
Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Buddies Share a Window View (Wordless Wednesday) and She Knew (Words for Wednesday)


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday and Sandee at Comedy Plus.     


Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts to encourage us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month, i am providing the prompts.  You can write your story on your blog and leave a link in the comments here, or write your story in the comments, your choice.

Pick words from one list, or both, use them all, or use none.  The whole point is to get us writing, so please have fun with it!

This week's prompts are:




Taking a deep breath, Sam entered the CLASSROOM and set her armful of books on the desk.  She stopped for a look around and noticed that the walls were painted an awful shade that seemed to DOMINATE the room, giving it a depressing feeling.  She'd have to change that from the BEGINNING, and she knew it wouldn't be easy to cheer this place up.

"Go into anything except being a teacher!" her teacher father had said.  Her mother, also a teacher, hadn't said anything, but Sam knew she had agreed.  Both taught for many years and her dad had moved into administration, her mother leaving eventually to take a job editing books for a publisher.  Both had battle scars from their years in the classrooms.  As much as they knew teachers were needed, they'd also known it wasn't easy and did not pay nearly as well as many other careers.

Sam had heeded the advice and tried journalism, with some success.  The problem was, she had the gift, the GENUINE love of imparting knowledge.  She'd paid a STEEP price to go back to school and get her teacher's certification.

"You're MOVING in the wrong direction!" her father had said.

"I did not EMBARK on this path lightly, just like you didn't!" she'd shot back.  "You wanted to make a difference, and so do I.  I'm not looking for a GOLD star from you, but some understanding would be appreciated."

Her father had sighed at that point and said, "You're right.  The problem is, teachers BLEED and no one realizes how much but other teachers.  You cry over the kid who showed such promise, then starts being ABSENT all the time because he got in with the druggies.  You can't SEPARATE how you think of yourself from what your students' test scores are.  If you're married, the work is more like an AFFAIR than just work, it has your heart and your gut.  I just wanted to save you the heartaches."

"If you can't have the joys without the heartaches, then I'll take both," she'd answered.

"Yes, I know you will.  And your mother and I will support you, and listen, and give what help and advice we can.  If you are determined to try, we both know you will make a great teacher."

Sam turned to head back to her car for another armload of supplies.  She knew it wouldn't be easy.  She knew she'd done the right thing.


Today is:

Balloons Around the World -- balloon artists around the world are encouraged to donate an hour or more to a charity of their choice in their community, entertaining children everywhere with balloon sculpture

Bathtub Day -- can't confirm this one, but it's as good a day as any to be glad you have one!

BOL Foundation Day -- Laos

Change a Light Day -- US (was originally sponsored by EnergyStar, promoting energy saving light bulbs; although they don't seem to be running this particular campaign any more, it's a great idea to switch to the highest efficiency bulbs you can)     

Feast Day of Ma'at -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Festival of the Deerk Toes -- Fairy Calendar (celebrating the toes on a fairy's "deerk", for which there is no human equivalent)

If At First You Don't Succeed Day -- in honor of Frank Sinatra, whose CBS-TV musical variety show debuted on this day in 1950; it and the other two shows that followed didn't succeed, but he never gave up and had a great carreer

Lepanto Day -- Greece

Nagasaki Kunchi -- Nagasaki, Japan (harvest festival, through the 9th)

National Flower Day -- US (anniversary of President Reagan signing the bill, in 1986, that made the rose the US National Flower)

National Frappe Day

Nones of October -- Ancient Roman Calendar; other observances
     Festival of Juno Cutitis and Jupiter Fulgor
     Victoria, Lady of Victories Day a/k/a Pallas Athena -- also celebrated by the Ancient Greeks

Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary -- Catholic Christian

Semana Morazánica, una Fiestas Patrias -- Honduras (through Saturday)

St. Justina of Padua's Day (Patron of Padua, Italy; Santa Giustina, Italy)

Try To Start An Argument Over Which Is the Best Muppet Day -- Kermit, hands down (argue below, if you wish)(Possibly started by the International Association of People without a Life)

You Matter To Me Day -- because the phrase "you matter to me" can make a profound difference in someone's life    

Anniversaries Today:

Larry King married Julie Alexander, 1989
Dow Jones makes the first report, in the Wall Street Journal, of an average of the prices of 12 industrial stocks, 1896

Birthdays Today:

Toni Braxton, 1967
Simon Cowell, 1959
Michael W. Smith, 1957
Yo-Yo Ma, 1955
Vladimir Putin, 1952
John Cougar Mellencamp, 1951
Joy Behar, 1943
Charles Dutoit, 1936
Thomas Keneally, 1935
Amiri Baraka, 1934
Bishop Desmond Tutu, 1931
Al Martino, 1927
R. D. Laing, 1927
June Allyson, 1917
Vaughn Monroe, 1911
Andy Devine, 1905
Niels Bohr, 1885
Thomas J. Wise, 1859
James Whitcomb Riley, 1849
Caesar Rodney, 1728(O.S. date)

Debuting/Premiering Today:

The Independent(Newspaper, first issue), 1986
"Cats"(Musical), 1982
"Route 66"(TV), 1960
"Your Hit Parade"(TV), 1950
"One Touch of Venus"(Musical), 1943
"Eve of St. Mark"(Play), 1942

Today in History:

The epoch of the modern Hebrew calendar (Proleptic Julian calendar), BC3761
The first public burning of books in Louvain, Netherlands, 1520
Ralph Wedgewood patents carbon paper in London, 1806
The first chartered railway in the US, the Granite Railway, begins operations, 1826
Spain abolishes slavery in Cuba, 1886
Henry Ford institutes the moving assembly line, 1913
Georgia Tech defeats Cumberland college in the infamous 222-0 football game, 1916
160 consecutive days of 100*F+ temperatures begin at Marble Bar, Australia, 1924
Beat poet Allen Ginsberg reads his poem "Howl" for the first time at a poetry reading in San Francisco, 1955
U.S.S.R. probe Luna 3 transmits first ever photographs of the far side of the moon, 1959
Nigeria joins the United Nations, 1960
Oman joins the United Nations, 1971
Cats opens on Broadway and begins a run of nearly 18 years, 1982 
The Great Flood of 1993 ends at St. Louis, Missouri, 103 days after it began, 1993
Matthew Shepard, a gay student at the University of Wyoming, is found tied to a fence after being savagely beaten, 1998
The U.S. invasion of Afghanistan begins, 2001
A Southampton University research fellow discovers a long lost Antonio Vivaldi flute concerto at the National Archives of Scotland in Edinburgh, 2010
Scientists Stefan Hell of Germany and Eric Betzig and William Moerner of the U.S. share the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for developing 'super-resolved fluorescence microscopy'; the technology can be used to observe molecular activity in living cells, 2014
Jodie Whittaker debuts in her first full episode as the 13th and first female Doctor Who on BBC television, 2018


  1. Teachers like Sam are invaluable. And appreciated perhaps more than they realise.
    Love the window buddies, and I have also gone back to school with your prompts.

    I loathed school and couldn’t wait to leave the classroom behind me. I didn’t fit in with the in crowd and those miserable memories dominate. If only I had been able to separate affairs relating to social inadequacy from the wealth of information available.
    Moving forward I am finally realising that I have a genuine love of learning. And beginning to understand what a steep learning curve there is ahead of me. I will receive no gold stars, but neither will I bleed when other people’s opinions lash me.
    I will not learn it all. Or sadly remember it all either. Which doesn’t stop me. I have embarked on a journey. A lifelong journey of discovery. Of rediscovery. Of awe and wonder.

    1. Excellent! Yes, i had to work to learn in spite of the "madding crowd" also. It took almost as much work to ignore them as to do my school work.

      Now, never stop learning is one of the ruless by which i try to live.

    2. Agreeing with Mimi, and still learning, too. Good story.

  2. It is nice to have a buddy to share a window with. Another lovely story from your prompts.

  3. Those kitties look very happy there and we see two batteries in the background. I guess if the cats get tired, they can plug in to the the batteries to energize!

  4. The cats seem to be trying to catch a little sunshine on a rainy day.
    Thanks for the reminder, I need to change a light bulb in the hallway today.

  5. Aww! how cute do they look sitting there together heheh!

    Have a safetastic week 😷😷😷

  6. Mimi,

    You couldn't pay me enough to be a teacher! I hope there are still some Sams out there who truly make a difference in a young person's life. Unfortunately, the classroom has come a glorified indoctrination camp which is scary. Great job on the short story, my friend. You're an awesome writer!

  7. Such sweet kitties. Great story, so true about them bleeding. I wanted to be a teacher and got my degree for grades 1-6, but I am too sensitive. I ended up being a tutor for high school kids which ended up a good fit, but my heart still broke for so many. XO

  8. Oh adorable kitties and sweet photo ~Xox

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. I've been inconvenienced by flooding for about 2 weeks. The thought of 103 days of that misery makes me wince, for sure.

  10. Good morning Mimi. Another Wednesday. LOL Have a happy day and keep safe.

    Cruisin Paul

  11. Aw on those precious kitties. What a great shot.

    Love your use of the prompts as always. She knew and that's a good thing. Well done.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, my friend. You and Mr. Sweetie have a great day. ♥♥♥

  12. You two sure look happy! Hey, teachers need battle pay these days.

  13. Cute cats sharing a window. Good teachers are in great demand but their job is not easy.

  14. Your story was moving and well written, I enjoyed it. I have a teachers diploma as well, but I could not face it .. no not the kids and the heart-rending work, but the parents, bugger them.
    My story is here: Words for Wednesday

  15. Playing catch-up today! Wish I was with the kittehs, sitting in a sunny window...
    Love the story! How very, very grateful I am for the teachers in my life. They had SUCH an enormous impact!
    Well done!

  16. hay ewe catz we hope yur veew out de window iz BURD FREE !!

    I think back on some of the grief we gave the teachers in grade school, and wonder what was wrong with the lot of us !!!

  17. Darling kitties and impressive and positive story!

  18. I am wondering why this blogger dislikes me so much. I suppose I will never know that answer. I did Hodge Podge at my other blog, this one too. HUGS across the miles XO XO XO XO

  19. I don't think my other comment was published. As I mentioned, blogger and I are not good friends. You always write such great stories and the photo of the kitties was precious. I'll try t just list my first blog here. HUGS and HUGS

  20. I think it's somehow hard to follow our heart when those we love try to steer us in another direction. I'm glad your character did eventually get there.

  21. I came over from Elephant Child's blog to say hello, and I'm so glad I did. The opening image of those adorable cats made me feel quite at home. Love the prompts and your story.

  22. What a great story! I haven't even looked at my list of words yet and I know I'm running late, but I'll try to get a story by tomorrow.
    Love the cats sharing a window.

  23. A great story. I came to teaching late and left after about six years. Far too much administration and red tape for me although I thoroughly enjoyed the actual time spent in the classroom with the students.


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