
Saturday, April 2, 2022

Best Laid Plans, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


For more blogs participating in the A to Z challenge, click here.


Last night was rEcess, and i wasn't there.

Yes, this is a thankful post, there's lots of craziness mixed up in it.  When i was thinking ahead about the A to Z and trying to figure a thankful list for B day, i was going to go with "Beautiful Evening" and describe all the fun we had.

It didn't quite work out that way, but it worked out the way it was supposed to.

This past week was supposed to be a good, and kind of easy, week.

Last Saturday was Bigger Girl's birthday, as i mentioned then, and i was at Grandma and Grandpa's when they called her.  It was lovely to hear her voice, we were thankful.

Sunday was a good day, Becca and i got to walk Mr. Cal and go to church.

On Monday morning, Grandma texted me that she'd fallen in the night, but she thought she was going to be okay, nothing was broken.  That's when i started holding my breath, because she "sprained her neck."

Anyone who's ever had whiplash knows that the first couple of days aren't too bad.

Anyway, i went about my week, getting updates.  Tuesday i was thankful that Ms. G and i got her greenhouse mostly dismantled and that neither of us fell in the sinkhole that is now under it (which is why it was being dismantled), that we got it covered safely with plywood.  That evening, as a distraction, i was grateful for the ladies' meeting.

Wednesday i was thankful for a good afternoon nap and we once again had a storm that was rain and little else.

Thursday is when things began to come apart.  Sweetie is still not that great with the new coffee maker, so he flooded it and had coffee and coffee grounds everywhere just as i needed to go to work.  Thankfully, we have the old coffee maker on standby, i cleaned what i could and he's using the old one until i have time to give him another coaching session.

Thursday is also when Grandma was finally in enough pain to go to the ER.  By the time she was released and i was done with work, we'd determined i'd go to NOLA on Friday and spend the night instead of just going down on Saturday.

This meant making other plans to get ready for rEcess and getting the food there.

Thursday evening, #1 Son called, he blew a tire.  Could one of us help him get that fixed on Friday?  Oh, and his spare is dry rotted, so it won't hold air.

Hello, crazy, how you been?

After several changes of plans, it was decided that

i would go to the church for Friday morning Bible study and set up for rEcess while there

then i would go get #1 Son and take him to work

he'd put the shredded tire in my car and i'd drop it with Kevin and Lenny

i'd go home, pack, and head for NOLA

Sweetie would cash my paychecks and go get the tire when it was done, paying some of that money on our account and using #1 Son's card to pay for his tire

Sweetie would then bring the tire and the card back to #1 Son, so he could get rolling again

Sweetie and Brother-in-Law would pick up the dinner for rEcess from the deli (and get their own dinner while there) and drop it off at the church

Sweetie would give Dansig his insulin shots Friday night and Saturday morning while i was out of town

Thankfully, all of that worked out.

But wait, there's more!

In the middle of the day Friday, #2 Son called.  He wrecked his car.

The thankful is that no one was hurt.

He couldn't access his insurance card.  When we set up the account, he used my email address because he didn't have one.

They had to send me an electronic copy of his card by email and i had to download it and text it to him.

We were thankful the text finally went through.

Grandma is really hurting, she can't do anything for herself right now, so while i'm sad to miss rEcess and see her like this, i'm very thankful i can be a servant to my family.

The Good Lord is watching over us, crazy and all, and her injury will heal.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is

Every Day is Tag Day™ -- make sure your pet has an up-to-date tag or microchip, just in case! 

Feast of Acan -- Ancient Mayan Calendar (god of wine, whose name means either "belch" or "groan", depending on your source -- although both seem apt, one during the celebration, the other after; date approximate)

Great Lovers Day -- you don't have to be a Cassanova to celebrate the great lovers in your life!

Hindu New Year -- Hindu (local custom/date may vary)

     Hari Raya Nyepi Tahun Baru -- Indonesia (New Year in the Balinese Saka calendar)

     Nyepi Day -- Bali, Indonesia (Day of Silence, Balinese New Year/Saka New Year celebration on which everything is closed, even the international airport)

     Ougadi -- Mauritius and some regions of India (the Telugu New Year)

     Ramayana -- Hindu (through April 21st; local customs/celebratory dates may vary)

       is often with Hindu New Year, but sometimes starts a day later  

International Children's Book Day -- on the birth anniversary of Hans Christian Andersen, sponsored this year by the USA division of IBBY (International Board on Books for Young People); this year's theme is "Bookjoy around the World"

International Pillow Fight Day -- yes, really (and since they cannot have big events this year, do yourself a favor and have a small one at home with family, it's fun) 

Malvinas Day -- Argentina (honors veterans of the Falklands War)

National Ferret Day -- US (The American Ferret Association)

National Love Your Produce Manager Day -- with its own Facebook page 

National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day

Ramadan begins -- Islam (at sunset, through the evening of May 2)

Reconciliation Day -- as recommended by columnist Ann Landers, use today to reach out and mend a broken relationship

Sizdehbedar -- Iran (Nature Day)

Slow Art Day -- a global all-volunteer event with the simple mission of helping more people discover for themselves the joy of looking at and loving art  

Spring Fever and Medical Aid Appeal -- Fairy Calendar

St. Francis of Paloa's Day (Patron of boatmen, mariners, naval officers, sailors, travellers, watermen; Amato, Italy; Calbria, Italy; Fossato Serraita, Italy; Sant'Agata di Esaro, Italy; against fire, plague, and sterility)

St. Urban of Langres' Day (Patron of barrel makers/coopers, gardeners, vine dressers/vine growers/vintners; Dijon, France; Langres, France; against alcoholism, blight, fainting, frost, storms)

Taily Day, Scotland (engage in pranks related to your tail end, a second day of April fooling)

Tangible Karma™ Day -- set aside an hour today to become purposefully aware of the needs of someone around you, and to fulfill that need; because giving feels as good as receiving 

Thai Heritage Conservation Day -- Thailand

Unity of Peoples of Russia and Belarus Day -- Belarus

World Autism Awareness Day -- UN

Anniversaries Today:

Napoleon Bonaparte marries the Archduchess Marie Louise of Austria, 1810

Birthdays Today:

Bethany Joy Galeotti, 1981

Christopher Meloni, 1961

Pamela Reed, 1953

Ron "Horshack" Palillo, 1949

Camille Paglia, 1947

Emmylou Harris, 1947

Linda Hunt, 1945

Leon Russell, 1942

Dr. Demento, 1941

Marvin Gaye, 1939

Jack Webb, 1920

Charles White, 1918

Alec Guinness, 1914

Buddy Ebsen, 1908

Max Ernst, 1891

Walter Chrysler, 1875

Emile Zola, 1840

Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, 1834

Hans Christian Anderson, 1805

Giovanni Giacomo Girolamo Casanova, 1725

Charlemagne, 742

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Nickelodeon(TV Cable Channel), 1979

"Dallas"(TV), 1978

"2001: A Space Odyssey"(Film), 1968

"As the World Turns"(TV), 1956

"The Edge of Night"(TV), 1956

Symphony No. 1 in C major(Beethoven Op. 21), 1800

Today in History:

Mehmed II begins his siege of Istanbul/Constantinople, 1453

Juan Ponce de Leon becomes the first European to set foot in Florida, 1513

"American Farmer," the first successful agricultural journal, begins publication, 1819

Victoria Woodhull becomes the first woman nominated for president of the US, 1870

The first Easter egg roll is held on the White House lawn, 1877

Puerto Rico is given limited self rule by the US Congress, 1900

The first full time movie theater, the "Electric Theater," opens in Los Angeles, 1902

The Titanic undergoes sea trials under her own power, 1912

President Woodrow Wilson asks Congress to declare war on Germany, 1917

Haile Selassie is proclaimed emperor of Ethiopia, 1930

Charles Lindbergh turns over the $50,000 ransom for his kidnapped son, 1932

The first official Panda crossing is opened outside Waterloo station, London, 1962

Argentine forces sieze the Falkland Islands, beginning the Falklands War, 1982

Rita Johnston becomes the first female Premier of a Canadian province (British Columbia), 1991

Israeli forces surround and besiege the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem into which armed Palestinians had retreated, 2002

Three widows and two daughters of Osama bin Laden were charged with illegally living in Pakistan; they were sentenced with 45 days in jail and fined $114 each, 2012

The Arms Trade Treaty, the first-ever bill to regulate the global trade in conventional weapons, is passed by the U.N. General Assembly, 2013

Eurozone unemployment reaches a high of 12%, 2013

NASA states goals to go back to the Moon by 2024, and by 2033 to be sending astronauts to Mars, 2019

A new study published in Science Magazine suggests that the same meteor impact that wiped out the dinosaurs also created South America's rain forests, 2021


  1. WHAT a week. I am impressed that you see (clearly) all the positives.

  2. A sinkhole! That's not good. I hope it doesn't get bigger.
    I'm amazed at how you always manage to work new plans to replace old ones when things go awry. So sorry to hear about #2 son's crashed car, but glad no one was hurt.

  3. You're always very busy and cheerful in what you do.

    God bless always.

  4. That was a very eventful week. Thankful everything worked out well. Sorry that Grandma is in great pain but thankful that you are available to be of help to her.

  5. "The thankful is that no one was hurt."


  6. I like how you always find something to be thankful for. Grandma is in my prayers. XO

  7. Oh, man! I am impressed. Surviving this crazy and even seeing the positive in it. I have a lot to learn!

  8. WOW, what a crazy week for sure and we're glad and thankful that nothing was worse that it was.

  9. Oh wow, this has certainly been quite the week! I am so proud of you for seeing the positives in spite of all this. Grandma is really lucky to have you be there with her.

  10. What a week that was! I pray all goes well.

  11. "Hello crazy. How you been?" May I please borrow this?
    I just posted about feeling like I'm slowly going crazy.
    But now I'm also feeling bad that I haven't been finding the thankful.
    You are an excellent example for me, Mimi.
    I hope the coming week is better for you.

  12. Your gratitude list is marvelous in spite of the hectic week!
    Have a great weekend.

  13. I'm very, very thankful after one week without a phone service...and no internet availability the problem was fixed and I'm finally back "on air"!!

  14. Oh what a week! God has a HUGE protective barrier over you and your loved ones. SO thankful everything worked out. You have great organizing skills. Always love any photos you share and stories too. Take care and I will pray this week is better all around.

  15. Life is always full of craziness. I hope Grandma recoups from the neck sprain. I know how painful neck injuries are. I'm glad #2 son was okay after the accident. Let's hope life slows down a bit on your end.


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