
Saturday, August 1, 2020

Yes, It's All For The Best (Ten Things of Thankful)


It's Thankful Day, and my cup runeth over.

On Monday, in spite of the weather and other difficulties, i got through the day.

By the end of that day, however, i was no longer employed by Dr. D (and for her privacy, that's all i will say about it).

Thankfully, it is for the best, although it does make me sad for her.  Also thankfully, i have already found more work.

All week, i've been thankful to have had time to run by Ms. S's house every day to check on her.

Her cat has taken to "missing the box" on occasion, so i am thankful Ms. GA had a spare large one to replace the one that now seems too small for Kiki.

On Tuesday, i was thankful for a wonderful pep talk from a client/friend, i needed it.

Wednesday, Ms. G was out of town again, so i was able to really help Ms. S and Sweetie and i got the laundry done!

On Thursday, i am thankful that Sweetie was able to go work with The Big Boss and earn some extra money.

He usually helps me with Ms. SE's house on that Thursday, but i am thankful that the children are out of town with grandparents so there were not toys everywhere, there was only one small load of laundry to fold as they are able to keep up when it's just the two of them at home, her contractor husband had fixed what was ailing the dishwasher, and i was able to handle the house myself as, when it's only the two of them, it doesn't get that dirty.

Icing on the cake of the week was Friday, when there was a steady breeze while i was working outdoors in the heat, and today, when Sweetie and i are thankful to get to go to NOLA and clean for Grandma and Grandpa.  He dusts much higher than i can reach!

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Kristi and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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Today is:

Air Force Day -- US (declared by President Truman in 1947)

Anniversary of the Founding of Scouting -- first day of Brownsea Island Camp in 1907, where Robert Baden-Powell began Scouting

Armed Forces Day -- Lebanon

Emancipation Day -- Barbados; Guyana; Jamaica; St. Lucia; St. Vincent and Grendines; Trinidad and Tobago; Turks and Caicos Islands (Trad.)

Fast in Honor of the Holy Mother of Jesus / Procession of the Cross and Dormition Fast -- Orthodox Christian

Feast of Kamal (Perfection) -- Baha'i

Girlfriends' Day -- a day to celebrate the women who enrich your life

Harriet Quimby Day -- first woman to earn a pilot's license, this date in 1911

Homowo -- Ghana (a festival of thanksgiving and remembrance, among various groups of Ga peoples, all through August and September.)

Imps Charity Scramble -- Fairy calendar (Do they scramble the imps, or do the imps scramble for something?)

Independence Day / National Day -- Benin(1960)

International Hangover Day -- always the day after International Beer Day, which should tell you something, and sponsored by the same group that does International Beer Day, which should tell you something more!

Kalends of August -- Ancient Roman Calendar; related observances

     Feast of Spes (personification of hope)

     Festival for Victoria (goddess of victory)

Lammas Day / Lammac Tide -- Christian, a Cross Quarter Day (called the Gule of August in Wales, and known as August Eve and Lady Day Eve)

Liberation of Haile Selassie -- Rastafari

Lughnassad / Imbolc -- Wicca and Pagan (based in the Northern Hemisphere on the Celtic Feast of Bread, beginning of the harvest season)

Minden Day -- British Armed Forces

National Day -- Switzerland (where it is also called Swiss Confederation Day, when Switzerland became a single unit in 1291)

National Minority Donor Awareness Week -- US (bringing awareness to the fact that there are fewer minorities who are organ donors) 

National Mustard Day -- US, sponsored by the National Mustard Museum 

National Non-Parent Day -- sponsored by The National Organization for Non-Parents and No Kidding!

National Raspberry Cream Pie Day

Parents' Day -- Democratic Republic of the Congo

Respect For Parents Day -- with information here 

Rounds Resounding Day -- sponsored by Rounds Resounding Society (Grab your friends and sing a few songs that go in rounds, like "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" and "Frere Jacques".)

Social Resistance Day -- North Cyprus

Spiderman Day -- he first appeared today in Amazing Fantasy #15, released Aug. 1, 1963

St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori's Day (Founder of the Redemptorists, a/k/a Ligourians; Patron of confessors, final perseverence, moralists, scrupulous people, theologians, vocations; Pagani, Italy; Sant'Agata de' Goti, Italy; against arthritis, scrupulosity disorder)

World Breastfeeding Week begins -- International (the theme this year is "Support Breastfeeding for a Healthier Planet") 

World Scout Scarf Day -- wear your Scout Scarf in public today 

World Wide Web Day -- what would become our current ability to waste time reading blogs and doing other fun stuff was begun as an idea at CERN during August back in 1990

Yorkshire Day -- Yorkshire, England

Anniversaries Today:

Colorado becomes the 38th US State, 1876

Birthdays Today:

Tempestt Bledsoe, 1973

Robert Cray, 1953

Giancarlo Giannini, 1942

Jerry Garcia, 1942

Yves Saint Laurent, 1942

Ronald Harmon "Ron" Brown, 1941

Dom DeLuise, 1933

Tom Wilson, 1931

James Hill, 1916

Herman Melville, 1819

Maria Mitchell, 1818

Francis Scott Key, 1779

William Clark, 1770

Debuting/Premiering Today:

M2(TV Network), 1996

"The Rush Limbaugh Show"(Radio), 1988

MTV(TV Network), 1981

Today in History:

The future Caesar Augustus, Octavian, enters Alexandria, Egypt, and brings it under the control of Rome, BC30

Japan sends Ono no Imoko to the Sui court in China as envoy, 607

The Swiss Confederation is formed with the signature of the Federal Charter, 1291

Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile drive the Jews out of Spain, 1492

Henry Tudor, soon to be Henry VII, sails with his army to England, 1495

The first black Americans arrive in Jamestown, Virginia, 1619

Oxygen is "discovered" for the 3rd time, by Priestly, 1774

The Act of Union is passed in which merges the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland into the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, 1800

Slavery is abolished throughout the British Empire, 1834

First coast to coast automobile trip, from San Francisco to New York, is completed, 1903

The first Jeep is produced, 1941

Anne Frank makes the last entry in her diary, 1944

The United States and Canada form the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD), 1957

Israel annexes East Jerusalem, 1967

Peat cutters discover Lindow Man, Lindow Moss, Cheshire, England, 1984

CERN physicists begin discussing building what would eventually become the World Wide Web, 1990

Bulgaria, Cyprus, Latvia, Malta, Slovenia and Slovakia join the European Environment Agency, 2001

King Fahd of Saudi Arabia dies and is succeeded by Prince Abdullah, 2005

Buddhist treasures buried during the Mongolian Communist Purge in the 1930's are rediscovered in the Gobi Desert, 2009

Russia grants NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden one year of temporary political asylum; Snowden leaves Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport, 2013

Two crowns and an orb from the Swedish crown jewels are stolen in heist from Strängnäs Cathedral, Stockholm, 2018


  1. You are no longer employed by Dr D? I hope she is ok.
    And love your list (as always). Gratitude is a gift which keeps giving.

  2. Wow, I admire your ability to be thankful. I am speechless.

  3. I hope everything is alright between you and Dr. D. You have a busy week and keeping a thankful and grateful attitude helps to remove all heavy baggage from your shoulder and mind. Have a beautiful weekend.

  4. There is always something to be thankful for - if we look for it.

    God bless, Mimi.

  5. I'm thankful that you always find things to be thankful for and that you always have such a positive attitude. It helps so many people. Thank you!

    Air Force Day -- US (declared by President Truman in 1947)---My step-father retired from The Air Force after serving 23 years so I'll give this a shout out.

    Jerry Garcia, 1942- I'm not a Deadhead, but I'll give Jerry a shout out!

    Herman Melville, 1819- I have give a shout out to the author of Moby Dick.

    Francis Scott Key, 1779- The song may be hard to sing and some of the notes hard to hit, but every time I hear it, it always tugs at my heart strings. Francis Scott Key was a true patriot who gave us a lasting treasure!

    "The Rush Limbaugh Show"(Radio), 1988- The beginning of the end as we know it.

    MTV(TV Network), 1981- This turned into such a disappointment for so many young people.

    The first black Americans arrive in Jamestown, Virginia, 1619- This is a horrible day in history for both black Americans and white Americans because it started a great divide in our country and the racism that continues even today.

    Anne Frank makes the last entry in her diary, 1944- this entry was made three days before she and her family were arrested and placed in concentration camps. Anne Frank died in 1945 from typhus at Germany’s Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Her diary was published by her father in 1947; it has since become a worldwide bestseller.

    I always enjoy reading your lists. Thank you for sharing them.

  6. Mimi, you've had a very thankful week. You know my fried, everyday is a thankful day one way or another. Reaching 70 is being thankful. Every day I give thanks to the Lord and I give thanks to all the friends who care about me. I'm so happy Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. Sorry about the Dr. D. thing but I'm glad you got more work to replace it. Take care and be careful going to NOLA.

  8. I will miss the Dr. D stories but I'll bet your blood pressure readings come down a notch or two...

  9. Well, I'm glad it's all for the best. Change isn't always easy.

  10. I'm thankful for the clean air that I breathe...I am thankful for my good friends, here in the "real" world, and those in Blogland. I am thankful I have my two much-loved furry mates...I have much to be thankful for...too much to list.

    Have a good week, messymimi...keep taking good care. :)

  11. Glad you were able to fill Dr. D's spot- I bet it will be less stressful for you too.

  12. I'm sorry about what happened but it sounds like you are able to move forward and have work so that's great!

  13. Change is inevitable, like it or not, we are always in flux.

  14. Overall, it sounds like you had a good week. I hope you get more icing this week. A little breeze can go a long way :D
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend, Mimi!

  15. Having Sweetie along who can dust higher than you can reach probably makes the work go faster and probably leaves you with a few less aches.
    I am glad you were able to find more work and that all is okay between you and Dr. D.
    Raspberry Cream Pie sounds wonderful. I may have to look for a recipe since I have a box of raspberries in my frig right now. Yum!

  16. Love your list of thankfuls Mimi. To turn disappointments into thankfuls is a wonderful gift. And it's always to our benefit. Icing on the cake - a steady breeze - good one.


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