
Monday, November 23, 2020

At the Bridge (Awww Monday), Inspiring Quote of the Week, and Saturday Adventure (Poetry Monday)


Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus.

Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays.  Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that's it.

Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you.  What better way to start the week than with a smile!

Yesterday, Becca, Mr. Cal the dog and i went to feed the turtles at the bridge, but the turtles were not out as it was so cold.  We met the geese and a duck instead.


Sparks, the brainchild of Annie of McGuffy's Reader, is on hiatus, so here's an Inspiring Quote of the Week in her honor.



Poetry Monday was started by Diane at On The Alberta/Montana Border.   Charlotte/Mother Owl always participates, too.  This week the theme is Showtime.                    

Her momma gave her thirty-five cents

For her Saturday spending cash.

No school today, her chores were done,

It was time for her weekly bash!

The bus would cost a dime one way,

A transfer would bring her home,

The rest would be spent at the best place

Where she was allowed to roam.

Ten cents bought her a ticket,

A nickel each for the soda pop,

The popcorn and the pickle,

And in the seat she'd plop.

The afternoon at the picture show

Was truly a delight.

Cartoons and a newsreel,

Then Buck Rogers the bad guys did fight.

Finally the featured movie,

And sometimes even two!

Then taking the bus on back to home

Where supper was waiting for you.

Oh, those were the fun days,

Grandma does remember well,

When an afternoon at the movies

Was really considered swell.

(Yes, when Grandma got old enough to take the city bus by herself, this was her favorite way to spend a Saturday afternoon.  Those were the days.)


Today is:

Can You Find Your Old Rubik's Cube and Still Work It Day -- internet generated, and why would you bother?

Color Photos Day -- anniversary of the Kodak introduction of modern color film in 1935

Dia de la Soberania Nacional -- Argentina (Sovereignty Day)

Eat A Cranberry Day -- just to see why you add sugar, i guess

Feast of Qawl(Speech) -- Baha'i

Fibonacci Day -- celebrating the mathematical Fibonacci Series, which begins as 1,1,2,3

Giorgoba -- Georgia (St. George's Day; they celebrate their patron saint twice a year, today and May 6, his feast day on the OS calendar)

Icelandic Calendar Month Ylir (Whiner) begins -- named after the whining winter winds

International Image Consultant Day -- Association of Image Consultants International  

Jukebox Day -- many days compete for this title, but the first known nickel-in-the-slot record machine went into service on this day in 1889 in San Francisco, CA, US

Kinro Kansha no Hi -- Japan (Labour Day Thanksgiving, when people express gratitude to each other for their work through the year)

Learn When To Start Thawing the Turkey Day -- US (USDA "Let's Talk Turkey" hotline 800-535-4555; Butterball "Turkey Talk-Line" 800-323-4848)

National Cashew Day -- some sites list it on the 22nd, i'm celebrating both as i love cashews

National Espresso Day

National Military Families Recognition Day -- US (by Presidential Proclamation in 1993, the Monday before Thanksgiving Day) 

Pencil Sharpener Day -- John Love of Massachusetts patented the first one this day in 1897

Repudiation Day -- Maryland, US (anniversary of the Franklin County Court refusal to cooperate with Britain's Stamp Tax Act)

Rudolf Maister Day -- Slovenia

St. Clement's Day (Patron of boatmen/mariners/sailors/watermen, marble workers/stonecutters, sick children; Dundee, Scotland; Velletri, Italy)

St. Columbanus's Day (Patron of motorcyclists; Bobbio, Italy; against floods)

St. Felicity's Day (Patron of martyrs, widows; against the death of children, sterility)

Birthdays Today:

Miley Cyrus, 1992

Lucas Grabeel, 1984

vSalli Richardson, 1967

Steve Harvey, 1956

Bruce Hornsby, 1954

Susan Anspach, 1945

Krzysztof Penderecki, 1933

Jerry Bock, 1928

Johnny Mandel, 1925

Emmett Littleton Ashfrd, 1914

Harpo Marx, 1888

Boris Karloff, 1887

Billy the Kidd (William H. Bonney), 1859

Franklin Pierce, 1804

Edward Rutledge, 1749

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"I Feel Fine"(Beatles single release), 1964

"Dr. Who"(TV), 1963

"Fiorello!"(Musical), 1959

"Of Mice and Men"(Play), 1937

Life Magazine(First issue), 1936

First play-by-play American style football game radio broadcast, 1919 (Texas A&M beat University of Texas, 7-0)

Today in History:

Thespis of Icaria becomes the first actor to portray a character onstage, BC534

Charlemagne arrives at Rome to investigate the alleged crimes of Pope Leo III, 800

Conquest of Seville by the Christian troops under King Ferdinand III of Castile. 1248

Areopagitica, a pamphlet decrying censorship, and written by John Milton is published, 1644

People of Frederick County Md refuse to pay England's Stamp tax, 1765

Henry Burden patents Horseshoe manufacturing machine, 1835

Patent granted for a process of making color photographs, 1863

The first jukebox goes into operation at the Palais Royale Saloon in San Francisco, 1889

King William III of the Netherlands dies without a male heir and a special law is passed to allow his daughter Princess Wilhelmina to become his heir, 1890

Andrew J Beard invents "jerry coupler," to connect railroad cars, 1897

Pencil sharpener patented by J L Love, 1897

Enrico Caruso makes his US debut at the Metropolitan Opera House, NY in "Rigoletto", 1903

Wright Brothers forms million dollar corporation to manufacture airplanes, 1909

Life Magazine publishes its first issue, 1936

The Cocos Islands are transferred from the control of the United Kingdom to Australia, 1955

The BBC broadcasts the first ever episode of Doctor Who (starring William Hartnell) which is the world's longest running science fiction drama, 1963

Representatives of the People's Republic of China attend the United Nations, including the United Nations Security Council, for the first time, 1971

A series of earthquakes in southern Italy kills approximately 4,800 people, 1980

The first all woman expedition to the south pole (3 Americans, 1 Japanese and 12 Russians), sets off from Antarctica on the 1st leg of a 70 day, 1287 kilometre ski trek, 1990

Convention on Cybercrime is signed in Budapest, Hungary, 2001

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is elected president of Liberia and becomes the first woman to lead an African country, 2005

A message is found on the leg of a mummified pigeon from WWII in Surrey, England, in a code that is unrecognized, 2012

A special 50th anniversary episode of Dr. Who is aired, simulcast to 94 countries and earning a Guiness World Record for the largest simulcast of a TV drama, 2013

The Sumatran rhino is officially declared extinct in Malaysia after the last known specimen, 25-year-old Iman, dies of cancer in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, 2019


  1. Great quote from Groucho Marx.

    God bless, Mimi.

  2. Brilliant quote.
    And yes, I do remember the times when a very little money went a long, long way - and gave me a heap of pleasure too. Great poem.

  3. I'm old enough to mbe a grandma (I am one, actually) And I remember those days. Thank you for a walk down memory lane.
    And I sitll have a Rubik's cube, and I still can solve it in five minutes or so. Never speed solving, but slow and steady.

  4. Aww! nice photos I hope those ducks didn't drive you quackers :-)

    Good poem and yes those were the days :-)

    Have a quacktastic safe day 😷😷😷

  5. Hey, I use to know a John Love from Massachusetts! But not the same guy... even I'm not that old. :-)

  6. Dogs live in the moment and don't worry about the past and the present which is like that quote from Grocho Marx. Mom tries to live that way, but it is not always easy. Have a marvelous Monday.

  7. Your poem depicted my early days at the movies. Loved it!

  8. Awww on the birds. We have lots of birds here because we feed them. I'm sure some of the neighbors aren't happy about that.

    Love the quote and love the poem. It was a different time back then. Not bad either.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥

  9. I can tell those geese were happy to see you. Hey, Groucho sure nailed that one and that was a good poem too!

  10. What a sweet memory, my big deal as a child was getting a bicycle, what freedom!

  11. Loved your poem!
    My favourite memories were of the little movie theatre in Milk River! The VERY best of times!
    Next week: The Festive Card...

  12. Your poem brought back childhood memories of 'Saturday Matinees', which showed films specifically for children. We would meet up with our school chums and all sit together with sandwiches, crisps and bottles of pop, and it was always a raucous event. I spent a lot of time in the 'Ladies' as I didn't like Abbot and Costello - I thought they were creepy. The 'Ladies' always smelled of bleach and disinfectant!

  13. Love Groucho Marx! and I remember taking my brothers to the movies on the bus- and yes the prices were just about the same! Great post- brought back fond memories! Cheers and have a wonderful week!

  14. You scared me when I read Bridge, I thought you were going to tell us a furbaby went to The Rainbow Bridge.
    Nice story and spark.

  15. Quite a day, for sure. From a rural community, movies were not a matinee event. Just once a day. St. Felicity should be present in surgery rooms where a baby is "ripped from its mother's womb untimely". Late term abortion needs to be squashed.

  16. Needed to read the Marx quote today.
    Of course I'm much younger than your grandma, but I still remember the days when going to the movie was something special.

  17. Sitting with an espresso eating cashews and researching the first Dr Who. What a great way to spend the day.

  18. Great Groucho! ~ Sweet photos of cute doggie ~ ducks and geese ~ ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  19. groucho was wise indeed !!

    SUPERB poem today; reminded me of how I spent
    saturdays in "me yooth"...a walk to downtown and
    the afternoon to do what we pleased :) ☺☺♥♥

  20. Love the poem, I remember going to the Saturday Matinees by myself too, when I was around ten or eleven, but not every week. Popcorn and a pickle seems like a weird combination to me.

  21. Love the poem. Being a kid long ago was the best of best times. I feel sorry for kids today, so much no one can control but they miss out on good old fashioned fun too.I love your choices everyday. Thank you for sharing. HUGS across the miles XO XO XO XO


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