
Monday, January 6, 2020

Favorite (Awww Monday), Inspiring Quote of the Week, and Faster Than Anything (Poetry Monday)


Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus.

Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays.  Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that's it.

Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you.  What better way to start the week than with a smile!

Dansig in his favorite chair:


Sparks, the brainchild of Annie of McGuffy's Reader, is on hiatus, so here's an Inspiring Quote of the Week in her honor.


Poetry Monday was started by Diane at On The Alberta/Montana Border.  She and Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey take turns providing a theme each week.   Mother Owl and Merry Mae almost always participate, too.  This weeks theme is Something That Goes Fast.                  

The money comes in
The money goes out
It does not help to
Scream or shout

Almost before you
Really do earn it
The bills require
To them you turn it.

No matter how you
Try to hold on
It gets to the bank
Then whoosh, it's gone!


Today is:

Armed Forces Day -- Iraq

Befana -- Italy (Befana is the fairy who resides in chimneys, flies on a broom, and leaves toys and candy in stockings on Epiphany, their traditional day to exchange gifts.)

Bean Day (Bake a bean or penny into a cake, whoever gets the slice with the bean is king for a day.  A tradition continued in New Orleans and vicinity, especially, all the way through Mardi Gras Day, only now a plastic baby toy, representative of Jesus, is put in the traditional cakes.)

Blessing of the Waters -- Piraeus, Greece; Turkey; among Greek Orthodox worshippers worldwide (on the traditional date of the Baptism of Jesus)

Carnival Season begins -- Christian, through Mardi Gras/Shrove Tuesday

Children's Day -- Uruguay

Cuddle Up Day -- internet generated, an excuse to get close to your special someone

Daruma Ichi -- Takasaki City, Japan (the largest and most famous daruma market in the city where the good luck dolls originated; through tomorrow)

Deer Dance Ceremonies -- Taos Pueblo, NM, US (Native American celebration of the deer spirit)

Dezome-shiki -- Tokyo, Japan (fire fighters pray for a safe year, have a parade, help raise awareness of fire prevention, and men dressed as firefighters from the Edo period perform acrobatic feats from the tops of ladders to show agility)

Dia de los Reys -- Hispanic Christians(Three Kings Day)

Epiphany / Three Kings Day -- Western Christian

Epiphany of Kore (Persephone/Proserpina) -- Ancient Greek Calendar and Ancient Roman Calendar (a goddess of fertility and germination of seeds)

Feast of Ptah and Horus -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Feast of the Theophany -- Orthodox Christian

Four Freedoms Day -- US (commemorates the FDR speech about the four freedoms:  freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, freedom from fear.)

Greek Cross Day -- Tarpon Springs, Florida (as part of the Greek Orthodox Church celebration of Epiphany/Little Christmas)

Handsel Monday -- Scotland (traditionally a day to exchange small tokens of good luck with friends and neighbors; celebrated in rural areas on the Monday after Jan. 12, where they did not want to deviate from the OS/Julian Calendar)

Kayin New Year -- Myanmar (The Kayin, or Karen, are the second largest ethnic minority in the country, and their New Year is an extra holiday with traditional costume and lots of celebrating)

Little Christmas -- Ireland

Maroon Festival -- Jamaica (celebration of descendents of former fugitive slaves)

National Shortbread Day

Orthodox Christmas Eve -- Orthodox Christians following the Julian calendar

Prettandinn -- Iceland (the last Day of Christmas, Epiphany, with bonfires and Elven Dances)

Shorinzan Daruma-Ichi -- Shorinzan, Japan (Good luck daruma dolls are purchased, with no eyes.  One eye is painted on when you make a wish, the other when the wish comes true.  Largest and oldest Daruma doll festival in Japan; through tomorrow.)

Smith Day -- the Smiths and Smythes and Smithes of the world want a day to be recognized; if your name is Smith or one of the variants of it, have a celebration of your very common name today!

Sts. Balthazar, Caspar, and Melchoir's Day (Patrons of travelers)

Surb Tsnund -- Armenia (Armenian Christmas Day)

Take a Poet to Lunch Day -- listed on a few sites, and who doesn't want an excuse to go out to eat?

"Thank G-d It's Monday" Day

Turisi -- Slavic Pagan Calendar (holiday of the bull, Jar-tur; a fertility rite)

Wassailing the Apple Trees -- various parts of the UK (from the Old English "waes hael," meaning "be well," a ritual to bless apple trees to ensure a good harvest)

Anniversaries Today:

George H. W. Bush marries Barbara Pierce, 1945
New Mexico becomes the 47th US State, 1912
Henry VIII marries Anne of Cleves, 1540 (his 4th wife)

Birthdays Today:

Joey Lauren Adams, 1971
Susan Perabo, 1969
Nancy Lopez, 1957
Rowan Atkinson, 1955
Bonnie Franklin, 1944
Lou Holtz, 1937
E.L. Doctorow, 1931
Vic Tayback, 1929
Earl Scruggs, 1924
Sun Myung Moon, 1920
Eugene T. Maleska, 1916
Loretta Young, 1913
Danny Thomas, 1912
Kahlil Gibran, 1883
Tom Mix, 1880
Carl Sandburg, 1878
Sherlock Holmes, 1854 (As celebrated by the Baker Street Irregulars.)
Charles Sumner, 1811
Jedediah Strong Smith, 1799
Haym Salomon, 1785
Joan of Arc, 1412

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Wheel of Fortune"(TV), 1975
"Schoolhouse Rock"(TV), 1973
"Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom"(TV), 1963
"Hallmark Hall of Fame"(TV), 1952

Today in History:

The first Roman Catholic Mass is celebrated in the "New World," at La Isabela, Hispaniola, 1494
All Jews are expelled from Syria, 1497
The city of Lima, Peru, is founded by Francisco Pizarro, 1535
The first recorded boxing match of the style now called English Boxing is held -- the Duke of Albemarle's butler versus his butcher, 1681
Massachusetts slaves petition the legislature for freedom, 1773
Samuel Morse makes his first public demonstration of the telegraph, 1838
The most damaging storm in 300 years sweeps across Ireland, damaging or destroying more than 20% of the houses in Dublin, 1839
A patent for reducing zinc ore granted to Samuel Wetherill of Pennsylvania, 1857
The Washington National Cathedral is chartered bu the US Congress and signed by President Benjamin Harrison, 1893
The first telephone call is made from a submerged submarine, by Simon Lake, 1898
Maria Montessori opens her first school and day care for working class families in Rome, 1907
The Great White Fleet passes through the Suez Canal, the largest group of ships to pass through up to that time, 1909
Mother Teresa arrives in Calcutta to begin her work among the poor of India, 1929
The first diesel-engined automobile trip is completed, from Indianapolis, Indiana, to New York City, 1930
Thomas Edison submits his last patent application, for a  "Holder for Article to be Electroplated," 1931
Barbara Hanley becomes Canada's first woman mayor, of the city of Webbwood, Ontario, 1936
The Pacific Clipper lands at Pan American's LaGuardia Field, completing the first around the world flight, 1942
The Crown of St. Stephen (also known as the Holy Crown of Hungary) is returned to Hungary from the United States, where it was held after World War II, 1978
The Ady Gil, a ship owned by Sea Shepherd, is sunk during a skirmish with the Japanese Whaling Fleet's Shonan Maru, 2010
Californian Governor Jerry Brown declares state of emergency over methane gas leak on outskirts of Los Angeles, 2016


  1. Dansig is a cutie.
    Choosing happiness is always a plus.
    And yes, sometimes money seems to go out before it has come in (if that makes sense).

  2. It is important to buy a stock when it has fallen and to sell it when it is high. People think that the best time to buy a stock when it is high, and they sell it when it is low. satta king

  3. The poem about money is so true, I barely get to touch it before it's gone again. Dansig is beautiful.

  4. So true poem. There's a Danish song on this theme, I would have translated for today, if not the Danish strict copyright laws did not make it downright impossible to find newer verses.

  5. Great quote for the day. Thank you Mimi.

    God bless.

  6. Aww! Dansig looking so comfy and cute :-)

    I liked the quote and poem so true heheh!

    Have a tanfasticated day :-)

  7. Mimi,

    I'm feeling like Dansig this morning...sleepy! :) Your poem is cute and so true. We physically never see DH's paycheck since it's direct deposited into our account but often it's gone in a swoosh after all the bills are paid. I love your quote and spot on. We choose to be happy or sad and shouldn't allow anyone or anything to have control over the way we feel. True, easier said than done often but if we can master it then oh how much better we'll be! Happy Monday, dearie! Everyone is invited to come boogie with me on the 4M dance floor!

  8. Drat! Bookman & I can't get together for lunches on a Monday, it's going to have to be "Take a Poet To Friday Night Supper" for us this year...

  9. Funny how kitties choose their favorite places. I'm sure there are more comfy spots, but for some reason, that spot wins for the kitty. Happy Monday!

  10. Good idea, I'm choosing happiness too!

  11. Dansig catnapping in his favourite chair. That is the thing about money, we earn it to spend it.

  12. Dansig is such a handsome cat! And love the quote! Happiness is such a good choice!

  13. Awww, it's good to have your favorite chair to nap on. So cute.

    Love your Spark and yes on the money. It's the way of things.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Big hug. ♥

  14. dood yur chair iz total lee awesum !! wavez two ewe ...N de food gurl rememburrz mutual oh omaha !!! kewl show :) ☺☺♥♥

  15. Dansig looks quite happy on his Throne. That's a purrfect Spark for any old day.

  16. The money, yes. Sigh. Great take, Mimi :)

  17. Cute cat, and yes. It is a lot easier to spend money than earn it.

  18. Dansig is a cutie. Great spark and the poem is so true.

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  20. They say don't spend your money all in one place. By the time we leave the grocery store there's no place else to go. :(

  21. Dansig ~ you are one smart and sweet kittie ~ great napping ~ lovely true poetry and great 'spark!'

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  22. Never deny anyone the opportunity to reuse your articles! The core of any article marketing strategy is to use articles to boost traffic to your satta king website.


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