
Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Holiday Veterinarian Humor (Wordless Wednesday) and View From The Chair (Words for Wednesday)


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday and Sandee at Comedy Plus.     


Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts that encourages us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month, the prompts are being provided by Cindi.   

This week the prompt is:

   Look around you and choose an object in the room.  Now write something from the point of view of that object.

As a kitchen chair, I do not lead a glamorous life.

I'm plain wood, but at least I'm not particle board.  My cushion is worse for wear, but no holes yet.

Let's get real, what I do is provide a place for people to park their hind parts when they want to take a load off their feet.  Oh, and don't get me started on the cats, which park their whole selves on me.

The most excitement I get is when Dansig sits on the very edge of me, tries to take a bath, and loses his balance.  He always looks so shocked when he hits the floor, it's amusing.  

Now that I think about it, it’s also exciting when the cats use me as a springboard to try to jump to higher ground and get away from the dogs.  Watching the fur fly when SissyCat gets tired of running and turns around to chase the German shepherd is pretty funny, and sometimes to get away she dives between my rungs and Coda runs right into me.  

As I noted above, I'm wood, and not heavy but solid, and I know it has to smart a little when it happens.  Crazy dog.

At least, with the kids grown up now, I'm not usually left sticky the way I used to be.

My job includes being used in the library when an extra seat is needed, and I get sat in a lot for eating, reading, bill paying, studying, computer puttering, and plenty more.

I’m sturdier than the table I came with, that’s sure.  I was here, of course, the day the table split right down the middle and collapsed.  Bigger Girl was sitting in me, eating a sandwich, when it crashed.  She grabbed her sandwich before it could fall, and took another bite quite calmly.  Said that was the only thing you can do when the table collapses, you don’t let it take your lunch with it!

They kept me and my set of chairs when they got the new table, it had “director’s chairs” that wouldn’t have held up the way we have.

No, I guess i shouldn’t be knocking my steady and unglamorous life.  Glamor is overrated, I think, and at least it's a living, being a kitchen chair.

It could be worse, I could have been a floor and gotten walked all over my whole life.


Today is:

Agonalia -- Ancient Roman Empire; also observed
    Festival for Diva Palatua -- guardian of Palatine Hill
    Septimonia -- to honor the Seven Hills of Rome

Feast of Sekhmet, Bast, and Ra -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (goddess of warfare, feline goddess, and sun god; date approximate)

Fourth Republic Day -- Madagascar

International Mountain Day -- UN

Jashan-e Sadeh / Adar-Jashen -- Zoroastrian/Parsi (a mid-winter fire ceremony for purification; date approximate)

National Day / Republic Day -- Burkina Faso

National Noodle Ring Day

Nose-Scrambling and Hair-Hiking Events -- Fairy Calendar

Pampanga Day -- Pampanga Province, Philippines

Remembrance Day of Llywelyn II -- Wales (death anniversary of Llywelyn the Last, the last native-born Prince of Wales, killed in battle in 1282)

St. Damasus' Day (Patron of archaeologists)

St. Pens' Day (Patron of Llanberis, Wales)

Tango Day -- Buenos Aires, Argentina (birth anniversary of both Julio de Caro and Carlos Gardel)

Anniversaries Today:

Unicef is established, 1946
Edward VIII abdicates, 1936
Indiana becomes the 19th US State, 1816

Birthdays Today:

Rider Strong, 1979
Mos Def, 1973
Mo'Nique, 1967
Gary Dourdan, 1966
Curtis Williams, 1962
Jermaine Jackson, 1954
Ken Wahl, 1953
Susan Seidelman, 1952
Teri Garr, 1949
Brenda Lee, 1944
John Kerry, 1943
Donna Mills, 1943
David Gates, 1940
Tom Hayden, 1940
Rita Moreno, 1931
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, 1918
Carlo Ponti, 1913
Naguib Mahfouz, 1911
Marjorie H. Buell, 1904
Fiorello LaGuardia, 1882
Annie Jump Cannon, 1863
Robert Koch, 1843

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"City of Angels"(Musical), 1989
"Magnum, PI"(TV), 1980

Today in History:

Honoratus, the first known Prefect of the City of Constantinople, takes office, 359
Llywelyn the Last (born c. 1228) the last native Prince of Wales, is killed at Cimeri, 1282
The Aurora Borealis is seen from New England by English settlers for the first time, 1719
The first newspaper on Curacao is published, the Curacao Gazette & Commercial Advertiser, 1812
Nitrous oxide is used in dental work for the first time in Hartford, Connecticut, 1844
Boston's Bijou Theatre becomes the first American theater lit exclusively by electricity, premiering Gilbert and Sullivan's "Iolanthe" as its first performance, 1882
The New Zealand Parliament Buildings are almost completely destroyed by fire, 1907
Color moving pictures are demonstrated in Madison Square Garden, 1909
The Boll Weevil Monument is dedicated in Enterprise, Alabama, 1919
The British Parliament enacts the Statute of Westminster 1931, establishing legislative equality between the self-governing dominions of the Commonwealth of Australia, the Dominion of Canada, the Irish Free State, Dominion of Newfoundland, the Dominion of New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa, 1931
Bill Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, takes his last drink and enters treatment for the last time, 1934
Arthur Lucas, convicted of murder, is the last person to be executed in Canada, 1962
Apollo 17 becomes the sixth and last Apollo mission to land on the Moon, 1972
The Kyoto Protocol opens for signature, 1997
The People's Republic of China joins the World Trade Organization, 2001
In Taipei, protesters demand foreign live-in caregivers have the right to a day off each week, 2011
Pope Francis is named Time Magazine's "Person of the Year," 2013
A landmark trial for Huntington's disease in London announces positive results, the first time a drug has been able to slow an incurable brain disorder, 2017


  1. I love the story from your chair :) I'm in my living/dining/everything else room, looking around wondering which of my pieces might have a good story.

  2. Love your use of Cindi's prompt. And yes, I would rather be a chair than the floor,

  3. I liked your story. That sounded like what a kitchen chair would tell us if it could.

  4. LOL @ water :-)

    I loved the way the story was told

    Have a seatedtastic week :-)

  5. Did you hear about the snowman who took a DNA test? Turns out he was 85% water, 8% dirt, and 7% dog pee.

  6. Thank you for visiting my Blog and writing about my books, Mimi. I welcome very much and appreciate your support. Please tell others about the books.

    I have responded more fully to your comment on my Blog.

    God bless you and your family always.

  7. Bwahahahahahahaha. Water.

    I always love your stories. Well done.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  8. Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha.I just broke up when I read the one about snow and water. You made my day Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  9. the chair story is very clever..984 paws UP as da tabbies say.... !! ☺☺♥♥

  10. That was a cute story and the funnies sure were!

  11. LOL! I love the marque board messages! And, your View from a Chair is witty and enjoyable to read. Well done!! :-)

  12. Great response to the prompt! A chair was a great choice.

  13. Woa, thats a lot of information. Thanks for teaching us 🙋‍♀️🐝

  14. I like the chair's story, and laughed at the snowman joke.

  15. Fun signs and neat chair story ^_^

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. Funny to look at life through the "eyes" of a chair, but I do like that last line!

  17. Well done on the chair story. :)

  18. Will be taking another look at my kitchen chairs.


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