
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Word Counting and Random and Happy Tuesday

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.) 


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus.  

Also, today i am trying something new (new to me, not the other participants), a writing challenge called Word Counters. This is how it works: contributing bloggers each picked a number between 10 and 35. The submitted numbers were then assigned to other bloggers challenged with writing at least one piece using that exact number of words. 
I was assigned the word count number: 31
It was submitted by: Diane of On the Alberta/Montana Border

So here's my first attempt at writing a piece using an exact number of words:

Dr. D submitted the grant proposal, and someone there messed it up.  Instead of yesterday being a catch up day, it was a marathon of correcting and resubmitting.  We hate bureaucrats!

Other participants in Word Counters are:

Baking In A Tornado                       
Spatulas on Parade                    
On the Border                          
Wandering Web Designer             
Sarah Nolan                                

Now for the funnies:

It's laundry day, so i will be checking up on our laundromat library.  So far it's been a hit, people are reading books and taking books and leaving more books.

Have a wonderful Tuesday, everyone!


Today is:

Birthday of Crown Prince Tupouto'a 'Ulukalala -- Tonga

Citizenship Day -- US

Eleven Days of Global Unity -- Day 7, Women (sponsored by We, the World

Feast of Hathor -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Fundacion de Melilla -- ML, Spain

Get Ready Day -- US (help your community, workplace, or school to get ready for disasters or emergencies)   

International Country Music Day

National Apple Dumpling Day

National Heroes Day -- Angola

Niketeria -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate)

Opening of Parliament -- Netherlands (holiday in The Hague)related observance
    Prinsjesdag -- Netherlands  (technically translates "Prince's Day;" the day Parliament opens and the reigning sovereign, now King William-Alexander, gives the Speech from the Throne and the Minister of Finance proposes next year's budget)

Operation Market Garden Remembrance -- Netherlands

Pledge Across America Day -- US (beginning of Constitution Week, every school is invited to join a synchronized Pledge of Allegiance across the whole nation, from 8am Hawaiian time to 2pm Eastern; schools are also encouraged to have an exercise of some kind about the US Constitution)

Return of Kelp-Koli Celebration -- Fairy Calendar (under duress, of course)

Stigmata of St. Francis' Day

St. Hildegard von Bingen's Day (author of treatises on natural healing and the first musical composer whose biography is known)

St. Lambert's Day (Patron of Middelaar, Netherlands)

Time's Up Day -- created by Wellcat Holidays; time's up on holding that grudge, you need to make amends with people today, since you aren't guaranteed a tomorrow

VFW Ladies Auxiliary Day -- anniversary of founding in 1914

Anniversary Today:

The Constitution of the United States is signed, 1787
American Professional Football League (later the NFL) founded (a/k/a the Swallowing Up of Weekends), 1920

Birthdays Today:

Chuck Liddell, 1969
Kyle Chandler, 1965
Rita Rudner, 1956
Cassandra "Elvira" Peterson, 1951
John Ritter, 1948
David H. Souter, 1974
Ken Kesey, 1935
Maureen Conolly, 1934
Anne Bancroft, 1931
Roddy McDowall, 1928
George Blanda, 1927
Hank Williams Sr., 1923
Chaim Herzog, 1918
Warren E. Burger, 1907
Jerry Colonna, 1904
John Willard Marriot, 1900
Andrew "Rube" Foster, 1879
Baron Friedrich Von Steuben, 1730

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Home Improvement"(TV), 1991
"Head of the Class"(TV), 1986
"M*A*S*H"(TV), 1972
"McMillan and Wife"(TV), 1971
"Mission: Impossible"(TV), 1966
"Bewitched"(TV), 1964
"The Fugitive"(TV), 1963
"Car 54 Where are You?"(TV), 1961
"Outward Bound"(Play), 1923

Today in History:

The Battle of Thermopylae, fought between 300 Spartans, led by their king, Leonidas, and the Achaemenid Empire begins, BC480
Arabs conquer Alexandria, and destroy its library for the last time, 642
Netherland sailors discover Mauritus, 1598
Massachusetts Bay Colony gets a new charter, 1691
Presidio of San Francisco is founded in New Spain, 1776
US Constitution is adopted by the Philadelphia convention, 1787
Sprinkler system for extinguishing fires is patented by Phillip W. Pratt, 1872
The Wright Flyer flown by Orville Wright, with Lieutenant Thomas Selfridge as passenger, crashes killing Selfridge, who becomes the first airplane fatality, 1908
The first transcontinental airplane flight, from New York to Pasadena, is completed after 82 hours 4 minutes, 1911
The Okeechobee Hurricane strikes southeastern Florida, killing upwards 
of 2,500 people, the third deadliest natural disaster in United States history, behind the Galveston Hurricane of 1900 and the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, 1928
The Canadian steamship SS Noronic burns in Toronto Harbour with the loss of over 118 lives, 1949
Television is first broadcast in Australia, 1956
Malaysia joins the United Nations, 1957
Bangladesh, Grenada and Guinea-Bissau join the United Nations, 1974
The first Space Shuttle, Enterprise, is unveiled by NASA, 1976
The Camp David Accords are signed by Israel and Egypt, 1978
Vanessa Williams becomes the first black Miss America, 1983
Estonia, North Korea, South Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, the Marshall Islands and Micronesia join the United Nations, 1991
The first version of the Linux kernel (0.01) is released to the Internet, 1991
Fourpeaked Mountain in Alaska erupts, marking the first eruption for the long-dormant volcano in at least 10,000 years, 2006
A drill finally reaches the 33 Chilean miners trapped after the Aug. 5 Copiapo mining accident, 2010 


  1. I am impressed with your foray into wordcount.
    And love the funnies. My little toe is frequently bashed and battered. Like my thighs.

  2. Loved the funnies. What doesn't feel so funny is that 1969 was 50 years ago!!! Where did the time go?

    BTW it's not just the little toe that gets bashed. I manage to get the other ones bashed too, especially when there were LEGOs in the area.

  3. I really love those little dogs.

    God bless.

  4. Good job using only 31 words. I love the laundromat library idea.

  5. That's kind of a fiendish blog challenge, there...
    Good job, tho' - you should give yourself an apple dumpling!

  6. That little toe is always getting in trouble. It is so small, but causes humans a lot of pain!

  7. Mimi,

    The wireless doorbell is a good one and Wylie Coyote. I think I've used these both before but always good to make me smile, too. :D I noticed it's National Apple Dumpling Day. I loved getting those at the Apple Barn & Cider Mill in Pigeon Forge. I have gotten one in years. Next time we're there maybe I'll get one for old time sake. ;) Have a giggletastic day!

  8. I agree with the little toe. My little toe has been used many time to prove it. See ya Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  9. Dr. D never surprises me. It's a whirlwind of confusion. I don't know how you do it, but your challenge is perfect.

    Love all the funnies and yes on the little toe one. Spot on.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, my friend. ♥

  10. Cute doorbells sitting on their charger. Lol!

  11. My little toes are always warning me about invasive furniture!

  12. What a fun post and creative story ~ love the one with Wile Coyote ~ .... proceed with caution ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. I guess my toes must be on backward, I usually "discover" furniture with the big toe... Sigh. I like the one with the wee dogs... We had one pup that would bark a time or two when the doorbell rang, but you could NOT keep him from being at the front door. He was the inspector of folks entering and leaving, I guess...


  14. Love how you used your number to tell a whole (but concise) story. And your first meme struck home, I've broken my baby toes many times on the furniture.

  15. Replies
    1. P.S. And I love both your funnies and your statistics. I always learn something. For example the first airplane fatality. I knew there had to be one...

  16. You nailed the words! The funnie were terrific too!

  17. the doorbell dogs are too funny !!! and great job on 31 words !! 10 would be rather hard I imagine ??!! ☺☺♥♥

  18. You did a great job on the words and it's very nice to meet you. I'm from Wandering Web Designer. Love your funnies and the blog hop! (Rena)

  19. Well, they tell me I'm random, seems I'm not the only one. Thanks for joining us this month. Hope you'll be back. Love the memes.

  20. These are great, my little toe has let me know many times when something is out of place :)


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