
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Driving and Daughters and Good News, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus.  

Sweetie tried to drive the Ford Focus, GusGus.

He's tall, and broad shouldered, and is built rather like you expect football players to be built.

To say he didn't fit well is an understatement.  It's not a car made for people who take up as much room on the planet as he does.

(Yes, i'm small and vertically challenged.  You think of the long and short of things when you see us together.)

After he got back from the trip, i asked how he liked driving the car.  He said, "I don't fit!  I felt like my knees were in my chin, and I couldn't figure out the radio.  I pulled out the book to see if it would help, but it read like stereo instructions!"

How odd that the instructions for the car stereo actually read like stereo instructions, i responded with a straight face.

It took him a few minutes to get it.  Sometimes i am bad!

This past Sunday we finally got back to having our evening prayer meeting.  There's no way to do it the last couple of weeks of December, between the Pilgrimage and Nativity Live and everything else going on.

We had a nice catching up chat before prayer, and Pastor J talked about how his youngest daughter is now dating.  He said, "The young man teaches a Bible study, and she began to attend.  Three month's later, he asked her out, but only after he'd talked it over with his pastor, and she talked it over with us.  I didn't have to pull out my line about how I don't just have a beautiful daughter, I also have a shotgun, a shovel, and an alibi!"

He was joking, of course.  Pastor J is one of the nicest and most inoffensive people you could ever hope to meet.  He moved into the job here on a Monday in August of 2016, and on Friday the rains came that ended up flooding and devastating the area, and he didn't run away screaming. 

Dr. D got good news on one of her lawsuits yesterday.  The attorneys were down at the appellate court, and they asked one question of the attorneys on both sides.  "Did Dr. W own the property in question?"  The answer was yes, even the other attorney couldn't deny it.  The court moved on to another case immediately.

That means she has probably already won the appeal.  Meanwhile, yesterday i won the argument about clipping coupons, as i was able to prove to her that even with the coupon for the name brand item, the knock off brand is cheaper.  Score!

Now for a few more pictures that show that none of us have seen everything yet:

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!


Today is:

Asarah B'Tevet -- Judaism (Tenth of Tevet, a minor fast day, in remembrance of the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar)

Celebration of the First Week of Moonhopper -- Fairy Calendar

Fasching Carnival -- Munich, Germany (through Shrove Tuesday)

Festa del Tricolore -- Italy (Tricolour or Flag Day)

Harlem Globetrotters' Day -- anniversary of their first game in 1927

I'm Not Going To Take It Anymore Day -- declared by Bob O'Brien, Consumer Advocate, who encourages us to fight back

International Consumer Electronics Show -- Las Vegas, NV, US (the world's largest annual trade show for consumers, and the largest annual trade show of any kind in the US; through the 10th)

Nanakusa no Sekku -- Japan (Festival of Seven Herbs, dates back to the 7th century and recalls the medicinal herbs that were traditionally served to the emperor)

National No-Tillage Conference -- St. Louis, MO, US (conference to encourage ecologically sound farming; through the 10th)

National Tempura Day

Nativity of Christ / Orthodox Christmas / Coptic Christmas -- Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Christians still using the Julian Calendar.

Old Rock Day -- a/k/a "St. Distaff's Day" or simply Distaff Day(the distaff, for spinning yarn, was also called a "rock"; today was the day women went back to spinning after the Christmas holidays)

St. Raymond of Penyafort's Day (Patron of attornies, barristers, canonists, lawyers, and medical record librarians)

Usokae -- Kameido Tenmangu Shrine, Fukuoka, Japan (Bullfinch Exchange Day, Uso also means "lie" so when exchanging carved birds, it is considered a way of exchanging lies for the truth)

Victory Day over the Genocidal Regime -- Cambodia

Anniversary Today:

Princess Juliana of Netherlands weds Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld, 1937

Birthdays Today:

Dustin Diamond, 1977
Jeremy Renner, 1971
Nick Cleg, 1967
Nicholas Cage, 1964
Katie Couric, 1957
David Caruso, 1956
Erin Gray, 1950
Kenny Loggins, 1948
Jann Wenner, 1947
Paul Revere, 1938
William Peter Blatty, 1928
Jean-Pierre Rampal, 1922
Vincent Gardenia, 1922
Charles Addams, 1912
Butterfly McQueen, 1911
Aristotle Onassis, 1906
Zora Neale Hurston, 1891
St Bernadette, 1844
Millard Fillmore, 1800
Jacques Etienne Montgolfier, 1745

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Video-Telephone, 1992 (US$1,499)
"Fame"(TV), 1982
"Flash Gordon"(comic strip), 1934
"Buck Rogers in the 25th Century A.D."(comic strip), 1929
"Tarzan of the Apes"(comic strip), 1929
Transatlantic telephone service, 1927 (US$75 for 5 minutes)

Today in History:

Calais, the last English possession in France, is taken back by the French, 1558
Boris Godunov seizes the Russian throne upon the death of Feodore I, 1598
Fire destroys Jamestown, Virginia, 1608
Galileo discovers the first 3 moons of Jupiter (Io, Europa, and Ganymede), 1610
Francis Bacon becomes the English Lord Chancellor, 1618
A prototype typewriter is patented by Englishman Henry Mill, 1714
Battle at Panipat India: the Afghan army beats Mahratten, 1761
The Bank of North America opens in Philadelphia, the first US commercial bank, 1782
The first gas balloon flight across the English channel, by Blanchard and Jeffries, 1785
The modern Italian flag is first used, 1797
Liberia is colonized by Americans, 1822
The first railroad station in the US, in Baltimore, opens, 1830
Fanny Farmer publishes her first cookbook, 1896
The distress signal "CQD" is established only to be replaced two years later by "SOS", 1904
The first steamboat passage through the Panama Canal, 1914
The Harlem Globetrotters play their first game, 1927
The first transatlantic telephone service is established – from New York City to London, 1927
"Buck Rogers", the first sci-fi comic strip, and "Tarzan," one of the first adventure comic strips, premier, 1929
Guy Menzies flies the first solo non-stop trans-Tasman flight (from Australia to New Zealand) in 11 hours and 45 minutes, crash-landing on New Zealand's west coast, 1931
The "Flash Gordon" comic strip (by Alex Raymond) debuts, 1934
President Harry Truman announces that the United States has developed the hydrogen bomb, 1952
The first public demonstration of a machine translation system, is held in New York at the head office of IBM, 1954
Marian Anderson becomes the first black singer to perform at the Met (NYC), 1955
The Polaris missile is test launched, 1960
Surveyor 7, the last spacecraft in the Surveyor series, lifts off, 1968
Brunei becomes the sixth member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), 1984
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency launches Sakigake, Japan's first interplanetary spacecraft and the first deep space probe to be launched by any country other than the United States or the Soviet Union, 1985
The interior of the Leaning Tower of Pisa is closed to the public because of safety concerns, 1990
U.S. President Clinton goes on trial before the U.S. Senate for perjury and obstruction of justice in the Monica Lewinsky scandal, 1999
The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics estimates at least 17 billion planets exist that are comparable to the size of the Earth, 2013
A terrorist attack on the offices of satirical newspaper "Charlie Hebdo" in Paris kills 12 and injures 11, 2015
It snows in the Sahara desert - up to 15 inches as reported in Aïn Séfra, Northwest Algeria, 2018


  1. Hooray for good news - and thank you for those quirky photos.

  2. It may cost more than doing it yourself, but the potential increase in business due to their experience in social media marketing will likely be worth it.
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  3. Those you haven't seen it all pictures really make my day!

  4. Great news. I like those photos. Especially the last one.

    God bless.

  5. I usually scan the Today Is list. I like this one:
    "I'm Not Going To Take It Anymore Day"

    Don't know what I'm not going to take, but I will find something!
    Somebody is going to be very sorry they messed with merry mae! lol

  6. Mimi,

    My son is very big, too. He has trouble fitting into small vehicles. To see us side by side, I always think, 'That came from me?' He is 6'4" and 200+ pounds. I'm 5'2" and 120 pounds. I believe I can fit in his shirt pocket. :) Great photos! I love the tree!! Have a randomtastic day, my friend.

  7. Wow, some folks did some real work on nature in some of those photos. The mushroom car is funny!
    Thanks for sharing!

  8. I discovered that about clipping coupons a long iong time ago and now clip coupons only for something I would buy anyway.

  9. I love waterfalls Mimi, any waterfalls especially the ones that are a little different. Have a wonderful day my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

  10. I was nodding my head all through the start of your post. I'm 5 feet tall and my husband is 6'2". There are cars that we just can't buy.

  11. I got a visual of Mr. Sweetie trying to get into and out of that small car. Yikes.

    Good news on the lawsuit. Happy day.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  12. Maybe if he waters the car it will grow. Nah, probably not. Love the photos!!!

  13. THose first photos are a bit scary!

  14. Well, with any luck, the rest of Dr. D's stuff will finish up, so you can go on to OTHER interesting things! Heh. Oh, and along with the photos of faces, look up Fremont Troll. Very similar. There was another one, I can't remember where, another troll under an overpass, that was holding an VW!

    Cat, who had to look twice to see the shopping cart. Time to get my eyes checked... Ahem.

  15. the pictures are great; I'll probably never look at a shopping cart the same way again !!! ☺☺♥♥

  16. You’ll have to supply a shoe horn for entry and exit for your Sweetie! Our second son is 6’8”. He drove a little Firefly years ago. It was so funny to see him unfold from it!
    I LOVE Pastor J’s comment! May I pass it on to MY Sweetie?
    Those pictures are amazing!

  17. Quite the unique photos ~ glad hubby survived the Focus car ~

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. LOL. I hate it when one of my children drive my car. They're all so much taller than me and adjust everything, seat, mirrors. Love the shopping cart grill.

  19. So true about coupons not being as good as store brand. Great photos.

  20. Those pictures are terrific. We especially liked the guy one. Have a good week.

  21. Love the nature photos and while the shopping cart idea is clever, I fume at the waste of a cart that the supermarket now has to replace at quite an expense.

  22. Your pictures are phenomenal.. love them to pieces. Thank you so much for sharing. Have a great day!

  23. My brother-in-law is 6'5", and it's always hilarious watching him attempt to get in and out of my sister's small Toyota. ;)

    Love that you have a cool pastor and fun prayer meetings! I need to find a group like that in my area. :)

    WooHoo for Dr. D! I bet the doctor is happy with that potential result, no?

    LOVE all the funky images - that last one I immediately thought "redneck bbq!" :D


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