
Saturday, November 27, 2021

Capstone, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


It's Thankful Day, the capstone of Thankful Week in this part of the world.

The week started with shopping for the Big Meal.  Last Saturday, Sweetie came to NOLA with me and while he did some extra cleaning, Grandpa and i went to the store.  It was surprisingly not crowded, and we managed to get everything we needed in one trip.  Talk about a reason to be thankful!

Sunday mornings have a rhythm to them, i get up, have breakfast (the only day of the week i usually do that) and i get to Becca's by 7am.  This past Sunday, when i pulled up to the house, i noticed two strange cars in the drive and though, how odd, i guess they have out of town company.

When i walked in, i was greeted by Ms. AH's niece whom i've met before.  Turns out she and a friend were house sitting as the whole family was on a camping trip!  Yes, they'd forgotten to tell me they wouldn't need me, but after i quit laughing and swore the niece to secrecy, i was quite thankful to have a bit of extra time to get to church early and listen to the choirs practicing.

My Monday and Tuesday were pretty typical for how things go around here, and i am thankful for that.  When i'd spoken to Ms. V about the fact that i was going to miss cleaning her house (her Thursday was this week and Thanksgiving was in the way), she said not to worry about trying to make it up.  As far as she's concerned, it's much more important to get Carl's area cleaned up than the rest of the house.

Tuesday after Ms. RW i went to see Ms. G to get her key for cat sitting this weekend, i'm thankful she trusts me to do it.  In addition, i'm thankful to get to spend a little extra time with her cat Buddy, as he's not doing well with his heart and tumor.  He probably won't make Christmas, i'm thankful to get to pet and spoil him now.

That evening was the great hojaldra making marathon, enough for Grandpa's birthday (Monday) and Uncle J's birthday(Friday), and i'm thankful i got it all done.

As usual, morning came early on Wednesday, i was at the shelter for 5am (thankful i woke on time and got my prayer/Bible study done), got done by 7:15am (thankful because i didn't miss any of the kitties), and went home to pack.

Little Girl and her boyfriend were going to NOLA Wednesday, so they gave me a ride down so i could cook, clean, spend the night, and get up early Thursday to cook and clean, too.  Not only was i thankful for the ride down, i was thankful i remembered to leave Sweetie the key to GusGus die Fledermaus so he and #1 Son could drive down on Thanksgiving Day.

Uncle J, Dre and Bryn were all 3 at Grandma and Grandpa's house along with the dogs, Abby and Jack.  I meant that Lulu, Coda, Abby and Jack had a four dog marathon of gleeful play, all while the rest of us were cooking and cleaning and visiting.  It was fun mayhem of the kind i like and am always thankful for.

Thanksgiving Day, we're thankful the turkey was thawed all the way this year and cooked correctly, and we all had a wonderful time visiting and eating together.  We're also thankful for leftovers!

Our Friday morning Bible group can't meet at the church Thanksgiving week, so i was able to get to Ms. G's to do cat care, then go to Ms. GA's house for the meeting.  It's a thankful thing to get the cat care (and bird feeding) done early, we're all thankful to Ms. GA and Mr. BA for hosting us when the church is closed, and i didn't have to leave to get to work, i was thankful to just be able to stay and clean house there.

The cat shelter was closed yesterday, so i got done in record time, no stopping every few minutes to answer the door, answer questions, or simply end up having to do more stuff.  As much as i enjoy those things, it was a very thankful thing yesterday, after a long week, to just do what i actually signed up to do.

Also yesterday i took my life in my hands and stopped at the Post Office at 3pm -- it was almost empty!  They had the stamps i wanted!  Talk about thankful.

As i left the Post Office, Ms. S called.  She's gotten to the point where she cannot get out of bed to even get to her bedside toilet without help, she called to ask me to come help her.  Once i was done with the shelter, i went over there.  It's a mess, she'd fallen again and they had to get the firefighters to come get her up, and she's finally agreed she has to go to the assisted facility.  She can't just keep going on like this, and i am so glad she finally realized it.  Ms. S asked her daughter-in-law to find out how she can transfer to the assisted building, and i'm thankful it's her idea, it's not being forced on her.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

Anniversary of Cerro de Pasco -- Peru (founding of the city and its silver mine)

Banquet for Monkeys / Monkey Buffet Festival -- Khmer Ruins of Lop Buri, Thailand (about 3,000 monkeys are served lunch while humans get to watch in what some describe as a riot but without the police; through tomorrow) 

Bargle Day -- Fairy Calendar (a fairy day with no human equivalent)

Electric Guitar Day -- birth anniversary of Jimi Hendrix

Feast of Ullr and Skadi -- Asatru/Norse Pagan (celebrating craftsmen)

Freckle Pride Day -- show your spots, you are beautiful!

Get the Giggles and Give One Away Day -- internet generated, and great if your a preteen girl

Guadalajara International Book Fair -- Guadalajara, Mexico (through Dec. 6)

Holodomor Remembrance Day -- international commemoration of the Death By Hunger Genocide in Ukraine

Khoiak Ceremonies -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (ceremonies surrounding the stories of the death of Osiris, date approximate)

Lancashire Day -- Lancashire, England (celebrating their first elected representative in Parliament in 1295)

Maaverar Naal -- Tamil Eelam, Sri Lanka (Tamil Heroes' Day)

National Bavarian Cream Pie Day

Pie in the Face Day -- internet generated, and supposed to be a virtual one, so no mess to clean

Pins and Needles Day -- celebrating the 1937 opening of the Pins and Needles Music Revue

Small Business Saturday -- encouraging everyone to patronize local businesses for your holiday shopping

St. James Intercisus' Day (Patron of lost vocations, torture victims)

St. Virgilius of Salzburg's Day (Patron of Salzburg, Austria; Slovenes)

Anniversaries Today:

William Shakespeare marries Anne Hathaway, 1582

Birthdays Today:

Jaleel White, 1976

Samantha Harris, 1973

Brooke Langton, 1970

Robin Givens, 1964

Fisher Stevens, 1963

Caroline Kennedy, 1957

Rick Rockwell, 1956

Kathryn Bigelow, 1951

Jimi Hendrix, 1942

Eddie Rabbit, 1941

Bruce Lee, 1940

Gail Henion Sheehy, 1937

Alexander Dubcek, 1921

"Buffalo" Bob Smith, 1917

Chick Hearn, 1916

James Agee, 1909

L. Sprague de Camp, 1907

Forrest Shaklee, 1894

Chaim Weizmann, 1874

Charles A. Beard, 1874

Bat Masterson, 1853

Robert R. Livingston, 1746 (O.S. date)

Anders Celcius, 1701

Emperor Xiaozong of China, 1127

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Magical Mystery Tour"(Beatles album release), 1967

"Never Too Late"(Play), 1962

"The Dinah Shore Show"(TV), 1951

Today in History:

The first elected representatives from Lancashire were called to Westminster by King Edward I to attend what later became known as "The Model Parliament", 1295

The first Eddystone Lighthouse is destroyed in the Great Storm of 1703

The Portuguese Royal Family leaves Lisbon to escape from Napoleonic troops, 1807

Adoption of Constitution of the Kingdom of Poland, 1815

NY Times dubs baseball "The National Game", 1870

Alfred Nobel establishes the Nobel Prize, 1895

In New York City, the first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is held, 1924

The Soviet space program's Mars 2 orbiter releases a descent module; it crashes, but still becomes the first man-made object to be on Mars, 1971

The left-wing Labour Party takes control of the New Zealand government with leader Helen Clark becoming the first elected female Prime Minister in New Zealand's history, 1999

A hydrogen atmosphere is discovered on the extrasolar planet Osiris by the Hubble Space Telescope, the first atmosphere detected on an extrasolar planet, 2001

The Canadian House of Commons endorses Prime Minister Stephen Harper's motion to declare Quebec a nation within a unified Canada, 2006

Icelanders vote for their own constitution after using a modified Danish constitution for 66 years, 2010

The Nissan Leaf self-driving car completes its first test in Japan, on the Sagami Expressway, 2013

The wreck of the San Jose, considered the "Holy grail" of shipwrecks, sunk 1708, is confirmed found by an international team off the coast of Colombia, 2015

Pope Francis begins a three-day trip to Myanmar, amid the Rohingya refugee crisis, 2017


  1. Poor Ms S. I am glad that she has made the decision, but sorry that she has to.
    And, as always, I love your list.

  2. What a nice surprise to not have to clean and get to church instead.

  3. Thank the Lord always, no matter what.

    God bless.

  4. Another beautiful thankful list. So much to be thankful for. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Write my list Mimi, it would be small. Wow, your list tells me that you are a very busy lady. I wouldn't be able to keep up with you. LOL
    Have a wonderful Saturday my friend and rest a bit.

    Cruisin Paul

  6. You are so busy. I admire you skill at orgainizing and getting to places on time! Had to look up Hojaldra and they look good. Maybe time for a new food tradtion.

  7. Those really are nice thankfuls although we'll say an extra prayer for Buddy and Ms. S.

  8. Wonderful thankfuls except how sad about Buddy. XO

  9. Great gratefuls! I'm glad you didn't have to clean on Sunday and got to go to church early instead. Also happy your turkey came out nice this year.

  10. Sounds like an excellent Thanksgiving. Busy in a not-excessively stressful way...
    We did much the same*

    hey! thanks for the new word hojaldra (looked it up sounds delish)

    *except only 1 dog and 2 humans but the day proceeded in an orderly way to a satisfactory conclusion**

    ** ikr, whos's a clark lol

  11. I had to look up hojaldra, but then I realized that it is what my husband grew up eating. He always enjoyed the fried bread his mom fixed. Such a hard decision for Ms. S. Hopefully being in an assisted living situation will provide her with safer surroundings and that she will call for help before trying to get out of bed on her own. I could just picture that dog marathon and the fun mayhem. Always nice to have turkey that is fully cooked. :-)
    Wishing you a great week ahead.

  12. Busy, busy, busy!
    Your Thanksgiving sounds as if it was perfect - family, small pack of dogs, a well cooked turkey and leftovers (best post T-Day late snack? cold turkey and cranberry sauce sandwich). Hopefully, this week will be a little less hectic:)

  13. I had to look up hojaldra and now I want to try them! They look yummy! Your Thanksgiving sounded delightful! I can picture the puppers frolicking while the cooking and visiting was going on, and it sounds like a perfect day!


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