
Saturday, July 10, 2021

Always Room for Thankfuls, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


It's Thankful Day, and it's very late when i'm writing this, the shelter was quite busy this afternoon/evening.

Let's go back over the week, though, and i'll get to the shelter in due time.

Last Saturday, we got home from NOLA early so i had no trouble going over to Ms. GA's house for cat sitting.  Because we had a sprinkle of rain pretty much every day, i did not have to spend time watering Mr. BA's garden, just the porch plants.  That's a thankful thing when the mosquitoes are out.

One of the times i was over there, i could not find Abigail, the most beloved of the cats.  It turns out clinking the spoon on the food bowl to signal that it's time for the canned food treat brings her running, i was thankful to learn that trick.

Becca came to church with me on Sunday, it was a wonderful 4th of July gift to all of us.

When our coffee maker up and died on us, Sweetie was able to procure a replacement for a reasonable price, and it's one that will turn itself off after two hours.  No more worrying if he forgets!

Ms. PA seems to be healing up nicely, although she doesn't see the progress herself.  She wanted a light bulb replaced in one of her decorative lamps, and i was able to find the bulbs and get that for her, she was thrilled.  Also, the first of the three tables got treated with the scratch cover/polish, with the goal being to do one each week and see if we can't restore these beauties.  It turned out very well, i have high hopes for the other two.

Little Girl is using some of her spare time before school starts to rip up the cat-damaged carpets and lay down self-adhesive vinyl tiles.  The upper hallway is looking much better.

Handyman Mike, the Generator Guy, came on Wednesday with 3 helpers and went to town on the generator.  It is working, we don't need to replace the gas lines or the transfer switch.  It has a higher voltage wire running it all, so even that old, wonky transfer will work now.  Every time i see the green light on the side of it from my kitchen window, i say, Thank you, Lord!

On Thursday, i got done with work early enough to get home and put my feet up for two whole hours before i had to start all my at home chores.

The shelter on Friday night was hopping.  We experimented to see which of the sprayers used to disinfect rooms was leaking, and managed to fix it.  Toilets were scrubbed, all cats fed and watered, and get this, two adult cats were adopted!  It's easy to get kittens adopted, but adult cats don't get as much attention, so this was a big deal.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

Armed Forces Day -- Mauritania

Bald In - Bald Out Day -- sponsored by Bald Girls Do Lunch; if men can be bald and brazen, then women and children who cannot grow hair should bring bald INto their lives, and never feel on the OUTs!  

Carver Day -- George Washington Carver National Monument, Diamond, MO, US

Clerihew Day -- in honor of the poetic form he invented, the clerihew:

     Edmund's middle name was Clerihew

     A name possessed by very few

     But verses by Mr. Bentley

     Succeeded eminently!

Don't Step On A Bee Day -- Wellcat Holidays wants to remind you, when going barefoot this time of year, watch out!

Feast Day of Knut the Reaper, Hela, Holda, and Skadi -- Norse deities whose celebration this day is due to their later association with Danish King Canute the Great

Independence Day -- Bahamas(1973)

Lady Godiva Day -- tradition says she took her famous ride on this day in 1040

National Kitten Day

National Pina Colada Day

Pick Blueberries Day -- variously set on different days in July depending on the website; with blueberries being so good for you, find a day to go gather or buy some soon

Silence Day -- followers of Meher Baba

St. Amalburga's Day (Patron of people with fever; Ghent, Belgium; against arm pain, bruises, and fevers)

Teddy Bear Picnic Day -- no idea why today, especially when the author of the song, Jimmy Kennedy, was born on July 20

Anniversaries Today

Wyoming becomes the 44th US State, 1890

Birthdays Today

Jessica Simpson, 1980

Andre Nolan Dawson, 1954

Arlo Guthrie, 1947

Sue Lyon, 1946

Ron Glass, 1945

Virginia Wade,1945

Arthur Ashe, 1943

Lawrence Pressman, 1939

Jerry Herman, 1933

David Norman Dinkins, 1927

Fred Gwynne, 1926

Jean Kerr, 1923

Jake LaMotta, 1921

Eunice Kennedy Shriver, 1921

David Brinkley, 1920

Don "Mr. Wizard" Herbert, 1917

John Gilbert, 1897

Edmund Clerihew Bentley, 1875

Mary Jane McLeod Bethune, 1875

Marcel Proust, 1871

Nikola Tesla, 1856

Adolphus Busch, 1839

James Whistler, 1834

George Mifflin Dallas, 1792

William Blackstone, 1723

John Calvin, 1509

Debuting/Premiering Today:

The Fox And The Hound(Animated film), 1981

"Your Hit Parade"(TV), 1950

Today in History

Julius Caesar barely avoids a catastrophic defeat to Pompey in Macedonia at the Battle of Dyrrhachium, BC48

The most severe of several early fires of London burns most of the city to the ground, 1212

Lady Jane Grey takes the throne of England, 1553

Alexander Mackenzie reaches the Mackenzie River delta, 1789

The Vellore Mutiny is the first instance of a mutiny by Indian sepoys against the British East India Company, 1806

The United States takes possession of its newly bought territory of Florida from Spain, 1821

Big Ben, the great bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London, rings for the first time, 1859

The eruption of Tarawera volcano destroys the famous pink and white calcium carbonate hot-spring terraces of North Island, New Zealand, 1886

Meher Baba, self declared Avatar of the Age, begins his silence of 44 years; his followers observe Silence Day on this date in commemoration, 1925

In Dayton, Tennessee, the so-called "Monkey Trial" begins with John T. Scopes, a young high school science teacher accused of teaching evolution in violation of the Butler Act, 1925

Howard Hughes sets a new record by completing a 91 hour airplane flight around the world, 1938

Telstar, the world's first communications satellite, is launched into orbit, 1962

Boris Yeltsin begins his 5-year term as the first elected President of Russia, 1991

In London scientists report the findings of the DNA analysis of a Neanderthal skeleton which supports the "out of Africa theory" of human evolution, 1997

Spain opens its first mosque since the Moors were expelled in 1492, in Granada, 2003

France O'Grady is appointed the first female General Secretary by Britain's Trade Union Congress, 2012

NASA's Juno spacecraft makes the closest ever pass over Jupiter's Great Red Spot at 9,000 kilometers overhead, 2017

An original sketch of Winnie-the-Pooh's Hundred Acre Wood by E.H. Shepard sells for £430,000 in London, a record price for a book illustration, 2018

The journal Nature publishes an article about the earliest evidence of modern humans outside of Africa, a 210,000 year old skull from Apidima Cave, southern Greece, 2019


  1. I'm so happy that two adult cats got adopted.

  2. I am loving your list - and very, very happy that you got a brief break for yourself on Thursday.

  3. Another busy and thankful post from you. Thank you!

  4. We have so many things to be thankful for.

    God bless.

  5. I'm thankful just to be here every morning. Have a great weekend Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  6. Those are wonderful thankfuls and yes, a generator is a blessing!

  7. Lots of dates and people to honor!

  8. Wonderful list of thsnkfuls ~ Happy Weekend to you ~ Xo

    Dancing while I can,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. These are great gratefuls. Sounds like you had a busy week. I'm so glad you got a little break for yourself on Thursday.

  10. This is a beautiful list of thankfulness. Have a great weekend.

  11. Wonderful thankful list, especially a working generator. XO

  12. This was a great thankful post. In spite of your busyness, you took time to help those in need. Glad for your 2 hours break, working generator and 2 adult cats adopted.

  13. Everyone has an accent to someone, even those from New Joisey.

  14. You must have the same coffee pot as I have. I love that it turns itself off. And if I want it on for longer I just hit the button.

  15. I good-sounding week.
    Liked the grat about the generator. We have one here and it has this thing where it starts itself every Sunday morning and runs for 20 minutes. We've had it for a few years, but we still stop what we're doing and say, 'Hey, we have a generator!'
    Built-in grat!
    Auto-coffee makers that turn themselves off... excellent. I drink real coffee (from a grounds) only once a week, so that feature would be very helpful).
    Have a very good week.

  16. Yeah for being able to avoid the mosquitoes!
    Lights that indicate something is working is a good sight to behold.
    Hope you have a great week, Mimi.

  17. I just love your attitude of gratitude! It always reminds me to count my blessings as well! So glad when kitties get adopted. I hate to see someone without a family!

  18. I'm such a sucker for cats that I don't know that I could work at a shelter without bringing all of them home with me! I've said I'm done with kittens, though. They are a lot of work, and so many wonderful adult cats need homes, too.
    With hurricane season upon you, I'm sure knowing the generator is good to go is a relief.
    Glad you are giving life to the old tables. I would much rather have a less than perfect old table than a perfect brand new one.


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