
Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Quite a Day, a Random and Happy Word Counters A to Z Post


To enjoy more blogs participating in the A to Z Challenge, click here.     


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Part of today’s post is also a writing challenge. This is how it works: one of the contributing bloggers picked a number between 12 and 74. The submitted number is a challenge to participating bloggers to write at least one piece using that exact number of words. 

This month, the word count number is: 31

It was submitted by:  Diane of On The Border

At the end of this section you’ll find links to the other blogs featuring this challenge. Check them all out! 

Yesterday was quite a day.  Carl's room had exploded into the hallway and i almost tripped over items just getting in the house.  Let's take a look around, shall we now?

The Cracker Barrel kids' meal crayons on top of the freezer rather threw me.

He was still in bed, so i rousted him, and as i cleaned, he kept picking up his kettle bell to swing or dropping to the floor to do push ups.

If you've never tried to clean while stepping over a man in a bathrobe doing push ups, let's just say i do not recommend you try.  You have to be nimble.

As usual, i spent five hours on the job, three loads of laundry, lots of tidying and scrubbing, cleaned out the fridge, and set up his outfits for the week ahead.

Once i was done at Carl's, i headed to Ms. PA's house to find that there was a "situation."  When i say that, it usually means something has hit the fan.

Last Friday, Ms. PA hurt her back.  Only, she didn't tell her son and daughter-in-law because they were going out of town and she didn't want to bother them.

By yesterday morning, she couldn't get out of bed, so when i got there, her son had her at the ER and DIL was with Mr. Jack.  They were eating lunch.

DIL introduced herself, explained the situation, and asked me to please start coming every week and doing more of the cleaning.  Ms. PA only ever let me dust, polish, and vacuum.

Right away, i tackled the bathroom.  The tub is white again, and i had to take the toilet seat apart to get all of the gunk.  The floor is better, too.

DIL got a call about then, Ms. PA has a compression fracture in her back.  She'll need a back brace until it heals, and it is expected to heal.  Praise G-d!

Then i turned to the usual dusting and vacuuming and this time, making the beds.  Little Bit, the cat, didn't want to let us make Mr. Jack's bed, she was comfy.

Somehow i am going to work them in for every week, probably by moving Ms. JAI, who only wants me once a month anyway.  Ms. PA simply needs much more help.

Please don't get the wrong idea about her.  She has been doing the cleaning herself for a while, and it's hard to admit when some of those things get beyond you.

Also, when you see the surfaces every day, you don't always see the build up, it is so very gradual.  Once a week, and you notice the difference much more easily.


That was my "Quite a Day" yesterday.  Links to the other Word Counters posts:

Baking In A Tornado                    

On the Border                                 

Now it's time for some of what Grandma forwards to me:

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!


Today is:

Anniversary of Something That Happened So Long Ago Everyone Has Forgotten Day -- Fairy Calendar

Chinese Language Day -- UN   

Go Around Humming "You Light Up My Life" Until Everybody Screams Day -- the person who thought this one up should be tied down and forced to listen to Barry Manilow songs for 12 hours straight!

Harvest Offering to Renenutet -- Ancient Egypitian Calendar (offering to the Lady of the Fertile Fields; date approximate)

Lima Bean Respect Day

National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day

National Take a Break to Reset Your Mind Day -- because everyone needs a day like this

Ridvan begins -- Baha'i (begins at sunset)

St. Caedwalla of Wales' Day (Patron of converts, repentant murderers)

Birthdays Today:

Danny Granger, 1983

Joey Lawrence, 1976

Carmen Electra, 1972

Shemar Moore, 1970

Crispin Glover, 1964

Don Mattingly, 1961

Clint Howard, 1959

Luther Vandross, 1951

Jessica Lange, 1949

David Leland, 1947

Steve Spurrier, 1945

Ryan O'Neal, 1941

George Takei, 1937

Nina Foch, 1924

Ernesto Antonio "Tito" Puente, 1923

John Paul Stevens, 1920

Lionel Hampton, 1908

Harold Lloyd, 1893

Joan Miró i Ferrà, 1893

Holland McTyeire "Howlin' Mad" Smith, 1882

Daniel Chester French, 1850

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Annie Hall(Film), 1977

"Your Hit Parade"(Radio), 1935

Today in History:

The last naval battle in Byzantine history, 1453

Jews are expelled from Orange Burgundy, 1505

Jacques Cartier begins the voyage in which he will claim Canada and Labrador for France, 1534

Freedom of religion is granted to the Jews of New Amsterdam, 1657

Admiral Robert Blake destroys a Spanish silver fleet under heavy fire at Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1657

Captain Cook arrives in New South Wales, 1770

René Caillié becomes the first non-Muslim to enter Timbouctou, 1828

Edgar Allan Poe's Murder in the Rue Morgue becomes the first detective story ever published, 1841

Louis Pasteur and Claude Bernard complete their first pasteurization tests, 1862

Pierre and Marie Curie refine radium chloride, 1902

Manfred von Richthofen, aka The Red Baron, shoots down his 79th and 80th victims marking his final victories before his death the next day, 1918

Western Electric and Warner Bros. announce Vitaphone, a process to add sound to film, 1926

Apollo 16, commanded by John Young, lands on the moon, 1972

Pianist Vladimir Horowitz performs in his native Russia for the first time in 61 years, 1986

Danica Patrick wins the Indy Japan 300 becoming the first female driver in history to win an Indy car race, 2008

The Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explosion kills 11 and causes rig to sink, initiating a massive oil discharge in the Gulf of Mexico, 2010

Tens of thousands of people demonstrate in Tahrir Square against continuing military rule in Egypt, 2012

The Pulitzer Prize is awarded to Anthony Doerr for his novel "All the Light We Cannot See" and to Elizabeth Kolbert for "The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History", 2015

The Commonwealth countries decide that Prince Charles will suceed Queen Elizabeth as the next head of the Commonwealth, 2018


  1. Lovely and interesting set of photos. Thanx Mimi.

    God bless.

  2. Carl spreads himself doesn't he? And I don't want to think about working around a man doing pushups.
    I am glad that you can give Ms PA more help.

  3. You really are a saint being able to get into those messes and get homes back to a normal and clean state! It sure keeps you busy!

  4. What a job! Good that you're able to help.

  5. Carl's place looks like there was a break in. Glad that you are able to help Ms PA with weekly cleaning. Cute critters images from Grandma.

  6. You are a saint Mimi. I hope Carl is happy about your help? I love the pictures. It's a way to smile. Thanks my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. Carl is a whirlwind isn't he. What a mess and I wonder how many minutes it took to return it back to his normal.

    I hope Ms. PA gets well soon. Yes you need to do more and you will. Prayers for her.

    Love all the cutie pies and cute shots. Tell your grandma thank you from me.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug. ♥

  8. I guess that was a day full of situations. Carl's mess would have had me running for the door. He's lucky to have you. They all are.

  9. You deserve a medal with all that cleaning ~ Carl must be unaware of what he does to say the least ~

    Sweet fur person photos ~ love them all! XX

    Thanks for your concern and well wishes ~ am getting better ~

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday, my housekeeper on Thursday, my dental appointment on Friday plus my daughter and son-in-law on Friday and my Son on Saturday. All my housekeeper's wonderful efforts will be wasted.

  11. That was quite the day, busy, busy, busy! Those were fun photos too!

  12. Carl sure keeps you busy. Love the before and after photos. :)

  13. That really was quite the mess at Carl's, the "after" photos look so much better. I'm glad you get to help Ms PA more, she needs it but just didn't know it yet. I've had to give up helping my neighbours with their kitchens and bathrooms, I was hurting my own back too often.

  14. WOW! What a transformation! If this was quiet, I'd hate to see a busy! And I gotta tell you Mimi, where do you get the energy?

  15. Carl seems to present a challenge weekly, doesn't he? You are so awesome to do what you do!

    And poor Mrs. PA - hope she heals quickly.

    And I can relate - you don't notice the build up of 'surface' things when you see them every day. I wish you lived near me, I'd hire you in a heartbeat! :)

    LOVE all your funnies!


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