
Thursday, March 3, 2022

There Will Be Some Kind of Entertainment (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Sammy's Poetry Day and Brian's Thankful Thursday.


The young man, sophomore though he might be, has some connections.

When i asked if he knew of a local band that needs a gig, he said he does, a few in fact.

Unfortunately, all of them are at that point in their development that they probably aren't ready for prime time.

If they just want a chance to play, i told him, have them come by the Six Sentence Cafe and Bistro on Friday for the book launch.

No need to reserve a time, i'll pull out the "mommy timer" and give each of them equal access to get some practice before a live studio audience.

He can't promise real rock stars but at least they'll keep the joint jumping and every band, like every story, has to start somewhere.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Book.               


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!

The wood fence isn't behind the brick, it's partially on top of it!


 It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day!  This week's image and my poem:    

Although my nickname’s Beauty,

I’m not the prettiest you’ll see,

My sisters are very beautiful,

Much nicer to look at than me.

But the Beast mistook my nickname

And brought me here to stay,

I couldn’t say no by any means,

There was no other way.

It was what the Beast demanded,

My father’s life to save.

I think I need a new name,

I want to now be Brave!

I’ll keep exploring Beast’s castle,

Looking his enchantment to break,

Perhaps I’ll find the secret

Is to stay for love’s dear sake.


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful that i got to go to an Ash Wednesday service yesterday.  Our church does it at noon when i'm at work, but i found another church not far from our house that has an evening service.  It was a real blessing to my heart.


Today is:

Bonza Bottler Day™

Day of Remembrance for Prince Igor -- Asatru/Slavic Pagan Calendar

Heart-Accelerating Sodium-Enriched Cold Cuts Day -- internet generated by someone who has no intention of letting anything healthy past his/her lips

Hina Matsuri -- Japan (Doll Festivals throughout the country, where women and girls dedicate dolls to shrines which are then floated out to sea to take away evil and sicknesses that afflict women)

If Pets Had Thumbs Day -- because if you are going to imagine something silly today, it might as well be this; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

I Want You to be Happy Day -- a day to devote some time to making someone else truly happy about something

International Omega-3 Awareness Day

Joshi-no-Sekku -- Shinto (festival to honor girls)

Liberation Day/National Day -- Bulgaria

Losar/Loshar (Lunar New Year) -- Bhutan; Nepal; Tibet (this is Tibetan Year 2148, and its dominant element is water, and dominant animal is the tiger)

Marriage of the March Nymphs -- Fairy Calendar

Martyr's Day -- Malawi

Mother's Day -- Georgia

National Anthem Day -- US (current US anthem adopted this date in 1931)

National Cold Cuts Day

National Mulled Wine Day

Peach Blossom Day - coincides with the start of the Peach Blossom Festival around this time of year in Hunan, China, where you celebrate the beauty of peach blossoms, and girls celebrate being girls

Sportsmen's Day -- Egypt

Stop Bad Service Day

St Casimir' Eve / Kaziukas Fair -- Vilnius, Lithuania (traditional craft fair dates back to the 17th century, celebrating Lithuania's patron saint; through tomorrow)

St. Cunegunda's Day (Patron of Bamberg, Germany; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Poland)

St. Winnal's Day (First comes David, Next comes Chad, Then comes Winnal, roaring mad! -- Traditional English saying about the storminess of March 3; St. Winwaloe or Winnal was the Christianized version of the Teutonic Aegir, god of the sea and controller of weather)

Thanks to the Maple Festival -- Iroquois (date approximate, held when sap began flowing, usually early March)

University Mental Health and Wellbeing Day -- UK (to focus on ensuring the positive wellbeing of people with mental health difficulties)   

World Book Day -- UK and Ireland (most other countries celebrate this on April 23; more information is here)

Anniversaries Today:

Florida becomes the 27th US state, 1845

Colegio Militar of Portugal is founded, 1803

Birthdays Today:

Jessica Biel, 1982

David Faustino, 1974

Julie Bowen, 1970

Jackie Joyner-Kersee, 1962

Herschel Walker, 1962

Ira Glass, 1959

Miranda Richardson, 1958

Tim Kazurinsky, 1950

Caroline Lee Bouvier Radziwill, 1933

Doc Watson, 1923

Diana Barrymore, 1921

James Doohan, 1920

Jean Harlow, 1911

Matthew Bunker Ridgway, 1895

Norman Bethune, 1890

Alexander Graham Bell, 1847

George Pullman, 1831

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Moonlighting"(TV), 1985

"Goodtime Charley"(Musical), 1975

"The Lion in Winter"(Play), 1966

"Mr Wizard"(TV), 1951

"Juno and the Paycock"(Play), 1924

"Time Magazine", 1923

"Carmen"(Opera), 1875

"Symphony No. 3 in A minor(Scottish)"(Mendelssohn Op.56), 1842

"Symphony No. 101 in D major(The Clock)"(Haydn), 1794

Today in History:

The Statute of Rhuddlan incorporates the Principality of Wales into England, 1284

The Olympic Theatre, designed by Andrea Palladio, is inaugurated in Vicenza, 1585

The first amphibious landing of the United States Marine Corps begins the Battle of Nassau, 1776

The first US Jewish governor, David Emanuel, takes office in Georgia, 1801

The US declares war on Algeria for taking US prisoners and demanding tribute, 1815

The Missouri Compromise, an attempt to keep the US half Slave and half free, is passed by the US Congress, 1820

The Battle of Pelee Island takes place, Ontario, Canada, 1838

Tsar Alexander II emancipates the serfs of Russia, 1861

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, the founding member of the HSBC Group, opens, 1865

The first ever organized indoor game of ice hockey is played in Montreal, Canada as recorded in The Montreal Gazette, 1875

Georges Bizet's opera Carmen receives its première at the Opéra Comique in Paris, 1875

Bulgaria regains its independence from Ottoman Empire, 1878

Belva Ann Bennett Lockwood becomes the first female attorney to argue before the US Supreme Court, 1879

The US Geological Survey is created, 1879

Anne Sullivan arrives to begin teaching Helen Keller, 1887

Tsar Nicholas II of Russia agrees to create an elected assembly, the Duma, 1905

Toronto's Dr Banting & Dr Best announce discovery of insulin, 1921

Time Magazine begins publication, 1923

The United States officially adopts The Star-Spangled Banner as its national anthem, 1931

Oil is discovered in Saudi Arabia, 1938

In Mumbai, Mohandas Gandhi begins to fast in protest of the autocratic rule in India, 1939

Jackie Brenston, with Ike Turner and his band, records "Rocket 88", often cited as "the first rock and roll record", at Sam Phillips' recording studios in Memphis, Tennessee, 1951

An amateur video captures the beating of Rodney King by Los Angeles police officers, 1991

The tallest free-standing structure in the Southern Hemisphere, Sky Tower in downtown Auckland, New Zealand, opens after two-and-a-half years of construction, 1997

Citizens of Switzerland narrowly vote in favor of their country becoming a member of the United Nation, 2002

Steve Fossett becomes the first person to fly an airplane non-stop around the world solo without refueling, 2005

A 2-year-old Mississippi girl born with HIV/AIDS is pronounced HIV negative after receiving treatment for the virus within 30 hours after her birth, 2013

The Dragon capsule from SpaceX successfully docks with the International Space Station during its demonstration run, 2019

Irishwomen Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamar, of Grafton Architecture, become the first women to share the Pritzker Architecture Prize, 2020


  1. Excellent Six Sentences and I love the stonework in that photo.

  2. Nice 6 sentence story and poem. Have a blessed start to Lent.

  3. Can you have a fence made of bricks? Or is it a wall? Can a wall be made of wood? Or is it a fence?

    Do not take offence at my comment. Take a wall.

    God bless.

  4. You six sentence story is great. We always wonder if it comes from your life or your imagination.

  5. Oh, I wish I could come to your book launch. I wish you luck!
    And you were lucky too to find an Ash Wednesday service near you.

  6. That's why we always have The Seven proprietors back up!

  7. Cool story and a cool book launch video! I'm glad you found an Ash Wednesday service too. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. Once again, your poem is so sweet & lovely. I use to create poems when I was young. Maybe I try to start again.

    Cruisin Paul

  9. Oh, is there a book launch coming soon?
    I hadn't noticed...

  10. You're such a good poet. I really enjoyed this poem. :)

  11. in reading the comments, i too wondered..."You six sentence story is great. We always wonder if it comes from your life or your imagination."

    great job, I love coming here

  12. Beautiful job on the poem!
    Thank you for giving those future rockers a chance. How grateful my son would have been for such an opportunity!

  13. Great six, and as for the poem - excellent!

  14. Love your six and love your poem. You're so talented.

    I'm glad you got to go to church yesterday. Good for you.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, my friend. Love and hugs. ♥

  15. if petz had thumbz we wood rool de werld......just sayin ~~~~~
    ;) ♥♥ =^..^=

  16. Excellent Six
    (I know that the woman sitting at the bar would not be offended by Lou Ceasare saying hello. He is such a scott and, therefore, a lot of fun to write.)
    Don't tell anyone!

  17. Cool Six, Mimi! The line: "every band, like every story, has to start somewhere." is spot on. Loved the poem too, nice take on a classic.

  18. Great stuff you share! That fence is very unique. Hmmm.I wonder how they managed it all? If Pet's Had Thumbs betcha! Since Leo is a big dog I say that to him daily. Leo if you only had thumbs, you could help me. It is a nice day to be thankful too.

  19. How about we have a "I want you to be happy everyday!" ?
    Interesting fence for sure! Have a lovely Thankful Thursday!

  20. Nice story and poem. Glad you were able to get your ashes.

  21. It is true and one of them just might be a diamond in the rough. Yeah, the Sophomore's got connections :D Excellent Six, Mimi.
    Lovely fairytale of a poem to go along with an intriguing photo.
    Bonus you found an evening service!

  22. Hey Mimi! Great Six and thanks for the shout out for the launch. I'm just writing us all into the scene now. Thanks so much for the transport, without it everything would have fallen apart.
    Catch you later... C.

  23. Very clever intro to the book launch, and yes, even the new bands need a gig to get going. I know I smiled thru a number of my son's jams, listening for love's sake.
    I liked your Beauty & the Beast poem, as well!

  24. Sweet story and lovely poem and great fence shot! Xo

    Wishing you love and peace in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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