
Sunday, August 2, 2020

Like I Done Say (Cajun Joke), and Sunday Selections


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

Yesterday, Grandpa started the extra generator he keeps on hand in case the main one quits.  He tried to do that once a month to both test it and make sure it doesn’t freeze up.

He started it and left for the store.  As he was heading out, Grandma said, “Don’t leave it running while you are gone!”

He replied, “It’s fine, I won’t be long, nothing’s gonna happen in 10 minutes."

Of course, something happened.  There was a plastic sheeting he kept over it, and he didn’t secure it far enough away.  Grandma heard a terrible noise coming from the machine and went out to find the plastic had been sucked up into the engine.  She ripped it out, but did not know how to turn the contraption off.  

When Grandpa came home, Grandma gave him an earful.  “I told you not to leave something running while you are gone, especially if I don’t know what to do with it if something goes wrong!”

Deputy Sheriff Boudreaux done shot him de 12-foot ‘gator dat done be unner de raise house when de home owner done call ‘bout it.

A few hour later, Sheriff Thibodeaux done call him an’ say, “De wil’life ranger done want to talk to you ‘bout de ‘gator you done kill, he be at de home owner house.”

Deputy Boudreaux done get on de phone an’ de ranger ax, “Why you done kill de ‘gator?”

An’ Boudreaux say, “De home owner done say it be eatin’ his chickens.”

An’ de ranger say, “I don’ see no chickens in dis yard.”

An’ Boudreaux say, “Mais, like I done tole you!”


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It is now hosted by Elephant's Child.    

First, Mr. BA's okra plant.  He says it is creole okra:

He hates green clover, but goes out of his way to cultivate the reddish purple variety:

Now for a few things around my own house that bring me joy.

My smiling sponge makes me smile when i do the dishes:

This coffee cup was a gift from my best friend back when i was in high school (back when Hector was a pup).  It is my favorite and i still use it:

This watercolor was purchased from my client Ms. S's estate sale when she downsized.  It hasn't been framed yet, but i hope soon:

A few items from the curio cabinet (some of which i may have shown before, but please indulge me):

Sweetie's dad who raised him used this teether, it is silver and celloid.

Grandpa's Captain's bars from when he was in the army.

My favorite cup as a child.

Sweetie's mama who raised him made potholders.

Great-grandpa won this piece of carnival glass in 1906.

Sweetie and his brother's childhood piggy banks.

Mr. Piggy tips his hat when you add a coin.

Have a blessed and beautiful Sunday, everyone!


Today is:

Day of the Airborne Forces -- Russia; Ukraine

Day of Azerbaijani Cinema -- Azerbaijan (anniversary of the 1898 showing of the first motion pictures taken in Azerbaijan)

Distribution of Charity Monies -- Fairy Calendar (Imps only)

Festival of Amen and Hapi -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (offerings to the god of transcendent powers and the god of the Nile to assure the flooding of the Nile; date approximate)

Festival of Domhnach Chrom Dubh -- Ireland (also called Festival of Lughnasa or Garland Sunday, Black Chrom's Sunday, associated with the god Lugh and connected to the festival of Lammas; also connected to John Barleycorn, the personification of the grain, who is killed by being harvested at this time; many honor St. Patrick's Fast by making a pilgrimage to Croagh Patrick, where he fasted until he overcame the pagan deity Crom Cruach [Crom of the Reek])

Lincoln Penny Day -- US (the Lincoln Cent entered circulation on this day in 1909, and is one of the longest running coins in continual production in history)

     Take a Penny/Leave a Penny Day -- if the US is really determined to keep the littlest coins, the least we can do is pool them together in the trays so conveniently found in stores and restaurants

Loch-mo-Naire Pilgrimage -- Loch mo Naire, Scotland (tonight from midnight to 1am tomorrow is the magical hour, complete the ritual there to be healed by the waters because of magic stones in the water that a Celtic priestess put there) 

Make Some Old Fashioned Lemonade Day

National Doll Day -- US (another with its own Facebook page

National Friendship Day -- US (designated by Congress in 1935)

National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

Nuestra Senora de los Angeles -- Costa Rica (Feast of Our Lady of the Angels)

Shimizu Minato Matsuri -- Shimizu City, Japan (through the 4th, commemorates the reopening of Shimizu Port to international trade)

Sisters' Day® -- celebrating the bond between sisters, as begun by Tricia Eleogram; a wiki page on how to celebrate this day 

St. Elias' Day (Elijah the Prophet)  related observance

     Iliden -- Bosnia-Herzegovina; Ukraine; other Slavic countries where he is titled St. Ilia 

     Republic Day -- Macedonia

St. Eusebius of Vercelli's Day (Patron of Vercelli, Italy)

Anniversary Today:

The first US Census is recorded, 1790

Birthdays Today:

Edward Furlong, 1977

Michael Weiss, 1976

Sam Worthington, 1976

Mary-Louise Parker, 1964

Victoria Jackson, 1959

Butch Patrick, 1953

Kathryn Harrold, 1950

James Fallows, 1949

Joanna Cassidy, 1944

Wes Craven, 1939

Lamar Hunt, 1932

Peter O'Toole, 1932

James Baldwin, 1924

Carroll O'Connor, 1924

Myrna Loy, 1905

Jack L. Warner, 1892

Elisha Gray, 1835

Pierre "Peter" Charles L'Enfant, 1754

Today in History:

Philip II of Macedon leads his army to defeat the combined forces of Athens and Thebes in the Battle of Chaeronea, which secured Macedonian hegemony in Greece and the Aegean, BC338

Hannibal leads his Corinthian army to defeat the superior forces of Rome, BC216

Henry Hudson sails into what it is now known as Hudson Bay, thinking he had made it through the Northwest Passage and reached the Pacific Ocean, 1610

First United States Census, 1790

First parachute jump in the US, 1819

Japan's samurai, farmer, artisan, merchant class system is abolished as part of the Meiji Restoration reforms, 1869

Tower Subway, the world's first underground tube railway, opens in London, 1870

Andrew Hallidie tests the first cable car system in San Francisco, 1873

Wild Bill Hickok meets his death; shot in the back while playing poker, his hand, a pair of Aces and a pair of eights, is now called "Dead Man's Hand", 1876

Calamity Jane (Martha Jane Cannary) dies, 1903

Typhoon in China kills about 60,000, 1922

The positron (antiparticle of the electron) is discovered by Carl D. Anderson, 1932

Pakistan is re-admitted back into the Commonwealth of Nations, 1989

Iraq invades Kuwait, setting the stage for the Gulf War, 1990

Two previously unknown works by Mozart - a concerto movement and a prelude, are performed in Salzburg, Austria, 2009

The U.S. Government estimates the Deepwater Horizon oil spill dumped nearly 5 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, 2010

The first footage of white giraffes (giraffes with leucism) is posted by the Hirola Conservation Program in north eastern Kenya, 2017

Great Britain’s Prince Philip, age 96, makes his final solo public appearance before retiring from public engagements, 2017

Apple becomes the first American publicly listed company to reach $1 trillion in value, 2018

Archaeologists confirm they have found the oldest library in Germany, in Cologne, dating back to 2AD and possibly holding as many as 20,000 scrolls, 2018

Saudi Arabia announces it is enacting news rules for women including allowing them to travel independently abroad without a male guardian's permission, 2019


  1. I love the Curio Cabinet items and wish I had space for a curio cabinet. The piggy banks are my favourite thing there.

  2. The Curio Cabinet items are precious. Memory packed and delightful.

  3. I like both cups. The carnival glass is an antique; have it valued.

    God bless.

  4. I like your smiling sponge and wish I can get one too. Cute cups and piggy banks.

  5. Your Grandma and Grandpa did make me laugh with that story :-)and the joke

    I liked all those pics the smiling sponge made me smile too heheh!

    Have a save smileytastic Sunday 😷😷😷

  6. That's a cute story, see ya later alligator! Great photos, we have some carnival glass just like that one.

  7. Thanks for the laugh. I love that you have all those memorabilia in your cupboard. What a rich person you are.

  8. Funny joke, unless you are a chicken :)
    I like all your special items you have around the house, they are what makes a house a true home- that and pets.

  9. Love the carnival glass! Okay the hat tipping pig is neat, also!

  10. The handle on my favourite coffee mug keeps breaking off...and I keep sticking it back well as my fingers when doing so! :)

  11. What sweet family souvenirs! I see you were a Yogi Bear fan! I love that red clover too. I didn't realise it even was clover though!


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