
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

And She's Off! (A Random and Happy Tuesday Post)

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus.  

First, much thanks to Jz for her consideration yesterday in the comments, as i do try to keep this place to a PG and lower rating.  After all, i don't want to write anything i'd be embarrassed for people to read aloud at my funeral.

Dr. D went to Houston for her back procedure, and is feeling so much better.  Yes, she’s back to her old self.

It made helping her get out of town to go visit her daughter much more interesting.  We lost and found several things several times as i would try to pack it, she would need it for something, and then i would have to find it to pack again.

For a woman who claims she hardly ever eats, she took enough food for the road to get her to Chicago, if she had a mind to go that far.

The cats, which are usually up for a trip, were wary.  Josephine got in the carrier and let me take her to the large kennel in the car, but C'est Trois would not get out of her carrier, so we had to leave her in it.  

Anyway, she is off for a few days, or maybe a week, with family.  She's not so sure how long, so i will fetch the mail from the post office a couple of times and make sure the house is okay.

Meanwhile, a few more funnies (and i am going to tape record and transcribe one of my work days with her someday, i think it will get rave reviews).


Today is:

Banana Lover's Day

Be Kind to Humankind Week:  Touch a Heart Tuesday 

Birthday of Isis -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Day Sacred to Consus -- Ancient Roman Calendar (god of graineries, horses, and mules)

Feast Day of Pan -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate)

Feast of Incandescent Rebellion -- on lots of websites, and supposedly something celebrated in China, but no detail as to what it is really celebrating

Just Because Day -- internet generated, enjoy something ordinary you like to do, just because!

National Pots de Creme Day

Petroleum Day -- on the anniversary of the opening of the first commercial oil well in Titusvilla, PA, US, in 1859, a day set aside to work on figuring out how to do without petroleum

St. Caesarius' Day (Patron against fire)

St. Monica's Day (Mother of St. Augustine; Patron of abuse victims, alcoholics, difficult marriages, disappointing children, homemakers, married women, mothers, victims of adultery and unfaithfulness, victims of verbal abuse, widows, wives; Bevilacqua, Italy; Mabini, Bohol, Philippines)

"The Duchess" Who Wasn't Day -- birthday of Margaret Wolfe Hungerford, who wrote under the pseudonym "The Duchess" and first said, "Beaty is in the eye of the beholder" in her novel, Molly Bawn

Threethousandth Thnork of the Year -- Fairy Calendar

Tvimanuor -- Traditional Icelandic Calendar (the name means "Double Month", and the origin is uncertain; perhaps because winter is coming and it's time to double up on the preparations)

Umhlanga -- Swaziland (Reed Dance for the Zulu King; a fascinating week long ritual with beautiful costumes, dancing and singing, culminating with the final dance and a speech in which the King addresses the people, on Sept. 2)

Volturnalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (god of water)

Ziua Republicii -- Moldova (Independence Day, 1991)

Birthdays Today

Sarah Chalke, 1976
Chandra Wilson, 1969
Paul "Pee-wee Herman" Reubens, 1952
Barbara Bach, 1947
Tuesday Weld, 1943
Tommy Sands, 1937
Martha Raye, 1916
Mother Teresa, 1910
Lyndon B. Johnson, 1908
C.S. Forester, 1899
Samuel Goldwyn, 1882
Theodore Dreiser, 1871
Charles Gates Dawes, 1865
Hannibal Hamlin, 1809

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Birdman(Film), 2014
"Good Sex! with Dr. Ruth Westheimer"(TV), 1984
Mary Poppins(Disney film), 1964
"Prométhée/Prometheus"(Fauré tragédie lyrique), 1900

Today in History

The Persian invasion of Greece is halted with Greek victories in two separate battles, BC479
Koreans battle and prevent Japanese invasion, 663
The first unmanned hydrogen balloom flight reaching 900 m altitude, 1783
Petroleum is discovered in Titusville, Pennsylvania leading to the world's first commercially successful oil well, 1859
The shortest war in world history occurs from 09:00 to 09:45 between the United Kingdom and Zanzibar, 1896
Edgar Rice Burroughs' publishes "Tarzan of the Apes", 1912
First flight of the turbojet-powered Heinkel He 178, the world's first jet aircraft, 1939
The Mariner 2 unmanned space mission is launched to Venus by NASA, 1962
Turkish military diplomat Colonel Atilla Altikat is shot and killed in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 1982
The Rainbow Bridge, connecting Tokyo's Shibaura and the island of Odaiba, is completed, 1993
Mars makes its closest approach to Earth in nearly 60,000 years, 2003
Curiosity, the Mars rover, broadcasts its first audio recording of a human voice from the surface of another planet, 2012
The UN releases a report saying that Myanmar military leaders should face genocide and crimes against humanity charges for violence against Rohingya, 2018


  1. When you're old and you drop something, you still have to pick it up because if you don't your mother's voice will haunt you until you do.

  2. Yes, it is the ones that are mourning that feels the pain. We used to remind one another to grow old gracefully.

  3. The one about excuse my French really made my mom laugh. She also loves the one about being dead and stupid! Great way to start our day!

  4. These were very funny. Never had read them, but they were sweet and humorous!

  5. I love all of these. The second one I can relate to. lol

  6. Ha,ha,ha,my French. Sounds interesting to me Mimi. Have a great Tuesday.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. Love all the funnies. The French one was the best one. I'm old. Just so you know.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  8. Fun and LOL sayings for Tuesday ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. lol. Those memes are pretty funny.

    Is Dr. D actually meaning to be funny or is she funny just in the sense that she's old and probably has odd requests?

  10. I would love to read word for word what goes on at the Dr.'s house :)
    Great bunch of funnies. XO

  11. Getting old... your funnies were spot on! BTW, I live in a suburb of Houston. We have great medical facilities!


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