
Saturday, August 14, 2021

More Than Time, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


Things seem to have gone from full stop as we wait to see what would happen with our sick family members to moving along nicely, which is great come Thankful Day.

Uncle P is off the ventilator, responding to commands, and able to move all of his extremities, so no paralysis.  He has totally cleared the Covid virus from his body, and his kidneys came back to full function, so once he gets over the fungal pneumonia, he can get on with rehab.

Brother-in-Law is home from the hospital and has an oxygen compressor as well as a tank for travel, just like Sweetie.  Also like Sweetie, the quarantine period is over and neither of them are considered contagious.  With both of them, it's just a matter now of getting their strength back and getting their lungs strong enough to keep their oxygen levels up without supplementation.

Sweetie is regaining more of his mental faculties, so i've been able to leave him and go to work some.

The real test will be when i go back to longer days this coming week.

There are other thankful things, too.

Little Girl now has her apartment.  She's glad to be settled and no longer living on a borrowed futon in her brother's apartment with all of her belongings scattered there, in her car, and all over my house.

We are both thankful that i was strong enough to help her carry a huge couch and get it out to where the movers could get to it easily.  The friend who came to help her is a petite little thing and just couldn't pick up an end of the couch.  Leave it to the janitor, who regularly moves couches to vacuum under them.

Coda is with her, which makes Coda ecstatic and most of the cats ecstatic not to have her here.  We can go back to leaving the cat food out all of the time, not just when it's being watched.

(Coda is a very well behaved dog, but she's a dog, and any dog will be tempted to snitch the cat food if it is left unguarded.)

There was a visit to the laundromat, a thankful thing in that it resulted in almost everything getting washed.

Finally, today i am back to going to Grandma and Grandpa's to clean.  It is more than time.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

Anniversary Day -- Tristan da Cunha

Assumption Eve -- France; Holy See

Celebrate Your Lakes Day -- originally a senate resolution in the US state of New Hampshire to celebrate local lakes and ponds, now more widely observed; go enjoy some recreation at a pond, lake, or even river or stream near you!

Day of Peace between Horus and Set -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Faradda di li candareri (Descent of the Candlesticks) -- Sassari, Sardinia (beginning of the celebration of the Assumption)

Ferry Fair Day -- South Queensferry, Edinburgh, Scotland (centuries old fair, the biggest day of the modern festival that was originally a way for farmers to find labour for harvest, but is now just for fun)

Festival for Fortuna Equestris -- Ancient Roman Calendar

Hartjesdagen -- Amsterdam and Haarlem, Holland ("Little Hearts Day"; the folklore is that this was the day non-nobles could hunt deer in the woods around Haarlem, and became a two-day cross dressing festival, all men dressed as women, and women as men, to see how the other half lived; revived in recent years on the 2nd or 3rd weekend of August, because the 3rd Monday was the original celebration, and is still the biggest day)

Independence Day -- Pakistan(1947)

International Nagging Day -- ignore this one if you have any sense, the founder was smart enough to leave no trace

La Torta dei Fieschi -- Lavagna, Italy (this city on the Italian Riviera comes to life with dance and music every year to commemorate the wedding, on this day in 1230, of Bianca de Bianchi and Count Opizzo Fiechi, as he had invited everyone in town to share the 30ft. high cake he had made for the occasion)

Liberty Tree Day -- Massachusetts, US

Mantoro Lantern Lighting -- Kasuga Taisha, Japan (through tomorrow; 3,000 lanterns light the shrine, and the main hall is open for visitors, with Bugaku and Kagura performed in the apple garden)

National Creamsicle Day

National Financial Awareness Day -- can't find the history on who started this for which country, but it's wise to become financially literate no matter where you live

National Garage Sale Day -- US (the goal, according to C. Daniel Rhodes, is to turn the nation into a giant shopping mall on the second Saturday of August each year)

National Navajo Code Talkers Day -- Navajo Nation; US

Oued Ed-Dahab Day -- Morocco; Western Sahara (celebrating the recovery of this area from Spanish occupation in 1979)

Pramuka Day -- Indonesia (Scouting Day)

Qi Xi -- China (Double Seventh or Chinese Valentine's Day, the 7th day of the 7th moon, the day all the magpies in the world form a bridge so the cowherd and the weaver can meet across the Milky Way, which separates them.)

St. Maximillian Kolbe's Day (Patron of families, imprisoned people, journalists, political prisoners, prisoners, recovering drug addicts, the pro-life movement; against drug addictions)

St. Werenfrid's Day (Patron of vegetable gardeners; Arnheim, Netherlands; Elst, Netherlands; Westervoort, Netherlands; against gout and stiff joints)

Wiffle Ball Day -- the wiffle ball was introduced this day in 1953

Anniversaries Today:

Jackie Mason marries Jyll Rosenfeld, 1991

V-J Day, 1945

Birthdays Today:

Tim Tebow, 1987

Terin Humphrey, 1986

Mila Kunis, 1983

Spencer Pratt, 1983

Jay Manuel, 1972

Catherine Bell, 1968

Halle Berry, 1966

Earvin "Magic" Johnson, 1959

Marcia Gay Harden, 1959

Gary Larson, 1950

Danielle, Steel, 1947

Antonio Fargas, 1946

Susan Saint James, 1946

Steve Martin, 1945

Lynne Cheney, 1941

David Crosby, 1941

Arthur Betz Laffer, 1940

Alice Ghostley, 1926

Buddy Greco, 1926

Russell Baker, 1925

John Ringling North, 1903

Ernest Everett Just, 1883

Ernest Lawrence Thayer, 1863

Doc Holiday, 1851

H.C. Oersted, 1777

Emperor Hanazono of Japan, 1297

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Front Page"(Play), 1928

Today in History

The young Emperor Antoku and three sacred treasures are taken by Taira no Munemori and the Taira clan, fleeing to western Japan to escape pursuit by the Minamoto clan, 1183

Kublai Khan's invading fleet disappears in a a typhoon near Japan, 1281

Three years after Gutenberg, the oldest known exactly dated printed book is published, 1457

Queen Elizabeth I refuses sovereignty of the Netherlands, 1585

Great Britain annexes Tristan da Cunha (remotest occupied island), 1816

Second Seminole War ends, with the Seminoles forced from Florida to Oklahoma, 1842

Oregon Territory created, 1848

Magazine "Field and Stream" begins publication, 1873

Construction of Cologne Cathedral in Cologne, Germany, is completed, 1880

Japan issues its first patent, for rust-proof paint, 1885

A recording of English composer Arthur Sullivan's The Lost Chord, one of the first recordings of music ever made, is played during a press conference introducing Thomas Edison's phonograph in London, 1888

France begins requiring motor vehicle registration, 1893

The first claimed powered flight, by Gustave Whitehead in his Number 21, 1901

Mt. Rushmore project first proposed, 1925

United States Social Security Act passes, creating a government pension system for the retired, 1935

British troops are deployed in Northern Ireland, 1969

Longest game in softball history begins, as The Gager's Diner team takes on the Bend'n Elbow Tavern; the game was played to raise money for a new softball field in Monticello, NY, went to 365 innings over two days, and the Gagers won 491-467, 1976

Lech Walesa leads strikes at the Gdansk, Poland shipyards, 1980

Widescale power blackout in the northeast United States and Canada, 2003

More than 2,000 people found in Poland's largest mass grave during World War II are reburied in a military cemetery, 2009

As a sponsored event of the IOC, the 2010 Summer Youth Olympic Games, first ever Youth Olympics for athletes age 14-18, officially starts in Singapore, 2010

North and South Korea agree to reopen the jointly-operated Kaesong Industrial Region, 2013

Jamaican sprint star Usain Bolt becomes the first man to win the coveted 100m Olympic gold medal three times, with a win at the Rio Olympics, 2016

According to a survey published by the US Department of the Interior and the US Geological Survey, 90% of rain samples taken in Colorado have plastic in them, 2019

Stephanie Frappart of France becomes the first woman to referee a major men's football/soccer match in a European men's tournament, 2019


  1. A wonderful list - which I was thankful to read.

  2. So many things to be thankful for. Praying for yours and your family's improved good health.

    God bless.

  3. Oh my God. I'm so sorry that everyone was ill but it seems they are getting better. I did pray for them.
    Have a wonderful weekend Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  4. Thanks for sharing so much good news and we're praying for more to come.

  5. A beautiful thankful post. Glad that everyone is making good progress and on the road to full recovery. Enjoy your weekend.

  6. Excellent 'oT this weekend.
    The universe appears to be righting itself again.
    Have a continued more-good-than-bad week ahead!

  7. Oh so glad to hear family is on the mend and that little girl and Coda have their place and that you are experiencing a bit of freedom ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Good to hear your family members are on the mend.

  9. So very nice to hear that normalcy is slowly establishing itself again. Your thankful list as usual leaves me a bit out of breath and thankful that you are you.

  10. All wonderful thankfuls, especially that everyone is improving. I am impressed that you moved a couch alone. XO

  11. I'm thankful for your beautiful list of gratitude.

  12. Great thankfuls Mimi! I am so glad the family is starting to feel better. I have been praying for you!

  13. So good to hear of all the improvements. May they all continue to improve and regain the health they once had.

  14. I am thankful for all your people recovering and regaining strength now, and for your girl having her own apartment now. Big sigh of relief here from me to you.

  15. Such a great list! I am so grateful that your loved ones are all improving. Praying for further recovery.

  16. So great that your family members are recovering from covid. Hoping they recover their health and strength! Yay for Little Girl to get in that apartment (maybe you should declare you have now retired from moving, too!). I have kids' stuff all over our house and wonder if they will ever do something with all of it; then I remember that I still have stuff all over MY parents' house and I quit wondering!

  17. Prayers answered for all your loved ones. Getting back to 100 percent strength is tough. I think all these viruses just do us in. I had a bad flu bug in 2013-14 on New Years Eve. I was so sick and it took me 9 months to regain my strength and weork full time. Just in time for them to cut me loose. But I was grateful I could rest. I know how hard you work, you just take care of you too ok? You are such an encouraging lady. I am happy your daughter is settle din her new place. What fun that is and Coda at home with her. Ha to the cat food. WHy do dogs want to eat it all up? The darn cat will cry and cry and whine for his supper and then walk away. If I am not fast the pups will devour it. Argh.....stinkers. Life is a hard road. You travel quietly for a bit and take care. HUGS and LOVE


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