
Saturday, July 30, 2022

Taken All in All, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


It's been another week, the Thankful Things are abundant.

A few weeks ago, i read the story of Peter Rabbit to Becca on a Sunday morning, and her mother mentioned that they'd love to have a copy of the complete works.

When i showed up this past Sunday, Becca was agitated and calmed right down when i told her i had a gift for her.  She loved the book, and now we can read one of the Beatrix Potter stories every week and enjoy them together.

It's also a thankful thing to know that a gift can get her to relax, i may start keeping a small something, like a snack size candy, in my bag, just in case.

Monday went like clockwork, i went to work, while there i got the new/used car insured over the phone, and after work i stopped at the bank to get a cashier's check.  We're thankful for that car, it was sorely needed.

Since i went over the story of #1 Son's car in my Words for Wednesday post, i won't recap all of it here.  Suffice it to say the new/used car proved its worth Tuesday when rescuing him, and i'm very thankful we got his car back to the shop at all.  

One thing i dislike after losing or misplacing a wallet or debit card is "the debit card dance" where you have to figure out which bills were being paid on that card and call with the new number.  One of them called me this week, and i'm thankful because it was one i had overlooked.

Thursday gave us many reasons to be thankful.  Sweetie and i got through the work at Ms. SE's house, the dog, Cookie, behaved, we got laundry done at the laundromat, and we didn't drown out the car on the way home in the frog-strangler monsoon that had water rising in the streets.

Bigger Girl texted me on Friday, it's the first i've heard from her in a while, and i was thankful.  She gets so busy, but it's lovely when she does contact me.

It was my week to visit Ms. PA on Friday.  She is losing weight and very frail, but her spirit shines through as strongly as ever.  Yesterday she was fussing that the aids take the remote for the TV from her, and she wants it!  She said, "I'll sleep with it if I have to to keep the aids from finding it!"  We were thankful for a good visit.

The shelter is staying busy, and we have some new volunteers on Friday evening.  They do a great job with feeding/watering the kittens, office cats, and intake cats, so i'm thankful for them and for being freed up to take a bottle of cleanser and a rag and run around cleaning all the places no one thinks about or gets to.

Taken all in all, it's been a good week, and i am very thankful.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

Cowes Week begins -- Cowes, Isle of Wight, UK (the largest, longest-running and most prestigious international sailing regatta in the world; through August 6)

Dia del Amigo -- Paraguay

Father-in-Law Day -- unsponsored and unclaimed, but fathers-in-law deserve respect, too

Feast of the Throne -- Morocco; Western Sahara

Festival of Fortuna Huiusque Diei -- Ancient Roman Calendar ("Fortune of the Present Day")

Friendship Day/International Day of Friendship -- UN

Herbal Ballooning -- Fairy Calendar

Hijra -- Islam (Islamic New Year Begins at the viewing of the new moon crescent, so exact time/date varies by location)

Independence Day -- Vanuatu(1980)

Kronia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (festival of Kronos as god of the harvest; date approximate)

Martyr's Day -- South Sudan

National Cheesecake Day

National Dance Day -- US (begun by Nigel Lythgoe, now a congressionally recognized day to encourage dance education and physical fitness, so go out and bust a move on a Saturday night, but don't bust you, please)

National Support Public Education Day -- wants this to be an official day for support of US public education systems

Paperback Day -- anniversary of the 1935 publication of Penguin #1, Arial, A Life of Shelley, by Andre Maurois in London, the first successful series of paperback books

Sts. Abdon and Sennen's Day (Patrons of barrel makers and coopers; the ashes of ferns cut and burned on this day will keep away insects and unwanted guests)

Sumiyoshi Matsuri -- Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine, Osaka, Japan (Osaka's last major summer festival, through Aug. 1)

Anniversaries Today

Zara Anne Elizabeth Phillips, granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth II, marries Michael Tindall, 2011

Birthdays Today

Hope Solo, 1981

Jaime Pressly, 1977

Misty May-Treanor, 1977

Hilary Swank, 1974

Tom Green, 1971

Simon Baker, 1969

Vivica A. Fox, 1964

Lisa Kudrow, 1963

Alton Brown, 1962

Laurence Fishburne, 1961

Kate Bush, 1958

Delta Burke, 1956

Ken Olin, 1954

Jean Reno, 1948

Arnold Schwarzenegger, 1947

William Atherton, 1947

David Sanborn, 1945

Paul Anka, 1941

Peter Bogdanovich, 1939

Buddy Guy, 1936

Allan Huber “Bud” Selig, 1934

Edd "Kookie" Byrnes, 1933

Thomas Sowell, 1930

Sid Krofft, 1929

Christine McGuire, 1926

Henry W. Bloch, 1922

Henry Spencer Moore, 1898

Casey Stengel, 1891

Henry Ford, 1863

Thorstein Bunde Veblen, 1857

Georg Wilhelm von Siemens, 1855

Emily Bronte, 1818

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Santa Barbara"(TV), 1984

"Death Valley Days"(Radio), 1930

Today in History

City of Baghdad is founded, 762

The First Defenestration of Prague, 1419

Christopher Columbus lands at Guanaja in the Bay Islands off the coast of Honduras during his fourth voyage, 1502

At Ticonderoga (now Crown Point, New York), Samuel de Champlain shoots and kills two Iroquois chiefs, which set the tone for French-Iroquois relations for the next one hundred years, 1608

In Jamestown, Virginia, the first European style representative assembly in the Americas, the House of Burgesses, convenes for the first time, 1619

An earthquake in Naples, Italy kills 10,000 people, 1629

Baltimore, Maryland is founded, 1729

Bartolomeo Rastrelli presents the newly-built Catherine Palace to Empress Elizabeth and her courtiers, 1756

First ascent of Grand Combin, one of the highest summits in the Alps,1859

Chief Pocatello of the Shoshone tribe signs the Treaty of Box Elder, agreeing to stop the harassment of emigrant trails in southern Idaho and northern Utah, 1863

In Montevideo, Uruguay wins the first Football World Cup, 1930

Premiere of Walt Disney's Flowers and Trees, the first cartoon short to use Technicolor and the first Academy Award winning cartoon short, 1932

A joint resolution of the U.S. Congress is signed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, authorizing In God We Trust as the U.S. national motto, 1956

US President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Social Security Act of 1965 into law, establishing Medicare and Medicaid, 1965

David Scott and James Irwin on Apollo Lunar Module module, Falcon, land with first Lunar Rover on the moon, 1971

Six Royal Canadian Army Cadets are killed and fifty-four injured in an accidental grenade blast at CFB Valcartier Cadet Camp, 1974

Jimmy Hoffa disappears, 1975

In Mexico, the last 'old style' Volkswagen Beetle rolls off the assembly line, 2003

Israel and Palestinian officials agree to resume negotiations for a peace agreement, 2013

The first centenary of the WWI Battle of Passchendaele is marked at a ceremony at Menin Gate in Ypres, Belgium, 2017

NASA launches to Mars its Perseverance rover and Ingenuity helicopter aboard a V 541 rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida, 2020


  1. I am so very glad that all in all you had a good week. Here's to many more of them.

  2. Wow! What a week ~ busy, busy ~ Life is crowded with incidences ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explrores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. Replacement remotes are fairly cheap. I would suggest she get a replacement for them to take and then hide the one she likes to use!!!

  4. I love reading your gratitude posts.

  5. A typical uneventful week? lol. and....and! a triple Six?!!
    A Doctrine hat tip fer sure
    Have the best possible day today

  6. I didn't thank my car battery this morning! It's flat!!!! A bit like me, I guess. I'll attach the charger shortly! :)

  7. That was sweet of you to get Becca the book. Joanie always has a little gift for my great-nieces when they come over and they love it. Wonderful thankfuls. XO

  8. Those were really good thankfuls and I'm glad you got a car!

  9. It's nice to return to the TToT and see you are still busy doing good. :-)

  10. You always have lots to be thankful for. The car especially this week.

  11. Oh, bugger. I wrote a long comment. It looks like it never arrived, and for once I did not back it up. Sigh.

  12. I think you're so caring for giving Becca the book. I'm so glad she calmed down when she noticed. Ms. PA's comment about sleeping on the remote made me chuckle a little, but it's really sad in a way that the aides take her remote. They probably mean well, but still.

  13. I think it very telling that the things you are most thankful for are opportunities to serve. You are amazing!

  14. How sweet that Becca liked Peter Rabbit and how lovely that it made her calm down!


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