
Thursday, April 22, 2021

Spoiled (Six Sentence Story), Spring Good Fences, Sammy's Poetry Day, and Brian's Thankful Thursday, an A to Z Post


To enjoy more blogs participating in the A to Z Challenge, click here.     


Mr. Jimmy, Ms. RW's cat, is spoiled.

He has to be lifted to the top of the dryer to his food bowl, which is up there to keep the dogs out of it, and it has to be full but not too full.

He has to have his water in a glass, and it has to be fresh, and it has to be all of the way to the top of the glass so he doesn't have to try to fit his nose down in there to get to it.

The water has to be at the side of the sink, too, so it can be changed often.

As Ms. RW was explaining to me all about Mr. Jimmy and his water, a thought came to me that i kept to myself, but it made me giggle.

What's next, is he going to want the effervescent sparkling water soon?

Mr. Jimmy takes a drink.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Effervescent.      


Gosia at Looking for Identity has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit other blogs to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.

Spring fences for the S day of the A to Z:


 It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day!  This week's image and my poem:    

We grow our own good produce

Right out here on our farm,

It's not shipped out a thousand miles

And will your taste buds charm.

Just remember this is honest stuff,

It's home grown, real and true,

Not like the guy who buys at the store

Then tries to sell it to you!

(When Sweetie used to have to drive over two hours out in the country to get to a doctor who could properly take care of his ears because of his special procedures, there was a man who sold tomatoes on the side of the road who would buy them at MallMart and then resell them as homegrown!)


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful for the pleasant weather.  Last week we had storms, and this week we've enjoyed mostly sunshine and cool temps for the time of year.

Thanks also to all of my friends who have to wait for me to post my Words for Wednesday until i get home from work on Wednesday.  Sometimes that is very late indeed, i appreciate your patience.


Today is:

Chemists Celebrate The Earth Day -- promoting public awareness of the important contribution of chemists

Discovery Day -- Brazil (landing of Cabral in 1500)

Earth Day

Festival of Jupiter and Juno -- Ancient Roman Calendar

Girl Scout Leader Appreciation Day -- Girl Scouts of the USA   

Granary Offering to Renenutet -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (offering to the Lady of Granaries; date approximate)

Harpa Month Begins -- Traditional Icelandic Calendar (Harp, dedicated to young women as last month was dedicated to young men)

     Sumardagurinn Fyrsti -- first day of summer, a legal holiday

International Mother Earth Day -- UN

Lela's Holiday -- Asatru/Slavic Pagan Calendar (honoring the goddess-daughter, Lela)

National Jelly Bean Day

National Teach Children to Save Day -- sponsored by the American Banking Association    

Queen Isabella Day -- Spain and some US states (birth anniversary of Isabella I of Castille)

St. Epipodius of Lyon's Day (Patron of bachelors, betrayal victims, torture victims)

Walpurgis celebrations begin -- through May 1, Norse, Scandinavian, and Germanic celebrations (remembering the sacrifice of Odin upon the World Tree Yggdrasil

     Yggdrasil Day -- Asatru/Slavic Pagan Calendar

Zhabdrung Kuchhoe -- Bhutan (death anniversary of Zhabdrung)

Birthdays Today:

Amber Heard, 1986

Francis Capra, 1983

Daniel Johns, 1979

Kim Elizabeth, 1978

Eric Mabius, 1971

Chris Makepeace, 1964

Byron Allen, 1961

Ryan Stiles, 1959

Peter Frampton, 1950

John Waters, 1946

Jack Nicholson, 1937

Glen Campbell, 1936

Aaron Spelling, 1928

Charlotte Rae, 1926

Yehudi Menuhin, 1916

Eddie Albert, 1906

Sergei Sergeyevich Prokofiev, 1891

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 1870

Immanuel Kant, 1724

Queen Isabella, 1451

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Who's Tommy"(Rock musical), 1993

"Le Triomphe de Plutus/Money Makes the World Go Round"(Play), 1728

Today in History:

Portuguese navigator Pedro Cabral becomes the first European to sight Brazil, 1500

President George Washington attends a performance of Rickett's, the first circus in the US, 1793

Thomas Stevens sets out from San Francisco on the first round the world journey by bicycle, 1884

The Oklahoma land rush begins at noon; thousands rush to claim land, and the towns of Oklahoma City and Guthrie are formed within hours with populations of over 10,000 each, 1889

Pravda begins publication in St. Petersburg, 1912

The Germans begin using poison chlorine gas as a chemical weapon, 1915

British yachtsman Sir Robin Knox-Johnston completes the first solo non-stop circumnavigation of the world, 1969

The first Earth Day is celebrated, 1970

The Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. is dedicated, 1993

Japan's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi apologizes for Japan's war record, 2005

Four Canadian soldiers are killed 75 kilometers north of Kandahar, Afghanistan by a roadside bomb planted by Taliban militants, the worst single day combat loss for the Canadian army since the Korean War, 2006

The Pope, Benedict XVI, becomes the first pontiff to participate in a televised interview session, 2011

The Paris Agreement on climate change is signed in New York, 2016

Sudan bans female genital mutation, making it a criminal offense, 2020


  1. I have a neighbour whose cat only drinks from glasses, one on her nightstand and one on the sink. Lola likes to have her water bowl in the shower recess, possibly the tiles keep the water cooler in summer.

  2. Oh yes homegrown is delicious, but buying it requires trust. We had one doing that trick with potatoes.

  3. I like mental fences. ??? Metal ones too !!!

    God bless.

  4. My cat is of the spoiled variety too, don't give her any more ideas!

  5. I do miss Gosia's posts. I hope she is ok.
    Our cat is on the spoiled side as well. I am not showing him this post.
    Loved your poem - and sadly home grown is often a stretching of the truth.

  6. no further proof that animals are often very human*

    Fun Six

    *except in the parts that are good, not the parts that are not so

  7. Oh the poem is perfection! We thought there would be some fun poems written to go with this farmer's produce stand full of DELICIOUS and NATURAL vegetables and fruit. We have lots of these places around here - one wonderful thing about living outside of the big city! Thanks for playing poetry with us every week.

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam

  8. Fun six. Always a pleasure to be here. And happy birthday to the Wichita lineman

  9. Nice poems. Living in the country enjoys all the fresh produce from local farms.

  10. I never learned to plant a garden but I could care for the chickens and gather the eggs. Ron was the farmer and kept us in produce. Loved your poem. I am thankful to have had those golden days.

  11. Love the poem. I have a greengrocer's shop a couple of doors from my flat that sells local produce. There's nothing nicer. I must admit though, I admire Mr Tomatoe's enterprising spirit!

  12. We enjoyed the story about Mr. Jimmy, he's living the good life. Those were both really good thankfuls. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  13. I love the cat stroy. We are indeed slaves to cats and masters of dogs.


  14. " It's home grown, real and true, " Very true. My grandfather use to grow tomatoes to bring to town and they were the sweetess tomatoes we ever ate.

    Cruisin Paul

  15. Love the kitty who works mom just right. They can be ever so demanding can't they. They are worth it.

    Love the poem. A lot of the resell happens here. I used to stop at roadside fruit and veggie stands, but not anymore. Just don't trust the folks here.

    I'm thankful for you.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Big hug. ♥

  16. Mr. Jimmy reminds me of someone, oh yeah, a cat - MOL! I love the fences, adore the poem and am very glad to hear you are getting good Spring weather after the bad Spring weather.

  17. Go Mr. Jimmy! lol I keep trying to convince people that our pets are just people in fur suits 😉
    An eyeopener of a poem, Mimi. Would never occur to me!
    Enjoy this week's weather! Hope it lasts :)

  18. That is so sweet. I am glad Mr. Jimmy is spoiled- I wish all cats were so lucky. Great poem. I think a lot of people buy pumpkins at malmart to resell. XO

  19. My two two furry, four-legged best mates have their own glass of water...a large glass. It sits permanently on my (their) bedside table...and that is where it has sat, and where they have drunk their water for years and years.

    For five years when I had my now departed, much-loved Pushkin and Rimsky, I took care of my brother's dog, Missy, a black and grey cocker spaniel. I had to put the cats' bowls up on the bench because Missy would wolf down their food...without apology! :)

  20. Terrifc Ss, and gates. And Mr Jimmy is quite the character! Your poem rocks! I sold my canning at local farm markets for about 10 years and I remember when one of the vendors got caught reselling store bought stuff.Quite the scandal. Thanks for visiting and have a great day

  21. Hilarious SSS and a very spoiled cat!

  22. What an dapper upper class cat, wanting things to be "just right." Gave me a good chuckle.


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