United States' Surgeon General C. Everett Koop states that the addictive properties of nicotine are similar to those of heroin and cocaine, 1988
Queen Elizabeth II becomes the first British monarch to address the US Houses of Congress, 1991
Kuwait permits women's suffrage in a 35-23 National Assembly vote, 2005
NASA's space shuttle Endeavor launches for its final mission, 2011
The oldest water ever found is discovered in a Canadian mine; the water dates back 2.6 billion years, 2013


  1. A Captain Obviously great six! Funny fence decor😜

  2. Thanks for a laugh in the morning. Sports announcers sure have their own language and rules.

  3. I have heard fans of winning team shout the long "goal" just like the announcers. That is nice fence.

  4. I don't mind the wings being missing on the bird, but the big ol' hole in the middle of it distracts me...
    I'm going to imagine that the area inside that fence is a marvelous array of bohemian "found art", of which the wingless whirly-gig is the crowning piece.
    Because otherwise, I'm going to have to drive to where-you-live and slap a tiny piece of blue painter's tape over that hole!

  5. Mimi,

    Sports announcers are quite colorful when a team scores. Your stories always delight me. You're so good with coming up with the right scene to match for each prompt. :)

    I see it's Debra Winger's birthday. The first thing I recall seeing her in is 'Black Widow'. That's a great suspenceful film. Have you seen it? Oh, it's also Pierce Brosnan's bday, too. I loved him in 'Remington Steele'. I remember 'Top Gun' at the boxoffice. It was a hot movie in its day. The soundtrack is pAwesome!

    Have a terrific Thursday, my friend!

  6. That was a good story and oh so true too!

  7. Oh, my! Never thought of that! I've been known to get a "little worked up" watching certain sporting events, lol
    It's certainly easy to get caught up if it's an exciting game😁

  8. LOL. I think they score so seldom that they have to exaggerate the call.

  9. I've not watched a game on television in years and years. I'm sure you're right about this though.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

  10. The fence is like mine. And do people really score in Hockey? I never see it! LOL. Good six.

  11. Lovely fence photo and delightful story ~

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. This made me laugh! Great SSS!

  13. We who don't like sports have a lot of problems like that..good one

  14. I am so glad you talked about this. I too find it soooo annoying! Great six.

  15. That is a good solid fence. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  16. I had to enlarge the picture to see the decoration. Perhaps they just haven't gotten around to doing something about it. I know how that feels.


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