
Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Punching and Parenting, a Random and Happy Word Counters A to Z Post


To enjoy more blogs participating in the A to Z Challenge, click here.     


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Part of today’s post is also a writing challenge. This is how it works: one of the contributing bloggers picked a number between 12 and 50. The submitted number is a challenge to participating bloggers to write at least one piece using that exact number of words. 

This month, the word count number is: 17

It was submitted by:  yours truly

This week's Carl stories will be saved up for next Tuesday, which should mean a double helping.

Meanwhile, Grandma continues needing almost constant help with everything and Grandpa is exhausted and stubbornly refuses assistance.

Yet they're funny, disturbingly so.  It's like watching children, only they're too big for a time out.


Grandma:  I'll never get to paint again!  I'll never get to take care of my plants again!

Grandpa:  Give it time!  We'll see the pain specialist and the physical therapy people are really helping.

Grandma:  Be quiet, you, and just let me complain, would you!  It's my only fun right now.


mimi:  How are you two getting any sleep together in this bed?  It's so small for two.

Grandpa:  It's all right, we'll adapt.  She rolls on my side and I sleep on the edge.

Grandma:  Did it ever occur to you I want to be next to you, you old fart?


Grandpa:  It's easier for us to be in the same room when she needs help at night.

Grandma:  Right, and if he doesn't hear me, I can roll on his side and stay there.


Grandma:  I'm in a bad mood.  I want something to punch.  Maybe I'll order a punching bag.

mimi, wheeling her back to bed:  We'll order one from Amazon and set it up in here.

Grandma:  No, don't waste the money, they're heavy, shipping would cost too much.  I'll just use Grandpa.


Grandpa, refusing to use his hearing aid, as usual:  Huh?  What?  Did you try to say something?

Grandma:  You can't hear me, you need to put in your hearing aid and keep it in.

Grandpa:  I don't need the hearing aid, I can hear you but I just can't understand you.

Grandma:  If you can't understand me, you might as well not hear me, you crazy old man.



Links to the other Word Counters posts:

Baking In A Tornado                    

On the Border                                  

Now for some parenting funnies to balance us out.

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!


It's my month to provide the prompts for Words for Wednesday.  Since it becomes Wednesday in some parts of the world while it is still Tuesday here, i am providing the prompts today, so you can work on them and post them when it's Wednesday where you are.

This week’s prompts are







and/or the following “words in danger of lack of use”

oppugned (opposed or called into question)

autodidact (self-taught)

non-fungible (non-interchangeable, not easy to exchange)

widdershins (counterclockwise or going to the left, in an unlucky or contrary manner)

Please feel free to use some, all, or none of these, they are meant to be a springboard to inspire you.


Today is:

Bendideia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (festival for Bendis; date approximate)

Dutch-American Friendship Day -- anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Netherlands and the US, America's oldest continuously peaceful diplomatic relations

Easter Tuesday -- TAS, Australia; Cyprus; Nauru

Independence Declaration Day -- Venezuela

John Parker Day -- many US States (anniversary of the Battle of Lexington and Concord, where parker said “Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon; but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.”)

King Mswati III's birthday -- Swaziland

Lozenge Competition -- Fairy Calendar (no, i don't know what they do with the lozenges that makes it a competition)

National Amaretto Day

National Cat Lady Day -- and don't say "Cat Lady" like it's a bad thing!

National Garlic Day

National Hanging Out Day -- Project Laundry List and other organizations promote bringing back the clothesline to save energy and the planet!

Nazul Al-Quran -- Brunei Darussalam; Malaysia (Quran Revelation Day)

Oklahoma City Bombing Commemoration Day

Okoshi Daiko Festival -- Furukawa, Japan (today, hundreds of men in loincloths fight to touch a wooden frame supporting a huge taiko drum as it is carried through the streets, and tomorrow is an elegant parade with lion dancers and traditional music)

Primrose Day -- UK (anniversary of the death of Disraeli)

Southland Provincial Anniversary Day -- Southland, NZ

St. AElfheah's Day (Patron of kidnap victims; Greenwich and Solihull, England)

St. Expeditus of Melintine's Day (Patron of merchants, navigators; for expeditious and prompt solutions; against procrastination)

St. Leo IX's Day

Anniversaries Today:

Grace Kelly marries Ranier III of Monaco, 1956

Cheyney University is founded as The Institute for Colored Youth, 1837

Marie Antoinette marries Louis XVI by Proxy Marriage, 1770

Birthdays Today:

Maria Sharapova, 1987

Hayden Christensen, 1981

Kate Hudson, 1979

James Franco, 1978

Luis Miguel Basteri, 1970

Ashley Judd, 1968

Al Unser, Jr., 1962

Tony Plana, 1954

Paloma Picasso, 1949

Tim Curry, 1946

Alan Price, 1942

Elinor Donahue, 1937

Dudley Moore, 1935

Jayne Mansfield, 1933

Dick Sargent, 1930

Hugh O'Brian, 1925

Eliot Ness, 1903

Lucretia Rudolph-Garfield, 1832

David Ricardo, 1772

Roger Sherman, 1721

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Don't Bother Me, I Can't Cope"(Musical revue), 1972

"A Tree Grows in Brooklyn"(Musical), 1951

"Carousel"(Musical), 1945

"Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder/Mother Courage and Her Children"(Play), 1941

"National Barn Dance"(Radio), 1924

"The Bing Boys are Here"(Musical revue), 1919

"Revizor/The Government Inspector"(Comedy), 1836

"Iphigenia in Aulis,"(Opera), 1774

Today in History:

Sir Francis Drake sails to Cadiz and sinks the Spanish Fleet, 1587

Because he has no male heirs, Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI issues the Pragmatic Sanction of 1713, assuring Habsburg lands and the Austrian throne would go to his daughter, Maria Theresa, 1713

Captain James Cook sights Australia, 1770

John Adams secures Dutch recognition of the United States, and his home in The Hague becomes the first American Embassy, 1782

Venezuela achieves home rule, 1810

The Treaty of London establishes Belgium as a kingdom and Luxembourg as a Grand Duchy, 1839

Charles Duryea claims to have taken the first automobile built in the US for a spin, 1892

The first Boston Marathon is won by John McDermott of NY in 2:55:10, 1897

Leslie Irvin of the United States makes the first successful voluntary free-fall parachute  jump, 1919

The 125th and final fascicle of the Oxford English Dictionary is published, 1928

Burma (now Myanmar) joins the United Nations, 1948

The Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba ends in success for the defenders, 1961

Sierra Leone becomes a republic, 1971

India's first satellite, Aryabhata, is launched, 1975

The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA, is bombed, killing 168, 1995

The German Bundestag returns to Berlin, the first German parliamentary body to meet there since the Reichstag was dissolved in 1945, 1999

His Eminence Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is elected the 265th Pope of the Catholic Church, taking the name Benedict XVI, 2005

Fidel Castro resigns from the Communist Party of Cuba's central committee after 45 years, 2011

A shipwreck that may have drowned up to 900 North African migrants traveling to Europe has prompted the European Union to meet in order to develop a plan to fund and organize rescues while reducing human trafficking incidents, 2015

US Senator Tammy Duckworth, the first US Senator to give birth while holding that office, is the first parent to bring a baby into the US Senate a day after the Senate votes to allow babies on the chamber's floor, 2018 

King Mswati III changes the name of Swaziland to eSwatini, or “land of the Swati”, 2018

New Zealand and Australia open a travel bubble between the two countries after more than a year of border closures, 2021

NASA successfully flies its drone helicopter Ingenuity on Mars, making it the first powered aircraft to fly on another world, 2021


  1. Grandma and Grandpa are a bit of a handful now. I love the parent funnies.
    Possibly there's a good reason those words are endangered. I've only ever heard of Widdershins.

  2. Grandma and Grandpa are a bit of a handful - but still love each other which is HUGELY important.
    Thanks for stretching my mind. Again.

  3. Great funnies, Mimi. Thanx.

    God bless always.

  4. As people get older, they return to baby stage. It is funny sometimes and hard to watch others. Great funnies today too!

  5. Love the banter of your grandparents. It's so cute.

    Love all the funnies. Always do.

    I'll be prepared for a double dose of Carl next week.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug. ♥

  6. Grandparents are just big kids with wrinkles! A delightful fun-filled post, Mimi.

  7. Your grandparents sound like grandparents should!
    And I laughed out loud at the funnies! You made my day!

  8. Glad Grandma still has her sense of humor. :) XO

  9. I so love your blog.
    A close friend, an autodidact, has a cat named Widdershins. It is non-fungible with "Puss" because she only responds to three syllables.

    1. Thank you! Good use of the prompts, i appreciate your participation.

  10. Maybe Carl has been advising Grandma and Grandpa. Those were good funnies!

  11. I discovered different lists of words. I'll post my writing and then peek at your list.
    Once Aunt Lena moved back to her old hometown, old friends perked up, and circled the wagons to discuss Lena. She was a shell of her youth, but she still caught the attention any male. Before the old friends could make a sodden mess of emotion of Lena’s life, she moved on to sit next to Father Ignatius.
    The very weight Lena carried since leaving home lifted, granting her with a sense of peace. Father Ignatius whispered, “Let us pray.” The Holy Spirit poured over them and filled the emptiness that had wrapped her.
    The confusion that she carried drifted away. Together Father and Lena joined voices, praying for peace and healing in our world. God can do anything.

    1. Amen and amen, i will join them, and you, in praying for peace.

  12. Grandma and Grandpa make me laugh! And your funnies. The one about the haunted house/5 year old really cracked me up!

  13. Grandma and Grandpa clearly still have a lively, loving relationship. Good for them :)

    I love the paper-flavoured Cheerios meme. The last time my mom was in hospital overnight, they gave her Cheerios at breakfast and she complained that they tasted like cardboard. Pretty much the same thing!

  14. Between Grandma and Grandpa and the Parent Funnies ~ you have kept me smiling ~ thanks ~ Xo

    Wishing you laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. Thanks for the smiles. I hope you had a most enjoyable Easter weekend, messymimi. :)

  16. I come here to smile and laugh and generally have fun. But I am praying for grandma and grandpa. LIfe is hard as we get older.

  17. Good laughs but life’s tough for the oldies. Lots of humour in the cartoons.

    Visiting from A2Z


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