
Thursday, December 12, 2019

Promise (Six Sentence Story), Christmas Fence (Good Fences), Eerie (Sammy’s Poetry Day) and Brian’s Thankful Thursday


She watched him and a gentle smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.

He gingerly reached out as he rocked his new daughter in the rocker provided right there in the birthing room, touching her little fingers, rubbing her cheeks.  He spoke to the child softly, “Little lady, whoever wants to date you someday is going to have to be a special man indeed!”

It made her giggle, even as it brought back the sad memories of her own growing up years.  The presence of a man in the house does not necessarily prove that a father is not absent.

She’d promised herself that wouldn’t happen to her children, and she knew, as she’d known when they dated, it was a promise that would be kept.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Absent.      


Gosia at Looking for Identity has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit other blogs to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.    

It’s time to break out the holiday fence.


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

So eerie that it
Begs the question to me
Is this on our world?

Could this be our earth,
Perhaps at some dim future
Dystopian day?


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

This week i am grateful that work ended early enough yesterday for me to be able to be home when the generator ran its test.  Most of the time i'm not around to catch it, and Sweetie doesn't always remember to listen for it, and if it does not test when it's supposed to, that means we have to call The Electrical Guy and let him know.  It was nice to be able to catch it for myself, and not have to try to remember to call and remind Sweetie.  It's also nice to know all is well with it.


Today is:

Bonza Bottler Day™

Constitution Day -- Russia (constitution approved in nationwide referendum 1993)

Feast of Masa'il (Questions/Mystery) -- Baha'i

Full Cold Moon or Full Long Nights Moon (also Black Moon or Death Crone Moon)
    Bitter Moon -- China
    Mangshir Dhanya Purnima -- Nepal (special harvest/farming festival that starts off the month of Mangshir)
    Nattaw Full Moon -- Myanmar
    Strawberry Moon, Honey Moon, or Rose Moon -- Southern Hemisphere
    Unduwap Full Moon Poya Day -- Sri Lanka (began sunset yesterday)

Gingerbread House Day -- because today is as good a day to start making one as any

Hovercraft Day -- the first prototype of a hovercraft was patented this day in 1955 by British engineer Christopher Cockerell

Independence Day -- Kenya (Jamhuri)(1953)

Miracle of the Roses / Our Lady of Guadalupe -- Catholic Christian; related celebrations
    Fiesta del Virgin de Guadalupe -- Mexico
    Las Mananitas -- Puerto Rico

National Ambrosia Day

National Cocoa Day

National Ding-A-Ling Day -- an unofficial day on which to honor all the ding-a-lings you know, and even act like one yourself if you wish

Neutrality Day/National Day and Student Youth Day -- Turkmenistan

Poinsettia Day -- death anniversary of Joel Roberts Poinsett

St. Finnian of Clonard's Day (Father of Irish Monasticism; going to bed without supper tonight means you risk being carried away by the fairies)

St. Lucy's Eve -- Austria (night of the shining that some use to predict the future)

Thomasville's Victorian Christmas -- Thomasville, GA, US (relive Christmas past all through the downtown area; through tomorrow)

Unmentionable Thoughts Festival -- Fairy Calendar (Imps, Goblins, and naughty Fairies)

Yuletide Lads begin arriving -- Iceland (Jolasveinar trolls, children of Gryla and Leppaludi, who come one each day to bring gifts and mischief from now until Christmas)
    Yuletide Lad of the Day, Stekkjarstaur -- Sheepfold Stick, who will try to drink the milk from the farmers' ewes

Anniversaries Today:

Jerry Lee Lewis marries his cousin Myra Gale Brown, 1957
Pennsylvania becomes the 2nd US State, 1787

Birthdays Today:

Mayim Bialik, 1975
Rey Mysterio, Jr., 1974
Madchen Amick, 1970
Jennifer Connelly, 1970
Tracy Austin, 1962
Sheila E. 1957
Cathy Rigby, 1952
Robert Lindsay, 1949
Tom Wilkinson, 1948
Emerson Fittipaldi, 1946
Dionne Warwick, 1941
Connie Francis, 1938
Robert Lee "Bob" Pettit, Jr., 1932
Edward Irwin Koch, 1924
Bob Barker, 1923
Bob Dorough, 1923
Joe Williams, 1918
Frank Sinatra, 1915
Edward G. Robinson, 1893
Edvard Munch, 1863
Gustave Flaubert, 1821
Stand Watie, 1806
William Lloyd Garrison, 1805
John Jay, 1745 (Old Style date)
Erasmus Darwin, 1731

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"La Valse"(Ravel ballet), 1920
St. Louis Post-Dispatch(First edition), 1878

Today in History:

The Battle at Ninevah: Byzantine emperor Heraclius defeats Perzen, 627
The Order of the Dragon is created by Sigismund, King of Hungary, and his wife Queen Barbara of Celje, following the battle for possession of Bosnia, 1408
Isabella crowns herself Queen of Castile and Aragon, 1474
Jews are expelled from Schlettstadt Alsace by Emperor Frederick III, 1479
In Vienna, Ludwig von Beethoven receives his first lesson in music composition from Franz Joseph Haydn, 1792
Mexico is officially recognized as an independent nation by the US, 1822
The first Canadian coins are circulated (1 cent, 5 cent, 10 cent and 20 cent), 1858
Rudolph Dirks' first Katzenjammer cartoon strip appears in the NY Journal, 1897
Belo Horizonte, the first planned city of Brazil, is founded, 1897
George F Bryant of Boston patents the wooden golf tee, 1899
Guglielmo Marconi receives the first transatlantic radio signal at Signal Hill in St John's, Newfoundland, 1901
Delhi replaces Calcutta as the capital of India, 1911
Oscar Straus becomes US Secretary of Commerce, the first Jew to be a US Cabinet member, 1906
The first all metal aircraft, the Junkers J-1, is test flown in Dessau, Germany, 1915
In Nebraska, Father Edward J. Flanagan founds Boys Town as a farm village for wayward boys, 1917
The first prototype of a hovercraft is patented by British engineer Christopher Cockerell, 1955
Guinea joins the United Nations, 1958
The Russian Federation gains independence from the USSR, 1991
An asteroid named 4179 Toutatis, over 3 miles wide, passes within 4.3 million miles, or 18 lunar distances from Earth, 2012
The International Space Station suspends some of its non-critical systems after an ammonia cooling pump fails; the station and six crew members aboard were not in danger, 2013
French President Francois Hollande proposes that terminally ill patients should have the right to be sedated until death; the proposal does not suggest assisted termination of the patient's life, 2014
Bill English is sworn in as New Zealand Prime Minister, 2016
Russian cosmonauts Oleg Kononenko and Sergey Prokopyev compete a complex spacewalk to fix a hole in their Soyuz spacecraft, 2018


  1. Beautiful story and beautiful gate with red ribbons. Good to know that all is well with the generator. Have a wonderful week!

  2. Love your six sentence story. Sadness replaced with sweetness.
    And yes, that is a truly eerie photo.

  3. So, drink your hot chocolate and admire the poinsettias...
    I can do that!

  4. damn!*

    *compliment for a tightly-written, thoroughly engaging Six Sentence Story

  5. That was a really sweet story and your poem really makes you think. Hooray for a successful generator test, we do hear ours weekly. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  6. " Is this on our world? " I've asked that same question the way things are going in the world especially in the United States. My Canada is having it problems but I worried about what Trump is doing with his attitude towards people and wanting to a king. I pray everyday that things go back to the pride towards the US.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. I was in a very good mood until I read Paul hatred for Trump. I'm so sick of all this hatred.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

  8. you had a LOT of stuff today, but that story was the best!!

  9. oh my I remember when we had a generator! Always happy when it tested ok!

  10. Very heartwarming Six :) Loved it.
    Cool pic/poem.
    Perfect timing. Glad you're good to go!

  11. Very nice story. Good job on the poem too. I remember when our generator used to come on every Monday at 4pm. I wish my hubby would get it fixed.

  12. I enjoyed your story, your poem is neat and I love gingerbread houses! Excellent.

  13. I like the holiday fence decorations. Just enough!

  14. Porch pirates make me so angry. I just want to talk to all of their mamas, see if they know what their kids (yes, the grown ones too) are up to.

  15. fence looks fantastic with christmas ornaments

  16. Love your SSS! It says so much about hope!

  17. Loving but sad 6 sentence story ~ pretty holiday fence and glad you finished work early ~ generators are a treasure and always good to hear the sound of it recycling for the week ~ ^_^

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. What a lovely Six Sentence story.

  19. Sorry to be so late in commenting. my computer, rest its soul, went home to be with the Lord and I was doing everything from the iPhone which would not allow me to comment on your blog and a couple of others. great post, great six.

  20. An important Six Sentences story, right here: The presence of a man in the house does not necessarily prove that a father is not absent. Nice.


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