
Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Back To The Usual, and Funnies, a Random and Happy Tuesday Word Counters Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Part of today’s post is also a writing challenge. This is how it works: one of the contributing bloggers picked a number between 12 and 74. The submitted number is a challenge to participating bloggers to write at least one piece using that exact number of words. 

This month, the word count number is: 50

It was submitted by:  Diane at On The Border


Links to the other Word Counters posts:

Baking In A Tornado                    

On the Border                                  

In my hurry to get out of town last Thursday, i got done at Ms. V’s house before she could get back from her dentist appointment.  Thus i told Mr. L, a retired chemist and typical absent minded professor, to let her know the cleaning cloths were in the wash.

If you think he told her, you didn’t pay attention to the “absent minded” part.  When i arrived yesterday to clean Carl’s area, Carl had seen to the cleaning rags when doing his own laundry.  They were stuck by the laundry room sink and left to dry on their own.

That’s how i ended up washing the cleaning cloths in the same load with Carl’s sheets.  By the way, the sheets that disappeared a few weeks ago have reappeared.  Now i can’t find some of his favorite pajamas, the top of one set and the bottom of another have disappeared.

There are times when i am tempted to ask myself, what in the world did he get on this doorknob? but the problem is i really don’t want to know the answer.  The same with what was on the tray table — the nice, handy tray table that i really like.

Stuff gets set on the tray table to keep it nearby.  When i need to set something down, i put it on the tray table.  Today, i set something down and later realized i had miraculously set it on the only spot that wasn’t covered in some goo.  Thank heaven.

As i was shooing Carl out of the house, he was cramming things into his refrigerator uncovered, and anything without a lid is to be thrown away, as per Ms. V’s orders.  When i reminded him, he said, “But I don’t have time!”  Three course breakfasts can cause that problem.

That’s the Carl dilemma.  He’s a special needs adult, some things he can’t grasp.  Time management is one.  If he were a child being trained, i could see applying hard and fast rules to teach him new skills.  Since he can’t learn some things, i covered it all up myself.

 Time for some cute stuff.  

Modern Diet Dilemma:

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!


Today is:

Armilustrium -- Ancient Roman Calendar (festival of Mars)

Bettara-Ichi -- Ebisu Shrine, Tokyo, Japan (Pickle Market Fair, enjoy the pickled radishes, a specialty; through tomorrow)

Constitution Day -- Niue

Dita e Lumturimit te Nene Terezes -- Albania (Mother Teresa Day)

Evaluate Your Life Day -- a day to make sure your life is heading where you want, and course correct if it isn't; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

Greasy Spoon Day -- internet generated, a day to go revel in the love of your favorite greasy spoon diner

Information Overload Awareness Day -- we all get bombarded, take stock of how it affects you; sponsored by the Information Overload Research Group      

National Pharmacy Technician Day -- because pharmacy technicians "Help America Feel Better" 

National Seafood Bisque Day

Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity   

Samora Machel Day -- Mozambique

Seeking of King Look Under Your Mattress -- Fairy Calendar

St. Frideswide's Day (Patron of Oxford and the University of Oxford)

St. Rene Goupil's Day (Patron of anesthetists, anesthesiologists)

Yabusame Festival -- Koyama, Japan (horseback archery, samurai costumes and dragons, oh, my!)

Birthdays Today:

Jason Reitman, 1977

Ty Pennington, 1965

Evander Holyfield, 1962

Jeannie C. Riley, 1945

John Lithgow, 1945

Patricia Ireland, 1945

Simon Ward, 1941

Michael Gambon, 1940

Peter Max, 1937

Robert Reed, 1932

John Le Carre, 1931

Jack Anderson, 1922

Auguste Lumiere, 1862

Annie S. Peck, 1850

Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson, 1748

Thomas Browne, 1605 (O.S. date)

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Rothschilds"(Musical), 1970

"The Miracle Worker"(Play), 1959

"I Remember Mama"(Play), 1944

"Pomp and Circumstance Marches"(Elgar Op. 39), 1901

"Tannhauser und der Sangerkrieg auf Wartburg/Tannhauser and the Singers' Contest at Wartburg"(Wagner opera), 1845

Today in History:

Battle of Zama, Scipio Africanus and his Roman legions defeat Hannibal Barca and the invading Carthagian army, BC202

King Gauseric and his Vandals take the city of Carthage, 439

The Thirteen Years' War ends with the Treaty of Thorn, 1466

Martin Luther becomes a doctor of theology, 1512

The first general court is held in Boston, 1630

Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown at 2PM, end of the US Revolutionary War, 1781

Napoleon begins his retreat from Moscow, 1812

Elizabeth Blackwell becomes the first woman to receive a medical degree, 1849

The first 4 blacks are elected to the US House of Representatives, 1870

The USPS first used an automobile to collect and deliver mail, 1914

Streptomycin, the first antibiotic which could treat tuberculosis, is isolated at Rutgers University, 1943

Black Monday - the Dow Jones Industrial Average falls by 22%, 508 points, 1987

Mother Teresa is beatified by Pope John Paul II, 2003

Saddam Hussein goes on trial in Baghdad for crimes against humanity, 2005

Hurricane Wilma becomes the most intense Atlantic hurricane on record with a minimum pressure of 882 mb, 2005

Naheed Nenshi becomes the first Muslim in Canada to be elected mayor, in Calgary, 2010

Pope Francis beatifies Pope Paul VI, who was known for changes in the Catholic Church that came out of Vatican II, 2014 

The New Zealand Labour Party forms a coalition government led by Jacinda Adern (37), the youngest NZ leader in 161 years, 2017


  1. Carl is a work in progress. I'm guessing he can learn new things, but it just takes a lot longer, years longer.
    The costumed babies are adorable :)

  2. Carl is a lot of work, but he also sounds to be very rewarding work.
    Thanks for the cuteness.

  3. I am glad that you have the patient and a good heart for Carl. I like all the baby costumes except the snake one. Have a wonderful day.

  4. Great selection of photos. Thanx Mimi.

    God bless.

  5. Cute funnies. A three course breakfast, oh my!

  6. That Carl is a piece of work. You need a lot of patience to deal with him but at least you know he is how he is and he can't really be changed. Mom is going to sign up for M&Ms and just eat those from now on she says.

  7. Poor Carl! It has to be tough on someone in his shoes and even tougher for the adults around him. I'm so blessed that my kids don't have any learning disabilities. The little kiddies looked adorable! The bunny costume is my favorite. I better stock up on M&Ms. That's for the healthy announcement to stir me clear of the bad things in my diet. :)

  8. What “absent mindedness "? Since I fell, I fell when? LOL

    Cruisin Paul

  9. Oh what a happy post and photos ~ favorite, of course, are the sweet critters ~ babies are precious too ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Always enjoy your posts about Carl. A whirlwind and then some. As for the cleaning towels. I knew what happened to them with the absent minded part.

    Aw on all the cutie pies. So precious.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug. ♥

  11. see.....we haz been sayin thiz bout bass terd chcikn all de time !!!!!!!! ;) ☺☺♥♥

  12. Your patience and understanding Carl are truly sweet and amazing! Love all the costumes!

  13. I would love to see a video of Carl to see how things end up that way. :) If something is uncovered in the fridge, it should be ok for a couple of days. Cute kids in costumes.XO

  14. Carl never fails to keep you busy! Those were really cute photos!

  15. Oh Carl, you are such a life saver. God Bless you graciously. You could write a book on Carl and teach others to learn to use kindness rather than other methods. You are a gem. I know he must be a handful but your kindness shines. That Green M&M cracks me up. I think she is a sellout. That poor Yellow M&M disappeared at Halloween time...think she was involved in his disappearing act?? Those cute photos were precious to see. Thanks so much HUG and LOVE and PRAYERS for you and Carl and all your loved ones too.


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