
Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Where's the Antibiotic Cream and Other Funnies, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Arriving at work yesterday, i found Carl snoozing on the recliner in the living room.  When he heard me, he woke up and i told him it was time to get up and ready for work, then went to get the sheets from his bed.

Coming back toward the laundry room, noted he was still in the recliner, looking at his tablet.  "I need to find yoghurt packs!" he said, scrolling through some site that had various brands depicted.

When i asked if he was going to the store to get some before work, he said no, he needed to go for a jog instead.  He showered, dressed, got his breakfast ready, ate some of it, then went out the door to jog.  Within five minutes he was back in the kitchen eating.  His explanation?  "I only needed a short jog!"

Later, he packed his snack in the cooler, and i took a peek.  A sleeve of saltine crackers, a small container of hummus, some broccoli, a take-out type packet of grape jelly, a bottle of water, his frozen smoothie, and two packets of ketchup.  Upon being asked what the ketchup was for, he said, "Because ketchup!" and licked his lips.  Like my kids did when they were very young, he probably just eats it right out of the packet.

To encourage him to keep his change in the coin sorting machine, his mother has told him that i am allowed to keep any change i find on the counters, on the floor, or in his laundry.  As he picked up his hat, wallet, keys, etc., he left his change on the counter and i reminded him that i would keep it if he didn't pick it up.  Then i left to tend the laundry and came back.  He'd picked up everything but the four pennies.  Guess he was leaving me a tip.

The best part of the morning was finding the antibiotic cream he was looking for -- in the refrigerator.

Okay, how about some of the great stuff Grandma forwards to me.

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!


It's my month to provide the prompts for Words for Wednesday.  Since it becomes Wednesday in some parts of the world while it is still Tuesday here, i am providing the prompts today, so you can work on them and post them when it's Wednesday where you are.

The prompts for the week are:








the following photo by Maria Orlova on Pexels


Today is:

Big Bang Day -- London, England

Boxer Shorts Day -- ???????

Cernova Tragedy Day -- Slovakia

Cranky Co-Worker's Day -- because we all have occasional bad days; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays 

Feast of Osiris in Abydos -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Good Bear Day -- on Theodore Roosevelt's birthday, celebrating the stuffed toy created in his honor

Independence Day -- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines(1979); Turkmenistan(1991)

National American Beer Day

National Potato Day

National Tell A Story Day -- Scotland; UK (preserving the heritage of traditional stories)

Navy Day -- US (on T.R.'s birth anniversary)

Radio Day -- US (US Commerce Dept. issued the first broadcasting license this date in 1920)

St. Frumentius' Day (Patron of Abyssinia; Ethiopia)

Sylvia Plath Day

Tunch Puddling -- Fairy Calendar (a contest of throwing twigs in a pond -- awards are for artistically thrown twigs and throwing style, among other things)

World Day for Audiovisual Heritage -- International     

World Occupational Therapy Day    

Anniversary Today:

The NYC Subway begins operation, 1904

Birthdays Today:

Zadie Smith, 1975

Marla Maples, 1963

Simon LeBon, 1958

Roberto Benigni,1952

Jayne Kennedy, 1951

Fran Lebowitz, 1950

Carrie Snodgrass, 1946

John Cleese, 1939

Ruby Dee, 1924

Roy Lichtenstein, 1923

Bette Babray, 1920

Nanette Fabray, 1920

Dylan Thomas, 1914

Emily Post, 1872

Theodore Roosevelt, 1858

Niccolo Paganini, 1782

Captain James Cook, 1728

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Lettice and Lovage"(Play), 1987

"Beyond the Fringe"(Revue), 1962

"Walt Disney/Wonderful World of Color/Wonderful World of Disney"(TV), 1954 (the show had several different names over the years, but even when it switched stations, it was still the same show)

"You Bet Your Life"(Radio), 1947

"Nocturnes"(Debussy orchestral compsition), 1901(first performance of all three parts together)

Today in History:

Constantine the Great is said to have received his Vision of the Cross, 312

Founding of the city of Amsterdam, 1275

Founding of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1682

US Navy forms, 1775

Missouri governor Lilburn Boggs issues the Extermination Order, which orders all Mormons to leave the state or be exterminated, 1838

R.H. Macy & Co. opens its first store, on 6th Ave. in NYC, 1858

Boss Tweed is arrested, 1871

The first underground New York City Subway line opens, 1904

The first published reference to "jazz" appears, in Variety, 1916

Chuhei Numbu of Japan sets the long jump record at 26' 2 1/2", 1931

"You Bet Your Life," with Groucho Marx, premiers on ABC radio, 1947*

Benjamin O. Davis Jr. becomes the first African-American general in the United States Air Force, 1954

Mauritania and Mongolia join the United Nations, 1961

The British government suddenly deregulates financial markets, leading to a total restructuring of the way in which they operate in the country, in an event now referred to as the Big Bang, 1986

The U.S. prison population tops 1 million for the first time in American history, 1994

Gliese 229B is the first Substellar Mass Object to be unquestionably identified, 1994

Stock markets around the world crash because of fears of a global economic meltdown, 1997

The Boston Red Sox win the World Series for the first time in 86 years, 2004

The SSETI Express micro-satellite is successfully launched from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome, 2005

The Royal Australian Navy announces that they discovered the wreck of a World War II submarine in Simpson Harbour, Papua New Guinea during Operation RENDER SAFE - it is likely to be Japanese, 2011

The first operation to separate conjoined twins joined at the head in India completed in New Delhi, 2017


  1. Grandma sends you some amazing things. Please thank her from me (again).
    Carl needs to learn to be more generous with his tips.
    Ketchup? Straight from the sachet? Not for me.

  2. Thank you for Words and funnies - some of them are more pretties, but appreciated nonetheless - and I can only ehco ECs words - ketchup, no thanks and more generosity, yes please.
    The link to Pexels seems to be broken, it just leads back to a 404 page on your own blog.

    1. Well it's obviously something with Pexel ... no matter what I do, I get the same error on my page ;)

  3. Oh my gosh! That one about smart water is so true! All Gramma's funnies are great as usual. Once again, you have the patience of a saint with your client and all the crazy stuff he does.

  4. Wonderful photos, Mimi. Thank you so much.

    God bless.

  5. I really like the cartoon about the " Don't Walk ". It's correct because people truly look at their phones without looking. I got bumped into a wall because they didn't look at me even though I saw them and I tried to move out of the way.
    I know you told me to try stay away from politics but I'm so worried about what is happening in your country. I'm scared for many people. Sorry Mimi. I trying to keep my big mouth shut.

    Cruisin Paul
    I know that I'm a Canadian and should just keep quiet.

  6. Carl is a delightful guy isn't he. Love the four pennies. That's my kind of jog too.

    Love all the funnies and the kitty between the two pups is my favorite. Okay the don't walk sign made me laugh out loud.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  7. Carl sure makes it interesting. Those were terrific photos and we giggled at the Smart Water!

  8. Fun with Carl ~ funnies are great too ~ LOL

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Had to laugh about the tip! Grandma gets some good pictures though I think one would have to be exceptionally calm and mindful already to avoid getting a panic attack when sitting on that structure above a ravine!

  10. Carl is a hoot- and a big tipper. :)

  11. You boomers are about to be bankrupted by the high cost of medical care in America. Are you still happy you spent the past 40 years voting for Republicans, voting against affordable health care? I can't wait to see you bastards suffer in the retirement homes.

  12. I certainly wouldn't be doing what that fellow in the first pick is doing! Not my idea of relaxation! :)

    Keep taking good care, messymimi...and I hope those tips keep coming! :)

  13. Throwing twigs into a pond... a MUCH better way to spend my days! (I'm sure I could win the post-toss "Celebratory Dance of Completion" contest. ;-p)

  14. Love the upside down kitty between two puppies.
    Thanks for the words, which bridge is that in the photo?

  15. Grandma had me laughing and smiling! Cheers!


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