
Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Only in South Louisiana (Wordless Wednesday), Words for Wednesday, and Happy Dr. Seuss Day!


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday and Sandee at Comedy Plus.     \


Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts to encourage us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month, the prompts are being provided by River at Drifting Through Life.   

This week's words/prompts are:

1. jagged

2. corroded

3. withdraw

4. effective

5. inked

6. acres


1. destruction

2. inadequate

3. ladder

4. intrigued

5. tangled

6. swore

use either list or both, or mix and match, just have fun.

How could anyone, he thought to himself, let a beauty like this just go to rot?

Parts were CORRODED, and a JAGGED piece of metal caught on his jacket sleeve, pulling him up short as he tried to walk around it in the tall grass.  He SWORE and worked to get the sleeve unTANGLED.

This kind of DESTRUCTION made him so angry that words were INADEQUATE.

"It was my stepfather's," the man who'd placed the ad told him.  "After mom died, he seemed to WITHDRAW into himself, didn't want us around the place.  Mom owned the ACRES and he owned the trailer they'd lived in, and she left in her will that he was to be allowed use of the land as long as he was able to live on it.  A few months ago, he fell off a LADDER trying to make repairs to the roof of the barn, and he's not going to be recovering enough to move back."

"I get people being upset with loss, and being loners, but did he have to leave this beautiful antique car out here in the field to just die?"  He couldn't help himself, he had to say it.

The other man looked at him in silence for a few moments, then said, "You never know another person's heartache.  That's why we kids have stepped back into his life.  We're tidying, repairing, and selling what we can to help keep him in a good place.  I wasn't even sure if this old beauty, or what's left of it, was worth anything when I placed the ad.  We were INTRIGUED to see if anyone would answer it."

"It's worth it, although it's going to take a heap of work," he said, then sighed.  "You're right, we never know what another person has been through.  I'm assuming you have the title and an EFFECTIVE Power of Attorney so you can sell it?"

"Yes, once he came to understand he was not coming back home, he welcomed the help and INKED the papers.  He told me to make sure this went to a good home, and I told him I'd try."

"Tell him you succeeded.  We can go back to town to the notary office and get it done, I've got the funds now.  When can I come back with a tow truck?"


It's time to cut loose,

Celebrate Dr. Seuss!

It has again happened that my work has kept me from being able to get to everything, and instead of writing a Dr. Seuss tribute, i am simply saying i hope you have a wonderful Dr. Seuss day.  Go read and have fun!


Today is:

Adwa Victory Day -- Ethiopia

Ash Wednesday -- Christian (beginning of the Lenten Fast)

     Oskudagur -- Iceland (with the special tradition of hanging oskupokar [ash bags] on people, as girls try to hang bags of ash on men's clothing, and boys try to hang bags of stones on women's clothing; begins Langafasta, and during the fast, you may not even mention meat at all)

Feast of 'Ala (Loftiness) -- Baha'i (first full day of the 19 day fast)

Going Forth of Set, Son of Nut -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Highway Numbers Day -- US (a joint board of state and federal highway officials created the first uniform system for numbering interstate highways, as well as standardizing design of road signs, in 1925)

James Ronald Webster's Birthday -- Anguilla

March Nymph's Parade -- Fairy Calendar

National Banana Cream Pie Day

NEA's Read Across America Day -- on or near Dr. Seuss' birth anniversary; "Grab Your Hat and Read with the Cat"

Old Stuff Day -- if you are doing the same old stuff, think about how you can change that

Peasants' Day -- Myanmar

St. Chad of Mead's Day (Patron of St. Chad's College of the University of Durham in England; Birmingham, England; Lichfield, England)

Texas Independence Day -- Texas, US (anniversary of declaration of independence from Mexico in 1836)

World Maths Day -- International   

Anniversary Today:

Mt. Rainier National Park is established, 1899

Birthdays Today:

Henrik Lundquist, 1982

Bryce Dallas Howard, 1981

Chris Martin, 1977

Daniel Craig, 1968

Jon Bon Jovi, 1962

Ken Salazar, 1955

Laraine Newman, 1952

Karen Carpenter, 1950

Eddie Money, 1949

Lou Reed, 1944

John Irving, 1942

Mikhail Gorbachev, 1931

Tom Wolfe, 1931

John Cullum, 1930

Doc Watson, 1923

Jennifer Jones, 1919

Desi Arnaz, 1917

Martin Ritt, 1914

Mel Ott, 1909

Theodore Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss), 1904

Bedrich Smetana, 1864

Carl Schurz, 1829

Melissa Burton Coray, 1828

Sam Houston, 1793

Juvenal, 54

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Bubbling Brown Sugar"(Musical), 1976

"The Sound of Music"(Film), 1965

"Bus Stop"(Play), 1955

"King Kong"(Film), 1933

"Morning Chronicle"(London daily newspaper), 1769

Today in History:

The Loves of Mars and Venus becomes the first ballet performed in England, 1717

A semaphore machine that will speed communication is introduced in Paris, 1791

The US Congress outlaws the import of slaves, 1897

The Republic of Texas declares its independence from Mexico, 1836

Aleksandr Romanov becomes the tsar of Russia, 1855

Tsar Aleksandr outlaws serfdom in Russia, 1861

The Convention of Constantinople is signed, guaranteeing free maritime passage through the Suez Canal during war and peace, 1888

In New York City the Martha Washington Hotel opens, becoming the first hotel exclusively for women, 1903

The original film version of King Kong premiers, 1933

Captain James Gallagher lands his B-50 Superfortress Lucky Lady II in Fort Worth, Texas after completing the first non-stop around-the-world airplane flight in 94 hours and one minute, 1949

The first automatic street light is installed in New Milford, Connecticut, 1949

In Toulouse, France the first test flight of the Anglo-French Concorde is conducted, 1969

Rhodesia declares itself a republic, breaking its last links with the British crown, 1970

The Pioneer 10 space probe is launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida with a mission to explore the outer planets, 1972

Czech Vladimír Remek becomes the first non-Russian or non-American to go into space, when he is launched aboard Soyuz 28, 1978

CD players and discs are released for sale for the first time outside of Japan, 1983

Twelve European Community nations agree to ban the production of all chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) by the end of the century, 1989

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, San Marino, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan join the United Nations, 1992

Data sent from the Galileo spacecraft indicates that Jupiter's moon Europa has a liquid ocean under a thick crust of ice, 1998

In his book 'Jesus of Nazareth Part II', Pope Benedict XVI exonerates the Jewish people for the responsibility of the death of Jesus, 2011

New findings from the University of Leicester indicate decreasing sitting time by 90 minutes each day can result in major heath advantages, including reducing the risk of Type II Diabetes, 2013

The longest non-stop scheduled commercial flight by distance, Emirates A380 flies 14,200km (8,824 miles) Dubai to Auckland, remains in the air for 17 hours, 15 minutes, 2016

The oldest known land fossil (Tortotubus - 440 million years old) from Gotland, Sweden, is revealed by British scientists, 2016

Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko and US astronaut Scott Kelly return to earth after nearly a year (340 days), setting an ISS record, 2016

Australian wonder horse Winx sets the world record for Group 1 wins in the Chipping Norton Stakes in Sydney, stretching her unbeaten run to 31 races, with this being her 23rd in the highest class of thoroughbred racing, 2019

Dr. Seuss Enterprises announces that six Dr. Seuss books will no longer be published because they are now considered racially insensitive, 2021

Dolly Parton receives her first Moderna Covid-19 vaccine that she donated $1million to help develop, 2021


  1. You wrote a great story with the prompts. Have a wonderful day.

  2. I love your story, a little sadness, a lot of hope and I hope the old car can be made like new again.

  3. I completely forgot about Dr Seus day!! Ag no. I'll just say Happy Dr Seus day back to you.

    Love what you did with the words!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday!

    Elza Reads

  4. The photo made me giggle heheh!

    I liked your story too :-)

    Have a seusstastic week 👍

  5. Oh, I love hov you can work all the words into one complete story. And I loved the story itself as well. So well written, I'd think you knew him.

  6. That is a sad story, but hopefully the old car was restored to it's former glory.

  7. Excellent use of the words ... and fun to read - even though all things come to an end. Cheers Hilary

  8. I overextended myself today with Wordless Wednesday and Dr. Seuss day. I'm so behind. I need to cut back.

    Not sure about the egg rolls. I don't have a clue what that means.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  9. If you need me, I'll be at Village Inn Pancake House, celebrating National Banana Cream Pie Day. Have a blessed week.

  10. Creative story ~ not sure what those egg rolls are ~ Take care of YOU! Xo

    Wishing you lots of love and peace in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. "You never know another person's heartache." Great quote great story.

  12. dr seuss would appreciate your great story as it's printed here .... well done mimi !! ☺☺♥♥

  13. Fun photo and a good story! Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss and Happy Seussing Day!!!

  14. That was sweet, but sad. Happy Dr. Seuss Day! XO

  15. Chapeau. You surprise me time and time again.

  16. Good story and a bit sobering with the thought of how might my future be someday. Being alone? Aging? It's all scary. I will trust in Him to see me through whatever tomorrow brings. I hear you on how work has kept you from writing. I'm feeling the heat of things going on here to where I can't do everything, either. Thanks for sharing, my dear!

  17. Are those rolls supposed to be COLD? Your story was sweet and touching. Mimi -your writing is a gift for all of us! Thanks!

  18. Great story with the prompts! You share such goodness. Always! I was a day late with Dr. Seuss but I did remember. Victor's comment on the fence or wall cracked me up. Most everyone who wanted to tear down the wall at our Southern border stays behind secure walls. I am not sure we could call that an oxymoron.

  19. I will always love Dr. Seuss! I am surrounded by a stack of books...what to read next! Another sweet blogger Mari had a book called "Audrey's Bunny". I promptly found a copy to read to the grands. Your writing is so amazing, stories, poems, you have a real gift. I am thankful you share it with all of us. Take care.


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