
Sunday, July 31, 2022

Hol(e)y Hosiery (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

Uncle J is still keeping the A/C at what most of us would call a reasonable level, so Grandma and Grandpa are walking around with sweaters, coats, jackets, and warm socks on.  Grandma has lots of pairs of socks with no skid bottoms that she loves and keeps until they are almost more hole than sock material.

Boudreaux done be complain to Thibodeaux dat he gots him some holes in some o' his socks.

Thibodeaux ax, "Do you darn dem?"

An' Boudreaux say, "Mais, non, I give dem to Clothile an' she use much stronger language dan dat!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It was hosted by River, who still participates, and is now hosted by Elephant's Child.        

As usual, some bits and bobs.

Greeting cars were never this intricate when i was young.

Sweetie is absolutely smitten with the "cymbal" shape of this hanging light fixture.

Ms. SE's husband, Mr. DE, is a handyman and you can tell by the things you see around the house.

Ms. D had her shed repaired and repainted, and is rightly proud of the job the workers did.

Becca decorated a birdhouse for her grandfather's birthday.

On a walk with Becca and Mr. Cal.

Mr. BA's garden grows, especially his plumeria (he harvests seeds, grows them, and sells them to a local nursery).

Finally, sunsets.


Today is:

Always Live Better Than Yesterday Day

Cotton Candy Day

Feast of St. Ignatius Loyola -- (Founder of the Jesuits, especially revered in Spain; Patron of retreats, soldiers, and the Society of Jesus which he founded; Basque country; Bilbao, Spain; Bizkaia, Spain; Gipuzkoa, Spain; Guipuscoa, Spain; Guipúzcoa, Spain; Spiritual Exercises (by Pope Pius XI); Vizcaya, Spain)

Festival of Domhnach Chrom Dubh -- Ireland (also called Festival of Lughnasa or Garland Sunday, Black Chrom's Sunday, associated with the god Lugh and connected to the festival of Lammas; also connected to John Barleycorn, the personification of the grain, who is killed by being harvested at this time; many honor St. Patrick's Fast by making a pilgrimage to Croagh Patrick, where he fasted until he overcame the pagan deity Crom Cruach [Crom of the Reek])

Hachinohe Sansha Taisai -- Hachinohe City, Japan (one of the most elaborate neputa festivals, through Aug. 4)

Hari Taika/Haritalika (Teej) -- CG, India; Nepal (Women's Festival, and in Nepal, a special holiday for Female Employees Only, to celebrate marriage)

Hijra -- Islam (New Year, began last night at the first viewing of the new moon crescent)

Jump for Jellybeans Day

Ka Hae Hawai'i Day -- Hawai'i (State Flag Day)

Lammas Eve / Lughnassad Eve

Lithasblot -- Norse harvest festival with a "blot", or offering, to the gods, celebrated through tomorrow

Loki and Sigyn's Day - Asatru / Norse Pagan (aka Devoted Couples Day)

Make Homemade Ice Cream and Invite the Neighbors Over Day -- summer's almost over, make the most of the days we have left!

Moby Dick Marathon -- aboard the last US wooden whaler, the Charles W. Morgan, Mystic Seaport, Mystic, CT, US (through tomorrow, from noon to noon, a marathon reading of Moby Dick in honor of Melville's birthday)

Mutts' Day -- because mutts deserve a day as much as purebreds do!

National Raspberry Cake Day

National Tree Day -- Australia

Procession of the Penitents -- Veurne, Belgium (passion play dating back to the 15th century)

St. Germanus' Day (Patron of Auxerre, France)

St. Joseph of Arimathea's Day -- Eastern Orthodox Church (Patron of funeral directors)

Uncommon Instruments Day    

Valencia Fair Battle of the Flowers -- Valencia, Spain (conclusion and highlight of the Valencia Fair, with a parade and thousands of carnations thrown from floats, making a magical carpet of petals for all to enjoy)

World Ranger Day -- the International Ranger Federation wants us to honor wildlife rangers around the world as they work to protect the world's natural and cultural treasures, and remember those killed in the line of duty

Birthdays Today

Eric Lively, 1981

Dean Cain, 1966

J.K. Rowling, 1965

Jim Corr, 1964

Wesley Snipes, 1962

Bill Berry, 1958

Michael Biehn, 1956

Barry Van Dyke, 1951

Evonne Goolagong, 1951

Gary Lewis, 1946

Geraldine Chaplin, 1944

Susan Flannery, 1943

France Nuyen, 1939

Ted Cassidy, 1932

Don Murray, 1929

Curt Gowdy, 1919

Milton Friedman, 1912

Debuting/Premiering Today:

The Living Daylights(Film), 1987

"The Shadow"(Radio), 1930

Today in History

Mark Antony achieves a minor victory over Octavian's forces, but most of his army subsequently deserts, leading to his suicide, BC30

The oldest recorded eruption of Mt. Fuji, 781

Thessalonica falls to the Arabs, who destroy the city, 904

The Jews are expelled from Spain when the Alhambra Decree takes effect, 1492

On his third voyage to the Western Hemisphere, Christopher Columbus 

becomes the first European to discover the island of Trinidad, 1498

Aurangzeb is proclaimed Moghul emperor of India, 1658

The Treaty of Breda ends the Second Anglo-Dutch War, 1667

Daniel Defoe is placed in a pillory for the crime of seditious libel after publishing a politically satirical pamphlet, but is pelted with flowers, 1703

The U.S. Second Continental Congress passes a resolution that the services of Marquis de Lafayette  "be accepted, and that, in consideration of his zeal, illustrious family and connexions, he have the rank and commission of major-general of the United States," 1777

First U.S. patent is issued to inventor Samuel Hopkins for a potash process, 1790

Christchurch, New Zealand is chartered as a city, 1856

The first narrow gauge mainline railway in the world opens at Grandchester, Australia, 1865

The radio mystery program The Shadow is aired for the first time, 1930

Archaeologists discover engraved gold and silver plates from King Darius in Persepolis, 1938

First ascent of K2, by an Italian expedition led by Ardito Desio, 1954

At Fenway Park in Boston, Massachusetts, the first All-Star Game tie in major league baseball history occurs when the game is stopped in the 9th inning because of rain, 1961

The last day of the officially sanctioned rum ration in the Royal Navy, 1970

Apollo 15 astronauts become the first to ride in a lunar rover, 1971

NASA releases the famous Face on Mars photo, 1976

A rare, class F4 tornado rips through Edmonton, Alberta, killing 27 people and causing $330 million in damage, 1987

Georgia joins the United Nations, 1992

Fidel Castro hands over power temporarily to brother Raúl Castro, 2006

Operation Banner, the presence of the British Army in Northern Ireland, and the longest-running British Army operation ever, comes to an end, 2007

U.S. Olympic swimming champion Michael Phelps wins a record 19th Olympic medal, with gold in the 4x200metres freestyle relay, 2012

Facebook discloses and removes a Russian-linked network of site pages that are attempting to interfere in American politics, 2018

American swimming superstar Katie Ledecky wins the women's 800m gold for an unprecedented third consecutive Olympics in Tokyo, 2021


  1. Another truly delightful selection. Cards have indeed got much more intricate. Love Mr BA's garden and never, ever tire of sunsets.

  2. Mrs D's shed is lovely, the other one is definitely a handyman's shed. I like Becca's birdhouse, the colours go well together.
    The Spanish moss in picture 11 looks like a long neck, long tail pony. Or a giraffe.

  3. I always love handmade gifts from the grandchildren. They are the most precious.

  4. I looked for fences everywhere. Only found one.

    God bless.

  5. Such much to enjoy in this post, from your Cajun joke, to that lovely birdhouse and more!

  6. Wonderful sunsets! I like the handyman photos.

  7. I love the Cajun laughter. Mimi, the sunsets are beautiful. Have a great day my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

  8. Hooray for working AC, best invention ever! Those are all such wonderful photos.

  9. Those are amazing sunset photos!

    And love the Cajun joke!

  10. Cute joke. And great photos- beautiful blooms. XO

  11. Hahahahaha! I love the joke! Take good care. :)

  12. Beautiful trees, garden and stunning sunsets.

  13. National Raspberry Cream Pie Day
    Now there's something everyone should celebrate!

  14. Yeah, I use strong language when I get a hole in a favourite sock. ;)
    Those greeting cards are amazing!
    Love the sunsets... And the birdhouse!


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