
Sunday, October 24, 2021

Not My Speed (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections


Just because Sandee at Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

Cousin J came to visit yesterday while we were at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  We were talking about our pets, and i said the reason we don't get a dog of our own, although we love dogsitting Coda, is because i really don't want to add "walk the dog" to my list of things to do every day.  Even worse would be "run the dog" because that's not my speed.

Tee Boudreaux done come home from de football practice, an' he look him discouraged.

Boudreaux done ax, "What fo' you look so sad?"

An' Tee say, "It be sum'pin de coach done tole me when I done ax him if'n I have de chance to play when I gets to college."

"An' what he say?"

"Mais!  He done tole me dat I don' 'xactly be slow, but dat when I's runnin', my feets stay in de same place too long!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It was hosted by River, who still participates, and is now hosted by Elephant's Child.       

It's the time of year for spooky outdoor decor.


Today is:

Feast of Good & Plenty (the candies)

Food Day -- US (inspiring people to change their diets and our food policies)   

Independence Day -- Zambia(1964)

Lilith's Day -- Ancient Mesopotamian Calendar (Lilith, legendary first wife of Adam, mother of the giants; date approximate)

Maladay -- Discordianism

Mother-in-Law Day -- a day to honor good Mothers-in-Law for their contributions to their families and for enduring all the bad jokes; if you have a lousy one, go listen to Ernie K-Doe's song

National Bologna Day

Pastoral Care Week begins -- honoring all clergy who provide spiritual help and care, they need recognition and care themselves; this year's theme is "Advancing Spiritual Care Through Research"    

Respiratory Care Week begins -- recognizing the respiratory care profession and promoting awareness of lung health issues; this year's theme is "Together We Save Lives" 

Share a Pop Tart With Someone You Love Day -- internet generated, and how much do you want to bet the Kellog company may have had a hand in it?

St. Anthony Claret's Day (Patron of weavers; Catholic press; Claretians; Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary)

St. Crispin's Eve Celebration -- Tenby, Wales

St. Raphael the Archangel's Day (traditional date; Patron of health inspectors, druggists, happy meetings, leaving home, travelers; against blindness)

Suez Victory Day -- Egypt

Take Back Your Time Day -- Canada; U.S. (anniversary of the day in the US that the Fair Labor Standards Act went into effect, specifying a 40-hour work week as the standard, in 1938)

United Nations Day

     Disarmament Week begins

     World Development Information Day

World Origami Days -- held each year from today, the birth anniversary of Lillian Oppenheimer, founder of the first origami societies in Britain and the US, until Nov. 11, which is Origami Day in Japan; a couple of good sites about origami are here and here  

Birthdays Today:

Monica, 1980

Kevin Kline, 1947

F. Murray Abraham, 1939

Bill Wyman, 1936

David Nelson, 1936

J. P. "Big Bopper" Richardson, 1930

Y. A. Tittle, 1926

Moss Hart, 1904

Melvin Purvis, 1903

Alexandra David-Neel, 1868 (first female foreigner to explore Tibet)

Belva A. Bennett Lockwood, 1838

Sarah Joseph Hale, 1788 (author of "Mary had a little lamb")

Antony van Leeuwenhoek, 1632

Domitian, Roman Emperor, 51

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Dancing at Lughnasa"(Play), 1991

"Voices for Today"(Britten Op. 75), 1965

"Take Me Out to the Ball Game"(Single release), 1908

"Zibeunerbaron/The Gypsy Baron"(Strauss Opera), 1885

The first Transcontinental Telegram is sent, 1861

Today in History:

Cathedral of Chartres is dedicated, 1260

The Treaty of Westphalia ends the 30 Years War, recognized the independence of Switzerland, and marks the end of the Holy Roman Empire, 1648

Felix Mendelssohn, age 9, performs his first public concert in Berlin, 1818

The match is patented, by A. Phillips, 1836

The first US transcontinental telegram is sent, from San Francisco to Washington, DC, ending the need for the Pony Express after only 2 years, 1861

Levi P. Morton, US ambassador to France, drives the first rivet for the Statue of Liberty, 1881

Dr. Robert Koch discovers the germ that causes tuberculosis, 1882

Anna Taylor becomes the first woman to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel, 1901

The first NYC subway opens, 1904

Harry Houdini's last performance, 1926

The Hershey Company is incorporated, 1927

"Black Thursday", the start of the stock market crash, Dow Jones down 12.8%, 1929

Al Capone is sentenced for tax evasion, 1931

The George Washington Bridge, connecting NY to NJ, opens, 1931

US forbids child labor in factories, 1938

The United Nations Charter is signed by the first member nations, 1945

Eisenhower pledges US support to South Vietnam, 1954

Government of Poland legalizes Solidarity trade union, 1980

Launch of Deep Space 1 comet/asteroid mission, 1998

The Concorde makes its last commercial flight, 2003

Justice Rutherford of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice struck down the "motive clause", an important part of the Canadian Anti-Terrorism Act, 2006

"Bloody Friday" saw many of the world's stock exchanges experience the worst declines in their history, with drops of around 10% in most indices, 2008

The Northern Lights become visible over much of North America due to a coronal mass ejection, 2011

The E.U. plans to reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent compared to 1990 levels and increase renewables to 27 percent of all energy sources, 2014

Iditarod officials confirm that some dogs in the race have been doped after they tested positive for banned substances, 2017

The remains of Spanish dictator Francisco Franco are removed from the mausoleum in Valley of the Fallen and reburied in private family vault in Madrid, 2019


  1. We really don't do Halloween here. Thank you for showing some of the displays near you. I really liked Paige Not Found.

  2. Loved the Halloween photos. Thanx Mimi.

    God bless.

  3. Tee's l;ast few words had me choking on my coffee! Brilliant.

    Here, apart from a few pumpkins, we never see houses as lavishly decorated as these!

  4. The displays look interesting Mimi. My wife & daughter paint pumpkins and she displays the in the front. Me, I really don't care anymore. Christmas is my time.

    Cruisin Paul

  5. LOL @ thejoke always gives me a giggle

    Love all the spooky decor it's that time of year again (˼●̙̂ ̟ ̟̎ ̟ ̘●̂˻)

    Have a spookytastic day 👍

  6. Wonderful series of Halloween photos ~ and fun cajun joke ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Cute joke. That is why we never got another dog after our last one passed in 2011. It is not fun walking a dog in rain or sleet. I love the decorations. My neighbor has the big black cat too. XO

  8. That's sounds like our Dad's running! Those photos were fun ones!

  9. Sadly I live too rurally to see the holiday decorations. We are avoiding a dog because of the ticks and the rash of diseases they carry here. I do love dogs.

  10. Spooky scary skeletons and company is out there in masses I see. BOO! I love that monster cat!

  11. All those decorations are pretty spooktacular :)

  12. Hey! I run the same way! 😄
    Love the Halloween decorations!

  13. I think ymother comment disappeared. SO weird. Love all the decorations.We have lots in our neighborhood for Halloween and Chrustmas. ALways a joy to see the fun sights. Thank you for sharing.


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