
Sunday, January 5, 2020

Fit To Be Tied (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

Sometimes when i go to Grandma and Grandpa’s house, Grandma wants to go out and do something.  On occasion, she even wants to eat out.  Yesterday she said, “I don’t want to get out of my pajamas!” so i told her not to, and i just ran the errands.

Boudreaux decide he want him to try dat new restaurant in town, so he go down dere and he walk in.  He tell de maitre d’ dat he want him a table, an’ he get tole, “Sir, you must have a tie to dine at this establishment.”

Well, Boudreaux don’ have him no tie wit’ him, so he ax, “Is dere a special kind o’ tie I need?”

The maitre d’ responded, “You simply must have something tied around your neck,” thinking that would get rid of him.

So Boudreaux he t’ink ‘bout dat, an’ den he go to de car an’ he come back an’ he gots him de jumper cable tie ‘round hims neck.

He tell de maitre d’, “Mais, I done gots me somethin’ ‘round my neck, so you get me a table an’ I promise I won’t start nothin’!”


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It is now hosted by Elephant's Child.     

Since it’s been a while, and because it can be fun to look back at the start of a new year, some pictures from the past:


Today is:

Apple Howling Day -- Henfield, West Sussex (Held at Gill Orchard, always on Epiphany Eve, horn blowing and howling at the trees is said to wake them up and yield a good crop.)

Armenian Christmas Eve -- Armenia (Old Chrismas Day in the West)

Can Opener Day -- one of the earliest forms of can opener was patented this date in 1858 by Ezra Warner of CT, US (tin cans had been around for over 50 years by then, usually opened with a knife or hammer and chisel)

Dakar Rally -- Buenos Aires, Argentina to Valparaiso, Chile (the legendary event of off-road rallies; through the 17th)

Earth at Perihelion -- 07:47 UTC (closest point to the Sun)

Epiphany Fair -- Piazza Navona, Rome, Italy (toys, sweets, and presents among the beautiful Bernini Fountains)

Get on the Computer Day -- obviously dates back to a time when people didn't have to check email daily or get inundated

Guru Gobindh Singh Birthday -- Sikh

Harbin Ice Festival -- Harbin, China (with a theme of "Magical Harbin, Ice, Snow, Charming China," a festival of illuminated ice sculptures, ice sports, and fun through Chinese New Year and beyond)

Joma Shinji Festival -- Kamakura, Japan (ceremony and festival to keep evil spirits away)

Mungday -- Discordianism (festival of St. Hung Mung)

National Bird Day -- US (National Association of Audubon Societies incorporated today in 1905)     

National Whipped Cream Day

Nones of January -- Ancient Roman Calendar; also
    Festival of Vica Pota (ancient goddess of victory)

Review Your Wrestling Holds Day -- internet generated, and weird

St. Gerlac of Valkenberg's Day (Patron of domestic animals)

St. Simeon Stylites' Day (The original and most maniacal of the "Pillar Saints")

Take the Cake Day -- a day to do something, anything, over the top, just because

Trettondagsafton -- Sweden (Epiphany Eve)

Turn Up the Heat Day -- all over the internet, but no one explains it

Twelfth Day of Christmas -- and thus, Twelfth Night (Although by some reckonings, this is actually only the 11th day of Christmas, and thus Twelfth Night Eve and Epiphany is the actual Twelfth Night.  Take your pick.)

Ume Matsuri -- Atami, Japan (celebrating the ume -- plum -- at one of the most famous plum viewing spots in the country; through early to mid-March)

Anniversaries Today:

George Washington marries Martha Dandridge Custis, 1759

Birthdays Today:

January Jones, 1978
Bradley Cooper, 1975
Warrick Dunn, 1975
Carrie Ann Inaba, 1968
Pamela Sue Martin, 1953
Diane Keaton, 1946
Charlie Rose, 1942
Juan Carlos I, King of Spain, 1938
Umberto Eco, 1932
Alvin Ailey, 1931
Robert Duvall, 1931
Walter Mondale, 1928
George Reeves, 1914
George Dolenz, 1908
Jeannette Ridlon Piccard, 1895
King Camp Gillette, 1855
Edmund Ruffin, 1794
Constanze Mozart, 1762 (wife of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
Pietro Filippo Scarlotti, 1679
Shah Jahal, 1592 (Mughal emperor of India, built the Taj Mahal)

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"All My Children"(TV), 1970
"Bozo the Clown"(TV), 1959
"The Member of the Wedding"(Play), 1950
"Pepe LePew"(cartoon character, in "Odor-able Kitty"), 1945

Today in History:

Edward the Confessor dies with no heir, leading to a succession crisis that ends with the Norman Conquest, 1066
Felix Manz, a leader of the Anabaptist congregation in Zürich, is executed by drowning, 1527
Pope Clemens VII forbids English king Henry VIII to re-marry, 1531
A petition in Recife, Brazil leads to closing of their 2 synagogues, 1638
Anne Clarke of the Massachusetts Bay Colony is granted the first divorce in the colonies, from her absent and adulterous husband, Denis Clarke, by the Quarter Court of Boston, Massachusetts, 1643
The first Swedenborgian temple in the US holds its first service, in Baltimore, 1800
The Ohio legislature passes the first laws restricting the movement of free blacks, 1804
Davy Crockett arrives in Texas, just in time for the Alamo, 1836
The US House of Representatives votes to stop sharing the Oregon Territory with the UK, 1846
The first US school of librarianship opens at Columbia University, 1887
An Austrian newspaper makes the first public report on Wilhelm Roentgen's discovery of xrays, 1896
The National Association of Audubon Society incorporates, 1905
Colombia recognizes Panama's independence, 1909
The Ford Motor Company announces an eight-hour workday and a minimum wage of $5 for a day's labor, 1914
British premier Lloyd George issues a demand for a unified peace, 1918
Nellie Taylor Ross is sworn in as governor of Wyoming, the first woman governor of a US state, 1925
Mao Tse-tung writes "A Single Spark Can Start A Prairie Fire," 1930
FM radio is demonstrated to the Federal Communications Commission for the first time, 1940
The Daily Mail becomes the first transoceanic newspaper, 1944
Warmest reliably measured temperature in Antarctica of +59°F (+15°C) recorded at Vanda Station, 1974
Eris, the largest known dwarf planet in the solar system, is discovered, 2005
The tomb of an Egyptian queen, Khentakawess III, is discovered by a team of Czech archaeologists; the queen lived during the Fifth Dynasty and was likely the wife of Pharaoh Neferefre, 2015
The Orthodox Church of Ukraine is granted independence from the Russian Orthodox Church by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, 2019


  1. Lovely, lovely images. Thank you so much.

  2. If only those dogs could talk.
    Love the big blue eyed cutie!

  3. Wishing you as Blessed New Year.

    God bless.

  4. I promise I won’t start nothin’!” Now that was funny Mimi. I'm getting ready for my cruise. I told MaryLou I better check on the clothes I need. She just laughed at me. I don't know why she laughed. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  5. Lovely selection of kitties and puppies and babies...oh my. And Davy Crockett...king of the wild frontier...I remember sitting in front of the TV wearing my 'coon skin' hat and watching Davy clean up the West.

  6. That was a really funny story and the photos were great!

  7. LOL ~ Cajun joke ~ sweet series of reflection 2019 photos ^_^

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Apple Howling Day, eh? Excuse me while I go dig in the fridge :)

  9. That was a fun joke- unique tie. Great photos,
    especially the baby. Thank you for donating to Colehaus Cats, that was very kind of you to help.XO

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