
Thursday, October 24, 2019

Legend In Her Own Mind (Six Sentence Story), Spooky (Good Fences), Brain Power (Sammy's Poetry Day), and Recipes (Brian's Thankful Thursday)


"Who was Lilith in the Bible?" she asked.

"Lilith is a legend," he snapped, "not even really worth talking about, and not in the Bible.  Some claptrap someone made up about her being the first wife of Adam, before Eve was created, and she refused to be subservient so he sent her away. Others say she was one of the giants, or that she married one, or that she slept with an evil archangel and gave birth to the djinn, or genies.  Besides, she was a Mesopotamian story, none of those legends about her being with Adam date back to before the destruction of the Temple in 70AD, so it's not even from the same era as the Hebrew scriptures."

He snorted with disgust when she answered, "Thanks, I think that's what I'll dress as for Halloween, I'll wear a Bible era costume and tell everyone I'm Lilith, mother of the genies!"

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Legend.          


Gosia at Looking for Identity has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit other blogs to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.    

It's time for a couple of haunted fences:


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day!  This week's image and my poem:    

I love this game, it makes me think,
No time to let my brain cells shrink.
Keep my mind active every day
Age won't have the final say!


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

This week i am thankful someone asked for my banana pudding recipe, and i tried to include metric but please double check because i'm not certain i got it right.

1 c (240ml) sugar (or less if you don't like it super sweet)
4 T (60 ml) cornstarch
1/2 t (2ml) salt
2 c (480ml) whole milk
2 c (480ml) whole whipping cream
1 stick (120ml) butter
1 t (5ml) vanilla flavoring
vanilla wafer cookies (two bags because you will want to snack on some, or use some to keep kitchen snoops busy) 
fresh grated nutmeg

Note:  you can make this with any flavoring you like, and if you want chocolate pudding, use the full cup of sugar and 3 squares of baking chocolate.  Also, if  you have lots of people wanting to eat, double the recipe.

Mix the dry ingredients in the bottom of a heavy pot and pour in the cold milk and cream, and stir to get the cornstarch to dissolve.  Drop in the butter and vanilla (or other flavoring, and chocolate if you want chocolate pudding) and put over medium low heat.

Here's the hard part -- use a spoon to stir pretty constantly so the butter (and chocolate if using it) gets incorporated and keep stirring until it gets thick enough to be pudding.  This generally takes until your arm feels like it's going to fall off, so about an hour, maybe longer if it's being uncooperative.  (I've been known to get tired and speed the process a little by increasing the heat a smidge, but be very, very careful to stir constantly if you do and if it starts to stick on the bottom at all, turn the heat down immediately.)

Once it is thick, let it cool while you layer cookies and sliced bananas in a pan.  Spoon half of the pudding over the cookies/bananas, then do another layer, and top it all with fresh grated nutmeg and some crushed up cookies for looks.

Stick it in the fridge to set and then stand back when the appetites come.


Today is:

Feast of Good & Plenty (the candies)

Food Day -- US (inspiring people to change their diets and our food policies)   

Hogeye Festival -- Elgin, TX, US (Road Hog Car Show, crowning of King Hog and Queen Sowpreme, Cow Patty Bingo, and more! through Saturday)

Independence Day -- Zambia(1964)

Lilith's Day -- Ancient Mesopotamian Calendar (date approximate)

Maladay -- Discordianism

National Bologna Day

Share a Pop Tart With Someone You Love Day -- internet generated, and how much do you want to bet the Kellog company may have had a hand in it?

St. Anthony Claret's Day (Patron of weavers; Catholic press; Claretians; Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary)

St. Crispin's Eve Celebration -- Tenby, Wales

St. Raphael the Archangel's Day (traditional date; Patron of health inspectors, druggists, happy meetings, leaving home, travelers; against blindness)

Suez Victory Day -- Egypt

Take Back Your Time Day -- Canada; U.S. (anniversary of the day in the US that the Fair Labor Standards Act went into effect, specifying a 40-hour work week as the standard, in 1938)

United Nations Day
    Disarmament Week begins
    World Development Information Day

World Origami Days -- held each year from today, the birth anniversary of Lillian Oppenheimer, founder of the first origami societies in Britain and the US, until Nov. 11, which is Origami Day in Japan; a couple of good sites are and

Birthdays Today:

Monica, 1980
Kevin Kline, 1947
F. Murray Abraham, 1939
Bill Wyman, 1936
David Nelson, 1936
J. P. "Big Bopper" Richardson, 1930
Y. A. Tittle, 1926
Moss Hart, 1904
Melvin Purvis, 1903
Alexandra David-Neel, 1868 (first female foreigner to explore Tibet)
Belva A. Bennett Lockwood, 1838
Sarah Joseph Hale, 1788 (author of "Mary had a little lamb")
Antony van Leeuwenhoek, 1632
Domitian, Roman Emperor, 51

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Dancing at Lughnasa"(Play), 1991
"Voices for Today"(Britten Op. 75), 1965
"Take Me Out to the Ball Game"(Single release), 1908
"Zibeunerbaron/The Gypsy Baron"(Strauss Opera), 1885
The first Transcontinental Telegram is sent, 1861

Today in History:

Cathedral of Chartres is dedicated, 1260
The Treaty of Westphalia ends the 30 Years War, recognized the independence of Switzerland, and marks the end of the Holy Roman Empire, 1648
Felix Mendelssohn, age 9, performs his first public concert in Berlin, 1818
The match is patented, by A. Phillips, 1836
The first US transcontinental telegram is sent, from San Francisco to Washington, DC, ending the need for the Pony Express after only 2 years, 1861
Levi P. Morton, US ambassador to France, drives the first rivet for the Statue of Liberty, 1881
Dr. Robert Koch discovers the germ that causes tuberculosis, 1882
Anna Taylor becomes the first woman to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel, 1901
The first NYC subway opens, 1904
Harry Houdini's last performance, 1926
The Hershey Company is incorporated, 1927
"Black Thursday", the start of the stock market crash, Dow Jones down 12.8%, 1929
Al Capone is sentenced for tax evasion, 1931
The George Washington Bridge, connecting NY to NJ, opens, 1931
US forbids child labor in factories, 1938
The United Nations Charter is signed by the first member nations, 1945
Eisenhower pledges US support to South Vietnam, 1954
Government of Poland legalizes Solidarity trade union, 1980
Launch of Deep Space 1 comet/asteroid mission, 1998
The Concorde makes its last commercial flight, 2003
Justice Rutherford of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice struck down the "motive clause", an important part of the Canadian Anti-Terrorism Act, 2006
"Bloody Friday" saw many of the world's stock exchanges experience the worst declines in their history, with drops of around 10% in most indices, 2008
The Northern Lights become visible over much of North America due to a coronal mass ejection, 2011
The E.U. plans to reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent compared to 1990 levels and increase renewables to 27 percent of all energy sources, 2014
Iditarod officials confirm that some dogs in the race have been doped after they tested positive for banned substances, 2017


  1. Huge thanks for the recipe. It sounds delicious - albeit hard work.

  2. Pretty fences. I don't know how to play chess.

  3. I like your brain game poem.

    Keep rolling the dice or drawing a card
    Needn't be a game that's hard
    Move your brain around the board
    And with life you'll never be bored

  4. I can't decide if the first fence is that way on purpose or not...

  5. And here I thought Lilith was just the name of a music festival... Informative six!

  6. I like the photo of that first fence. Stylish.

    God bless.

  7. That first fence is pretty much useless. Hopefully it is just for decoration.

  8. lol... yeah!
    nice timely Six and good for the Bible backstory-ette

  9. Totay seems to be a day of many happenings good and not so good. Your fences never stop to surprise me. Have a nice day.

  10. Love your story. I always do.

    Love the fences.

    Thanks for your recipe for the banana pudding. I'm sure it's long gone.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, my friend. ♥

  11. " I love this game, it makes me think,
    No time to let my brain cells shrink.
    Keep my mind active every day
    Age won't have the final say!"

    I thoroughly agree with this poem. When you reach an age, you have to keep your mind moving or you'll slow down. See ya Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  12. Your story made me giggle! And the banana pudding sounds delightful. And, it's so important to keep our brains active as we age. Now, if my body would just stop falling apart!

  13. We enjoyed your story and your poem is appropriate to keep the brain sharp! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  14. My Goodness you have a busy post. Liked it all

  15. Thank you for the info. And here, my only reference to Lilith is from watching Supernatural :D
    As always, great poem!

    Felix Mendelssohn was only 9?! Wow

  16. Thanks Mimi for the recipe----making it today1 xoxoxo

  17. Ooooh, The Female Human says your banana pudding recipe sounds delicious!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,

  18. wow perfect fences love from Poland

  19. I have never heard of Lilith. Great story and poem. And thank you for the recipe.

  20. Thank you for the recipe. I probably won't make it, an hour of stirring is more than my shoulder can take, but mostly I was curious about the ingredients. My mum used to make instant vanilla pudding and stir sliced bananas into it before it set.

  21. With all the silly nonsense we seem to be surrounded by these days oft times my mind is ready to explode..not shrink! :)

  22. That is a funny fence in the first shot. I hope you have a good weekend.

  23. Great photos of fences, wonderful thankfuls and neat 6 sentence story ^_

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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